caliban.wrappers.Wrappers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.wrappers
import caliban.CalibanError.{ ExecutionError, ValidationError }
import caliban.Value.NullValue
import caliban.execution.{ ExecutionRequest, Field, FieldInfo }
import caliban.parsing.adt.{ Directive, Document }
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.{ FieldWrapper, OverallWrapper, ValidationWrapper }
import caliban._
import zio.Console.{ printLine, printLineError }
import zio._
import zio.metrics.MetricKeyType.Histogram
import zio.metrics.MetricLabel
import zio.query.ZQuery
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Wrappers {
* Returns a wrapper that prints errors to the console
lazy val printErrors: OverallWrapper[Any] =
new OverallWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1](
process: GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
request =>
process(request).tap { response =>
val errors = response.errors
if (errors.nonEmpty) printLineError(errors.flatMap(prettyStackStrace).mkString("", "\n", "\n")).orDie
else Exit.unit
private def prettyStackStrace(t: Throwable): Chunk[String] = {
@tailrec def go(acc: Chunk[String], t: Throwable): Chunk[String] =
if (t == null) acc
else go(acc ++ (t.toString +: Chunk.fromArray(t.getStackTrace).map("\tat " + _.toString)), t.getCause)
go(Chunk(""), t)
* Returns a wrapper that prints slow queries
* @param duration threshold above which queries are considered slow
def printSlowQueries(duration: Duration): OverallWrapper[Any] =
onSlowQueries(duration) { case (time, query) => printLine(s"Slow query took ${time.render}:\n$query").orDie }
* Returns a wrapper that logs slow queries
* @param duration threshold above which queries are considered slow
def logSlowQueries(duration: Duration): OverallWrapper[Any] =
onSlowQueries(duration) { case (time, query) =>
ZIO.logAnnotate("query", query) {
ZIO.logWarning(s"Slow query took ${time.render}")
* Returns a wrapper that runs a given function in case of slow queries
* @param duration threshold above which queries are considered slow
def onSlowQueries[R](duration: Duration)(f: (Duration, String) => URIO[R, Any]): OverallWrapper[R] =
new OverallWrapper[R] {
def wrap[R1 <: R](
process: GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
(request: GraphQLRequest) =>
process(request).timed.flatMap { case (time, res) =>
if (time > duration) f(time, request.query.getOrElse("")).as(res)
else Exit.succeed(res)
* Returns a wrapper that times out queries taking more than a specified time.
* @param duration threshold above which queries should be timed out
def timeout(duration: Duration): OverallWrapper[Any] =
new OverallWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1](
process: GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R1, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] =
(request: GraphQLRequest) =>
s"Query was interrupted after timeout of ${duration.render}:\n${request.query.getOrElse("")}"
* Returns a wrapper that checks that the query's depth is under a given max
* @param maxDepth the max allowed depth
def maxDepth(maxDepth: Int): ValidationWrapper[Any] =
new ValidationWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1 <: Any](
process: Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
(doc: Document) =>
process(doc).tap { req =>
ZIO.unlessZIODiscard(Configurator.skipValidation) {
val depth = calculateDepth(req.field)
if (depth > maxDepth)"Query is too deep: $depth. Max depth: $maxDepth.", ""))
else Exit.unit
private def calculateDepth(field: Field): Int = {
// Faster because it doesn't allocate a new list on each iteration but not stack-safe
def loopUnsafe(field: Field, currentDepth: Int): Int = {
var children = field.fields
var max = currentDepth
while (children ne Nil) {
val d = loopUnsafe(children.head, currentDepth + 1)
if (d > max) max = d
children = children.tail
def loopSafe(fields: List[Field], currentDepth: Int): Int =
if (fields.isEmpty) currentDepth
else loopSafe(fields.flatMap(_.fields), currentDepth + 1)
try loopUnsafe(field, 0)
catch {
case _: StackOverflowError => loopSafe(field.fields, 0)
* Returns a wrapper that checks that the query has a limited number of fields
* @param maxFields the max allowed number of fields
def maxFields(maxFields: Int): ValidationWrapper[Any] =
new ValidationWrapper[Any] {
def wrap[R1 <: Any](
process: Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R1, ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] =
(doc: Document) =>
process(doc).tap { req =>
ZIO.unlessZIODiscard(Configurator.skipValidation) {
val fields = countFields(req.field)
if (fields > maxFields)"Query has too many fields: $fields. Max fields: $maxFields.", ""))
else Exit.unit
* Returns a wrapper that adds field metrics to the query
* @param totalLabel the name of the total fields metric
* @param durationLabel the name of the duration metric
* @param buckets the buckets to use for the duration metric
* @param extraLabels extra labels to add to the metrics
def metrics(
totalLabel: String = "graphql_fields_total",
durationLabel: String = "graphql_fields_duration_seconds",
buckets: Histogram.Boundaries = FieldMetrics.defaultBuckets,
extraLabels: Set[MetricLabel] = Set.empty
): Wrapper.EffectfulWrapper[Any] =
FieldMetrics.wrapper(totalLabel, durationLabel, buckets, extraLabels)
private def countFields(rootField: Field): Int = {
// Faster because it doesn't allocate a new list on each iteration but not stack-safe
def loopUnsafe(field: Field): Int = {
val iter = field.fields.iterator
var count = 0
while (iter.hasNext) {
val f =
count += loopUnsafe(f) + 1
def loopSafe(fields: List[Field], acc: Int): Int =
if (fields.isEmpty) acc
else loopSafe(fields.flatMap(_.fields), acc + fields.length)
try loopUnsafe(rootField)
catch {
case _: StackOverflowError => loopSafe(rootField.fields, 0)
* Returns a wrapper that check directives on fields and can potentially fail the query
* @param check a function from directives to a ZIO that can fail
* @param excludePureFields if true, pure fields will not be checked
def checkDirectives[R](
check: List[Directive] => ZIO[R, ExecutionError, Unit],
excludePureFields: Boolean = true
): FieldWrapper[R] =
new FieldWrapper[R](wrapPureValues = !excludePureFields) {
def wrap[R1 <: R](
query: ZQuery[R1, ExecutionError, ResponseValue],
info: FieldInfo
): ZQuery[R1, ExecutionError, ResponseValue] = {
val directives = info.parent
.flatMap(_.getFieldOrNull( match {
case null => None
case f => f.directives
ZQuery.fromZIONow(check(directives)) *> query