caliban.wrappers.FieldMetrics.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.wrappers
import caliban.Value.StringValue
import caliban._
import caliban.execution.FieldInfo
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.{ EffectfulWrapper, OverallWrapper }
import zio._
import zio.metrics.MetricKeyType.Histogram
import zio.metrics.{ Metric, MetricKey, MetricLabel }
import zio.query.ZQuery
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
object FieldMetrics {
private[caliban] val defaultBuckets = Histogram.Boundaries(
.005d, .01d, .025d, .05d, .075d, .1d, .25d, .5d, .75d, 1d, 2.5d, 5d, 7.5d, 10d
private class Metrics(
totalLabel: String,
durationLabel: String,
buckets: Histogram.Boundaries,
extraLabels: Set[MetricLabel]
) {
def recordFailures(fieldNames: List[String]): UIO[Unit] =
ZIO.foreachDiscard(fieldNames)(fn => failed.tagged("field", fn).increment)
def recordSuccesses(nodeOffsets: Map[Vector[PathValue], Long], timings: List[Timing]): UIO[Unit] =
ZIO.foreachDiscard(timings) { timing =>
val d = timing.duration - nodeOffsets.getOrElse(timing.path :+ StringValue(, 0L)
succeeded.tagged(Set(MetricLabel("field", timing.fullName))).increment *>
duration.tagged(Set(MetricLabel("field", timing.fullName))).update(d / 1e9)
private lazy val failed = makeCounter("error")
private val succeeded = makeCounter("ok")
private val duration = Metric.fromMetricKey(MetricKey.histogram(durationLabel, buckets).tagged(extraLabels))
private def makeCounter(status: String) =
Metric.fromMetricKey(MetricKey.counter(totalLabel).tagged(extraLabels + MetricLabel("status", status)))
private case class Timing(
name: String,
path: Vector[PathValue],
fullName: String,
duration: Long
def wrapper(
totalLabel: String = "graphql_fields_total",
durationLabel: String = "graphql_fields_duration_seconds",
buckets: Histogram.Boundaries = defaultBuckets,
extraLabels: Set[MetricLabel] = Set.empty
): EffectfulWrapper[Any] =
Wrapper.EffectfulWrapper { { clock =>
val timings = new AtomicReference(List.empty[Timing])
val failures = new AtomicReference(List.empty[String])
val metrics = new Metrics(totalLabel, durationLabel, buckets, extraLabels)
overallWrapper(timings, failures, metrics) |+| fieldWrapper(clock.unsafe, timings, failures)
private def overallWrapper(
timings: AtomicReference[List[Timing]],
failures: AtomicReference[List[String]],
metrics: Metrics
): OverallWrapper[Any] =
new OverallWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1](
process: GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
(request: GraphQLRequest) =>
process(request) <*
(for {
_ <- ZIO.suspendSucceed(metrics.recordFailures(failures.get))
ts <- ZIO.succeed(timings.get)
nodeOffsets = resolveNodeOffsets(ts)
_ <- metrics.recordSuccesses(nodeOffsets, ts)
} yield ()).forkDaemon
private def resolveNodeOffsets(timings: List[Timing]): Map[Vector[PathValue], Long] = {
val map = new java.util.HashMap[Vector[PathValue], Long]()
val nil = Nil
var remaining = timings
while (remaining ne nil) {
val t = remaining.head
val iter = t.path.inits
val duration = t.duration
var continue = true
while (continue) {
val segment =
if (!iter.hasNext) {
continue = false // Last element of `.inits` is an empty list
} else if (segment.last.isKey) { // List indices are not fields so we don't care about recording their offset
(_, v) =>
if (v >= duration) {
continue = false // We know that any subsequent segments will have a smaller offset
} else duration
remaining = remaining.tail
private def fieldWrapper(
clock: Clock#UnsafeAPI,
timings: AtomicReference[List[Timing]],
failures: AtomicReference[List[String]]
): Wrapper.FieldWrapper[Any] =
new Wrapper.FieldWrapper[Any] {
import caliban.implicits.unsafe
def wrap[R](
query: ZQuery[R, CalibanError.ExecutionError, ResponseValue],
info: FieldInfo
): ZQuery[R, CalibanError.ExecutionError, ResponseValue] = {
def fieldName: String = {
val parent = info.parent.flatMap("Unknown")
val name =
new StringBuilder(name.length + parent.length + 1).append(parent).append('.').append(name).result()
def makeTiming(duration: Long) =
name =,
path = info.path.reverse.toVector,
fullName = fieldName,
duration = duration
ZQuery.suspend {
val st = clock.nanoTime()
e => {
val _ = failures.updateAndGet(fieldName :: _)
result =>
ZQuery.succeed {
val t = makeTiming(clock.nanoTime() - st)
val _ = timings.updateAndGet(t :: _)