Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* #%L
* GwtMaterial
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2015 - 2017 GwtMaterialDesign
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
* Predefined css style / class names
* @author kebzlou7979
public interface CssName {
String BADGE = "badge";
String BREADCRUMB = "breadcrumb";
String CARD = "card";
String CARD_ACTION = "card-action";
String CARD_CONTENT = "card-content";
String CARD_IMAGE = "card-image";
String CARD_REVEAL = "card-reveal";
String CARD_TITLE = "card-title";
String OLD_CHECKBOX = "oldCheckBox";
String GWT_CHECKBOX = "gwt-CheckBox";
String FILLED_IN = "filled-in";
String CHIP = "chip";
String COLLAPSIBLE = "collapsible";
String ACCORDION = "accordion";
String EXPANDABLE = "expandable";
String COLLAPSIBLE_BODY = "collapsible-body";
String COLLAPSIBLE_HEADER = "collapsible-header";
String COLLECTION = "collection";
String WITH_HEADER = "with-header";
String COLLECTION_HEADER = "collection-header";
String COLLECTION_ITEM = "collection-item";
String AVATAR = "avatar";
String DISMISSABLE = "dismissable";
String SECONDARY_CONTENT = "secondary-content";
String COL = "col";
String INPUT_FIELD = "input-field";
String DIVIDER = "divider";
String DROPDOWN_CONTENT = "dropdown-content";
String DROPDOWN_BUTTON = "dropdown-button";
String FIXED_ACTION_BTN = "fixed-action-btn";
String PAGE_FOOTER = "page-footer";
String CONTAINER = "container";
String FOOTER_COPYRIGHT = "footer-copyright";
String MATERIAL_ICONS = "material-icons";
String RESPONSIVE_IMG = "responsive-img";
String MATERIAL_INFO = "material-info";
String MATERIAL_LABEL = "material-label";
String VALIGN_WRAPPER = "valign-wrapper";
String LOADER_WRAPPER = "loader-wrapper";
String MODAL = "modal";
String MODAL_HEADER = "modal-header";
String MODAL_CONTENT = "modal-content";
String MODAL_FOOTER = "modal-footer";
String NAV_WRAPPER = "nav-wrapper";
String NAV_CONTENT = "nav-content";
String BUTTON_COLLAPSE = "button-collapse";
String BRAND_LOGO = "brand-logo";
String PAGINATION = "pagination";
String WAVES_EFFECT = "waves-effect";
String PARALLAX_CONTAINER = "parallax-container";
String PARALLAX = "parallax";
String PRELOADER_WRAPPER = "preloader-wrapper";
String PROGRESS = "progress";
String PROGRESS_WRAPPER = "progress-wrapper";
String RANGE_FIELD = "range-field";
String THUMB = "thumb";
String VALUE = "value";
String ROW = "row";
String SECTION = "section";
String TABLE_OF_CONTENTS = "table-of-contents";
String SEARCH_RESULT = "search-result";
String SIDE_NAV = "side-nav";
String SIDE_NAV_CONTENT = "sidenav-content";
String OPEN = "open";
String SIDE_PROFILE = "side-profile";
String NAVMENU_PERMANENT = "navmenu-permanent";
String CAPTION = "caption";
String SLIDER = "slider";
String SLIDES = "slides";
String SPINNER_LAYER = "spinner-layer";
String CIRCLE_CLIPPER = "circle-clipper";
String GAP_PATCH = "gap-patch";
String SPLASH_SCREEN = "splash-screen";
String SWITCH = "switch";
String LEVER = "lever";
String TABS = "tabs";
String TAB = "tab";
String MATERIALIZE_TEXTAREA = "materialize-textarea";
String VIDEO_CONTAINER = "video-container";
String LETTER = "letter";
String SCROLLSPY = "scrollspy";
String NO_PADDING = "no-padding";
String ACTIVATOR = "activator";
String ACTIVE = "active";
String INACTIVE = "inactive";
String VALID = "valid";
String INVALID = "invalid";
String VALIGN = "valign";
String CENTER = "center";
String DISABLED = "disabled";
String HIGLIGHTED = "higlighted";
String FIXED = "fixed";
String FULLSCREEN = "fullscreen";
String LEFT = "left";
String RIGHT = "right";
String CIRCLE = "circle";
String CLEARFIX = "clearfix";
String HOVERABLE = "hoverable";
String TRUNCATE = "truncate";
String TITLE = "title";
String FIELD_ERROR_LABEL = "field-error-label";
String FIELD_HELPER_LABEL = "field-helper-label";
String FIELD_SUCCESS_LABEL = "field-success-label";
String FIELD_ERROR = "field-error";
String FIELD_SUCCESS = "field-success";
String Z_DEPTH_0 = "z-depth-0";
String Z_DEPTH_1 = "z-depth-1";
String Z_DEPTH_2 = "z-depth-2";
String Z_DEPTH_3 = "z-depth-3";
String Z_DEPTH_4 = "z-depth-4";
String Z_DEPTH_5 = "z-depth-5";
String READ_ONLY = "read-only";
String READ_ONLY_TOGGLE = "read-only-toggle";
String INFINITE = "infinite";
String DISPLAY_ANIMATION= "display-animation";
String MATERIALIZE_CSS = "materialcss";
String PREFIX = "prefix";
String OFFLINE = "offline";
String LISTBOX_WRAPPER = "listbox-wrapper";
String STATUS_ICON = "status-icon";
String ASYNC = "async";
String LOADING = "loading";
String BROWSER_DEFAULT = "browser-default";
String NO_THUMB = "no-thumb";