smile.math.matrix.Lanczos Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Smile. If not, see .
package smile.math.matrix;
import smile.math.MathEx;
* The Lanczos algorithm is a direct algorithm devised by Cornelius Lanczos
* that is an adaptation of power methods to find the most useful eigenvalues
* and eigenvectors of a nth order linear system with a limited
* number of operations, m, where m is much smaller than n.
* Although computationally efficient in principle, the method as initially
* formulated was not useful, due to its numerical instability. In this
* implementation, we use partial reorthogonalization to make the method
* numerically stable.
* @author Haifeng Li
public class Lanczos {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Lanczos.class);
* Find k-largest approximate eigen pairs of a symmetric matrix by the
* Lanczos algorithm.
* @param A the matrix supporting matrix vector multiplication operation.
* @param k the number of eigenvalues we wish to compute for the input matrix.
* This number cannot exceed the size of A.
* @return eigen value decomposition.
public static Matrix.EVD eigen(IMatrix A, int k) {
return eigen(A, k, 1.0E-8, 10 * A.nrow());
* Find k-largest approximate eigen pairs of a symmetric matrix by the
* Lanczos algorithm.
* @param A the matrix supporting matrix vector multiplication operation.
* @param k the number of eigenvalues we wish to compute for the input matrix.
* This number cannot exceed the size of A.
* @param kappa relative accuracy of ritz values acceptable as eigenvalues.
* @param maxIter Maximum number of iterations.
* @return eigen value decomposition.
public static Matrix.EVD eigen(IMatrix A, int k, double kappa, int maxIter) {
if (A.nrow() != A.ncol()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Matrix is not square: %d x %d", A.nrow(), A.ncol()));
if (k < 1 || k > A.nrow()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("k is larger than the size of A: " + k + " > " + A.nrow());
if (kappa <= MathEx.EPSILON) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid tolerance: kappa = " + kappa);
if (maxIter <= 0) {
maxIter = 10 * A.nrow();
int n = A.nrow();
int intro = 0;
// roundoff estimate for dot product of two unit vectors
double eps = MathEx.EPSILON * Math.sqrt(n);
double reps = Math.sqrt(MathEx.EPSILON);
double eps34 = reps * Math.sqrt(reps);
kappa = Math.max(kappa, eps34);
// Workspace
// wptr[0] r[j]
// wptr[1] q[j]
// wptr[2] q[j-1]
// wptr[3] p
// wptr[4] p[j-1]
// wptr[5] temporary worksapce
double[][] wptr = new double[6][n];
// orthogonality estimate of Lanczos vectors at step j
double[] eta = new double[n];
// orthogonality estimate of Lanczos vectors at step j-1
double[] oldeta = new double[n];
// the error bounds
double[] bnd = new double[n];
// diagonal elements of T
double[] alf = new double[n];
// off-diagonal elements of T
double[] bet = new double[n + 1];
// basis vectors for the Krylov subspace
double[][] q = new double[n][];
// initial Lanczos vectors
double[][] p = new double[2][];
// arrays used in the QL decomposition
double[] ritz = new double[n + 1];
// eigenvectors calculated in the QL decomposition
Matrix z = null;
// First step of the Lanczos algorithm. It also does a step of extended
// local re-orthogonalization.
// get initial vector; default is random
double rnm = startv(A, q, wptr, 0);
// normalize starting vector
double t = 1.0 / rnm;
MathEx.scale(t, wptr[0], wptr[1]);
MathEx.scale(t, wptr[3]);
// take the first step
A.mv(wptr[3], wptr[0]);
alf[0] = MathEx.dot(wptr[0], wptr[3]);
MathEx.axpy(-alf[0], wptr[1], wptr[0]);
t = MathEx.dot(wptr[0], wptr[3]);
MathEx.axpy(-t, wptr[1], wptr[0]);
alf[0] += t;
System.arraycopy(wptr[0], 0, wptr[4], 0, n);
rnm = MathEx.norm(wptr[0]);
double anorm = rnm + Math.abs(alf[0]);
double tol = reps * anorm;
if (0 == rnm) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Lanczos method was unable to find a starting vector within range.");
eta[0] = eps;
oldeta[0] = eps;
// number of ritz values stabilized
int neig = 0;
// number of intitial Lanczos vectors in local orthog. (has value of 0, 1 or 2)
int ll = 0;
// start of index through loop
int first = 1;
// end of index through loop
int last = Math.min(k + Math.max(8, k), n);
// number of Lanczos steps actually taken
int j = 0;
// stop flag
boolean enough = false;
// algorithm iterations
int iter = 0;
for (; !enough && iter < maxIter; iter++) {
if (rnm <= tol) {
rnm = 0.0;
// a single Lanczos step
for (j = first; j < last; j++) {
MathEx.swap(wptr, 1, 2);
MathEx.swap(wptr, 3, 4);
store(q, j - 1, wptr[2]);
if (j - 1 < 2) {
p[j - 1] = wptr[4].clone();
bet[j] = rnm;
// restart if invariant subspace is found
if (0 == bet[j]) {
rnm = startv(A, q, wptr, j);
if (rnm < 0.0) {
rnm = 0.0;
if (rnm == 0) {
enough = true;
if (enough) {
// These lines fix a bug that occurs with low-rank matrices
MathEx.swap(wptr, 1, 2);
// take a lanczos step
t = 1.0 / rnm;
MathEx.scale(t, wptr[0], wptr[1]);
MathEx.scale(t, wptr[3]);
A.mv(wptr[3], wptr[0]);
MathEx.axpy(-rnm, wptr[2], wptr[0]);
alf[j] = MathEx.dot(wptr[0], wptr[3]);
MathEx.axpy(-alf[j], wptr[1], wptr[0]);
// orthogonalize against initial lanczos vectors
if (j <= 2 && (Math.abs(alf[j - 1]) > 4.0 * Math.abs(alf[j]))) {
ll = j;
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(ll, j - 1); i++) {
t = MathEx.dot(p[i], wptr[0]);
MathEx.axpy(-t, q[i], wptr[0]);
eta[i] = eps;
oldeta[i] = eps;
// extended local reorthogonalization
t = MathEx.dot(wptr[0], wptr[4]);
MathEx.axpy(-t, wptr[2], wptr[0]);
if (bet[j] > 0.0) {
bet[j] = bet[j] + t;
t = MathEx.dot(wptr[0], wptr[3]);
MathEx.axpy(-t, wptr[1], wptr[0]);
alf[j] = alf[j] + t;
System.arraycopy(wptr[0], 0, wptr[4], 0, n);
rnm = MathEx.norm(wptr[0]);
anorm = bet[j] + Math.abs(alf[j]) + rnm;
tol = reps * anorm;
// update the orthogonality bounds
ortbnd(alf, bet, eta, oldeta, j, rnm, eps);
// restore the orthogonality state when needed
rnm = purge(ll, q, wptr[0], wptr[1], wptr[4], wptr[3], eta, oldeta, j, rnm, tol, eps, reps);
if (rnm <= tol) {
rnm = 0.0;
if (enough) {
j = j - 1;
} else {
j = last - 1;
first = j + 1;
bet[j + 1] = rnm;
// analyze T
System.arraycopy(alf, 0, ritz, 0, j + 1);
System.arraycopy(bet, 0, wptr[5], 0, j + 1);
z = new Matrix(j + 1, j + 1);
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
z.set(i, i, 1.0);
// compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
// tridiagonal matrix
tql2(z, ritz, wptr[5]);
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
bnd[i] = rnm * Math.abs(z.get(j, i));
// massage error bounds for very close ritz values
boolean[] ref_enough = {enough};
neig = error_bound(ref_enough, ritz, bnd, j, tol, eps34);
enough = ref_enough[0];
// should we stop?
if (neig < k) {
if (0 == neig) {
last = first + 9;
intro = first;
} else {
last = first + Math.max(3, 1 + ((j - intro) * (k - neig)) / Math.max(3,neig));
last = Math.min(last, n);
} else {
enough = true;
enough = enough || first >= n;
logger.info("Lanczos: {} iterations for Matrix of size {}", iter, n);
store(q, j, wptr[1]);
k = Math.min(k, neig);
double[] eigenvalues = new double[k];
Matrix eigenvectors = new Matrix(n, k);
for (int i = 0, index = 0; i <= j && index < k; i++) {
if (bnd[i] <= kappa * Math.abs(ritz[i])) {
for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
for (int l = 0; l <= j; l++) {
eigenvectors.add(row, index, q[l][row] * z.get(l, i));
eigenvalues[index++] = ritz[i];
return new Matrix.EVD(eigenvalues, eigenvectors);
* Generate a starting vector in r and returns |r|. It returns zero if the
* range is spanned, and throws exception if no starting vector within range
* of operator can be found.
* @param step starting index for a Lanczos run
private static double startv(IMatrix A, double[][] q, double[][] wptr, int step) {
// get initial vector; default is random
double rnm = MathEx.dot(wptr[0], wptr[0]);
double[] r = wptr[0];
int n = r.length;
for (int id = 0; id < 3; id++) {
if (id > 0 || step > 0 || rnm == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
r[i] = Math.random() - 0.5;
System.arraycopy(wptr[0], 0, wptr[3], 0, n);
// apply operator to put r in range (essential if m singular)
A.mv(wptr[3], wptr[0]);
System.arraycopy(wptr[0], 0, wptr[3], 0, n);
rnm = MathEx.dot(wptr[0], wptr[3]);
if (rnm > 0.0) {
// fatal error
if (rnm <= 0.0) {
logger.error("Lanczos method was unable to find a starting vector within range.");
return -1;
if (step > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < step; i++) {
double t = MathEx.dot(wptr[3], q[i]);
MathEx.axpy(-t, q[i], wptr[0]);
// make sure q[step] is orthogonal to q[step-1]
double t = MathEx.dot(wptr[4], wptr[0]);
MathEx.axpy(-t, wptr[2], wptr[0]);
System.arraycopy(wptr[0], 0, wptr[3], 0, n);
t = MathEx.dot(wptr[3], wptr[0]);
if (t <= MathEx.EPSILON * rnm) {
t = 0.0;
rnm = t;
return Math.sqrt(rnm);
* Update the eta recurrence.
* @param alf array to store diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix T
* @param bet array to store off-diagonal of T
* @param eta on input, orthogonality estimate of Lanczos vectors at step j.
* On output, orthogonality estimate of Lanczos vectors at step j+1 .
* @param oldeta on input, orthogonality estimate of Lanczos vectors at step j-1
* On output orthogonality estimate of Lanczos vectors at step j
* @param step dimension of T
* @param rnm norm of the next residual vector
* @param eps roundoff estimate for dot product of two unit vectors
private static void ortbnd(double[] alf, double[] bet, double[] eta, double[] oldeta, int step, double rnm, double eps) {
if (step < 1) {
if (0 != rnm) {
if (step > 1) {
oldeta[0] = (bet[1] * eta[1] + (alf[0] - alf[step]) * eta[0] - bet[step] * oldeta[0]) / rnm + eps;
for (int i = 1; i <= step - 2; i++) {
oldeta[i] = (bet[i + 1] * eta[i + 1] + (alf[i] - alf[step]) * eta[i] + bet[i] * eta[i - 1] - bet[step] * oldeta[i]) / rnm + eps;
oldeta[step - 1] = eps;
for (int i = 0; i < step; i++) {
double swap = eta[i];
eta[i] = oldeta[i];
oldeta[i] = swap;
eta[step] = eps;
* Examine the state of orthogonality between the new Lanczos
* vector and the previous ones to decide whether re-orthogonalization
* should be performed.
* @param ll number of intitial Lanczos vectors in local orthog.
* @param r on input, residual vector to become next Lanczos vector.
* On output, residual vector orthogonalized against previous Lanczos.
* @param q on input, current Lanczos vector. On Output, current
* Lanczos vector orthogonalized against previous ones.
* @param ra previous Lanczos vector
* @param qa previous Lanczos vector
* @param eta state of orthogonality between r and prev. Lanczos vectors
* @param oldeta state of orthogonality between q and prev. Lanczos vectors
private static double purge(int ll, double[][] Q, double[] r, double[] q, double[] ra, double[] qa, double[] eta, double[] oldeta, int step, double rnm, double tol, double eps, double reps) {
if (step < ll + 2) {
return rnm;
double t, tq, tr;
int k = idamax(step - (ll + 1), eta, ll, 1) + ll;
if (Math.abs(eta[k]) > reps) {
double reps1 = eps / reps;
int iteration = 0;
boolean flag = true;
while (iteration < 2 && flag) {
if (rnm > tol) {
// bring in a lanczos vector t and orthogonalize both
// r and q against it
tq = 0.0;
tr = 0.0;
for (int i = ll; i < step; i++) {
t = -MathEx.dot(qa, Q[i]);
tq += Math.abs(t);
MathEx.axpy(t, Q[i], q);
t = -MathEx.dot(ra, Q[i]);
tr += Math.abs(t);
MathEx.axpy(t, Q[i], r);
System.arraycopy(q, 0, qa, 0, q.length);
t = -MathEx.dot(r, qa);
tr += Math.abs(t);
MathEx.axpy(t, q, r);
System.arraycopy(r, 0, ra, 0, r.length);
rnm = Math.sqrt(MathEx.dot(ra, r));
if (tq <= reps1 && tr <= reps1 * rnm) {
flag = false;
for (int i = ll; i <= step; i++) {
eta[i] = eps;
oldeta[i] = eps;
return rnm;
* Find the index of element having maximum absolute value.
private static int idamax(int n, double[] dx, int ix0, int incx) {
int ix, imax;
double dmax;
if (n < 1) {
return -1;
if (n == 1) {
return 0;
if (incx == 0) {
return -1;
ix = (incx < 0) ? ix0 + ((-n + 1) * incx) : ix0;
imax = ix;
dmax = Math.abs(dx[ix]);
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
ix += incx;
double dtemp = Math.abs(dx[ix]);
if (dtemp > dmax) {
dmax = dtemp;
imax = ix;
return imax;
* Massage error bounds for very close ritz values by placing a gap between
* them. The error bounds are then refined to reflect this.
* @param ritz array to store the ritz values
* @param bnd array to store the error bounds
* @param enough stop flag
private static int error_bound(boolean[] enough, double[] ritz, double[] bnd, int step, double tol, double eps34) {
double gapl, gap;
// massage error bounds for very close ritz values
int mid = idamax(step + 1, bnd, 0, 1);
for (int i = ((step + 1) + (step - 1)) / 2; i >= mid + 1; i -= 1) {
if (Math.abs(ritz[i - 1] - ritz[i]) < eps34 * Math.abs(ritz[i])) {
if (bnd[i] > tol && bnd[i - 1] > tol) {
bnd[i - 1] = Math.sqrt(bnd[i] * bnd[i] + bnd[i - 1] * bnd[i - 1]);
bnd[i] = 0.0;
for (int i = ((step + 1) - (step - 1)) / 2; i <= mid - 1; i += 1) {
if (Math.abs(ritz[i + 1] - ritz[i]) < eps34 * Math.abs(ritz[i])) {
if (bnd[i] > tol && bnd[i + 1] > tol) {
bnd[i + 1] = Math.sqrt(bnd[i] * bnd[i] + bnd[i + 1] * bnd[i + 1]);
bnd[i] = 0.0;
// refine the error bounds
int neig = 0;
gapl = ritz[step] - ritz[0];
for (int i = 0; i <= step; i++) {
gap = gapl;
if (i < step) {
gapl = ritz[i + 1] - ritz[i];
gap = Math.min(gap, gapl);
if (gap > bnd[i]) {
bnd[i] = bnd[i] * (bnd[i] / gap);
if (bnd[i] <= 16.0 * MathEx.EPSILON * Math.abs(ritz[i])) {
if (!enough[0]) {
enough[0] = -MathEx.EPSILON < ritz[i] && ritz[i] < MathEx.EPSILON;
logger.info("Lancozs method found {} converged eigenvalues of the {}-by-{} matrix", neig, step + 1, step + 1);
if (neig != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i <= step; i++) {
if (bnd[i] <= 16.0 * MathEx.EPSILON * Math.abs(ritz[i])) {
logger.info("ritz[{}] = {}", i, ritz[i]);
return neig;
* Based on the input operation flag, stores to or retrieves from memory a vector.
* @param s contains the vector to be stored
private static void store(double[][] q, int j, double[] s) {
if (null == q[j]) {
q[j] = s.clone();
} else {
System.arraycopy(s, 0, q[j], 0, s.length);
* Tridiagonal QL Implicit routine for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric,
* real, tridiagonal matrix.
* The routine works extremely well in practice. The number of iterations for the first few
* eigenvalues might be 4 or 5, say, but meanwhile the off-diagonal elements in the lower right-hand
* corner have been reduced too. The later eigenvalues are liberated with very little work. The
* average number of iterations per eigenvalue is typically 1.3 - 1.6. The operation count per
* iteration is O(n), with a fairly large effective coefficient, say, ~20n. The total operation count
* for the diagonalization is then ~20n * (1.3 - 1.6)n = ~30n2. If the eigenvectors are required,
* there is an additional, much larger, workload of about O(3n3) operations.
* @param V on input, it contains the identity matrix. On output, the kth column
* of V returns the normalized eigenvector corresponding to d[k].
* @param d on input, it contains the diagonal elements of the tridiagonal matrix.
* On output, it contains the eigenvalues.
* @param e on input, it contains the subdiagonal elements of the tridiagonal
* matrix, with e[0] arbitrary. On output, its contents are destroyed.
private static void tql2(Matrix V, double[] d, double[] e) {
int n = V.nrow();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
e[i - 1] = e[i];
e[n - 1] = 0.0;
double f = 0.0;
double tst1 = 0.0;
for (int l = 0; l < n; l++) {
// Find small subdiagonal element
tst1 = Math.max(tst1, Math.abs(d[l]) + Math.abs(e[l]));
int m = l;
for (; m < n; m++) {
if (Math.abs(e[m]) <= MathEx.EPSILON * tst1) {
// If m == l, d[l] is an eigenvalue,
// otherwise, iterate.
if (m > l) {
int iter = 0;
do {
if (++iter >= 30) {
throw new RuntimeException("Too many iterations");
// Compute implicit shift
double g = d[l];
double p = (d[l + 1] - g) / (2.0 * e[l]);
double r = Math.hypot(p, 1.0);
if (p < 0) {
r = -r;
d[l] = e[l] / (p + r);
d[l + 1] = e[l] * (p + r);
double dl1 = d[l + 1];
double h = g - d[l];
for (int i = l + 2; i < n; i++) {
d[i] -= h;
f = f + h;
// Implicit QL transformation.
p = d[m];
double c = 1.0;
double c2 = c;
double c3 = c;
double el1 = e[l + 1];
double s = 0.0;
double s2 = 0.0;
for (int i = m - 1; i >= l; i--) {
c3 = c2;
c2 = c;
s2 = s;
g = c * e[i];
h = c * p;
r = Math.hypot(p, e[i]);
e[i + 1] = s * r;
s = e[i] / r;
c = p / r;
p = c * d[i] - s * g;
d[i + 1] = h + s * (c * g + s * d[i]);
// Accumulate transformation.
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
h = V.get(k, i + 1);
V.set(k, i + 1, s * V.get(k, i) + c * h);
V.set(k, i, c * V.get(k, i) - s * h);
p = -s * s2 * c3 * el1 * e[l] / dl1;
e[l] = s * p;
d[l] = c * p;
// Check for convergence.
} while (Math.abs(e[l]) > MathEx.EPSILON * tst1);
d[l] = d[l] + f;
e[l] = 0.0;
// Sort eigenvalues and corresponding vectors.
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
int k = i;
double p = d[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
if (d[j] > p) {
k = j;
p = d[j];
if (k != i) {
d[k] = d[i];
d[i] = p;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
p = V.get(j, i);
V.set(j, i, V.get(j, k));
V.set(j, k, p);