caliban.parsing.parsers.StringParsers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.parsing.parsers
import caliban.Value.StringValue
import fastparse._
import scala.annotation.{ switch, tailrec }
private[caliban] trait StringParsers {
implicit object whitespace extends Whitespace {
type State = Int
// statuses
final val Normal = 0
final val InsideLineComment = 1
final val DetermineLineBreakStart = 2
final val UnicodeBOM = '\uFEFF'
final val Tab = '\u0009'
final val Space = '\u0020'
final val LF = '\u000A'
final val CR = '\u000D'
final val Comma = ','
final val CommentStart = '#'
override def apply(p: P[_]): P[Unit] =
loop(p.index, state = Normal)(p, p.input)
@tailrec def loop(index: Int, state: State)(implicit ctx: P[_], input: ParserInput): ParsingRun[Unit] =
if (input.isReachable(index)) {
val currentChar = input(index)
(state: @switch) match {
case Normal =>
(currentChar: @switch) match {
case CR => loop(index + 1, state = DetermineLineBreakStart)
case Space | LF | Comma | Tab | UnicodeBOM => loop(index + 1, state = Normal)
case CommentStart => loop(index + 1, state = InsideLineComment)
case _ => ctx.freshSuccessUnit(index)
case InsideLineComment =>
index + 1,
state = (currentChar: @switch) match {
case CR => DetermineLineBreakStart
case LF => Normal
case _ => InsideLineComment
case DetermineLineBreakStart =>
(currentChar: @switch) match {
case LF => loop(index + 1, state = Normal)
case _ => loop(index, state = Normal)
} else ctx.freshSuccessUnit(index)
def sourceCharacter(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[Unit] = CharIn("\u0009\u000A\u000D\u0020-\uFFFF")
def sourceCharacterWithoutLineTerminator(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[Unit] = CharIn("\u0009\u0020-\uFFFF")
def name(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[String] =
CharsWhileIn("_0-9A-Za-z", 1).!.flatMap { s =>
// Less efficient in case of an error, but more efficient in case of success (happy path)
if (s.charAt(0) <= '9') ev.freshFailure()
else ev.freshSuccess(s)
def nameOnly(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[String] = Start ~ name ~ End
def hexDigit(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[Unit] = CharIn("0-9a-fA-F")
def escapedUnicode(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[String] =
(hexDigit ~~ hexDigit ~~ hexDigit ~~ hexDigit).!.map(Integer.parseInt(_, 16).toChar.toString)
def escapedCharacter(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[String] = CharIn("\"\\\\/bfnrt").!.map {
case "b" => "\b"
case "n" => "\n"
case "f" => "\f"
case "r" => "\r"
case "t" => "\t"
case other => other
def stringCharacter(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[String] =
sourceCharacterWithoutLineTerminator.!.filter(c =>
c != "\"" && c != "\\"
) | "\\u" ~~ escapedUnicode | "\\" ~~ escapedCharacter
def blockStringCharacter(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[String] = "\\\"\"\"".!.map(_ => "\"\"\"") | sourceCharacter.!
def stringValue(implicit ev: P[Any]): P[StringValue] =
("\"\"\"" ~~ ((!"\"\"\"") ~~ blockStringCharacter) => blockStringValue(s.mkString)) ~~ "\"\"\"") |
("\"" ~~ ~~ "\"")
).map(v => StringValue(v))
def blockStringValue(rawValue: String): String = {
val l1 = rawValue.split("\r?\n").toList
val commonIndent = l1 match {
case Nil => None
case _ :: tail =>
tail.foldLeft(Option.empty[Int]) { case (commonIndent, line) =>
val indent = "[ \t]*".r.findPrefixOf(line).fold(0)(_.length)
if (indent < line.length && commonIndent.fold(true)(_ > indent)) Some(indent) else commonIndent
// remove indentation
val l2 = (commonIndent, l1) match {
case (Some(value), head :: tail) => head ::
case _ => l1
// NOTE: @noinline annotation required as Scala 2.12 inlines `.dropWhile` which results in compilation error since these methods are used within fastparse's macros
// remove start lines that are only whitespaces
val l3 = l2.dropWhile("[ \t]*".r.replaceAllIn(_, "").isEmpty): @noinline
// remove end lines that are only whitespaces
val l4 = (l3.reverse.dropWhile("[ \t]*".r.replaceAllIn(_, "").isEmpty): @noinline).reverse