smile.math.matrix.BigMatrix Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
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package smile.math.matrix;
import java.io.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.IntPointer;
import smile.math.MathEx;
import smile.math.blas.*;
import smile.sort.QuickSort;
import smile.stat.distribution.Distribution;
import smile.stat.distribution.GaussianDistribution;
import static smile.math.blas.Diag.*;
import static smile.math.blas.Layout.*;
import static smile.math.blas.Side.*;
import static smile.math.blas.Transpose.*;
import static smile.math.blas.UPLO.*;
* Big dense matrix of double precision values for more than
* 2 billion elements.
* @author Haifeng Li
public class BigMatrix extends IMatrix implements AutoCloseable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L;
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(BigMatrix.class);
/** Row major matrix. */
private static class RowMajor extends BigMatrix {
* Constructor.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @param ld the leading dimension.
* @param A the matrix storage.
RowMajor(int m, int n, int ld, DoublePointer A) {
super(m, n, ld, A);
public Layout layout() {
return ROW_MAJOR;
protected long index(int i, int j) {
return (long) i * ld + j;
* The matrix storage.
transient DoublePointer A;
* The leading dimension.
transient int ld;
* The number of rows.
int m;
* The number of columns.
int n;
* If not null, the matrix is symmetric or triangular.
UPLO uplo;
* If not null, the matrix is triangular. The flag specifies if a
* triangular matrix has unit diagonal elements.
Diag diag;
* Constructor of zero matrix.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
public BigMatrix(int m, int n) {
this(m, n, 0.0);
* Constructor. Fills the matrix with given value.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @param a the initial value.
public BigMatrix(int m, int n, double a) {
if (m <= 0 || n <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid matrix size: %d x %d", m, n));
this.m = m;
this.n = n;
this.ld = ld(m);
A = new DoublePointer((long) ld * n);
* Constructor.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @param ld the leading dimension.
* @param A the matrix storage.
public BigMatrix(int m, int n, int ld, DoublePointer A) {
if (layout() == COL_MAJOR && ld < m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid leading dimension for COL_MAJOR: %d < %d", ld, m));
if (layout() == ROW_MAJOR && ld < n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid leading dimension for ROW_MAJOR: %d < %d", ld, n));
this.m = m;
this.n = n;
this.ld = ld;
this.A = A;
public void close() {
* Returns a matrix from a two-dimensional array.
* @param A the two-dimensional array.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix of(double[][] A) {
int m = A.length;
int n = A[0].length;
BigMatrix matrix = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
matrix.set(i, j, A[i][j]);
return matrix;
* Returns a column vector/matrix.
* @param A the column vector.
* @return the column vector/matrix.
public static BigMatrix column(double[] A) {
return column(A, 0, A.length);
* Returns a column vector/matrix.
* @param A the column vector.
* @param offset the offset of the subarray to be used; must be non-negative and
* no larger than array.length.
* @param length the length of the subarray to be used; must be non-negative and
* no larger than array.length - offset.
* @return the column vector/matrix.
public static BigMatrix column(double[] A, int offset, int length) {
DoublePointer pointer = new DoublePointer(length);
pointer.put(A, offset, length);
return new BigMatrix(length, 1, length, pointer);
* Returns a row vector/matrix.
* @param A the row vector.
* @return the row vector/matrix.
public static BigMatrix row(double[] A) {
return row(A, 0, A.length);
* Returns a row vector/matrix.
* @param A the row vector.
* @param offset the offset of the subarray to be used; must be non-negative and
* no larger than array.length.
* @param length the length of the subarray to be used; must be non-negative and
* no larger than array.length - offset.
* @return the row vector/matrix.
public static BigMatrix row(double[] A, int offset, int length) {
DoublePointer pointer = new DoublePointer(length);
pointer.put(A, offset, length);
return new BigMatrix(1, length, 1, pointer);
* Returns a random matrix.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @param distribution the distribution of random number.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix rand(int m, int n, Distribution distribution) {
BigMatrix matrix = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, distribution.rand());
return matrix;
* Returns a random matrix of standard normal distribution.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix randn(int m, int n) {
return rand(m, n, GaussianDistribution.getInstance());
* Returns a uniformly distributed random matrix in [0, 1).
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @return the random matrix.
public static BigMatrix rand(int m, int n) {
BigMatrix matrix = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, MathEx.random());
return matrix;
* Returns a random matrix of uniform distribution.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @param lo the lower bound of uniform distribution.
* @param hi the upper bound of uniform distribution.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix rand(int m, int n, double lo, double hi) {
BigMatrix matrix = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, MathEx.random(lo, hi));
return matrix;
* Returns an identity matrix.
* @param n the number of rows/columns.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix eye(int n) {
return diag(n, 1.0);
* Returns an m-by-n identity matrix.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix eye(int m, int n) {
return diag(m, n, 1.0);
* Returns a square diagonal matrix.
* @param n the number of rows/columns.
* @param diag the diagonal value.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix diag(int n, double diag) {
return diag(n, n, diag);
* Returns an m-by-n diagonal matrix.
* @param m the number of rows.
* @param n the number of columns.
* @param diag the diagonal value.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix diag(int m, int n, double diag) {
BigMatrix D = new BigMatrix(m, n);
int k = Math.min(m, n);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
D.set(i, i, diag);
return D;
* Returns a square diagonal matrix.
* @param diag the diagonal elements.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix diag(double[] diag) {
int n = diag.length;
BigMatrix D = new BigMatrix(n, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
D.set(i, i, diag[i]);
return D;
* Returns a square diagonal matrix.
* @param diag the diagonal elements.
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix diag(DoublePointer diag) {
int n = (int) length(diag);
BigMatrix D = new BigMatrix(n, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
D.set(i, i, diag.get(i));
return D;
* Returns a symmetric Toeplitz matrix in which each descending diagonal
* from left to right is constant.
* @param a A[i, j] = a[i - j] for {@code i >= j} (or a[j - i] when {@code j > i})
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix toeplitz(double[] a) {
int n = a.length;
BigMatrix toeplitz = new BigMatrix(n, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
toeplitz.set(i, j, a[i - j]);
for (int j = i; j < n; j++) {
toeplitz.set(i, j, a[j - i]);
return toeplitz;
* Returns a Toeplitz matrix in which each descending diagonal
* from left to right is constant.
* @param kl {@code A[i, j] = kl[i - j]} for {@code i > j}
* @param ku {@code A[i, j] = ku[j - i]} for {@code i <= j}
* @return the matrix.
public static BigMatrix toeplitz(double[] kl, double[] ku) {
if (kl.length != ku.length - 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid subdiagonals and superdiagonals size: %d != %d - 1", kl.length, ku.length));
int n = kl.length;
BigMatrix toeplitz = new BigMatrix(n, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
toeplitz.set(i, j, kl[i - j]);
for (int j = i; j < n; j++) {
toeplitz.set(i, j, ku[j - i]);
return toeplitz;
* Customized object serialization.
* @param out the output stream.
* @throws IOException when fails to write to the stream.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
// write default properties
// write buffer
if (layout() == COL_MAJOR) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
out.writeDouble(get(i, j));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
out.writeDouble(get(i, j));
* Customized object serialization.
* @param in the input stream.
* @throws IOException when fails to read the stream.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException when fails to load the class.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// read default properties
// read buffer data
if (layout() == COL_MAJOR) {
this.ld = ld(m);
this.A = new DoublePointer((long) ld * n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
set(i, j, in.readDouble());
} else {
this.ld = ld(n);
this.A = new DoublePointer((long) m * ld);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
set(i, j, in.readDouble());
public int nrow() {
return m;
public int ncol() {
return n;
public long size() {
return (long) m * n;
/** Returns the length of double array pointer. */
private static long length(DoublePointer A) {
return A.limit() - A.position();
/** Returns the byte length of double array pointer. */
private static long bytes(DoublePointer A) {
return A.sizeof() * (A.limit() - A.position());
* Returns the matrix layout.
* @return the matrix layout.
public Layout layout() {
return COL_MAJOR;
* Returns the leading dimension.
* @return the leading dimension.
public int ld() {
return ld;
* Return true if the matrix is symmetric ({@code uplo != null && diag == null}).
* @return true if the matrix is symmetric.
public boolean isSymmetric() {
return uplo != null && diag == null;
* Sets the format of packed matrix.
* @param uplo the format of packed matrix.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix uplo(UPLO uplo) {
if (m != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The matrix is not square: %d x %d", m, n));
this.uplo = uplo;
return this;
* Gets the format of packed matrix.
* @return the format of packed matrix.
public UPLO uplo() {
return uplo;
* Sets/unsets if the matrix is triangular.
* @param diag if not null, it specifies if the triangular matrix has unit diagonal elements.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix triangular(Diag diag) {
if (m != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The matrix is not square: %d x %d", m, n));
this.diag = diag;
return this;
* Gets the flag if a triangular matrix has unit diagonal elements.
* Returns null if the matrix is not triangular.
* @return the flag if a triangular matrix has unit diagonal elements.
public Diag triangular() {
return diag;
public BigMatrix copy() {
BigMatrix matrix;
if (layout() == COL_MAJOR) {
DoublePointer pointer = new DoublePointer(length(A));
DoublePointer.memcpy(pointer, A, bytes(A));
matrix = new BigMatrix(m, n, ld, pointer);
} else {
matrix = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, get(i, j));
if (m == n) {
return matrix;
* Return the two-dimensional array of matrix.
* @return the two-dimensional array of matrix.
public double[][] toArray() {
double[][] array = new double[m][n];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
array[i][j] = get(i, j);
return array;
* Sets the matrix value. If the matrices have the same layout,
* this matrix will share the underlying storage with b.
* @param b the right hand side of assignment.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix set(BigMatrix b) {
this.m = b.m;
this.n = b.n;
this.diag = b.diag;
this.uplo = b.uplo;
if (layout() == b.layout()) {
this.A = b.A;
this.ld = b.ld;
} else {
if (layout() == COL_MAJOR) {
this.ld = ld(m);
this.A = new DoublePointer((long) ld * n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
set(i, j, get(i, j));
} else {
this.ld = ld(n);
this.A = new DoublePointer((long) ld * m);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
set(i, j, get(i, j));
return this;
* Returns the linearized index of matrix element.
* @param i the row index.
* @param j the column index.
* @return the linearized index.
protected long index(int i , int j) {
return (long) j * ld + i;
public double get(int i, int j) {
return A.get(index(i, j));
public void set(int i, int j, double x) {
A.put(index(i, j), x);
* Returns the matrix of selected rows and columns.
* Negative index -i means the i-th row/column from the end.
* @param rows the row indices.
* @param cols the column indices.
* @return the submatrix.
public BigMatrix get(int[] rows, int[] cols) {
BigMatrix sub = new BigMatrix(rows.length, cols.length);
for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
int col = cols[j];
if (col < 0) col = n + col;
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
int row = rows[i];
if (row < 0) row = m + row;
sub.set(i, j, get(row, col));
return sub;
* Returns the i-th row. Negative index -i means the i-th row from the end.
* @param i the row index.
* @return the row.
public double[] row(int i) {
double[] x = new double[n];
if (i < 0) i = m + i;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
x[j] = get(i, j);
return x;
* Returns the j-th column. Negative index -j means the j-th row from the end.
* @param j the column index.
* @return the column.
public double[] col(int j) {
double[] x = new double[m];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
x[i] = get(i, j);
return x;
* Returns the matrix of selected rows.
* @param rows the row indices.
* @return the submatrix.
public BigMatrix row(int... rows) {
BigMatrix x = new BigMatrix(rows.length, n);
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
int row = rows[i];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
x.set(i, j, get(row, j));
return x;
* Returns the matrix of selected columns.
* @param cols the column indices.
* @return the submatrix.
public BigMatrix col(int... cols) {
BigMatrix x = new BigMatrix(m, cols.length);
for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
int col = cols[j];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
x.set(i, j, get(i, col));
return x;
* Returns the submatrix which top left at (i, j) and bottom right at (k, l).
* The content of the submatrix will be that of this matrix. Changes to this
* matrix's content will be visible in the submatrix, and vice versa.
* @param i the beginning row, inclusive.
* @param j the beginning column, inclusive,
* @param k the ending row, inclusive.
* @param l the ending column, inclusive.
* @return the submatrix.
public BigMatrix submatrix(int i, int j, int k, int l) {
if (i < 0 || i >= m || k < i || k >= m || j < 0 || j >= n || l < j || l >= n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid submatrix range (%d:%d, %d:%d) of %d x %d", i, k, j, l, m, n));
long offset = index(i, j);
long length = index(k, l) - offset + 1;
DoublePointer B = A.getPointer(offset).limit(length);
if (layout() == COL_MAJOR) {
return new BigMatrix(k - i + 1, l - j + 1, ld, B);
} else {
return new RowMajor(k - i + 1, l - j + 1, ld, B);
* Fill the matrix with a value.
* @param x the value.
public void fill(double x) {
if (x == 0.0) {
DoublePointer.memset(A, 0, bytes(A));
} else {
long length = length(A);
for (long i = 0; i < length; i++) {
A.put(i, x);
* Returns the transpose of matrix. The transpose shares the storage
* with this matrix. Changes to this matrix's content will be visible
* in the transpose, and vice versa.
* @return the transpose of matrix.
public BigMatrix transpose() {
return transpose(true);
* Returns the transpose of matrix.
* @param share if true, the transpose shares the storage with this matrix.
* Changes to this matrix's content will be visible in the
* transpose, and vice versa.
* @return the transpose of matrix.
public BigMatrix transpose(boolean share) {
BigMatrix matrix;
if (share) {
if (layout() == ROW_MAJOR) {
matrix = new BigMatrix(n, m, ld, A);
} else {
matrix = new RowMajor(n, m, ld, A);
} else {
matrix = new BigMatrix(n, m);
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, get(j, i));
if (m == n) {
return matrix;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof BigMatrix)) {
return false;
return equals((BigMatrix) o, 1E-10);
* Returns true if two matrices equal in given precision.
* @param o the other matrix.
* @param epsilon a number close to zero.
* @return true if two matrices equal in given precision.
public boolean equals(BigMatrix o, double epsilon) {
if (m != o.m || n != o.n) {
return false;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
if (!MathEx.isZero(get(i, j) - o.get(i, j), epsilon)) {
return false;
return true;
* A[i,j] += b
* @param i the row index.
* @param j the column index.
* @param b the operand.
* @return the updated cell value.
public double add(int i, int j, double b) {
long k = index(i, j);
double y = A.get(k) + b;
A.put(k, y);
return y;
* A[i,j] -= b
* @param i the row index.
* @param j the column index.
* @param b the operand.
* @return the updated cell value.
public double sub(int i, int j, double b) {
long k = index(i, j);
double y = A.get(k) - b;
A.put(k, y);
return y;
* A[i,j] *= b
* @param i the row index.
* @param j the column index.
* @param b the operand.
* @return the updated cell value.
public double mul(int i, int j, double b) {
long k = index(i, j);
double y = A.get(k) * b;
A.put(k, y);
return y;
* A[i,j] /= b
* @param i the row index.
* @param j the column index.
* @param b the operand.
* @return the updated cell value.
public double div(int i, int j, double b) {
long k = index(i, j);
double y = A.get(k) / b;
A.put(k, y);
return y;
* A[i, i] += b
* @param b the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix addDiag(double b) {
int l = Math.min(m, n);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
long k = index(i, i);
A.put(m, A.get(k) + b);
return this;
* A[i, i] += b[i]
* @param b the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix addDiag(double[] b) {
int l = Math.min(m, n);
if (b.length != l) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid diagonal array size: " + b.length);
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
long k = index(i, i);
A.put(m, A.get(k) + b[i]);
return this;
* A += b
* @param b the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix add(double b) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
add(i, j, b);
return this;
* A -= b
* @param b the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix sub(double b) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
sub(i, j, b);
return this;
* A *= b
* @param b the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix mul(double b) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
mul(i, j, b);
return this;
* A /= b
* @param b the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix div(double b) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
div(i, j, b);
return this;
* Element-wise addition A += B
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix add(BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not of same size.");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
add(i, j, B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Element-wise subtraction A -= B
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix sub(BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not of same size.");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
sub(i, j, B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Element-wise multiplication A *= B
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix mul(BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not of same size.");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
mul(i, j, B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Element-wise division A /= B
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix div(BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not of same size.");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
div(i, j, B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Element-wise addition A += beta * B
* @param beta the scalar alpha.
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix add(double beta, BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not of same size.");
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
add(i, j, beta * B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Element-wise addition C = alpha * A + beta * B
* @param alpha the scalar alpha.
* @param A the operand.
* @param beta the scalar beta.
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix add(double alpha, BigMatrix A, double beta, BigMatrix B) {
if (m != A.m || n != A.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix A is not of same size.");
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix B is not of same size.");
if (layout() == A.layout() && layout() == B.layout() && ld == A.ld && ld == B.ld) {
long size = length(this.A);
for (long i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = A.A.get(i);
double b = B.A.get(i);
this.A.put(i, alpha * a + beta * b);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
set(i, j, alpha * A.get(i, j) + beta * B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Element-wise addition A = alpha * A + beta * B
* @param alpha the scalar alpha.
* @param beta the scalar beta.
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix add(double alpha, double beta, BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix B is not of same size.");
if (layout() == B.layout() && ld == B.ld) {
long size = (int) length(A);
for (long i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = A.get(i);
double b = B.A.get(i);
A.put(i, alpha * a + beta * b);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
set(i, j, alpha * get(i, j) + beta * B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Element-wise addition A = alpha * A + beta * B^2
* @param alpha the scalar alpha.
* @param beta the scalar beta.
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix add2(double alpha, double beta, BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m || n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix B is not of same size.");
if (layout() == B.layout() && ld == B.ld) {
long size = length(A);
for (long i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double a = A.get(i);
double b = B.A.get(i);
A.put(i, alpha * a + beta * b * b);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
set(i, j, alpha * get(i, j) + beta * B.get(i, j) * B.get(i, j));
return this;
* Rank-1 update A += alpha * x * y'
* @param alpha the scalar alpha.
* @param x the column vector.
* @param y the row vector.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix add(double alpha, double[] x, double[] y) {
if (m != x.length || n != y.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix is not of same size.");
if (isSymmetric() && x == y) {
BLAS.engine.syr(layout(), uplo, m, alpha, new DoublePointer(x), 1, A, ld);
} else {
BLAS.engine.ger(layout(), m, n, alpha, new DoublePointer(x), 1, new DoublePointer(x), 1, A, ld);
return this;
* Replaces NaN's with given value.
* @param x a real number.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix replaceNaN(double x) {
long length = length(A);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (Double.isNaN(A.get(i))) {
A.put(i, x);
return this;
* Returns the sum of all elements.
* @return the sum of all elements.
public double sum() {
double s = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
s += get(i, j);
return s;
* L1 matrix norm that is the maximum of column sums.
* @return L1 matrix norm.
public double norm1() {
double f = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double s = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
s += Math.abs(get(i, j));
f = Math.max(f, s);
return f;
* L2 matrix norm that is the maximum singular value.
* @return L2 matrix norm.
public double norm2() {
return svd(false, false).s.get(0);
* L2 matrix norm that is the maximum singular value.
* @return L2 matrix norm.
public double norm() {
return norm2();
* L∞ matrix norm that is the maximum of row sums.
* @return L∞ matrix norm.
public double normInf() {
double[] f = new double[m];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
f[i] += Math.abs(get(i, j));
return MathEx.max(f);
* Frobenius matrix norm that is the square root of sum of squares of all elements.
* @return Frobenius matrix norm.
public double normFro() {
double f = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
f = Math.hypot(f, get(i, j));
return f;
* Returns the quadratic form {@code x' * A * x}.
* The left upper submatrix of A is used in the computation based
* on the size of x.
* @param x the vector.
* @return the quadratic form.
public double xAx(double[] x) {
if (m != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The matrix is not square: %d x %d", m, n));
if (n != x.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Matrix: %d x %d, Vector: %d", m, n, x.length));
double[] Ax = mv(x);
return MathEx.dot(x, Ax);
* Returns the sum of each row.
* @return the sum of each row.
public double[] rowSums() {
double[] x = new double[m];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
x[i] += get(i, j);
return x;
* Returns the mean of each row.
* @return the mean of each row.
public double[] rowMeans() {
double[] x = rowSums();
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
x[i] /= n;
return x;
* Returns the standard deviations of each row.
* @return the standard deviations of each row.
public double[] rowSds() {
double[] x = new double[m];
double[] x2 = new double[m];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
double a = get(i, j);
x[i] += a;
x2[i] += a * a;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
double mu = x[i] / n;
// safeguard of negative variance due to floating errors
double variance = Math.max(x2[i] / n - mu * mu, 0.0);
x[i] = Math.sqrt(variance);
return x;
* Returns the sum of each column.
* @return the sum of each column.
public double[] colSums() {
double[] x = new double[n];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
x[j] += get(i, j);
return x;
* Returns the mean of each column.
* @return the mean of each column.
public double[] colMeans() {
double[] x = new double[n];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
x[j] += get(i, j);
x[j] /= m;
return x;
* Returns the standard deviations of each column.
* @return the standard deviations of each column.
public double[] colSds() {
double[] x = new double[n];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double mu = 0.0;
double sumsq = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
double a = get(i, j);
mu += a;
sumsq += a * a;
mu /= m;
// safeguard of negative variance due to floating errors
double variance = Math.max(sumsq / m - mu * mu, 0.0);
x[j] = Math.sqrt(variance);
return x;
* Standardizes the columns of matrix.
* @return a new matrix with zero mean and unit variance for each column.
public BigMatrix standardize() {
double[] center = colMeans();
double[] scale = colSds();
return scale(center, scale);
* Centers and scales the columns of matrix.
* @param center column center. If null, no centering.
* @param scale column scale. If null, no scaling.
* @return a new matrix with zero mean and unit variance for each column.
public BigMatrix scale(double[] center, double[] scale) {
if (center == null && scale == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both center and scale are null");
BigMatrix matrix = new BigMatrix(m, n);
if (center == null) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, get(i, j) / scale[j]);
} else if (scale == null) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, get(i, j) - center[j]);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
matrix.set(i, j, (get(i, j) - center[j]) / scale[j]);
return matrix;
* Returns the inverse of matrix.
* @return the inverse of matrix.
public BigMatrix inverse() {
if (m != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The matrix is not square: %d x %d", m, n));
try (BigMatrix lu = copy()) {
BigMatrix inv = eye(n);
IntPointer ipiv = new IntPointer(n);
if (isSymmetric()) {
int info = LAPACK.engine.sysv(lu.layout(), uplo, n, n, lu.A, lu.ld, ipiv, inv.A, inv.ld);
if (info != 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("SYSV fails: " + info);
} else {
int info = LAPACK.engine.gesv(lu.layout(), n, n, lu.A, lu.ld, ipiv, inv.A, inv.ld);
if (info != 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("GESV fails: " + info);
return inv;
* Matrix-vector multiplication.
* {@code
* y = alpha * A * x + beta * y
* }
* @param trans normal, transpose, or conjugate transpose
* operation on the matrix A.
* @param alpha the scalar alpha.
* @param x the operand.
* @param beta the scalar beta.
* @param y the operand.
private void mv(Transpose trans, double alpha, DoublePointer x, double beta, DoublePointer y) {
if (uplo != null) {
if (diag != null) {
if (alpha == 1.0 && beta == 0.0 && x == y) {
BLAS.engine.trmv(layout(), uplo, trans, diag, m, A, ld, y, 1);
} else {
BLAS.engine.gemv(layout(), trans, m, n, alpha, A, ld, x, 1, beta, y, 1);
} else {
BLAS.engine.symv(layout(), uplo, m, alpha, A, ld, x, 1, beta, y, 1);
} else {
BLAS.engine.gemv(layout(), trans, m, n, alpha, A, ld, x, 1, beta, y, 1);
public void mv(Transpose trans, double alpha, double[] x, double beta, double[] y) {
DoublePointer xp = new DoublePointer(x);
DoublePointer yp = new DoublePointer(y);
mv(trans, alpha, xp, beta, yp);
public void mv(double[] work, int inputOffset, int outputOffset) {
try (var pointer = new DoublePointer(work)) {
DoublePointer xb = pointer.getPointer(inputOffset).limit(n);
DoublePointer yb = pointer.getPointer(outputOffset).limit(m);
mv(NO_TRANSPOSE, 1.0, xb, 0.0, yb);
public void tv(double[] work, int inputOffset, int outputOffset) {
try (var pointer = new DoublePointer(work)) {
DoublePointer xb = pointer.getPointer(inputOffset).limit(m);
DoublePointer yb = pointer.getPointer(outputOffset).limit(n);
mv(TRANSPOSE, 1.0, xb, 0.0, yb);
* Matrix-matrix multiplication.
* {@code
* C := A*B
* }
* @param transA normal, transpose, or conjugate transpose
* operation on the matrix A.
* @param A the operand.
* @param transB normal, transpose, or conjugate transpose
* operation on the matrix B.
* @param B the operand.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix mm(Transpose transA, BigMatrix A, Transpose transB, BigMatrix B) {
return mm(transA, A, transB, B, 1.0, 0.0);
* Matrix-matrix multiplication.
* {@code
* C := alpha*A*B + beta*C
* }
* @param transA normal, transpose, or conjugate transpose
* operation on the matrix A.
* @param A the operand.
* @param transB normal, transpose, or conjugate transpose
* operation on the matrix B.
* @param B the operand.
* @param alpha the scalar alpha.
* @param beta the scalar beta.
* @return this matrix.
public BigMatrix mm(Transpose transA, BigMatrix A, Transpose transB, BigMatrix B, double alpha, double beta) {
if (A.isSymmetric() && transB == NO_TRANSPOSE && B.layout() == layout()) {
BLAS.engine.symm(layout(), LEFT, A.uplo, m, n, alpha, A.A, A.ld, B.A, B.ld, beta, this.A, ld);
} else if (B.isSymmetric() && transA == NO_TRANSPOSE && A.layout() == layout()) {
BLAS.engine.symm(layout(), RIGHT, B.uplo, m, n, alpha, B.A, B.ld, A.A, A.ld, beta, this.A, ld);
} else {
if (layout() != A.layout()) {
transA = flip(transA);
A = A.transpose();
if (layout() != B.layout()) {
transB = flip(transB);
B = B.transpose();
int k = transA == NO_TRANSPOSE ? A.n : A.m;
BLAS.engine.gemm(layout(), transA, transB, m, n, k, alpha, A.A, A.ld, B.A, B.ld, beta, this.A, ld);
return this;
* Returns {@code A' * A}.
* @return {@code A' * A}.
public BigMatrix ata() {
BigMatrix C = new BigMatrix(n, n);
C.mm(TRANSPOSE, this, NO_TRANSPOSE, this);
return C;
* Returns {@code A * A'}.
* @return {@code A * A'}.
public BigMatrix aat() {
BigMatrix C = new BigMatrix(m, m);
C.mm(NO_TRANSPOSE, this, TRANSPOSE, this);
return C;
* Returns {@code A * D * B}, where D is a diagonal matrix.
* @param transA normal, transpose, or conjugate transpose
* operation on the matrix A.
* @param A the operand.
* @param D the diagonal matrix.
* @param transB normal, transpose, or conjugate transpose
* operation on the matrix B.
* @param B the operand.
* @return the multiplication.
public static BigMatrix adb(Transpose transA, BigMatrix A, double[] D, Transpose transB, BigMatrix B) {
BigMatrix AD;
int m = A.m, n = A.n;
if (transA == NO_TRANSPOSE) {
AD = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
double dj = D[j];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
AD.set(i, j, dj * A.get(i, j));
} else {
AD = new BigMatrix(n, m);
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
double dj = D[j];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
AD.set(i, j, dj * A.get(j, i));
try (AD) {
return transB == NO_TRANSPOSE ? AD.mm(B) : AD.mt(B);
* Returns matrix multiplication {@code A * B}.
* @param B the operand.
* @return the multiplication.
public BigMatrix mm(BigMatrix B) {
if (n != B.m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Matrix multiplication A * B: %d x %d vs %d x %d", m, n, B.m, B.n));
BigMatrix C = new BigMatrix(m, B.n);
return C;
* Returns matrix multiplication {@code A * B'}.
* @param B the operand.
* @return the multiplication.
public BigMatrix mt(BigMatrix B) {
if (n != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Matrix multiplication A * B': %d x %d vs %d x %d", m, n, B.m, B.n));
BigMatrix C = new BigMatrix(m, B.m);
return C;
* Returns matrix multiplication {@code A' * B}.
* @param B the operand.
* @return the multiplication.
public BigMatrix tm(BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Matrix multiplication A' * B: %d x %d vs %d x %d", m, n, B.m, B.n));
BigMatrix C = new BigMatrix(n, B.n);
return C;
* Returns matrix multiplication {@code A' * B'}.
* @param B the operand.
* @return the multiplication.
public BigMatrix tt(BigMatrix B) {
if (m != B.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Matrix multiplication A' * B': %d x %d vs %d x %d", m, n, B.m, B.n));
BigMatrix C = new BigMatrix(n, B.m);
return C;
* LU decomposition.
* @return LU decomposition.
public LU lu() {
return lu(false);
* LU decomposition.
* @param overwrite The flag if the decomposition overwrites this matrix.
* @return LU decomposition.
public LU lu(boolean overwrite) {
BigMatrix lu = overwrite ? this : copy();
IntPointer ipiv = new IntPointer(Math.min(m, n));
int info = LAPACK.engine.getrf(lu.layout(), lu.m, lu.n, lu.A, lu.ld, ipiv);
if (info < 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK GETRF error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK GETRF error code: " + info);
lu.uplo = null; // LU is not symmetric
return new LU(lu, ipiv, info);
* Cholesky decomposition for symmetric and positive definite matrix.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the matrix is not positive definite.
* @return Cholesky decomposition.
public Cholesky cholesky() {
return cholesky(false);
* Cholesky decomposition for symmetric and positive definite matrix.
* @param overwrite The flag if the decomposition overwrites this matrix.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the matrix is not positive definite.
* @return Cholesky decomposition.
public Cholesky cholesky(boolean overwrite) {
if (uplo == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is not symmetric");
BigMatrix lu = overwrite ? this : copy();
int info = LAPACK.engine.potrf(lu.layout(), lu.uplo, lu.n, lu.A, lu.ld);
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK POTRF error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK POTRF error code: " + info);
return new Cholesky(lu);
* QR Decomposition.
* @return QR decomposition.
public QR qr() {
return qr(false);
* QR Decomposition.
* @param overwrite The flag if the decomposition overwrites this matrix.
* @return QR decomposition.
public QR qr(boolean overwrite) {
BigMatrix qr = overwrite ? this : copy();
DoublePointer tau = new DoublePointer(Math.min(m, n));
int info = LAPACK.engine.geqrf(qr.layout(), qr.m, qr.n, qr.A, qr.ld, tau);
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK GEQRF error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK GEQRF error code: " + info);
qr.uplo = null; // QR is not symmetric
return new QR(qr, tau);
* Singular Value Decomposition.
* Returns a compact SVD of m-by-n matrix A:
* - {@code m > n} — Only the first n columns of U are computed, and S is n-by-n.
* - {@code m = n} — Equivalent to full SVD.
* - {@code m < n} — Only the first m columns of V are computed, and S is m-by-m.
* The compact decomposition removes extra rows or columns of zeros from
* the diagonal matrix of singular values, S, along with the columns in either
* U or V that multiply those zeros in the expression A = U*S*V'. Removing these
* zeros and columns can improve execution time and reduce storage requirements
* without compromising the accuracy of the decomposition.
* @return singular value decomposition.
public SVD svd() {
return svd(true, false);
* Singular Value Decomposition.
* Returns a compact SVD of m-by-n matrix A:
* - {@code m > n} — Only the first n columns of U are computed, and S is n-by-n.
* - {@code m = n} — Equivalent to full SVD.
* - {@code m < n} — Only the first m columns of V are computed, and S is m-by-m.
* The compact decomposition removes extra rows or columns of zeros from
* the diagonal matrix of singular values, S, along with the columns in either
* U or V that multiply those zeros in the expression A = U*S*V'. Removing these
* zeros and columns can improve execution time and reduce storage requirements
* without compromising the accuracy of the decomposition.
* @param vectors The flag if computing the singular vectors.
* @param overwrite The flag if the decomposition overwrites this matrix.
* @return singular value decomposition.
public SVD svd(boolean vectors, boolean overwrite) {
int k = Math.min(m, n);
DoublePointer s = new DoublePointer(k);
BigMatrix W = overwrite ? this : copy();
if (vectors) {
BigMatrix U = new BigMatrix(m, k);
BigMatrix VT = new BigMatrix(k, n);
int info = LAPACK.engine.gesdd(W.layout(), SVDJob.COMPACT, W.m, W.n, W.A, W.ld, s, U.A, U.ld, VT.A, VT.ld);
if (W != this) W.close();
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK GESDD with COMPACT error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK GESDD with COMPACT error code: " + info);
return new SVD(s, U, VT.transpose());
} else {
try (BigMatrix U = new BigMatrix(1, 1);
BigMatrix VT = new BigMatrix(1, 1)) {
int info = LAPACK.engine.gesdd(W.layout(), SVDJob.NO_VECTORS, W.m, W.n, W.A, W.ld, s, U.A, U.ld, VT.A, VT.ld);
if (W != this) W.close();
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK GESDD with NO_VECTORS error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK GESDD with NO_VECTORS error code: " + info);
return new SVD(m, n, s);
* Eigenvalue Decomposition. For a symmetric matrix, all eigenvalues are
* real values. Otherwise, the eigenvalues may be complex numbers.
* By default eigen
does not always return the eigenvalues
* and eigenvectors in sorted order. Use the EVD.sort
* to put the eigenvalues in descending order and reorder the corresponding
* eigenvectors.
* @return eign value decomposition.
public EVD eigen() {
return eigen(false, true, false);
* Eigenvalue Decomposition. For a symmetric matrix, all eigenvalues are
* real values. Otherwise, the eigenvalues may be complex numbers.
* By default eigen
does not always return the eigenvalues
* and eigenvectors in sorted order. Use the sort
* to put the eigenvalues in descending order and reorder the corresponding
* eigenvectors.
* @param vl The flag if computing the left eigenvectors.
* @param vr The flag if computing the right eigenvectors.
* @param overwrite The flag if the decomposition overwrites this matrix.
* @return eigen value decomposition.
public EVD eigen(boolean vl, boolean vr, boolean overwrite) {
if (m != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The matrix is not square: %d x %d", m, n));
BigMatrix eig = overwrite ? this : copy();
if (isSymmetric()) {
DoublePointer w = new DoublePointer(n);
int info = LAPACK.engine.syevd(eig.layout(), vr ? EVDJob.VECTORS : EVDJob.NO_VECTORS, eig.uplo, n, eig.A, eig.ld, w);
if (eig != this && !vr) eig.close();
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK SYEV error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK SYEV error code: " + info);
eig.uplo = null; // Vr is not symmetric
return new EVD(w, vr ? eig : null);
} else {
DoublePointer wr = new DoublePointer(n);
DoublePointer wi = new DoublePointer(n);
BigMatrix Vl = vl ? new BigMatrix(n, n) : new BigMatrix(1, 1);
BigMatrix Vr = vr ? new BigMatrix(n, n) : new BigMatrix(1, 1);
int info = LAPACK.engine.geev(eig.layout(), vl ? EVDJob.VECTORS : EVDJob.NO_VECTORS, vr ? EVDJob.VECTORS : EVDJob.NO_VECTORS, n, eig.A, eig.ld, wr, wi, Vl.A, Vl.ld, Vr.A, Vr.ld);
if (eig != this && !vr) eig.close();
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK GEEV error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK GEEV error code: " + info);
return new EVD(wr, wi, vl ? Vl : null, vr ? Vr : null);
* Singular Value Decomposition.
* For an m-by-n matrix A with {@code m >= n}, the singular value decomposition is
* an m-by-n orthogonal matrix U, an n-by-n diagonal matrix Σ, and
* an n-by-n orthogonal matrix V so that A = U*Σ*V'.
* For {@code m < n}, only the first m columns of V are computed and Σ is m-by-m.
* The singular values, σk = Σkk, are ordered
* so that σ0 ≥ σ1 ≥ ... ≥ σn-1.
* The singular value decomposition always exists. The matrix condition number
* and the effective numerical rank can be computed from this decomposition.
* SVD is a very powerful technique for dealing with sets of equations or matrices
* that are either singular or else numerically very close to singular. In many
* cases where Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition fail to give satisfactory
* results, SVD will diagnose precisely what the problem is. SVD is also the
* method of choice for solving most linear least squares problems.
* Applications which employ the SVD include computing the pseudo-inverse, least
* squares fitting of data, matrix approximation, and determining the rank,
* range and null space of a matrix. The SVD is also applied extensively to
* the study of linear inverse problems, and is useful in the analysis of
* regularization methods such as that of Tikhonov. It is widely used in
* statistics where it is related to principal component analysis. Yet another
* usage is latent semantic indexing in natural language text processing.
* @author Haifeng Li
public static class SVD implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
* The number of rows of matrix.
public final int m;
* The number of columns of matrix.
public final int n;
* The singular values in descending order.
public final DoublePointer s;
* The left singular vectors U.
public final BigMatrix U;
* The right singular vectors V.
public final BigMatrix V;
* Constructor.
* @param m the number of rows of matrix.
* @param n the number of columns of matrix.
* @param s the singular values in descending order.
public SVD(int m, int n, DoublePointer s) {
this.m = m;
this.n = n;
this.s = s;
this.U = null;
this.V = null;
* Constructor.
* @param s the singular values in descending order.
* @param U the left singular vectors
* @param V the right singular vectors.
public SVD(DoublePointer s, BigMatrix U, BigMatrix V) {
this.m = U.m;
this.n = V.m;
this.s = s;
this.U = U;
this.V = V;
* Returns the diagonal matrix of singular values.
* @return the diagonal matrix of singular values.
public BigMatrix diag() {
BigMatrix S = new BigMatrix(m, n);
long length = length(s);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
S.set(i, i, s.get(i));
return S;
* Returns the L2 matrix norm that is the largest singular value.
* @return L2 matrix norm.
public double norm() {
return s.get(0);
* Returns the threshold to determine the effective rank.
* Singular values S(i) <= RCOND are treated as zero.
* @return the threshold to determine the effective rank.
private double rcond() {
return 0.5 * Math.sqrt(m + n + 1) * s.get(0) * MathEx.EPSILON;
* Returns the effective numerical matrix rank. The number of non-negligible
* singular values.
* @return the effective numerical matrix rank.
public int rank() {
if (length(s) != Math.min(m, n)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The operation cannot be called on a partial SVD.");
int r = 0;
double tol = rcond();
long length = length(s);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
double si = s.get(i);
if (si > tol) {
return r;
* Returns the dimension of null space. The number of negligible
* singular values.
* @return the dimension of null space.
public int nullity() {
return Math.min(m, n) - rank();
* Returns the L2 norm condition number, which is max(S) / min(S).
* A system of equations is considered to be well-conditioned if a small
* change in the coefficient matrix or a small change on the right hand
* side results in a small change in the solution vector. Otherwise, it is
* called ill-conditioned. Condition number is defined as the product of
* the norm of A and the norm of A-1. If we use the usual
* L2 norm on vectors and the associated matrix norm, then the
* condition number is the ratio of the largest singular value of matrix
* A to the smallest. The condition number depends on the underlying norm.
* However, regardless of the norm, it is always greater or equal to 1.
* If it is close to one, the matrix is well conditioned. If the condition
* number is large, then the matrix is said to be ill-conditioned. A matrix
* that is not invertible has the condition number equal to infinity.
* @return L2 norm condition number.
public double condition() {
int k = Math.min(m, n);
if (length(s) != k) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The operation cannot be called on a partial SVD.");
return (s.get(0) <= 0.0 || s.get(k-1) <= 0.0) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : s.get(0) / s.get(k-1);
* Returns the matrix which columns are the orthonormal basis for the range space.
* Returns null if the rank is zero (if and only if zero matrix).
* @return the range space span matrix.
public BigMatrix range() {
if (length(s) != Math.min(m, n)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The operation cannot be called on a partial SVD.");
if (U == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The left singular vectors are not available.");
int r = rank();
// zero rank, if and only if zero matrix.
if (r == 0) {
return null;
BigMatrix R = new BigMatrix(m, r);
for (int j = 0; j < r; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
R.set(i, j, U.get(i, j));
return R;
* Returns the matrix which columns are the orthonormal basis for the null space.
* Returns null if the matrix is of full rank.
* @return the null space span matrix.
public BigMatrix nullspace() {
if (length(s) != Math.min(m, n)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The operation cannot be called on a partial SVD.");
if (V == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The right singular vectors are not available.");
int nr = nullity();
// full rank
if (nr == 0) {
return null;
BigMatrix N = new BigMatrix(n, nr);
for (int j = 0; j < nr; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
N.set(i, j, V.get(i, n - j - 1));
return N;
* Returns the pseudo inverse.
* @return the pseudo inverse.
public BigMatrix pinv() {
if (U == null || V == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The singular vectors are not available.");
int k = (int) length(s);
double[] sigma = new double[k];
int r = rank();
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
sigma[i] = 1.0 / s.get(i);
return adb(NO_TRANSPOSE, V, sigma, TRANSPOSE, U);
* Solves the least squares min || B - A*X ||.
* @param b the right hand side of overdetermined linear system.
* @throws RuntimeException when matrix is rank deficient.
* @return the solution vector beta that minimizes ||Y - X*beta||.
public double[] solve(double[] b) {
if (U == null || V == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The singular vectors are not available.");
if (b.length != m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Row dimensions do not agree: A is %d x %d, but B is %d x 1", m, n, b.length));
int r = rank();
double[] Utb = new double[(int) length(s)];
U.submatrix(0, 0, m-1, r-1).tv(b, Utb);
for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
Utb[i] /= s.get(i);
return V.mv(Utb);
* Eigenvalue decomposition. Eigen decomposition is the factorization
* of a matrix into a canonical form, whereby the matrix is represented in terms
* of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors:
* A = V*D*V-1
* }
* If A is symmetric, then A = V*D*V' where the eigenvalue matrix D is
* diagonal and the eigenvector matrix V is orthogonal.
* Given a linear transformation A, a non-zero vector x is defined to be an
* eigenvector of the transformation if it satisfies the eigenvalue equation
* A x = λ x
* }
* for some scalar λ. In this situation, the scalar λ is called
* an eigenvalue of A corresponding to the eigenvector x.
* The word eigenvector formally refers to the right eigenvector, which is
* defined by the above eigenvalue equation A x = λ x, and is the most
* commonly used eigenvector. However, the left eigenvector exists as well, and
* is defined by x A = λ x.
* Let A be a real n-by-n matrix with strictly positive entries aij
* {@code > 0}. Then the following statements hold.
* - There is a positive real number r, called the Perron-Frobenius
* eigenvalue, such that r is an eigenvalue of A and any other eigenvalue λ
* (possibly complex) is strictly smaller than r in absolute value,
* |λ| {@code < r}.
- The Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue is simple: r is a simple root of the
* characteristic polynomial of A. Consequently, both the right and the left
* eigenspace associated to r is one-dimensional.
* - There exists a left eigenvector v of A associated with r (row vector)
* having strictly positive components. Likewise, there exists a right
* eigenvector w associated with r (column vector) having strictly positive
* components.
* - The left eigenvector v (respectively right w) associated with r, is the
* only eigenvector which has positive components, i.e. for all other
* eigenvectors of A there exists a component which is not positive.
* A stochastic matrix, probability matrix, or transition matrix is used to
* describe the transitions of a Markov chain. A right stochastic matrix is
* a square matrix each of whose rows consists of non-negative real numbers,
* with each row summing to 1. A left stochastic matrix is a square matrix
* whose columns consist of non-negative real numbers whose sum is 1. A doubly
* stochastic matrix where all entries are non-negative and all rows and all
* columns sum to 1. A stationary probability vector π is defined as a
* vector that does not change under application of the transition matrix;
* that is, it is defined as a left eigenvector of the probability matrix,
* associated with eigenvalue 1: πP = π. The Perron-Frobenius theorem
* ensures that such a vector exists, and that the largest eigenvalue
* associated with a stochastic matrix is always 1. For a matrix with strictly
* positive entries, this vector is unique. In general, however, there may be
* several such vectors.
* @author Haifeng Li
public static class EVD implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
* The real part of eigenvalues.
* By default, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not always in
* sorted order. The sort
function puts the eigenvalues
* in descending order and reorder the corresponding eigenvectors.
public final DoublePointer wr;
* The imaginary part of eigenvalues.
public final DoublePointer wi;
* The left eigenvectors.
public final BigMatrix Vl;
* The right eigenvectors.
public final BigMatrix Vr;
* Constructor.
* @param w eigenvalues.
* @param V eigenvectors.
public EVD(DoublePointer w, BigMatrix V) {
this.wr = w;
this.wi = null;
this.Vl = V;
this.Vr = V;
* Constructor.
* @param wr the real part of eigenvalues.
* @param wi the imaginary part of eigenvalues.
* @param Vl the left eigenvectors.
* @param Vr the right eigenvectors.
public EVD(DoublePointer wr, DoublePointer wi, BigMatrix Vl, BigMatrix Vr) {
this.wr = wr;
this.wi = wi;
this.Vl = Vl;
this.Vr = Vr;
* Returns the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix whose diagonal are the real
* part of eigenvalues, lower subdiagonal are positive imaginary parts, and
* upper subdiagonal are negative imaginary parts.
* @return the diagonal eigenvalue matrix.
public BigMatrix diag() {
BigMatrix D = BigMatrix.diag(wr);
if (wi != null) {
int n = (int) length(wr);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (wi.get(i) > 0) {
D.set(i, i + 1, wi.get(i));
} else if (wi.get(i) < 0) {
D.set(i, i - 1, wi.get(i));
return D;
* Sorts the eigenvalues in descending order and reorders the
* corresponding eigenvectors.
* @return sorted eigen decomposition.
public EVD sort() {
int n = (int) length(wr);
double[] w = new double[n];
if (wi != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = -(wr.get(i) * wr.get(i) + wi.get(i) * wi.get(i));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] = -(wr.get(i) * wr.get(i));
int[] index = QuickSort.sort(w);
DoublePointer wr2 = new DoublePointer(n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
wr2.put(j, wr.get(index[j]));
DoublePointer wi2 = null;
if (wi != null) {
wi2 = new DoublePointer(n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
wi2.put(j, wi.get(index[j]));
BigMatrix Vl2 = null;
if (Vl != null) {
int m = Vl.m;
Vl2 = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
Vl2.set(i, j, Vl.get(i, index[j]));
BigMatrix Vr2 = null;
if (Vr != null) {
int m = Vr.m;
Vr2 = new BigMatrix(m, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
Vr2.set(i, j, Vr.get(i, index[j]));
return new EVD(wr2, wi2, Vl2, Vr2);
* The LU decomposition. For an m-by-n matrix A with {@code m >= n}, the LU
* decomposition is an m-by-n unit lower triangular matrix L, an n-by-n
* upper triangular matrix U, and a permutation vector piv of length m
* so that A(piv,:) = L*U. If {@code m < n}, then L is m-by-m and U is m-by-n.
* The LU decomposition with pivoting always exists, even if the matrix is
* singular. The primary use of the LU decomposition is in the solution of
* square systems of simultaneous linear equations if it is not singular.
* The decomposition can also be used to calculate the determinant.
* @author Haifeng Li
public static class LU implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
* The LU decomposition.
public final BigMatrix lu;
* The pivot vector.
public final IntPointer ipiv;
* If {@code info = 0}, the LU decomposition was successful.
* If {@code info = i > 0}, U(i,i) is exactly zero. The factorization
* has been completed, but the factor U is exactly
* singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used
* to solve a system of equations.
public final int info;
* Constructor.
* @param lu LU decomposition matrix.
* @param ipiv the pivot vector.
* @param info {@code info > 0} if the matrix is singular.
public LU(BigMatrix lu, IntPointer ipiv, int info) {
this.lu = lu;
this.ipiv = ipiv;
this.info = info;
* Returns true if the matrix is singular.
* @return true if the matrix is singular.
public boolean isSingular() {
return info > 0;
* Returns the matrix determinant.
* @return the matrix determinant.
public double det() {
int m = lu.m;
int n = lu.n;
if (m != n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The matrix is not square: %d x %d", m, n));
double d = 1.0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
d *= lu.get(j, j);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
if (j+1 != ipiv.get(j)) {
d = -d;
return d;
* Returns the inverse of matrix. For pseudo inverse, use QRDecomposition.
* @return the inverse of matrix.
public BigMatrix inverse() {
BigMatrix inv = BigMatrix.eye(lu.n);
return inv;
* Solve A * x = b.
* @param b the right hand side of linear system.
* @throws RuntimeException when the matrix is singular.
* @return the solution vector.
public double[] solve(double[] b) {
BigMatrix x = BigMatrix.column(b);
double[] y = new double[b.length];
return y;
* Solve A * X = B. B will be overwritten with the solution matrix on output.
* @param B the right hand side of linear system.
* On output, B will be overwritten with the solution matrix.
* @throws RuntimeException when the matrix is singular.
public void solve(BigMatrix B) {
if (lu.m != lu.n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The matrix is not square: %d x %d", lu.m, lu.n));
if (B.m != lu.m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Row dimensions do not agree: A is %d x %d, but B is %d x %d", lu.m, lu.n, B.m, B.n));
if (lu.layout() != B.layout()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix layout is inconsistent.");
if (info > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("The matrix is singular.");
int ret = LAPACK.engine.getrs(lu.layout(), NO_TRANSPOSE, lu.n, B.n, lu.A, lu.ld, ipiv, B.A, B.ld);
if (ret != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK GETRS error code: {}", ret);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK GETRS error code: " + ret);
* The Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric, positive-definite matrix.
* When it is applicable, the Cholesky decomposition is roughly twice as
* efficient as the LU decomposition for solving systems of linear equations.
* The Cholesky decomposition is mainly used for the numerical solution of
* linear equations. The Cholesky decomposition is also commonly used in
* the Monte Carlo method for simulating systems with multiple correlated
* variables: The matrix of inter-variable correlations is decomposed,
* to give the lower-triangular L. Applying this to a vector of uncorrelated
* simulated shocks, u, produces a shock vector Lu with the covariance
* properties of the system being modeled.
* Unscented Kalman filters commonly use the Cholesky decomposition to choose
* a set of so-called sigma points. The Kalman filter tracks the average
* state of a system as a vector x of length n and covariance as an n-by-n
* matrix P. The matrix P is always positive semi-definite, and can be
* decomposed into L*L'. The columns of L can be added and subtracted from
* the mean x to form a set of 2n vectors called sigma points. These sigma
* points completely capture the mean and covariance of the system state.
* @author Haifeng Li
public static class Cholesky implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
* The Cholesky decomposition.
public final BigMatrix lu;
* Constructor.
* @param lu the lower/upper triangular part of matrix contains the Cholesky
* factorization.
public Cholesky(BigMatrix lu) {
if (lu.nrow() != lu.ncol()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cholesky constructor on a non-square matrix");
this.lu = lu;
* Returns the matrix determinant.
* @return the matrix determinant.
public double det() {
int n = lu.n;
double d = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
d *= lu.get(i, i);
return d * d;
* Returns the log of matrix determinant.
* @return the log of matrix determinant.
public double logdet() {
int n = lu.n;
double d = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
d += Math.log(lu.get(i, i));
return 2.0 * d;
* Returns the inverse of matrix.
* @return the inverse of matrix.
public BigMatrix inverse() {
BigMatrix inv = BigMatrix.eye(lu.n);
return inv;
* Solves the linear system A * x = b.
* @param b the right hand side of linear systems.
* @return the solution vector.
public double[] solve(double[] b) {
BigMatrix x = BigMatrix.column(b);
double[] y = new double[b.length];
return y;
* Solves the linear system A * X = B.
* @param B the right hand side of linear systems. On output, B will
* be overwritten with the solution matrix.
public void solve(BigMatrix B) {
if (B.m != lu.m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Row dimensions do not agree: A is %d x %d, but B is %d x %d", lu.m, lu.n, B.m, B.n));
int info = LAPACK.engine.potrs(lu.layout(), lu.uplo, lu.n, B.n, lu.A, lu.ld, B.A, B.ld);
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK POTRS error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK POTRS error code: " + info);
* The QR decomposition. For an m-by-n matrix A with {@code m >= n},
* the QR decomposition is an m-by-n orthogonal matrix Q and
* an n-by-n upper triangular matrix R such that A = Q*R.
* The QR decomposition always exists, even if the matrix does not have
* full rank. The primary use of the QR decomposition is in the least squares
* solution of non-square systems of simultaneous linear equations.
* @author Haifeng Li
public static class QR implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
* The QR decomposition.
public final BigMatrix qr;
* The scalar factors of the elementary reflectors
public final DoublePointer tau;
* Constructor.
* @param qr the QR decomposition.
* @param tau the scalar factors of the elementary reflectors
public QR(BigMatrix qr, DoublePointer tau) {
this.qr = qr;
this.tau = tau;
* Returns the Cholesky decomposition of A'A.
* @return the Cholesky decomposition of A'A.
public Cholesky CholeskyOfAtA() {
int n = qr.n;
BigMatrix L = new BigMatrix(n, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
L.set(i, j, qr.get(j, i));
return new Cholesky(L);
* Returns the upper triangular factor.
* @return the upper triangular factor.
public BigMatrix R() {
int n = qr.n;
BigMatrix R = BigMatrix.diag(tau);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < n; j++) {
R.set(i, j, qr.get(i, j));
return R;
* Returns the orthogonal factor.
* @return the orthogonal factor.
public BigMatrix Q() {
int m = qr.m;
int n = qr.n;
int k = Math.min(m, n);
BigMatrix Q = qr.copy();
int info = LAPACK.engine.orgqr(qr.layout(), m, n, k, Q.A, qr.ld, tau);
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK ORGRQ error code: {}", info);
throw new ArithmeticException("LAPACK ORGRQ error code: " + info);
return Q;
* Solves the least squares min || B - A*X ||.
* @param b the right hand side of overdetermined linear system.
* @throws RuntimeException when the matrix is rank deficient.
* @return the solution vector beta that minimizes ||Y - X*beta||.
public double[] solve(double[] b) {
if (b.length != qr.m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Row dimensions do not agree: A is %d x %d, but B is %d x 1", qr.m, qr.n, b.length));
BigMatrix x = BigMatrix.column(b);
double[] y = new double[qr.n];
return y;
* Solves the least squares min || B - A*X ||.
* @param B the right hand side of overdetermined linear system.
* B will be overwritten with the solution matrix on output.
* @throws RuntimeException when the matrix is rank deficient.
public void solve(BigMatrix B) {
if (B.m != qr.m) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Row dimensions do not agree: A is %d x %d, but B is %d x %d", qr.nrow(), qr.nrow(), B.nrow(), B.ncol()));
int m = qr.m;
int n = qr.n;
int k = Math.min(m, n);
int info = LAPACK.engine.ormqr(qr.layout(), LEFT, TRANSPOSE, B.nrow(), B.ncol(), k, qr.A, qr.ld, tau, B.A, B.ld);
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK ORMQR error code: {}", info);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LAPACK ORMQR error code: " + info);
info = LAPACK.engine.trtrs(qr.layout(), UPPER, NO_TRANSPOSE, NON_UNIT, qr.n, B.n, qr.A, qr.ld, B.A, B.ld);
if (info != 0) {
logger.error("LAPACK TRTRS error code: {}", info);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LAPACK TRTRS error code: " + info);