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caliban.execution.Executor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package caliban.execution

import caliban.CalibanError.ExecutionError
import caliban.ResponseValue._
import caliban.Value._
import caliban._
import caliban.execution.Fragment.IsDeferred
import caliban.parsing.adt._
import caliban.schema.ReducedStep.DeferStep
import caliban.schema.Step.{ PureStep => _, _ }
import caliban.schema.{ PureStep, ReducedStep, Step, Types }
import caliban.transformers.Transformer
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.FieldWrapper
import zio._
import zio.query._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import{ ZSink, ZStream }

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.{ switch, tailrec }
import scala.collection.compat.{ BuildFrom => _, _ }
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorBuilder
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object Executor {

   * Executes the given query against a schema. It returns either an [[caliban.CalibanError.ExecutionError]] or a [[ResponseValue]].
   * @param request a request object containing all information needed
   * @param plan an execution plan
   * @param fieldWrappers a list of field wrappers
   * @param queryExecution a strategy for executing queries in parallel or not
   * @param makeCache effect used to create a new cache for the query execution
  def executeRequest[R](
    request: ExecutionRequest,
    plan: Step[R],
    fieldWrappers: List[FieldWrapper[R]] = Nil,
    queryExecution: QueryExecution = QueryExecution.Parallel,
    featureSet: Set[Feature] = Set.empty,
    makeCache: UIO[Cache] = Cache.empty(Trace.empty),
    transformer: Transformer[R] = Transformer.empty[R]
  )(implicit trace: Trace): URIO[R, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] = {
    val wrapPureValues      = fieldWrappers.exists(_.wrapPureValues)
    val featureFlags        = featureSet.foldLeft(0)(_ | _.mask)
    val stepReducer         =
      new StepReducer[R](
        request.operationType eq OperationType.Subscription,
        wrapPureValues = wrapPureValues,
    val reducedStepExecutor =
      new ReducedStepExecutor[R](
        request.operationType eq OperationType.Mutation,

    def runQuery(step: ReducedStep[R], cache: Cache) = {
      val deferred = new AtomicReference(List.empty[Deferred[R]])
      val errors   = new AtomicReference(List.empty[CalibanError])

        .makeQuery(step, errors, deferred)
        .flatMap { result =>
          val resultErrors = errors.get().reverse
          val defers       = deferred.get()
          if (defers.nonEmpty) {
            ZIO.environmentWith[R] { env =>
              val stream = (makeDeferStream(defers, cache)
                .mapChunks(chunk => Chunk.single(GraphQLIncrementalResponse(chunk.toList, hasNext = true))) ++ ZStream

                StreamValue(ZStream.succeed(result) ++ stream),
                hasNext = Some(true)
          } else
            Exit.succeed(GraphQLResponse(result, resultErrors, hasNext = None))

    def makeDeferStream(
      defers: List[Deferred[R]],
      cache: Cache
    ): ZStream[R, Nothing, Incremental[CalibanError]] = {
      def runDefer(d: DeferredFragment[R]) =
        ZStream.unwrap(runIncrementalQuery(d.step, cache).map { case (result, errors, more) =>
          val resp = ZStream.succeed(
              errors = errors,
              path = ListValue(d.path.reverse),
              label = d.label
          more match {
            case Nil => resp
            case _   => resp ++ makeDeferStream(more, cache)

      def runStream(d: DeferredStream[R]) =
        d.step.inner.orDie.chunks.flatMap { steps =>
          ZStream.unwrap(ZIO.foreach(steps)(runIncrementalQuery(_, cache)).map { results =>
            val (values, errors, more) = results.unzip3
            val resp                   = ZStream.succeed(
                ListValue((IntValue(d.startFrom) :: d.path).reverse),

            more.toList.flatten match {
              case Nil  => resp
              case rest => resp ++ makeDeferStream(rest, cache)

      ZStream.mergeAllUnbounded()( {
        case d: DeferredFragment[R] => runDefer(d)
        case d: DeferredStream[R]   => runStream(d)
      }: _*)

    def runIncrementalQuery(
      step: ReducedStep[R],
      cache: Cache
    ) = {
      val deferred = new AtomicReference(List.empty[Deferred[R]])
      val errors   = new AtomicReference(List.empty[CalibanError])

        .makeQuery(step, errors, deferred)
        .map { result =>

    ZIO.suspendSucceed {
      stepReducer.reduceStep(plan, request.field, Map.empty, Nil) match {
        case PureStep(resp) => Exit.succeed(GraphQLResponse(resp, Nil))
        case reducedStep    => makeCache.flatMap(runQuery(reducedStep, _))

  private[caliban] def fail(error: CalibanError): UIO[GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
    Exit.succeed(GraphQLResponse(NullValue, List(error)))

  private final class StepReducer[R](
    transformer: Transformer[R],
    isSubscription: Boolean,
    wrapPureValues: Boolean,
    flags: Feature.Flags
  )(implicit trace: Trace) {

    def reduceStep(
      step: Step[R],
      currentField: Field,
      arguments: Map[String, InputValue],
      path: List[PathValue]
    ): ReducedStep[R] = {

      def reduceObjectStep(objectName: String, getFieldStep: String => Step[R]): ReducedStep[R] = {
        def reduceField(f: Field): (String, ReducedStep[R], FieldInfo) = {
          val aliasedName = f.aliasedName
          val fname       =
          val field       =
            if (fname == "__typename") PureStep(StringValue(objectName))
            else reduceStep(getFieldStep(fname), f, f.arguments, PathValue.Key(aliasedName) :: path)
          (aliasedName, field, fieldInfo(f, aliasedName, path, f.directives))

        val filteredFields    = mergeFields(currentField, objectName)
        val (deferred, eager) =
          if (Feature.isDeferEnabled(flags)) {
            filteredFields.partitionMap { f =>
              val entry = reduceField(f)
              f.fragment match {
                // The defer spec provides some latitude on how we handle responses. Since it is more performant to return
                // pure fields rather than spin up the defer machinery we return pure fields immediately to the caller.
                case Some(IsDeferred(label)) if !entry._2.isPure => Left((label, entry))
                case _                                           => Right(entry)
          } else (Nil,

        val eagerReduced = reduceObject(eager)
        deferred match {
          case Nil => eagerReduced
          case d   =>
              d.groupBy(_._1) { case (label, labelAndFields) =>
                val (_, fields) = labelAndFields.unzip
                reduceObject(fields) -> label

      def reduceListStep(steps: List[Step[R]]): ReducedStep[R] = {

        def reduceToListStep(head: ReducedStep[R], remaining0: List[Step[R]]): ReducedStep[R] = {
          var i         = 1
          val nil       = Nil
          val lb        = ListBuffer.empty[ReducedStep[R]]
          var isPure    = wrapPureValues && head.isPure
          lb addOne head
          var remaining = remaining0
          while (remaining ne nil) {
            val step = reduceStep(remaining.head, currentField, arguments, PathValue.Index(i) :: path)
            if (isPure && !step.isPure) isPure = false
            lb addOne step
            i += 1
            remaining = remaining.tail
            Types.listOf(currentField.fieldType) match {
              case Some(tpe) => tpe.isNullable
              case None      => false

        def reduceToPureStep(head: PureStep, remaining0: List[Step[R]]): ReducedStep[R] = {
          var i         = 1
          val nil       = Nil
          val lb        = ListBuffer.empty[ResponseValue]
          var remaining = remaining0
          lb addOne head.value
          while (remaining ne nil) {
            val step = reduceStep(remaining.head, currentField, arguments, PathValue.Index(i) :: path)
            lb addOne step.asInstanceOf[PureStep].value
            i += 1
            remaining = remaining.tail

        if (steps.isEmpty) PureStep(ListValue(Nil))
        else {
          reduceStep(steps.head, currentField, arguments, PathValue.Index(0) :: path) match {
            // In 99.99% of the cases, if the head is pure, all the other elements will be pure as well but we catch that error just in case
            // NOTE: Our entire test suite passes without catching the error
            case step: PureStep =>
              try reduceToPureStep(step, steps.tail)
              catch { case _: ClassCastException => reduceToListStep(step, steps.tail) }
            case step           => reduceToListStep(step, steps.tail)

      def reduceQuery(q: ZQuery[R, Throwable, Step[R]]): ReducedStep[R] = {
        def success(v: Step[R])       = reduceStep(v, currentField, arguments, path)
        def fail(e: Cause[Throwable]) = effectfulExecutionError(path, Some(currentField.locationInfo), e)

        q.asExitOrElse(null) match {
          case null => ReducedStep.QueryStep(q.mapBothCause(fail, success))
          case res  => res.foldExit(e => ReducedStep.FailureStep(fail(e)), success)

      def reduceStream(stream: ZStream[R, Throwable, Step[R]]): ReducedStep[R] =
        if (isSubscription) {
              .mapErrorCause(effectfulExecutionError(path, Some(currentField.locationInfo), _))
              .map(reduceStep(_, currentField, arguments, path))
        } else {
          currentField match {
            case IsStream(label, Some(initialCount)) if initialCount > 0 && Feature.isStreamEnabled(flags) =>
                  for {
                    scope               <- Scope.make
                    initialAndRemaining <-
                          .mapErrorCause(effectfulExecutionError(path, Some(currentField.locationInfo), _))
                  } yield {
                    val (initial, remaining) = initialAndRemaining
                        ZStream.acquireReleaseExitWith(ZIO.unit)((_, exit) => scope.close(exit)) *>
                , currentField, arguments, path))
            case IsStream(label, _) if Feature.isStreamEnabled(flags)                                      =>
                reduceStep(PureStep(ListValue(Nil)), currentField, arguments, path),
                    .mapErrorCause(effectfulExecutionError(path, Some(currentField.locationInfo), _))
                    .map(reduceStep(_, currentField, arguments, path))

            case _ =>
                QueryStep(ZQuery.fromZIONow( => ListStep(chunk.toList)))),

      def wrapFn[A](step: A => Step[R], input: A): Step[R] =
        try step(input)
        catch { case NonFatal(e) => }

      step match {
        case s: PureStep                => s
        case s: QueryStep[R]            => reduceQuery(s.query)
        case s: ObjectStep[R]           => val t = transformer(s, currentField); reduceObjectStep(, t.fields)
        case s: FunctionStep[R]         => reduceStep(wrapFn(s.step, arguments), currentField, Map.empty, path)
        case s: MetadataFunctionStep[R] => reduceStep(wrapFn(s.step, currentField), currentField, arguments, path)
        case s: ListStep[R]             => reduceListStep(s.steps)
        case s: StreamStep[R]           => reduceStream(s.inner)

    private def mergeFields(field: Field, typeName: String): List[Field] = {
      def matchesTypename(f: Field): Boolean =
        f._condition.isEmpty || f._condition.get.contains(typeName)

      def mergeFields(fields: List[Field]) = {
        val map       = new java.util.LinkedHashMap[String, Field](calculateMapCapacity(fields.size))
        val nil       = Nil
        var remaining = fields
        while (remaining ne nil) {
          val h = remaining.head
          if (matchesTypename(h)) {
              (_, f) =>
                if (f eq null) h
                else f.copy(fields = f.fields ::: h.fields)
          remaining = remaining.tail

      val fields = field.fields
      if (field.allFieldsUniqueNameAndCondition) {
        if (fields.isEmpty || !matchesTypename(fields.head)) Nil
        else fields
      } else mergeFields(fields)

     * The behaviour of mutable Maps (both Java and Scala) is to resize once the number of entries exceeds
     * the capacity * loadFactor (default of 0.75d) threshold in order to prevent hash collisions.
     * This method is a helper method to estimate the initial map size depending on the number of elements the Map is
     * expected to hold
     * NOTE: This method is the same as java.util.HashMap.calculateHashMapCapacity on JDK19+
    private def calculateMapCapacity(nMappings: Int): Int =
      Math.ceil(nMappings / 0.75d).toInt

    private def fieldInfo(
      field: Field,
      aliasedName: String,
      path: List[PathValue],
      fieldDirectives: List[Directive]
    ): FieldInfo =
      FieldInfo(aliasedName, field, path, fieldDirectives, field.parentType)

    private def reduceObject(items: List[(String, ReducedStep[R], FieldInfo)]): ReducedStep[R] = {
      var hasPures   = false
      var hasQueries = false
      val nil        = Nil
      var remaining  = items
      while ((remaining ne nil) && !(hasPures && hasQueries)) {
        val isPure = remaining.head._2.isPure
        if (isPure && !hasPures) hasPures = true
        else if (!isPure && !hasQueries) hasQueries = true
        else ()
        remaining = remaining.tail

      if (hasQueries || wrapPureValues) ReducedStep.ObjectStep(items, hasPures, !hasQueries)
          ObjectValue(items.asInstanceOf[List[(String, PureStep, FieldInfo)]].map { case (k, v, _) => (k, v.value) })

  private final class ReducedStepExecutor[R](
    queryExecution: QueryExecution,
    isMutation: Boolean,
    fieldWrappers: List[FieldWrapper[R]],
    wrapPureValues: Boolean
  )(implicit trace: Trace) {
    private type ExecutionQuery[+A] = ZQuery[R, ExecutionError, A]

    private val queryExecutionTag = queryExecution.tag

    private def collectAll[E, A, B, Coll[+V] <: Iterable[V]](
      in: Coll[A],
      isTopLevelField: Boolean
      as: A => ZQuery[R, E, B]
    )(implicit bf: BuildFrom[Coll[A], B, Coll[B]]): ZQuery[R, E, Coll[B]] =
      if (in.sizeCompare(1) == 0) as(in.head).map(v => bf.fromSpecific(in)(v :: Nil))
      else if (isMutation && isTopLevelField) ZQuery.foreach(in)(as)
        (queryExecutionTag: @switch) match {
          case QueryExecution.Sequential.tag => ZQuery.foreach(in)(as)
          case QueryExecution.Parallel.tag   => ZQuery.foreachPar(in)(as)
          case QueryExecution.Batched.tag    => ZQuery.foreachBatched(in)(as)
          case QueryExecution.Mixed.tag      =>
            if (isTopLevelField) ZQuery.foreachPar(in)(as) else ZQuery.foreachBatched(in)(as)

    def makeQuery(
      step: ReducedStep[R],
      errors: AtomicReference[List[CalibanError]],
      deferred: AtomicReference[List[Deferred[R]]]
    ): URQuery[R, ResponseValue] = {

      def handleError(error: ExecutionError): ResponseValue = {
        errors.updateAndGet(error :: _)

      def wrap(query: ExecutionQuery[ResponseValue], isPure: Boolean, fieldInfo: FieldInfo) = {
        def loop(query: ExecutionQuery[ResponseValue], wrappers: List[FieldWrapper[R]]): ExecutionQuery[ResponseValue] =
          wrappers match {
            case Nil             => query
            case wrapper :: tail =>
              val q =
                if (isPure && !wrapper.wrapPureValues) query
                else wrapper.wrap(query, fieldInfo)
              loop(q, tail)

        if ((isPure && !wrapPureValues) || (fieldWrappers eq Nil)) query
        else {
          loop(query, fieldWrappers).mapErrorCause(e =>
              PathValue.Key( :: fieldInfo.path,

      def objectFieldQuery(step: ReducedStep[R], info: FieldInfo, isPure: Boolean = false) = {
        val q = wrap(loop(step), isPure, info)
        if (info.details.fieldType.isNullable) q.fold(handleError, identity) else q

      def makeObjectQuery(
        steps: List[(String, ReducedStep[R], FieldInfo)],
        hasPureFields: Boolean,
        isTopLevelField: Boolean
      ) = {

        def collectAllQueries() = {
          def combineQueryResults(results: List[ResponseValue]) = {
            val builder = ListBuffer.empty[(String, ResponseValue)]
            val nil     = Nil
            var resps   = results
            var names   = steps
            while (resps ne nil) {
              val (name, _, _) = names.head
              builder addOne ((name, resps.head))
              resps = resps.tail
              names = names.tail

          steps match {
            case (name, step, info) :: Nil =>
              // Shortcut for single field queries
              objectFieldQuery(step, info, wrapPureValues && step.isPure).map(v => ObjectValue((name, v) :: Nil))
            case steps                     =>
              collectAll(steps, isTopLevelField) { case (_, step, info) =>
                // Only way we could have ended with pure fields here is if we wrap pure values, so we check that first as it's cheaper
                objectFieldQuery(step, info, wrapPureValues && step.isPure)

        def combineResults(names: List[String], resolved: List[ResponseValue])(fromQueries: List[ResponseValue]) = {
          val nil                                    = Nil
          var results: List[(String, ResponseValue)] = nil
          var remainingQueries                       = fromQueries
          var remainingResponses                     = resolved
          var remainingNames                         = names
          while (remainingResponses ne nil) {
            val name = remainingNames.head
            val resp = remainingResponses.head match {
              case null =>
                val v = remainingQueries.head
                remainingQueries = remainingQueries.tail
              case v    => v
            results = (name, resp) :: results
            remainingResponses = remainingResponses.tail
            remainingNames = remainingNames.tail

        def collectMixed() = {
          val nil                                                = Nil // Bring into stack memory to avoid fetching from heap on each iteration
          var queries: List[(String, ReducedStep[R], FieldInfo)] = nil
          var names: List[String]                                = nil
          var resolved: List[ResponseValue]                      = nil
          var remaining                                          = steps
          while (remaining ne nil) {
            val t @ (name, step, _) = remaining.head
            val value               = step match {
              case PureStep(value) => value
              case _               =>
                queries = t :: queries
            resolved = value :: resolved
            names = name :: names
            remaining = remaining.tail
          collectAll(queries, isTopLevelField) { case (_, s, i) => objectFieldQuery(s, i) }
            .map(combineResults(names, resolved))

        if (hasPureFields && !wrapPureValues) collectMixed() else collectAllQueries()

      def makeListQuery(steps: List[ReducedStep[R]], areItemsNullable: Boolean): ExecutionQuery[ResponseValue] =
        collectAll(steps, isTopLevelField = false)(
          if (areItemsNullable) loop(_).fold(handleError, identity)
          else loop(_)

      def loop(step: ReducedStep[R], isTopLevelField: Boolean = false): ExecutionQuery[ResponseValue] =
        step match {
          case PureStep(value)                                                         => ZQuery.succeedNow(value)
          case ReducedStep.QueryStep(step)                                             => step.flatMap(loop(_))
          case ReducedStep.ObjectStep(steps, hasPureFields, _)                         => makeObjectQuery(steps, hasPureFields, isTopLevelField)
          case ReducedStep.ListStep(steps, areItemsNullable, _)                        => makeListQuery(steps, areItemsNullable)
          case ReducedStep.StreamStep(stream)                                          =>
              .environmentWith[R](env =>
                  stream.mapChunksZIO { chunk =>
                    collectAll(chunk, isTopLevelField)(loop(_).catchAllZIO(_ => nullValueExit)).run
          case ReducedStep.DeferStep(obj, nextSteps, path)                             =>
            val deferredSteps = { case (step, label) =>
              DeferredFragment(path, step, label)
            deferred.updateAndGet(deferredSteps ::: _)
          case ReducedStep.DeferStreamStep(initial, remaining, label, path, startFrom) =>
            val streamStep = DeferredStream(path, remaining, label, startFrom)
            deferred.updateAndGet(streamStep :: _)

      loop(step, isTopLevelField = true).fold(handleError, identity)

  private def effectfulExecutionError(
    path: List[PathValue],
    locationInfo: Option[LocationInfo],
    cause: Cause[Throwable]
  ): Cause[ExecutionError] =
    cause.failureOption orElse cause.defects.headOption match {
      case Some(e: ExecutionError) if e.path.isEmpty => = path.reverse, locationInfo = locationInfo))
      case Some(e: ExecutionError)                   =>
      case other                                     =>"Effect failure", path.reverse, locationInfo, other))

  private val nullValueExit = Exit.succeed(NullValue)

  // The implicit classes below are for methods that don't exist in Scala 2.12 so we add them as syntax methods instead
  private implicit class EnrichedListOps[+A](private val list: List[A]) extends AnyVal {
    def partitionMap[A1, A2](f: A => Either[A1, A2]): (List[A1], List[A2]) = {
      val l = List.newBuilder[A1]
      val r = List.newBuilder[A2]
      list.foreach { x =>
        f(x) match {
          case Left(x1)  => l += x1
          case Right(x2) => r += x2
      (l.result(), r.result())

  private implicit class EnrichedListBufferOps[A](private val lb: ListBuffer[A]) extends AnyVal {
    def mapInPlace[B](f: A => B): ListBuffer[B] =
    def addOne(value: A): ListBuffer[A]         = lb += value

  private implicit class EnrichedVectorBuilderOps[A](private val lb: VectorBuilder[A]) extends AnyVal {
    def addOne(value: A): VectorBuilder[A] = lb += value

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