caliban.CalibanError.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban
import caliban.ResponseValue.{ ListValue, ObjectValue }
import caliban.Value.StringValue
import caliban.parsing.adt.LocationInfo
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonValueCodec
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
* The base type for all Caliban errors.
sealed trait CalibanError extends NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable {
def msg: String
override def getMessage: String = msg
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue
object CalibanError {
* Describes an error that happened while parsing a query.
case class ParsingError(
msg: String,
locationInfo: Option[LocationInfo] = None,
innerThrowable: Option[Throwable] = None,
extensions: Option[ObjectValue] = None
) extends CalibanError {
override def toString: String = s"Parsing Error: $msg ${innerThrowable.fold("")(_.toString)}"
override def getCause: Throwable = innerThrowable.orNull
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
"message" -> Some(StringValue(s"Parsing Error: $msg")),
"locations" -> => ListValue(List(li.toResponseValue))),
"extensions" -> extensions
).collect { case (name, Some(v)) => name -> v }
* Describes an error that happened while validating a query.
case class ValidationError(
msg: String,
explanatoryText: String,
locationInfo: Option[LocationInfo] = None,
extensions: Option[ObjectValue] = None
) extends CalibanError {
override def toString: String = s"ValidationError Error: $msg"
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
"message" -> Some(StringValue(msg)),
"locations" -> => ListValue(List(li.toResponseValue))),
"extensions" -> extensions
).collect { case (name, Some(v)) => name -> v }
* Describes an error that happened while executing a query.
case class ExecutionError(
msg: String,
path: List[PathValue] = Nil,
locationInfo: Option[LocationInfo] = None,
innerThrowable: Option[Throwable] = None,
extensions: Option[ObjectValue] = None
) extends CalibanError {
override def toString: String = s"Execution Error: $msg ${innerThrowable.fold("")(_.toString)}"
override def getCause: Throwable = innerThrowable.orNull
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
"message" -> Some(StringValue(msg)),
"locations" -> => ListValue(List(li.toResponseValue))),
"path" -> Some(path).collect { case p if p.nonEmpty => ListValue(p) },
"extensions" -> extensions
).collect { case (name, Some(v)) => name -> v }
private[caliban] implicit def jsoniterCodec: JsonValueCodec[CalibanError] =