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com.github.grignaak.collections.CowHashMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.grignaak.collections;
import static java.lang.Integer.bitCount;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
* A hash-based copy-on-write map, where the get operation and the builder's put, update, and delete operations each
* take sub-linear (near-constant) time.
* Implementation notes
* This current implementation (subject to change) is a MEM-CHAMP variant of Bagwell's HAMT, a 32-way trie. In practice
* this means that structural happens at 32-entry chunks. We found this to utilize cache lines and also be a good
* balance in structural sharing.
public class CowHashMap implements CowMap {
* This implements the MEM-CHAMP variant of Bagwell's HAMT. It improves on
* other java implementations in several ways:
* - Deletion maintains a canonical format.
* - Children and nodes are kept separately; this both simplifies the
* code and removes type-checks whilst traversing the tree.
* - The number of node types is reduced to two: index node and hash
* collision node. This also simplifies the code significantly.
* - The hash codes of the entries are cached.
* - An empty root node is allowed, simplifying code even more.
* - Simpler code is faster code. The JIT can better handle simpler
* code.
* Hash Array Mapped Tries (HAMT, or Bagwell Tries)
* HAMT is essentially a 32-way trie on the key's hash code.
* HAMT splits the hash of a key into 5-bit segments Each level in the trie
* corresponds to one of these segments. The 5 bits of the hash represent the
* index into the array at that level. HAMT segments are read from least
* significant to most significant
* Take for example a given hash value of {@code 0x32389613}. Arranging
* the bits into groups of 5 yields {@code 00 11001 00011 10001 00101 10000 10011}
* in binary, which corresponds to the indices {@code 0 25 3 17 5 16 19}.
* Thus this key will be located at index 19 in the root level, 16 in the
* next level, then 5 on the third level, and so on.
* Empty nodes and those with only one value are inlined to its parent node.
* (The root node may be empty.) A 32-bit bitmap maintains the membership at
* each index. Furthermore, the arrays are densely packed.
* Finally, the data and the children are kept separately; but in the same
* array. The data comes first in the array, with keys and values alternating.
* The tail of the array contains the children.
* [ k v k v k v | N N ]
* / \
* [ k v | N ] [ k v k v ]
* \
* [ k v k v ]
* Each section in the array has its own bitmap: the dataMap and the nodeMap.
* The bits set in dataMap and nodeMap are mutually exclusive. The nodes in
* the array are kept in reverse order to reduce the required state.
* ------> <------
* [ k v k v k v | N N N N ]
* Most nodes in the trie are {@link BitmapIndexNode}s; the leaves may be
* {@link HashCollisionNode}s for handling keys with the same hash code
* Some invariants:
* - {@code transitiveSize >= 2*nodeArity + payloadArity}
* - if any node is editable then its parent node is also editable
private static final int TUPLE_LENGTH = 2;
private static final int BIT_PARTITION_SIZE = 5;
private static final int BIT_PARTITION_MASK = 0b11111;
static final BitmapIndexNode,?> EMPTY_NODE = new BitmapIndexNode<>(-1, 0, 0, new Object[0], new int[0]);
//region Nodes
* The inner node type; containing both data and children nodes.
static abstract class Node {
abstract Search findByKey(K key, int hash, int shift);
abstract Node put(long generation, K key, V value, int keyHash, int shift, Change change);
abstract Node remove(long generation, Object key, int keyHash, int shift, Change change);
abstract K keyAt(int index);
abstract V valueAt(int index);
Node nodeAt(int index) { throw new AssertionError("no nodes"); }
abstract int hashAt(int index);
abstract int payloadArity();
final boolean hasPayload() { return payloadArity() > 0; }
int nodeArity() { return 0; }
final boolean hasNodes() { return nodeArity() > 0; }
* In MEMCHAMP this is called the 'size predicate'
* @return x = 0, x = 1, or x > 1 when the node has 0, 1, or many transitive keys.
final int looseSize() {
if (nodeArity() != 0) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
return payloadArity();
* The core node of MEMCHAMP Bagwell tries.
static final class BitmapIndexNode extends Node {
protected long generation;
protected int nodeMap;
protected int dataMap;
private Object[] nodes;
private int[] hashes;
BitmapIndexNode(long generation, int nodeMap, int dataMap, Object[] nodes, int[] hashes) {
this.generation = generation;
this.nodeMap = nodeMap;
this.dataMap = dataMap;
this.nodes = nodes;
this.hashes = hashes;
public String toString() {
return "BIN{" +
"vs=" + Integer.toBinaryString(dataMap) +
",ns=" + Integer.toBinaryString(nodeMap) +
"," + Arrays.toString(nodes) +
@SuppressWarnings({"OverlyComplexMethod", "unused"})
private void checkNodeInvariants() {
int payloadArity = payloadArity();
int nodeArity = nodeArity();
int arity = payloadArity + nodeArity;
int sizePredicate = looseSize();
int size = computeTransitiveSize();
assert (nodeArity >= 0) && (payloadArity >= 0);
assert arity > 0 || sizePredicate == 0;
assert !(arity == 1 && payloadArity == 1) || sizePredicate == 1;
assert arity < 2 || sizePredicate > 1;
assert (size - payloadArity >= 2 * (arity - payloadArity));
int payloadSize = TUPLE_LENGTH * payloadArity;
assert payloadSize + nodeArity == nodes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < payloadSize; i++) {
assert !(nodes[i] instanceof Node,?>) : Arrays.toString(nodes);
for (int i = payloadSize; i < nodes.length; i++) {
assert nodes[i] instanceof Node,?> : Arrays.toString(nodes);
* The number of keys in this and all children nodes. Used by the node invariant check
private int computeTransitiveSize() {
Iterator iter = new SelfIter<>(this);
int size = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
return size;
* Check for equality of two nodes in canonical format.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof BitmapIndexNode,?>)) return false;
BitmapIndexNode,?> that = (BitmapIndexNode, ?>) obj;
return this.nodeMap == that.nodeMap &&
this.dataMap == that.dataMap &&
Arrays.equals(this.hashes, that.hashes) &&
Arrays.equals(this.nodes, that.nodes);
public Search findByKey(K key, int keyHash, int shift) {
final int mask = mask(keyHash, shift);
final int bitpos = bitpos(mask);
if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
// We've got a winner in the data section
final int index = dataIndex(bitpos);
final K curKey = keyAt(index);
final int curHash = hashes[index];
if (curHash == keyHash && Objects.equals(curKey, key)) {
return Search.found(valueAt(index));
} else {
return Search.notFound();
} else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
// our search goes to the children
Node child = nodeAtBitpos(bitpos);
return child.findByKey(key, keyHash, shift + BIT_PARTITION_SIZE);
} else {
return Search.notFound();
public BitmapIndexNode put(long generation, K key, V value, int keyHash, int shift, Change change) {
final int mask = mask(keyHash, shift);
final int bitpos = bitpos(mask);
if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
// We've got a winner in the data section.
final int index = dataIndex(bitpos);
final K curKey = keyAt(index);
final int curHash = hashes[index];
if (curHash == keyHash && Objects.equals(curKey, key)) {
return copyAndSetValue(generation, index, value);
} else {
return copyAndMigrateFromInlineToNode(generation, bitpos,
mergeTwoKeyValuePairs(generation, curKey, valueAt(index), hashes[index], key, value, keyHash, shift + BIT_PARTITION_SIZE));
} else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
Node oldChild = nodeAtBitpos(bitpos);
Node newChild = oldChild.put(generation, key, value, keyHash, shift+BIT_PARTITION_SIZE, change);
if (!change.isModified()) {
return this;
} else {
return copyAndSetNode(generation, bitpos, newChild);
} else {
// there is no value
return copyAndInsertValue(generation, bitpos, key, value, keyHash);
private BitmapIndexNode copyAndSetNode(long generation, int bitpos, Node child) {
final int index = nodes.length - 1 - nodeIndex(bitpos);
if (generation == this.generation) {
nodes[index] = child;
return this;
} else {
Object[] newNodes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndReplace(nodes, index, child);
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, nodeMap, dataMap, newNodes, hashes);
private BitmapIndexNode copyAndMigrateFromInlineToNode(long generation, int bitpos, Node childNode) {
final int index = dataIndex(bitpos);
int newChildIndex = nodes.length - nodeIndex(bitpos);
Object[] newNodes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndRemovePairAndInsert(nodes, TUPLE_LENGTH * index, newChildIndex, childNode);
int[] newHashes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndRemove(hashes, index);
int newNodeMap = this.nodeMap | bitpos;
int newDataMap = this.dataMap ^ bitpos;
if (generation == this.generation) {
this.nodeMap = newNodeMap;
this.dataMap = newDataMap;
this.nodes = newNodes;
this.hashes = newHashes;
return this;
} else {
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, newNodeMap, newDataMap, newNodes, newHashes);
private static Node mergeTwoKeyValuePairs(long generation, K key0, V value0, int keyHash0, K key1, V value1, int keyHash1, int shift) {
if (keyHash0 == keyHash1) {
HashCollisionNode collision = new HashCollisionNode(generation,
keyHash0, (K[]) new Object[]{key0, key1},
(V[]) new Object[]{value0, value1}
return collision;
int mask0 = mask(keyHash0, shift);
int mask1 = mask(keyHash1, shift);
if (mask0 != mask1) {
// The two nodes fit at the same level!
final int dataMap = bitpos(mask0) | bitpos(mask1);
if (mask0 < mask1) {
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, 0, dataMap,
new Object[] { key0, value0, key1, value1 },
new int[] { keyHash0, keyHash1 });
} else {
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, 0, dataMap,
new Object[] { key1, value1, key0, value0 },
new int[] { keyHash1, keyHash0 });
} else {
Node child = mergeTwoKeyValuePairs(generation, key0, value0, keyHash0, key1, value1, keyHash1, shift + BIT_PARTITION_SIZE);
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, bitpos(mask0), 0, new Object[]{child}, new int[0]);
BitmapIndexNode remove(long generation, Object key, int keyHash, int shift, Change change) {
final int mask = mask(keyHash, shift);
final int bitpos = bitpos(mask);
if ((dataMap & bitpos) != 0) {
// it's in the data section!
final int index = dataIndex(bitpos);
final int curHash = hashes[index];
if (curHash == keyHash && Objects.equals(keyAt(index), key)) {
return copyAndRemoveKeyValuePair(generation, bitpos);
} else {
// not found :(
return this;
} else if ((nodeMap & bitpos) != 0) {
// it's in the children!
Node child = nodeAt(nodeIndex(bitpos));
Node newChild = child.remove(generation, key, keyHash, shift + BIT_PARTITION_SIZE, change);
if (!change.isModified()) {
return this;
} else if (newChild.looseSize() == 1) {
// The new child only has a single key-value pair
return copyAndMigrateFromNodeToInline(generation, bitpos, newChild);
} else {
return copyAndSetNode(generation, bitpos, newChild);
} else {
// not found :(
return this;
private BitmapIndexNode copyAndMigrateFromNodeToInline(long generation, int bitpos, Node child) {
final K key = child.keyAt(0);
final V value = child.valueAt(0);
final int hash = child.hashAt(0);
final int dataIndex = dataIndex(bitpos);
final int nodeIndex = nodes.length - 1 - nodeIndex(bitpos);
Object[] newNodes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndInsertPairAndRemove(nodes, TUPLE_LENGTH * dataIndex, key, value, nodeIndex);
int[] newHashes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndInsert(hashes, dataIndex, hash);
int newDataMap = dataMap | bitpos;
int newNodeMap = nodeMap ^ bitpos;
if (generation == this.generation) {
this.nodes = newNodes;
this.hashes = newHashes;
this.dataMap = newDataMap;
this.nodeMap = newNodeMap;
return this;
} else {
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, newNodeMap, newDataMap, newNodes, newHashes);
private BitmapIndexNode copyAndRemoveKeyValuePair(long generation, int bitpos) {
final int index = dataIndex(bitpos);
Object[] newNodes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndRemovePair(nodes, TUPLE_LENGTH * index);
int[] newHashes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndRemove(hashes, index);
int newDataMap = dataMap ^ bitpos;
if (generation == this.generation) {
this.dataMap = newDataMap;
this.nodes = newNodes;
this.hashes = newHashes;
return this;
} else {
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, nodeMap, newDataMap, newNodes, newHashes);
private BitmapIndexNode copyAndSetValue(long generation, int index, V value) {
int valueIndex = TUPLE_LENGTH * index + 1;
if (this.generation == generation) {
nodes[(valueIndex)] = value;
return this;
} else {
Object[] newNodes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndReplace(nodes, valueIndex, value);
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, nodeMap, dataMap, newNodes, hashes);
private BitmapIndexNode copyAndInsertValue(long generation, int bitpos, K key, V value, int hash) {
final int index = dataIndex(bitpos);
final Object[] newNodes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndInsert(nodes, TUPLE_LENGTH * index, key, value);
final int[] newhashes = MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndInsert(hashes, index, hash);
if (generation == this.generation) {
this.nodes = newNodes;
this.dataMap |= bitpos;
this.hashes = newhashes;
return this;
} else {
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation, nodeMap, (dataMap | bitpos), newNodes, newhashes);
K keyAt(int index) {
return (K) nodes[TUPLE_LENGTH * index];
V valueAt(int index) {
return (V) nodes[(TUPLE_LENGTH * index) + 1];
int hashAt(int index) {
return hashes[index];
Node nodeAt(int index) {
return (Node) nodes[nodes.length - 1 - index];
private Node nodeAtBitpos(int bitpos) {
return nodeAt(nodeIndex(bitpos));
* Where in the array the data is, given its bitpos
* The key is at (index*2) and the value at (index*2 + 1)
private int dataIndex(int bitpos) {
return bitCount(dataMap & (bitpos - 1));
* Where in the array the node is, given its bitpos
* The node is at (nodes.length - index - 1)
private int nodeIndex(int bitpos) {
return bitCount(nodeMap & (bitpos - 1));
public int payloadArity() {
return bitCount(dataMap);
public int nodeArity() {
return bitCount(nodeMap);
private static class HashCollisionNode extends Node {
private final long generation;
private K[] keys;
private V[] values;
private int keyHash;
public HashCollisionNode(long generation, int keyHash, K[] keys, V[] values) {
this.generation = generation;
this.keys = keys;
this.values = values;
this.keyHash = keyHash;
public String toString() {
return "HCN{" +
"ks=" + Arrays.toString(keys) +
",vs=" + Arrays.toString(values) +
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof HashCollisionNode,?>)) return false;
HashCollisionNode,?> that = (HashCollisionNode, ?>) obj;
if (this.keyHash != that.keyHash || this.payloadArity() != that.payloadArity())
return false;
// These aren't stored in any order so a linear scan must do it.
for (int i = 0, sz = keys.length; i < sz; i++) {
Object key = that.keys[i];
Object value = that.values[i];
for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++) {
if (Objects.equals(keys[i], key) && Objects.equals(values[i], value))
continue loop;
return false;
return true;
Node put(long generation, K key, V value, int keyHash, int shift, Change change) {
if (keyHash != this.keyHash) {
// This is a squashed node and the key doesn't belong!
// Add this as a child of a new node.
return new BitmapIndexNode<>(generation,
bitpos(this.keyHash, shift), bitpos(keyHash, shift),
new Object[] { key, value, this },
new int[] { keyHash });
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (Objects.equals(key, keys[i])) {
return copyAndReplaceValue(generation, value, i);
return copyAndAppendValue(generation, key, value);
Node remove(long generation, Object key, int keyHash, int shift, Change change) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (Objects.equals(key, keys[i])) {
return copyAndRemoveValue(generation, i);
// not found :(
return this;
private Node copyAndAppendValue(long generation, K key, V value) {
K[] newKeys = (K[]) MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndInsert(keys, keys.length, key);
V[] newValues = (V[]) MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndInsert(values, values.length, value);
if (generation == this.generation) {
keys = newKeys;
values = newValues;
return this;
} else {
return new HashCollisionNode<>(generation, keyHash, newKeys, newValues);
private Node copyAndReplaceValue(long generation, V value, int index) {
if (generation == this.generation) {
values[index] = value;
return this;
} else {
V[] newValues = (V[]) MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndReplace(values, index, value);
return new HashCollisionNode<>(generation, keyHash, keys.clone(), newValues);
private Node copyAndRemoveValue(long generation, int index) {
K[] newKeys = (K[]) MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndRemove(keys, index);
V[] newValues = (V[]) MoreArrays.arrayCopyAndRemove(values, index);
if (generation == this.generation) {
keys = newKeys;
values = newValues;
return this;
} else {
return new HashCollisionNode<>(generation, keyHash, newKeys, newValues);
Search findByKey(K key, int hash, int shift) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (Objects.equals(key, keys[i])) {
return Search.found(values[i]);
return Search.notFound();
K keyAt(int index) {
return keys[index];
V valueAt(int index) {
return values[index];
int hashAt(int index) {
return keyHash;
int payloadArity() {
return keys.length;
//region Iterators
* The base iterator. It traverses level by level. When it reaches a node,
* it iterates through all the values and then all the children nodes.
* It keeps a stack of unfinished nodes; visiting in depth-first order.
* If the current payload node has child nodes, it is on the top of the stack.
private static abstract class Iter implements Iterator {
private static final Object NOT_DELETABLE = new Object();
* 32 bits at 5 bits per level gives 7 maximum levels. This happens whenever
* there are two values with the same hash.
private static final int MAX_DEPTH = 7;
/** The current node that has partially-traversed payload. */
protected Node payloadNode;
/** cached {@link Node#payloadArity()} */
protected int curPayloadArity;
protected int curPayloadIndex;
Node[] parentStack = new Node[MAX_DEPTH];
private final int[] nodeCursorsAndLengths = new int[MAX_DEPTH * 2];
private int curStackLevel = -1;
Iter(BitmapIndexNode rootNode) {
if (rootNode.hasNodes()) {
curStackLevel = 0;
parentStack[0] = rootNode;
nodeCursorsAndLengths[0] = 0;
nodeCursorsAndLengths[1] = rootNode.nodeArity();
if (rootNode.hasPayload()) {
payloadNode = rootNode;
curPayloadIndex = 0;
curPayloadArity = rootNode.payloadArity();
public boolean hasNext() {
// We always iterate over values first, and then search the children
if (curPayloadIndex < curPayloadArity) {
return true;
} else {
return searchForValueNode();
* Depth-first search through children nodes until we find a node with
* a payload. If the payload node also has children it should be the top
* of the stack.
private boolean searchForValueNode() {
while (curStackLevel >= 0) {
final int cursor = curStackLevel * 2;
final int nodeIndex = nodeCursorsAndLengths[cursor];
final int nodeLength = nodeCursorsAndLengths[cursor + 1];
if (nodeIndex == nodeLength) {
// got to the next index
final Node nextNode = parentStack[curStackLevel].nodeAt(nodeIndex);
if (nextNode.hasNodes()) {
// put node on next stack level for depth-first traversal
final int nextStackLevel = ++curStackLevel;
final int nextCursor = nextStackLevel * 2;
parentStack[nextStackLevel] = nextNode;
nodeCursorsAndLengths[nextCursor] = 0;
nodeCursorsAndLengths[(nextCursor + 1)] = nextNode.nodeArity();
if (nextNode.hasPayload()) {
payloadNode = nextNode;
curPayloadIndex = 0;
curPayloadArity = nextNode.payloadArity();
return true;
return false;
Object lastKey = NOT_DELETABLE;
private int lastHash;
public T next() {
if (hasNext()) {
K key = payloadNode.keyAt(curPayloadIndex);
V value = payloadNode.valueAt(curPayloadIndex);
lastKey = key;
lastHash = payloadNode.hashAt(curPayloadIndex);
return fetchValue(key, value);
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Passed end of iteration");
protected abstract T fetchValue(K key, V value);
public void remove() {
if (lastKey == NOT_DELETABLE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The value has already been deleted or the iteration hasn't started");
} else {
K key = (K) lastKey;
remove(key, lastHash);
protected void remove(K key, int keyHash) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove is not supported"); }
* Use this to get the keys & values internally b/c it doesn't create new entry
* objects for every element.
static class SelfIter extends Iter {
V lastValue = null;
SelfIter(BitmapIndexNode rootNode) {
protected Void fetchValue(K key, V value) {
lastValue = value;
return null;
protected BitmapIndexNode root;
protected int size;
public CowHashMap() {
//noinspection unchecked
this(EMPTY_NODE.generation + 1, (BitmapIndexNode) EMPTY_NODE, 0);
private CowHashMap(long generation, BitmapIndexNode root, int size) {
this.generation = generation;
this.root = root;
this.size = size;
//region Map implementation
public void forEach(BiConsumer super K, ? super V> action) {
SelfIter it = new SelfIter<>(root);
while (it.hasNext()) {
action.accept((K)it.lastKey, it.lastValue);
public String toString() {
if (isEmpty()) return "{}";
SelfIter it = new SelfIter<>(root);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("{");
while (true) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
b.append(", ");
} else {
return b.toString();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) return true;
if (!(other instanceof Map,?>)) return false;
Map,?> map = (Map, ?>) other;
if (map.size() != this.size()) return false;
if (other instanceof CowHashMap,?>) {
CowHashMap, ?> that = (CowHashMap, ?>) map;
return this.root.equals(that.root);
} else {
return equalsMap(map);
private boolean equalsMap(Map, ?> that) {
SelfIter it = new SelfIter<>(root);
while (it.hasNext()) {
K key = (K) it.lastKey;
V value = it.lastValue;
if (value == null) {
if (that.get(key) != null || !containsKey(key))
return false;
} else {
if (!value.equals(that.get(key)))
return false;
return true;
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
public void putAll(Map extends K, ? extends V> m) {
public boolean containsKey(Object o) {
K key = (K) o;
Search search = root.findByKey(key, Objects.hashCode(key), 0);
return search.isFound();
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
if (value != null) {
for (V cur : values()) {
if (value.equals(cur))
return true;
} else {
for (V cur : values()) {
if (cur == null)
return true;
return false;
public V get(Object o) {
K key = (K) o;
Search search = root.findByKey(key, Objects.hashCode(key), 0);
return search.value();
public V remove(Object key) {
return removeKey(key, Objects.hashCode(key)).getAndClear();
//region Views
private transient Set> entries;
public Set> entrySet() {
class EntrySet extends AbstractSet> {
public Iterator> iterator() {
return new Iter>(root) {
@Override protected Entry fetchValue(K key, V value) { return new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, value); }
@Override protected void remove(K key, int keyHash) { removeKey(key, keyHash).isModifiedAndClear(); }
public int size() {
return size;
if (entries != null)
return entries;
return (entries = new EntrySet());
private transient Set keys;
public Set keySet() {
class KeySet extends AbstractSet {
@Override public void clear() { CowHashMap.this.clear(); }
@Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return containsKey(o); }
@Override public int size() { return size; }
@Override public boolean remove(Object o) { return removeKey(o, Objects.hashCode(o)).isModifiedAndClear(); }
@Override public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iter(root) {
@Override protected K fetchValue(K key, V value) { return key; }
@Override protected void remove(K key, int keyHash) { removeKey(key, keyHash).isModifiedAndClear(); }
return keys != null ? keys : (keys = new KeySet());
private transient Collection values;
public Collection values() {
class ValueCollection extends AbstractCollection {
@Override public int size() { return size; }
@Override public void clear() { super.clear(); }
public Iterator iterator() {
return new Iter(root) {
@Override protected V fetchValue(K key, V value) { return value; }
@Override protected void remove(K key, int keyHash) { removeKey(key, keyHash).isModifiedAndClear(); }
return values != null ? values : (values = new ValueCollection());
//region Utility methods
static int mask(final int keyHash, final int shift) {
return (keyHash >>> shift) & BIT_PARTITION_MASK;
static int bitpos(final int mask) {
return 1 << mask;
static int bitpos(final int keyhash, final int shift) {
return bitpos(mask(keyhash, shift));
//region Migration from old style
// TODO reorganize
public int hashCode() {
int hash = size;
SelfIter,?> it = new SelfIter<>(root);
while(it.hasNext()) {
hash += Objects.hashCode(it.lastKey) ^ Objects.hashCode(it.lastValue);
return hash;
private long generation;
* Likely a lot of change going on so this is re-used.
* Use the getAndClear and isModifiedAndClear methods.
private final Change change = new Change<>();
public V put(K key, V value) {
int keyHash = Objects.hashCode(key);
root = root.put(generation, key, value, keyHash, 0, change);
if (change.isModified() && !change.isReplaced()) {
return change.getAndClear();
public void clear() {
this.size = 0;
this.root = (BitmapIndexNode) EMPTY_NODE;
protected Change removeKey(Object key, int keyHash) {
root = root.remove(generation, key, keyHash, 0, change);
if (change.isModified()) {
return change;
public CowHashMap fork() {
return new CowHashMap<>(++generation, root, size);