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* Copyright (c) 2010-2025 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Smile. If not, see .
*/package smile.neighbor;
import java.util.*;
import smile.graph.NearestNeighborGraph;
import smile.math.MathEx;
import smile.sort.HeapSelect;
* A set of random projection trees.
* @author Karl Li
*/publicclassRandomProjectionForestimplementsKNNSearch {privatefinal List trees;
privatefinaldouble[][] data;
privatefinalboolean angular;
private RandomProjectionForest(List trees, double[][] data, boolean angular) {
this.trees = trees; = data;
this.angular = angular;
public Neighbor[] search(double[] q, int k) {
HeapSelect> heap = new HeapSelect<>(NeighborBuilder.class, k);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
heap.add(new NeighborBuilder<>());
Set uniqueSamples = new HashSet<>();
for (var tree : trees) {
int[] samples =;
for (var index : samples) {
for (var index : uniqueSamples) {
double[] x = data[index];
double dist = angular ? MathEx.angular(q, x) : MathEx.distance(q, x);
if (heap.size() < k) {
heap.add(new NeighborBuilder<>(x, x, index, dist));
} else {
var top = heap.peek();
if (dist < top.distance) {
top.distance = dist;
top.index = index;
top.key = x;
top.value = x;
* Returns a k-nearest neighbor graph.
* @param k k-nearest neighbors.
* @return k-nearest neighbor graph.
*/public NearestNeighborGraph toGraph(int k) {
int n = data.length;
List>> heapList = new ArrayList<>(n);
List> neighborSetList = new ArrayList<>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
heapList.add(new HeapSelect<>(NeighborBuilder.class, k));
neighborSetList.add(new HashSet<>());
for (var tree : trees) {
for (int[] leaf : tree.indices) {
for (int li = 0; li < leaf.length; li++) {
int i = leaf[li];
double[] xi = data[i];
for (int lj = li + 1; lj < leaf.length; lj++) {
int j = leaf[lj];
double[] xj = data[j];
double dist = angular ? MathEx.angular(xi, xj) : MathEx.distance(xi, xj);
update(neighborSetList.get(i), heapList.get(i), k, xj, j, dist);
update(neighborSetList.get(j), heapList.get(j), k, xi, i, dist);
int[][] neighbors = newint[n][];
double[][] distances = newdouble[n][];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var pq = heapList.get(i);
int m = Math.min(k, pq.size());
neighbors[i] = newint[m];
distances[i] = newdouble[m];
var a = pq.toArray();
for (int j = 0, l = m-1; j < m; j++, l--) {
neighbors[i][j] = a[l].index;
distances[i][j] = a[l].distance;
returnnew NearestNeighborGraph(k, neighbors, distances);
privatestaticvoid update(Set set, HeapSelect> pq, int k, double[] x, int index, double dist) {
if (!set.contains(index)) {
if (pq.size() < k) {
pq.add(new NeighborBuilder<>(x, x, index, dist));
} else {
var top = pq.peek();
if (dist < top.distance) {
top.distance = dist;
top.index = index;
top.key = x;
top.value = x;
record FlatTree(double[][] hyperplanes, double[] offsets, int[][] children, int[][] indices) {
publicint[] search(double[] point) {
int node = 0;
while (children[node][0] > 0) {
boolean rightSide = RandomProjectionTree.isRightSide(point, hyperplanes[node], offsets[node]);
node = children[node][rightSide ? 1 : 0];
return indices[-children[node][0]];
* Builds a random projection forest.
* @param data the data set.
* @param numTrees the number of trees.
* @param leafSize The maximum size of leaf node.
* @param angular true for angular metric, otherwise Euclidean.
* @return random projection forest
*/publicstatic RandomProjectionForest of(double[][] data, int numTrees, int leafSize, boolean angular) {
var trees = IntStream.range(0, numTrees).parallel()
.mapToObj(i -> RandomProjectionTree.of(data, leafSize, angular).flatten())
returnnew RandomProjectionForest(trees, data, angular);