caliban.reporting.SchemaReporter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.reporting
import caliban.client.CalibanClientError.CommunicationError
import caliban.reporting.ReportingError.{ ClientError, RetryableError }
import sttp.client3.SttpBackend
import sttp.client3.UriContext
import zio._
trait SchemaReporter {
def report[A](ref: SchemaReportingRef[A], withCoreSchema: Boolean): IO[ReportingError, ReportingResponse]
object SchemaReporter {
def make(accessToken: String): ZIO[SttpClient, Nothing, SchemaReporter] = for {
client <- ZIO.service[SttpClient]
} yield new SchemaReporter {
import caliban.reporting.client.{ Mutation, ReportSchemaError, ReportSchemaResponse, SchemaReport }
private final val REPORTING_URL = ""
private val onReportSchemaError = (
ReportSchemaError.withCoreSchema ~ ~
ReportSchemaError.message ~
).mapN(ReportingError.SchemaError(_, _, _, _))
private val onReportSchemaResponse = (
ReportSchemaResponse.withCoreSchema ~
).mapN(ReportingResponse.apply(_, _))
private def reportSchemaMutation(coreSchema: Option[String], report: SchemaReport) =
Mutation.reportSchema(coreSchema, report)(
onReportSchemaError =,
onReportSchemaResponse =
override def report[A](ref: SchemaReportingRef[A], withCoreSchema: Boolean): IO[ReportingError, ReportingResponse] =
ref.coreSchema.get.flatMap { coreSchema =>
val renderedSchema = ref.renderSchema(coreSchema)
Util.hashSchema(renderedSchema).flatMap { hash =>
coreSchema = if (withCoreSchema) Some(renderedSchema) else None,
bootId = ref.bootId.toString,
coreSchemaHash = hash,
graphRef = ref.graphRef,
libraryVersion = ref.libraryVersion,
platform = ref.platform,
runtimeVersion = ref.runtimeVersion,
serverId = ref.serverId,
userVersion = ref.userVersion
.toRequest(uri"$REPORTING_URL/api/graphql", useVariables = true)
.header("X-API-Key", accessToken)
.mapError(error => RetryableError(error))
.flatMap { response =>
response.body match {
case Left(error @ CommunicationError(_, _)) =>
case Left(error) =>
case Right(Some(Left(error))) =>
case Right(Some(Right(value))) => ZIO.succeed(value)
// Should never come here
case Right(None) =>
ZIO.dieMessage("You should never see this error, as it indicates there is something wrong with Caliban!")
def fromConfig[R: Tag](
f: R => String
): ZLayer[R with SttpClient, Nothing, SchemaReporter] =
fromConfigZIO[R, Nothing]((r: R) => ZIO.succeed(f(r)))
def fromConfigZIO[R: Tag, E](
f: R => IO[E, String]
): ZLayer[SttpClient with R, E, SchemaReporter] = ZLayer {
for {
accessToken <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[R](f)
reporter <- make(accessToken)
} yield reporter
def fromDefaultConfig: ZLayer[SttpClient with System, Throwable, SchemaReporter] =
fromConfigZIO[System, Throwable](
new Exception(
"No environment variable found for `APOLLO_KEY`. You must define this value with your token in order to use the default configuration."
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