
caliban.execution.Field.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package caliban.execution
import caliban.Value.BooleanValue
import caliban.introspection.adt.__Type
import caliban.parsing.SourceMapper
import caliban.parsing.adt.Definition.ExecutableDefinition.FragmentDefinition
import caliban.parsing.adt.Selection.{ Field => F, FragmentSpread, InlineFragment }
import caliban.parsing.adt.Type.NamedType
import caliban.parsing.adt.{ Directive, LocationInfo, Selection, VariableDefinition }
import caliban.schema.{ RootType, Types }
import caliban.{ InputValue, Value }
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* Represents a field used during the execution of a query
* @param name The name
* @param fieldType The GraphQL type
* @param parentType The parent type of the field
* @param alias A potential alias specified in the query, i.e `alias: field`
* @param fields The selected subfields, if any, i.e `field { a b }`
* @param targets The type conditions used to select this field, i.e `...on Type { field }`
* @param arguments The specified arguments for the field's resolver
* @param directives The directives specified on the field
* @param _condition Internal, the possible types that contains this field
* @param _locationInfo Internal, the source location in the query
* @param fragment The fragment that is directly wrapping this field
case class Field(
name: String,
fieldType: __Type,
parentType: Option[__Type],
alias: Option[String] = None,
fields: List[Field] = Nil,
targets: Option[Set[String]] = None,
arguments: Map[String, InputValue] = Map(),
directives: List[Directive] = List.empty,
_condition: Option[Set[String]] = None,
_locationInfo: () => LocationInfo = () => LocationInfo.origin,
fragment: Option[Fragment] = None
) { self =>
lazy val locationInfo: LocationInfo = _locationInfo()
private[caliban] val aliasedName: String =
if (alias.isEmpty) name else alias.get
// TODO: Change the name to `allConditionsUnique` in the next minor version
private[caliban] def allFieldsUniqueNameAndCondition: Boolean =
fields.isEmpty || fields.tail.isEmpty || allConditionsUniqueLazy
private lazy val allConditionsUniqueLazy: Boolean = {
val headCondition = fields.head._condition
var rem = fields.tail
var res = true
val nil = Nil
while ((rem ne nil) && res) {
val f = rem.head
if (f._condition == headCondition)
rem = rem.tail
else res = false
def combine(other: Field): Field =
fields = self.fields ::: other.fields,
targets = (self.targets, other.targets) match {
case (Some(t1), Some(t2)) => if (t1 == t2) self.targets else Some(t1 ++ t2)
case (Some(_), None) => self.targets
case (None, Some(_)) => other.targets
case (None, None) => None
_condition = (self._condition, other._condition) match {
case (Some(v1), Some(v2)) => if (v1 == v2) self._condition else Some(v1 ++ v2)
case (Some(_), None) => self._condition
case (None, Some(_)) => other._condition
case (None, None) => None
lazy val toSelection: Selection = {
def loop(f: Field): Selection = {
// Not pretty, but it avoids computing the hashmap if it isn't needed
var map: mutable.Map[String, List[Selection]] =
null.asInstanceOf[mutable.Map[String, List[Selection]]]
val children = f.fields.flatMap { child =>
val childSelection = loop(child)
child.targets match {
case Some(targets) =>
targets.foreach { target =>
if (map eq null) map = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty
map.update(target, childSelection :: map.getOrElse(target, Nil))
case None =>
val inlineFragments =
if (map eq null) Nil
map.map { case (name, selections) =>
Some(NamedType(name, nonNull = false)),
children ++ inlineFragments,
object Field {
def apply(
selectionSet: List[Selection],
fragments: Map[String, FragmentDefinition],
variableValues: Map[String, InputValue],
variableDefinitions: List[VariableDefinition],
fieldType: __Type,
sourceMapper: SourceMapper,
directives: List[Directive],
rootType: RootType
): Field = {
val memoizedFragments = new mutable.HashMap[String, List[(Field, Option[String])]]()
val variableDefinitionsMap = variableDefinitions.map(v => v.name -> v).toMap
def loop(
selectionSet: List[Selection],
fieldType: __Type,
fragment: Option[Fragment],
targets: Option[Set[String]],
condition: Option[Set[String]]
): Either[List[Field], List[(Field, Option[String])]] = {
val builder = FieldBuilder.forSelectionSet(selectionSet)
val innerType = fieldType.innerType
selectionSet.foreach {
case F(alias, name, arguments, directives, selectionSet, index) =>
val selected = innerType.getFieldOrNull(name)
val schemaDirectives =
if ((selected eq null) || selected.directives.isEmpty) Nil
else selected.directives.get
val resolvedDirectives =
(directives ::: schemaDirectives).map(resolveDirectiveVariables(variableValues, variableDefinitionsMap))
if (checkDirectives(resolvedDirectives)) {
// default only case where it's not found is __typename
val t = if (selected eq null) Types.string else selected._type
val fields =
if (selectionSet.nonEmpty)
loop(selectionSet, t, None, None, None).fold(identityFnList, _.map(_._1))
else Nil
new Field(
targets = targets,
arguments = resolveVariables(arguments, variableDefinitionsMap, variableValues),
directives = resolvedDirectives,
_condition = condition,
_locationInfo = () => sourceMapper.getLocation(index),
fragment = fragment
case FragmentSpread(name, directives) =>
val fields = memoizedFragments.getOrElseUpdate(
name, {
val resolvedDirectives = directives.map(resolveDirectiveVariables(variableValues, variableDefinitionsMap))
val f = fragments.getOrElse(name, null)
if ((f ne null) && checkDirectives(resolvedDirectives)) {
val typeCondName = f.typeCondition.name
val t = rootType.types.getOrElse(typeCondName, fieldType)
val subtypeNames0 = subtypeNames(typeCondName, rootType)
val isSubsetCondition = subtypeNames0.getOrElse(Set.empty)
fragment = Some(Fragment(Some(name), resolvedDirectives)),
targets = Some(Set(typeCondName)),
condition = subtypeNames0
) match {
case Left(l) => l.map((_, Some(typeCondName)))
case Right(l) =>
l.map {
case t @ (_, Some(c)) if isSubsetCondition(c) => t
case (f1, _) => (f1, Some(typeCondName))
} else Nil
fields.foreach((builder.addField _).tupled)
case InlineFragment(typeCondition, directives, selectionSet) =>
val resolvedDirectives = directives.map(resolveDirectiveVariables(variableValues, variableDefinitionsMap))
if (checkDirectives(resolvedDirectives)) {
val typeName = typeCondition.map(_.name)
val t = innerType.possibleTypes
val subtypeNames0 = typeName.flatMap(subtypeNames(_, rootType))
val isSubsetCondition = subtypeNames0.getOrElse(Set.empty)
fragment = Some(Fragment(None, resolvedDirectives)),
targets = typeName.map(Set(_)),
condition = subtypeNames0
) match {
case Left(l) => l.foreach(builder.addField(_, typeName))
case Right(l) =>
l.foreach {
case (f, c) if c.exists(isSubsetCondition) => builder.addField(f, c)
case (f, _) => builder.addField(f, typeName)
val fields = loop(selectionSet, fieldType, None, None, None)
Field("", fieldType, None, fields = fields.fold(identityFnList, _.map(_._1)), directives = directives)
private val identityFnList: List[Field] => List[Field] = l => l
private def resolveDirectiveVariables(
variableValues: Map[String, InputValue],
variableDefinitions: Map[String, VariableDefinition]
)(directive: Directive): Directive =
if (directive.arguments.isEmpty) directive
else directive.copy(arguments = resolveVariables(directive.arguments, variableDefinitions, variableValues))
private def resolveVariables(
arguments: Map[String, InputValue],
variableDefinitions: Map[String, VariableDefinition],
variableValues: Map[String, InputValue]
): Map[String, InputValue] = {
def resolveVariable(value: InputValue): Option[InputValue] =
value match {
case InputValue.VariableValue(name) =>
for {
definition <- variableDefinitions.get(name)
value <- variableValues.get(name).orElse(definition.defaultValue)
} yield value
case InputValue.ListValue(values) =>
case InputValue.ObjectValue(fields) =>
Some(InputValue.ObjectValue(fields.flatMap { case (k, v) => resolveVariable(v).map(k -> _) }))
case value: Value =>
if (arguments.isEmpty) Map.empty[String, InputValue]
else arguments.flatMap { case (k, v) => resolveVariable(v).map(k -> _) }
private def subtypeNames(typeName: String, rootType: RootType): Option[Set[String]] = {
def loop(sb: mutable.Builder[String, Set[String]], `type`: Option[__Type]): mutable.Builder[String, Set[String]] =
`type`.flatMap(_.possibleTypes) match {
case Some(tpes) =>
tpes.foreach(_.name.foreach(name => loop(sb += name, rootType.types.get(name))))
case _ => sb
val tpe = rootType.types.get(typeName)
tpe.map(_ => loop(Set.newBuilder[String] += typeName, tpe).result())
private def checkDirectives(directives: List[Directive]): Boolean =
directives.isEmpty ||
(!checkDirective("skip", default = false, directives) &&
checkDirective("include", default = true, directives))
private def checkDirective(name: String, default: Boolean, directives: List[Directive]): Boolean =
.find(_.name == name)
.flatMap(_.arguments.get("if")) match {
case Some(BooleanValue(value)) => value
case _ => default
private abstract class FieldBuilder {
def addField(f: Field, condition: Option[String]): Unit
def result(): Either[List[Field], List[(Field, Option[String])]]
private object FieldBuilder {
def forSelectionSet(selectionSet: List[Selection]): FieldBuilder =
if (selectionSet.forall(_.isInstanceOf[F])) new FieldsOnly else new Full
private final class FieldsOnly extends FieldBuilder {
private[this] val builder = new ListBuffer[Field]
def addField(f: Field, condition: Option[String]): Unit = builder += f
def result(): Either[List[Field], List[(Field, Option[String])]] = Left(builder.result())
private final class Full extends FieldBuilder {
private[this] val map = new java.util.LinkedHashMap[(String, Option[String]), Field]()
def addField(f: Field, condition: Option[String]): Unit =
map.compute((f.aliasedName, condition), (_, existing) => if (existing eq null) f else existing.combine(f))
def result(): Either[List[Field], List[(Field, Option[String])]] = {
val builder = new ListBuffer[(Field, Option[String])]
map.forEach { case ((_, cond), field) => builder += ((field, cond)) }
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