fr.acinq.eclair.MilliSatoshi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2019 ACINQ SAS
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package fr.acinq.eclair
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{Btc, BtcAmount, MilliBtc, Satoshi, btc2satoshi, millibtc2satoshi}
* Created by t-bast on 22/08/2019.
* One MilliSatoshi is a thousand of a Satoshi, the smallest unit usable in bitcoin
case class MilliSatoshi(private val underlying: Long) extends Ordered[MilliSatoshi] {
// @formatter:off
def +(other: MilliSatoshi) = MilliSatoshi(underlying + other.underlying)
def +(other: BtcAmount) = MilliSatoshi(underlying + other.toMilliSatoshi.underlying)
def -(other: MilliSatoshi) = MilliSatoshi(underlying - other.underlying)
def -(other: BtcAmount) = MilliSatoshi(underlying - other.toMilliSatoshi.underlying)
def *(m: Long) = MilliSatoshi(underlying * m)
def *(m: Double) = MilliSatoshi((underlying * m).toLong)
def /(d: Long) = MilliSatoshi(underlying / d)
def unary_-() = MilliSatoshi(-underlying)
override def compare(other: MilliSatoshi): Int = underlying.compareTo(other.underlying)
// Since BtcAmount is a sealed trait that MilliSatoshi cannot extend, we need to redefine comparison operators.
def compare(other: BtcAmount): Int = compare(other.toMilliSatoshi)
def <=(other: BtcAmount): Boolean = compare(other) <= 0
def >=(other: BtcAmount): Boolean = compare(other) >= 0
def <(other: BtcAmount): Boolean = compare(other) < 0
def >(other: BtcAmount): Boolean = compare(other) > 0
// We provide asymmetric min/max functions to provide more control on the return type.
def max(other: MilliSatoshi): MilliSatoshi = if (this > other) this else other
def max(other: BtcAmount): MilliSatoshi = if (this > other) this else other.toMilliSatoshi
def min(other: MilliSatoshi): MilliSatoshi = if (this < other) this else other
def min(other: BtcAmount): MilliSatoshi = if (this < other) this else other.toMilliSatoshi
def truncateToSatoshi: Satoshi = Satoshi(underlying / 1000)
def toLong: Long = underlying
override def toString = s"$underlying msat"
// @formatter:on
object MilliSatoshi {
private def satoshi2millisatoshi(input: Satoshi): MilliSatoshi = MilliSatoshi(input.toLong * 1000L)
def toMilliSatoshi(amount: BtcAmount): MilliSatoshi = amount match {
case sat: Satoshi => satoshi2millisatoshi(sat)
case millis: MilliBtc => satoshi2millisatoshi(millibtc2satoshi(millis))
case bitcoin: Btc => satoshi2millisatoshi(btc2satoshi(bitcoin))