caliban.client.Argument.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.client
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import caliban.client.__Value.__NullValue
* Represents an argument in a GraphQL query. Requires an encoder for the argument type.
case class Argument[+A](name: String, value: A, typeInfo: String)(implicit encoder: ArgEncoder[A]) {
def toGraphQL(
useVariables: Boolean,
dropNullInputValues: Boolean,
variables: Map[String, (__Value, String)]
): (String, Map[String, (__Value, String)]) =
encoder.encode(value) match {
case `__NullValue` => ("", variables)
case v =>
val value = if (dropNullInputValues) v.dropNullValues else v
if (useVariables) {
val variableName = Argument.generateVariableName(name, value, variables)
(s"$name:$$$variableName", variables.updated(variableName, (value, typeInfo)))
} else {
(s"$name:${value.toString}", variables)
object Argument {
def generateVariableName(
name: String,
value: __Value,
variables: Map[String, (__Value, String)],
index: Int = 0
): String = {
val formattedName = if (index > 0) s"$name$index" else name
variables.get(formattedName) match {
case None => formattedName
case Some((v, _)) if v == value => formattedName
case Some(_) =>
generateVariableName(name, value, variables, index + 1)