caliban.HttpUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban
import caliban.CalibanError.ValidationError
import caliban.ResponseValue.{ ObjectValue, StreamValue }
import caliban.Value.NullValue
import caliban.wrappers.Caching
import{ UStream, ZChannel, ZPipeline, ZStream }
import zio.{ Cause, Chunk, Trace }
private[caliban] object HttpUtils {
val MutationOverGetError: ValidationError =
ValidationError("Mutations are not allowed for GET requests", "")
object DeferMultipart {
private val Newline = "\r\n"
private val ContentType = "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"
private val SubHeader = s"$Newline$ContentType$Newline$Newline"
private val Boundary = "---"
private val BoundaryHeader = "-"
private val DeferSpec = "20220824"
val InnerBoundary = s"$Newline$Boundary$SubHeader"
val EndBoundary = s"$Newline-----$Newline"
val DeferHeaderParams: Map[String, String] = Map("boundary" -> BoundaryHeader, "deferSpec" -> DeferSpec)
def createPipeline[E](resp: GraphQLResponse[E]): ZPipeline[Any, Throwable, ResponseValue, ResponseValue] =
ZPipeline.fromChannel {
lazy val reader: ZChannel[Any, Throwable, Chunk[ResponseValue], Any, Throwable, Chunk[ResponseValue], Any] =
(in: Chunk[ResponseValue]) =>
in.headOption match {
case Some(value) =>
ZChannel.write(in.updated(0, resp.copy(data = value).toResponseValue)) *>
ZChannel.identity[Throwable, Chunk[ResponseValue], Any]
case None => reader
(cause: Cause[Throwable]) => ZChannel.failCause(cause),
(_: Any) => ZChannel.unit
object ServerSentEvents {
def transformResponse[Sse](
resp: GraphQLResponse[Any],
toSse: ResponseValue => Sse,
done: Sse
)(implicit trace: Trace): UStream[Sse] =
( match {
case ObjectValue((fieldName, StreamValue(stream)) :: Nil) =>
// Report errors in an initial event sent immediately
val init =
if (resp.errors.isEmpty) ZStream.empty else ZStream.succeed(GraphQLResponse(NullValue, resp.errors))
init ++ {
case Right(r) => GraphQLResponse(ObjectValue(List(fieldName -> r)), Nil)
case Left(err) => GraphQLResponse(ObjectValue(List(fieldName -> NullValue)), List(err))
case _ => ZStream.succeed(resp)
}).map(v => toSse(v.toResponseValue)) ++ ZStream.succeed(done)
def computeCacheDirective(extensions: ResponseValue.ObjectValue): Option[String] =
extensions.fields.collectFirst { case (Caching.DirectiveName, ResponseValue.ObjectValue(fields)) =>
fields.collectFirst { case ("httpHeader", Value.StringValue(cacheHeader)) => cacheHeader }
final class AcceptsGqlEncodings(header0: Option[String]) {
private val isEmpty = header0.isEmpty
private val length = if (isEmpty) 0 else header0.get.length
private lazy val header = if (isEmpty) "" else header0.get.toLowerCase
* NOTE: From 1st January 2025 this should be changed to `true` as the default
* @see [[]]
def graphQLJson: Boolean = length >= 33 && header.contains("application/graphql-response+json")
def serverSentEvents: Boolean = length >= 17 && header.contains("text/event-stream")
def graphiqlHtml(apiPath: String, uiPath: String): String =
| GraphiQL
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