caliban.wrappers.IncrementalDelivery.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.wrappers
import caliban.execution.{ ExecutionRequest, Feature }
import caliban.introspection.adt.{ __Directive, __Type }
import caliban.parsing.adt.Definition.ExecutableDefinition.FragmentDefinition
import caliban.parsing.adt.Selection.{ Field, FragmentSpread, InlineFragment }
import caliban.parsing.adt._
import caliban.validation.ValidationOps.validateAllDiscard
import caliban.validation.Validator.{ failValidation, QueryValidation }
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.ValidationWrapper
import caliban._
import zio.ZIO
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
object IncrementalDelivery {
lazy val defer: GraphQLAspect[Nothing, Any] = aspect(Feature.Defer)
lazy val stream: GraphQLAspect[Nothing, Any] = aspect(Feature.Stream)
lazy val all: GraphQLAspect[Nothing, Any] = aspect(Feature.Defer, Feature.Stream)
def aspect(feature: Feature, others: Feature*): GraphQLAspect[Nothing, Any] = new GraphQLAspect[Nothing, Any] {
private val featureSet = Set(feature) ++ others
private val directiveList = {
val directives = List.newBuilder[__Directive]
for { f <- featureSet } directives ++= f.directives
private val flags = featureSet.foldLeft(0)(_ | _.mask)
override def apply[R](gql: GraphQL[R]): GraphQL[R] =
private val onlyTopLevelQuery: Feature.Flags => QueryValidation = flags =>
context => {
def matches(name: String): Boolean =
(Feature.isStreamEnabled(flags) && name == Directives.Stream) ||
(Feature.isDeferEnabled(flags) && name == Directives.Defer)
def hasStreamOrDirective(selection: List[Selection]): Boolean =
selection match {
case Selection.Field(_, _, _, directives, _, _) :: rest =>
directives.exists(d => matches( || hasStreamOrDirective(rest)
case Selection.InlineFragment(_, _, selectionSet) :: rest =>
hasStreamOrDirective(rest ++ selectionSet)
case Selection.FragmentSpread(name, _) :: rest =>
hasStreamOrDirective(rest ++ context.fragments(name).selectionSet)
case Nil => false
validateAllDiscard(context.operations) { op =>
if (op.operationType != OperationType.Query && hasStreamOrDirective(op.selectionSet)) {
"Stream or defer directive was used on a root field in a mutation or subscription",
"Defer and stream may not be used on root fields of mutations or subscriptions"
} else {
private val appearsOnlyOnLists: QueryValidation = context => {
val checked: mutable.Set[(String, Option[String])] = mutable.Set.empty
def validateFields(selectionSet: List[Selection], currentType: __Type): Either[CalibanError.ValidationError, Unit] =
validateAllDiscard(selectionSet) {
case f: Field =>
validateField(f, currentType)
case FragmentSpread(name, directives) =>
if (directives.exists( == Directives.Stream))
Left(CalibanError.ValidationError("Stream directive was used on a fragment spread", ""))
else {
context.fragments.getOrElse(name, null) match {
case null => Left(CalibanError.ValidationError(s"Fragment $name not found", ""))
case fragment if checked.add((name, =>
validateSpread(fragment, currentType)
case _ => Right(())
case InlineFragment(typeCondition, dirs, selectionSet) =>
if (dirs.exists( == Directives.Stream))
Left(CalibanError.ValidationError("Stream directive was used on an inline fragment", ""))
else {
if (typeCondition.exists(
validateFields(selectionSet, currentType)
else Right(())
def validateSpread(fragment: FragmentDefinition, currentType: __Type): Either[CalibanError.ValidationError, Unit] =
validateFields(fragment.selectionSet, currentType)
def validateField(field: Field, currentType: __Type): Either[CalibanError.ValidationError, Unit] = {
val selected = currentType.allFields.find( ==
selected.isDefined && !selected.get._type.isList && field.directives.forall( != Directives.Stream),
CalibanError.ValidationError("Stream directive was used on a non-list field", "")
validateAllDiscard(context.operations) { op =>
op.operationType match {
case OperationType.Query =>
validateFields(op.selectionSet, context.rootType.queryType)
case OperationType.Mutation =>
context.rootType.mutationType.fold[Either[CalibanError.ValidationError, Unit]](
failValidation("Mutation operations are not supported on this schema.", "")
)(validateFields(op.selectionSet, _))
case OperationType.Subscription =>
context.rootType.subscriptionType.fold[Either[CalibanError.ValidationError, Unit]](
failValidation("Subscription operations are not supported on this schema.", "")
)(validateFields(op.selectionSet, _))
private val uniqueLabels: Feature.Flags => QueryValidation = flags =>
context => {
val labels = mutable.Set[String]()
def extractLabel(directives: List[Directive], directiveName: String): Option[InputValue] =
directives.collectFirst {
case d if == directiveName =>
def isLabelUnique(label: Option[InputValue]): Boolean = label.forall {
case Value.StringValue(value) => labels.add(value)
case _ => true
def allLabelsUnique(selections: List[Selection]): Boolean = selections match {
case Selection.Field(_, _, _, directives, children, _) :: rest if Feature.isStreamEnabled(flags) =>
val label = extractLabel(directives, Directives.Stream)
isLabelUnique(label) && allLabelsUnique(rest ++ children)
case Selection.InlineFragment(_, directives, selectionSet) :: rest if Feature.isDeferEnabled(flags) =>
val label = extractLabel(directives, Directives.Defer)
isLabelUnique(label) && allLabelsUnique(rest ++ selectionSet)
case Selection.FragmentSpread(name, directives) :: rest if Feature.isDeferEnabled(flags) =>
val label = extractLabel(directives, Directives.Defer)
isLabelUnique(label) && allLabelsUnique(rest ++ context.fragments(name).selectionSet)
case _ => true
if (!allLabelsUnique(context.operations.flatMap(_.selectionSet))) {
Left(CalibanError.ValidationError("Stream and defer directive labels must be unique", ""))
} else {
private def additionalValidations(features: Feature.Flags) = {
val streamValidations =
if (Feature.isStreamEnabled(features)) List(appearsOnlyOnLists) else Nil
List(onlyTopLevelQuery(features), uniqueLabels(features)) ++ streamValidations
private def withValidations(features: Feature.Flags): Wrapper[Any] = new ValidationWrapper[Any] {
private val validations = additionalValidations(features)
override def wrap[R1 <: Any](
f: Document => ZIO[R1, CalibanError.ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, CalibanError.ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] = { doc =>
.locallyWith(config => config.copy(validations = config.validations ++ validations))(f(doc))