caliban.wrappers.ApolloTracing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.wrappers
import caliban.ResponseValue.{ ListValue, ObjectValue }
import caliban.Value.{ IntValue, StringValue }
import caliban._
import caliban.execution.{ ExecutionRequest, FieldInfo }
import caliban.parsing.adt.Document
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper._
import zio._
import zio.query.ZQuery
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.{ Instant, ZoneId }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
object ApolloTracing {
private val isEnabledRef = Unsafe.unsafe(implicit u => FiberRef.unsafe.make(true))
* Returns a wrapper that adds tracing information to every response
* following Apollo Tracing format:
* @param excludePureFields Optionally disable tracing of pure fields.
* Setting this to true can help improve performance at the cost of generating incomplete traces.
* WARNING: Use this with caution as it could potentially cause issues if the tracing client expects all queried fields to be included in the traces
* @see [[enabled]] and [[enabledWith]] to optionally control whether tracing is enabled for the current scope
* This can be used in combination with `HttpInterpreter.configure` from the `caliban-tapir` module or
* http middlewares to enable / disable tracing based on the request params (e.g., headers)
def apolloTracing(excludePureFields: Boolean = false): EffectfulWrapper[Any] =
for {
ref <- ZIO.succeed(new AtomicReference(Tracing()))
clock <- ZIO.clock
} yield apolloTracingOverall(clock, ref) |+|
apolloTracingParsing(clock, ref) |+|
apolloTracingValidation(clock, ref) |+|
apolloTracingField(clock.unsafe, ref, !excludePureFields)
* Disable or enable tracing for the current scope
def enabled(value: Boolean): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit] = isEnabledRef.locallyScoped(value)
* Disable or enable tracing for the provided effect
def enabledWith[R, E, A](value: Boolean)(zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R, E, A] = isEnabledRef.locally(value)(zio)
private val dateFormatter: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter
case class Parsing(startOffset: Long = 0, durationNanos: Long = 0L) {
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
ObjectValue(List("startOffset" -> IntValue(startOffset), "duration" -> IntValue(durationNanos)))
case class Validation(startOffset: Long = 0, durationNanos: Long = 0L) {
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
ObjectValue(List("startOffset" -> IntValue(startOffset), "duration" -> IntValue(durationNanos)))
case class Resolver(
path: List[PathValue] = Nil,
parentType: String = "",
fieldName: String = "",
returnType: String = "",
startOffset: Long = 0,
durationNanos: Long = 0
) {
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
"path" -> ListValue((PathValue.Key(fieldName) :: path).reverse),
"parentType" -> StringValue(parentType),
"fieldName" -> StringValue(fieldName),
"returnType" -> StringValue(returnType),
"startOffset" -> IntValue(startOffset),
"duration" -> IntValue(durationNanos)
object Resolver {
implicit val ordering: Ordering[Resolver] = { (x: Resolver, y: Resolver) =>
val ord1 =, y.startOffset)
if (ord1 != 0) ord1
else, y.durationNanos)
case class Execution(resolvers: List[Resolver] = Nil) {
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
ObjectValue(List("resolvers" -> ListValue(
case class Tracing(
version: Int = 1,
startTime: Long = 0,
endTime: Long = 0,
startTimeMonotonic: Long = 0,
durationNanos: Long = 0L,
parsing: Parsing = Parsing(),
validation: Validation = Validation(),
execution: Execution = Execution()
) {
def toResponseValue: ResponseValue =
"version" -> IntValue(version),
"startTime" -> StringValue(dateFormatter.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(startTime))),
"endTime" -> StringValue(dateFormatter.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(endTime))),
"duration" -> IntValue(durationNanos),
"parsing" -> parsing.toResponseValue,
"validation" -> validation.toResponseValue,
"execution" -> execution.toResponseValue
private def apolloTracingOverall(clock: Clock, ref: AtomicReference[Tracing]): OverallWrapper[Any] =
new OverallWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1](
process: GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
(request: GraphQLRequest) =>
for {
nanoTime <- clock.nanoTime
currentTime <- clock.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
_ <- ZIO.succeed(ref.updateAndGet(_.copy(startTime = currentTime, startTimeMonotonic = nanoTime)))
result <- process(request).timed.flatMap { case (duration, result) =>
for {
endTime <- clock.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
tracing <- ZIO.succeed(ref.get.copy(durationNanos = duration.toNanos, endTime = endTime))
} yield result.copy(
extensions = Some(
("tracing" -> tracing.toResponseValue) ::
result.extensions.fold(List.empty[(String, ResponseValue)])(_.fields)
} yield result
private def apolloTracingParsing(clock: Clock, ref: AtomicReference[Tracing]): ParsingWrapper[Any] =
new ParsingWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1](
process: String => ZIO[R1, CalibanError.ParsingError, Document]
): String => ZIO[R1, CalibanError.ParsingError, Document] =
(query: String) =>
for {
start <- clock.nanoTime
resultWithDuration <- process(query).timed
(duration, result) = resultWithDuration
_ <- ZIO.succeed(
ref.updateAndGet(state =>
parsing = state.parsing
.copy(startOffset = start - state.startTimeMonotonic, durationNanos = duration.toNanos)
} yield result
private def apolloTracingValidation(clock: Clock, ref: AtomicReference[Tracing]): ValidationWrapper[Any] =
new ValidationWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1](
process: Document => ZIO[R1, CalibanError.ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, CalibanError.ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
(doc: Document) =>
for {
start <- clock.nanoTime
resultWithDuration <- process(doc).timed
(duration, result) = resultWithDuration
_ <-
ref.updateAndGet(state =>
validation = state.validation
.copy(startOffset = start - state.startTimeMonotonic, durationNanos = duration.toNanos)
} yield result
private def apolloTracingField(
clock: Clock#UnsafeAPI,
ref: AtomicReference[Tracing],
wrapPureValues: Boolean
): FieldWrapper[Any] =
new FieldWrapper[Any](wrapPureValues) {
import caliban.implicits.unsafe
def wrap[R1](
query: ZQuery[R1, CalibanError.ExecutionError, ResponseValue],
fieldInfo: FieldInfo
): ZQuery[R1, CalibanError.ExecutionError, ResponseValue] =
ZQuery.suspend {
val start = clock.nanoTime() { result =>
val end = clock.nanoTime()
val _ = ref.updateAndGet(state =>
execution = state.execution.copy(
resolvers = Resolver(
path = fieldInfo.path,
parentType = fieldInfo.details.parentType.fold("")(_.typeNameRepr),
fieldName =,
returnType = fieldInfo.details.fieldType.typeNameRepr,
startOffset = start - state.startTimeMonotonic,
durationNanos = end - start
) :: state.execution.resolvers