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com.github.goldin.plugins.jenkins.JenkinsMojo.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.goldin.plugins.jenkins
import static com.github.goldin.plugins.common.GMojoUtils.*
import com.github.goldin.plugins.common.BaseGroovyMojo
import org.gcontracts.annotations.Ensures
import org.gcontracts.annotations.Requires
import org.jfrog.maven.annomojo.annotations.MojoGoal
import org.jfrog.maven.annomojo.annotations.MojoParameter
import org.jfrog.maven.annomojo.annotations.MojoPhase
* Plugin that creates Jenkins config files to define new build projects
@MojoGoal ( 'generate' )
@MojoPhase ( 'compile' )
@SuppressWarnings( [ 'StatelessClass', 'UnnecessaryPublicModifier', 'PublicInstanceField', 'NonFinalPublicField' ] )
class JenkinsMojo extends BaseGroovyMojo
@MojoParameter ( required = true )
public String jenkinsUrl
public String jenkinsUrl() { verify().notNullOrEmpty( this.jenkinsUrl ) }
@MojoParameter ( required = true )
public String generationPom
public String generationPom() { verify().notNullOrEmpty( this.generationPom ) }
@MojoParameter ( required = true, defaultValue = '${}' )
public File outputDirectory
* When no repository local path is specified - the remote one starting from this value is used
* For example: for remote repository ""
* and svnRepositoryLocalBase "svn"
* local repo path will be "svn/trunk/"
@MojoParameter ( required = false )
public String svnRepositoryLocalBase = 'svn'
@MojoParameter ( required = false )
public String endOfLine = 'windows'
@MojoParameter ( required = false )
public boolean timestamp = true
@MojoParameter ( required = false )
public String timestampFormat = 'MMMM dd, yyyy (HH:mm:ss, \'GMT\'Z)'
public Job[] jobs
public Job job
private List jobs() { general().list(, this.job ) }
void doExecute ()
int jobNamePad = 0; // Number of characters to pad the job name, when logged
int jobParentPad = 0; // Number of characters to pad the job parent, when logged
def jobParent = { Job job -> job.parent ? "${ job.parent } " : 'No ' }
Collection jobs = configureJobs( jenkinsUrl(), generationPom(), svnRepositoryLocalBase )
* Verifying job's state and calculating logging pads
for ( job in jobs )
jobNamePad = Math.max( jobNamePad, job.toString().size())
jobParentPad = Math.max( jobParentPad, jobParent( job ).size())
* Generating config files
for ( job in jobs )
String configPath = ''
if ( job.isAbstract )
configPath = "${ job } is abstract"
File configFile = new File( outputDirectory, "${ }/config.xml" )
configPath = configFile.canonicalPath.replace( '\\', '/' )
def timestamp = timestamp ? 'on ' + new Date().format( timestampFormat ) : null
def config = makeTemplate( '/config.xml', [ job : job, timestamp : timestamp ], endOfLine, true )
Node rootNode = verify().notNull( new XmlParser().parseText( config ))
file().mkdirs( configFile.parentFile )
if ( job.process )
def printer = new XmlNodePrinter( configFile.newPrintWriter( 'UTF-8' ))
printer.preserveWhitespace = true
String expression = job.process.trim().with {
endsWith( '.groovy' ) ? verify().file( new File(( String ) delegate )).getText( 'UTF-8' ) : delegate
eval( expression, null, null, 'config', config, 'node', rootNode, 'file', configFile )
printer.print( rootNode )
configFile.write( config, 'UTF-8' )
verify().file( configFile )
assert configPath "${ job.toString().padRight( jobNamePad ) } ${ jobParent( job ).padRight( jobParentPad ) } ==> [${ configPath }]" )
* Reads all jobs specified and configures them.
* Verifies that no job is defined more than once and all jobs referenced
* (via and ) are defined. Also, when job extends another job
* (with ) - it's construction is completed using a job.
* Returns a mapping of "job ID" => job itself.
@Requires({ jenkinsUrl && generationPom && svnRepositoryLocalBase })
private Collection configureJobs ( String jenkinsUrl, String generationPom, String svnRepositoryLocalBase )
Map allJobs = [:]
* - Reading all jobs,
* - Building allJobs[] map
* - Updating job's "Jenkins URL" and "generation POM" properties
* - For each repository - setting it's "local" part
* (most of the time it is omitted by user since it can be calculated from "remote" part)
for ( job in jobs())
Job prevJob = allJobs.put(, job )
assert ( ! prevJob ), "[$job] is defined more than once"
job.jenkinsUrl = jenkinsUrl
job.generationPom = generationPom
for ( repo in job.repositories())
repo.remote = verify().notNullOrEmpty( repo.remote ).replaceAll( '/$', '' ) // Trimming trailing '/'
assert ( ! ( verify().notNullOrEmpty( repo.remote )).endsWith( '/' ))
if (( ! repo.local ) && ( repo.svn ))
int index = repo.remote.lastIndexOf( svnRepositoryLocalBase )
if ( index < 0 ) { index = repo.remote.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 } // last path chunk
assert ( index > 0 )
repo.local = verify().notNullOrEmpty( repo.remote.substring( index ))
for( job in jobs())
* "Extending" each job with a jobs or with default values
job.extend( job.parent ? composeJob( allJobs, job.parent ) : new Job())
* Whether job's parent is a real or an abstract one
job.parentIsReal = ( job.parent && ( ! allJobs[ job.parent ].isAbstract ))
if ( job.mavenGoals && ( job.jobType == Job.JobType.maven ))
{ /**
* Top-level "base" job may have no maven goals set and it has nowhere to "inherit" it from
* Verifying all jobs invoked are defined
for ( invokedJobId in job.invoke?.jobsSplit )
assert allJobs[ invokedJobId ], "[$job] invokes job [$invokedJobId] but it's not defined. " +
"Defined jobs: ${ allJobs.keySet() }"
* Updating "Child Jobs" and "Invoked By" list
List childJobs = []
List invokedBy = []
for ( otherJob in jobs().findAll{ != } )
if ( otherJob.parent == ) { childJobs << otherJob }
if ( otherJob.invoke?.jobsSplit?.any{ it == } ) { invokedBy << otherJob }
job.childJobs = childJobs as Job[]
job.invokedBy = invokedBy as Job[]
* Composes one job from all "parent jobs" specified, separated with comma
* @param allJobs mapping of all existing jobs: job id => job instance
* @param parentJobs parent jobs to compose the result job from, separated with comma.
* Note: later jobs in the list are of higher priority, they override
* values set by earlier jobs!
* In "nightly, git" - "git" job is of higher priority and will override values
* set by "nightly" one
* @return composed job
@Requires({ allJobs && parentJobs })
@Ensures({ result })
private Job composeJob( Map allJobs, String parentJobs )
Job resultJob = null
if ( parentJobs.contains( ',' ))
{ /**
* Multiple inheritance - we need to compose an "aggregator" job from all "base" jobs
resultJob = new Job( id: "Composition of jobs [$parentJobs]" )
for ( parentJobId in split( parentJobs ))
Job parentJob = allJobs[ parentJobId ]
assert parentJob, "Parent job [$parentJobId] is undefined"
resultJob.extend( parentJob, true )
{ /**
* No multiple inheritance
resultJob = allJobs[ parentJobs ]
assert resultJob, "Parent job [$parentJobs] is undefined"