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caliban.GraphQL.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package caliban

import caliban.CalibanError.ValidationError
import caliban.Configurator.ExecutionConfiguration
import caliban.execution.{ ExecutionRequest, Executor, Feature }
import caliban.introspection.Introspector
import caliban.introspection.adt._
import caliban.parsing.adt.Definition.TypeSystemDefinition.SchemaDefinition
import caliban.parsing.adt.{ Directive, Document, OperationType }
import caliban.parsing.{ Parser, SourceMapper, VariablesCoercer }
import caliban.rendering.DocumentRenderer
import caliban.schema._
import caliban.transformers.Transformer
import caliban.validation.{ SchemaValidator, Validator }
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import zio.{ Exit, IO, Trace, URIO, Unsafe, ZIO }

 * A `GraphQL[-R]` represents a GraphQL API whose execution requires a ZIO environment of type `R`.
 * It is intended to be created only once, typically when you start your server.
 * The introspection schema will be generated when this class is instantiated.
trait GraphQL[-R] { self =>

  protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R]
  protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R]]
  protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive]
  protected val features: Set[Feature]
  protected val transformer: Transformer[R]

  private[caliban] def validateRootSchema: Either[ValidationError, RootSchema[R]] =

   * Returns a string that renders the API types into the GraphQL SDL.
  final def render: String = DocumentRenderer.render(toDocument)

   * Converts the schema to a Document.
  final def toDocument: Document = cachedDocument

  private lazy val cachedDocument: Document =
      ) :: schemaBuilder.types.flatMap(_.toTypeDefinition) ++,

   * Creates an interpreter from your API. A GraphQLInterpreter is a wrapper around your API that allows
   * adding some middleware around the query execution.
   * Fails with a [[caliban.CalibanError.ValidationError]] if the schema is invalid.
   * @see [[interpreterEither]] for a variant that returns an Either instead, making it easier to embed in non-ZIO applications
  final def interpreter: Exit[ValidationError, GraphQLInterpreter[R, CalibanError]] =

   * Impure variant of [[interpreterEither]] which throws schema validation errors. Useful for cases that the
   * schema is known to be valid or when we're not planning on handling the error (e.g., during app startup)
  @throws[CalibanError.ValidationError]("if the schema is invalid")
  final def interpreterUnsafe: GraphQLInterpreter[R, CalibanError] =

   * Creates an interpreter from your API. A GraphQLInterpreter is a wrapper around your API that allows
   * adding some middleware around the query execution.
   * Returns a `Left` containing the schema validation error if the schema is invalid.
   * @see [[interpreter]] for a ZIO variant of this method that makes it easier to embed in ZIO applications
   * @see [[interpreterUnsafe]] of an unsafe variant that will throw validation errors
  final lazy val interpreterEither: Either[ValidationError, GraphQLInterpreter[R, CalibanError]] = { schema =>
      new GraphQLInterpreter[R, CalibanError] {
        private val rootType =

        private val introWrappers                               = wrappers.collect { case w: IntrospectionWrapper[R] => w }
        private lazy val introspectionRootSchema: RootSchema[R] = Introspector.introspect(rootType, introWrappers)

        private def parseZIO(query: String): IO[CalibanError.ParsingError, Document] =

        override def check(query: String)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[CalibanError, Unit] =
          for {
            document      <- parseZIO(query)
            intro          = Introspector.isIntrospection(document)
            typeToValidate = if (intro) Introspector.introspectionRootType else rootType
            _             <- Validator.validate(document, typeToValidate)
          } yield ()

        override def executeRequest(request: GraphQLRequest)(implicit
          trace: Trace
        ): URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
          decompose(wrappers).flatMap {
            case (overallWrappers, parsingWrappers, validationWrappers, executionWrappers, fieldWrappers, _) =>
              wrap((request: GraphQLRequest) =>
                (for {
                  doc          <- wrap(parseZIO)(parsingWrappers, request.query.getOrElse(""))
                  coercedVars  <- coerceVariables(doc, request.variables.getOrElse(Map.empty))
                  executionReq <- wrap(validation(request, coercedVars))(validationWrappers, doc)
                  result       <- wrap(execution(schemaToExecute(doc), fieldWrappers))(executionWrappers, executionReq)
                } yield result).catchAll(
              )(overallWrappers, request)

        private def coerceVariables(doc: Document, variables: Map[String, InputValue])(implicit
          trace: Trace
        ): IO[ValidationError, Map[String, InputValue]] =
          Configurator.ref.getWith { config =>
            if (doc.isIntrospection && !config.enableIntrospection)
    "Introspection is disabled", ""))
              VariablesCoercer.coerceVariables(variables, doc, typeToValidate(doc), config.skipValidation) match {
                case Right(value) => Exit.succeed(value)
                case Left(error)  =>

        private def validation(
          req: GraphQLRequest,
          coercedVars: Map[String, InputValue]
        )(doc: Document)(implicit trace: Trace): IO[ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
          Configurator.ref.getWith { config =>
            ) match {
              case Right(value) => checkHttpMethod(config)(req, value)
              case Left(error)  =>

        private def execution[R1 <: R](
          schemaToExecute: RootSchema[R1],
          fieldWrappers: List[FieldWrapper[R1]]
        )(request: ExecutionRequest)(implicit trace: Trace) = {
          val op = request.operationType match {
            case OperationType.Query        => schemaToExecute.query
            case OperationType.Mutation     => schemaToExecute.mutation.getOrElse(schemaToExecute.query)
            case OperationType.Subscription => schemaToExecute.subscription.getOrElse(schemaToExecute.query)
          Configurator.ref.getWith { config =>

        private def typeToValidate(doc: Document) =
          if (doc.isIntrospection) Introspector.introspectionRootType else rootType

        private def schemaToExecute(doc: Document) =
          if (doc.isIntrospection) introspectionRootSchema else schema

        private def checkHttpMethod(
          cfg: ExecutionConfiguration
        )(gqlReq: GraphQLRequest, req: ExecutionRequest): IO[ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
          if (
            req.operationType == OperationType.Mutation &&
            !cfg.allowMutationsOverGetRequests &&
          else Exit.succeed(req)

   * Attaches a function that will wrap one of the stages of query processing
   * (parsing, validation, execution, field execution or overall).
   * @param wrapper a wrapping function
   * @return a new GraphQL API
  final def withWrapper[R2 <: R](wrapper: Wrapper[R2]): GraphQL[R2] =
    new GraphQL[R2] {
      override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R2]    = self.schemaBuilder
      override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R2]]             = wrapper :: self.wrappers
      override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives
      override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features
      override protected val transformer: Transformer[R]             = self.transformer

   * Attaches an aspect that will wrap the entire GraphQL so that it can be manipulated.
   * This method is a higher-level abstraction of [[withWrapper]] which allows the caller to
   * completely replace or change all aspects of the schema.
   * @param aspect A wrapper type that will be applied to this GraphQL
   * @return A new GraphQL API
  final def @@[LowerR <: UpperR, UpperR <: R](aspect: GraphQLAspect[LowerR, UpperR]): GraphQL[UpperR] =

   * Merges this GraphQL API with another GraphQL API.
   * In case of conflicts (same field declared on both APIs), fields from `that` API will be used.
   * @param that another GraphQL API object
   * @return a new GraphQL API
  final def combine[R1 <: R](that: GraphQL[R1]): GraphQL[R1] =
    new GraphQL[R1] {
      override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R1]    = self.schemaBuilder |+| that.schemaBuilder
      override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R1]]             = self.wrappers ++ that.wrappers
      override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] =
        self.additionalDirectives ++ that.additionalDirectives
      override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features ++ that.features
      override protected val transformer: Transformer[R1]            = self.transformer |+| that.transformer

   * Operator alias for `combine`.
  final def |+|[R1 <: R](that: GraphQL[R1]): GraphQL[R1] = combine(that)

   * Renames the root queries, mutations and subscriptions objects.
   * @param queriesName a new name for the root queries object
   * @param mutationsName a new name for the root mutations object
   * @param subscriptionsName a new name for the root subscriptions object
   * @return a new GraphQL API
  final def rename(
    queriesName: Option[String] = None,
    mutationsName: Option[String] = None,
    subscriptionsName: Option[String] = None
  ): GraphQL[R] = new GraphQL[R] {
    override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R]     = self.schemaBuilder.copy(
      query = queriesName.fold(self.schemaBuilder.query)(name => => m.copy(opType = m.opType.copy(name = Some(name))))
      mutation = mutationsName.fold(self.schemaBuilder.mutation)(name => => m.copy(opType = m.opType.copy(name = Some(name))))
      subscription = subscriptionsName.fold(self.schemaBuilder.subscription)(name => => m.copy(opType = m.opType.copy(name = Some(name))))
    override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R]]              = self.wrappers
    override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives
    override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features
    override protected val transformer: Transformer[R]             = self.transformer

   * Adds linking to additional types which are unreachable from the root query.
   * @note This is for advanced usage only i.e. when declaring federation type links
   * @param types The type definitions to add.
  final def withAdditionalTypes(types: List[__Type]): GraphQL[R] = new GraphQL[R] {
    override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R]     =
      self.schemaBuilder.copy(additionalTypes = self.schemaBuilder.additionalTypes ++ types)
    override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R]]              = self.wrappers
    override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives
    override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features
    override protected val transformer: Transformer[R]             = self.transformer

  final def withSchemaDirectives(directives: List[Directive]): GraphQL[R] = new GraphQL[R] {
    override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R]     =
      self.schemaBuilder.copy(schemaDirectives = self.schemaBuilder.schemaDirectives ++ directives)
    override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R]]              = self.wrappers
    override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives
    override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features
    override protected val transformer: Transformer[R]             = self.transformer

  final def withAdditionalDirectives(directives: List[__Directive]): GraphQL[R] = new GraphQL[R] {
    override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R]     = self.schemaBuilder
    override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R]]              = self.wrappers
    override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives ++ directives
    override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features
    override protected val transformer: Transformer[R]             = self.transformer

  final def enable(feature: Feature): GraphQL[R] = new GraphQL[R] {
    override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R]     = self.schemaBuilder
    override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R]]              = self.wrappers
    override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives
    override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features + feature
    override protected val transformer: Transformer[R]             = self.transformer

  final def enableAll(features0: Set[Feature]): GraphQL[R] = new GraphQL[R] {
    override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R]     = self.schemaBuilder
    override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R]]              = self.wrappers
    override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives
    override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features ++ features0
    override protected val transformer: Transformer[R]             = self.transformer

   * Transforms the schema using the given transformer.
   * This can be used to rename or filter types, fields and arguments.
  final def transform[R1 <: R](t: Transformer[R1]): GraphQL[R1] = new GraphQL[R1] {
    override protected val schemaBuilder: RootSchemaBuilder[R1]    = self.schemaBuilder.visit(t.typeVisitor)
    override protected val wrappers: List[Wrapper[R1]]             = self.wrappers
    override protected val additionalDirectives: List[__Directive] = self.additionalDirectives
    override protected val features: Set[Feature]                  = self.features
    override protected val transformer: Transformer[R1]            = self.transformer |+| t

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