smile.stat.distribution.BinomialDistribution Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package smile.stat.distribution;
import smile.math.MathEx;
import smile.math.special.Beta;
import java.io.Serial;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
import static smile.math.MathEx.lfactorial;
* The binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of
* the number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments,
* each of which yields success with probability p. Such a success/failure
* experiment is also called a Bernoulli experiment or Bernoulli trial.
* In fact, when n = 1
, the binomial distribution is a Bernoulli
* distribution. The probability of getting exactly k successes in n trials
* is given by the probability mass function:
* Pr(K = k) = nCk pk (1-p)n-k
* where nCk
is n choose k.
* It is frequently used to model number of successes in a sample of size
* n from a population of size N. Since the samples are not independent
* (this is sampling without replacement), the resulting distribution
* is a hypergeometric distribution, not a binomial one. However, for N much
* larger than n, the binomial distribution is a good approximation, and
* widely used.
* Binomial distribution describes the number of successes for draws with
* replacement. In contrast, the hypergeometric distribution describes the
* number of successes for draws without replacement.
* Although Binomial distribution belongs to exponential family, we don't
* implement DiscreteExponentialFamily interface here since it is impossible
* and meaningless to estimate a mixture of Binomial distributions.
* @see HyperGeometricDistribution
* @author Haifeng Li
public class BinomialDistribution extends DiscreteDistribution {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
/** The probability of success. */
public final double p;
/** The number of experiments. */
public final int n;
/** The entropy. */
private final double entropy;
* Constructor.
* @param p the probability of success.
* @param n the number of experiments.
public BinomialDistribution(int n, double p) {
if (p < 0 || p > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid p: " + p);
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid n: " + n);
this.n = n;
this.p = p;
entropy = log(2 * PI * E * n * p * (1 - p)) / 2;
public int length() {
return 2;
public double mean() {
return n * p;
public double variance() {
return n * p * (1 - p);
public double sd() {
return Math.sqrt(n * p * (1 - p));
public double entropy() {
return entropy;
public String toString() {
return String.format("Binomial Distribution(%d, %.4f)", n, p);
public double p(int k) {
if (k < 0 || k > n) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return Math.floor(0.5 + exp(lfactorial(n) - lfactorial(k) - lfactorial(n - k))) * Math.pow(p, k) * Math.pow(1.0 - p, n - k);
public double logp(int k) {
if (k < 0 || k > n) {
} else {
return lfactorial(n) - lfactorial(k)
- lfactorial(n - k) + k * log(p) + (n - k) * log(1.0 - p);
public double cdf(double k) {
if (k < 0) {
return 0.0;
} else if (k >= n) {
return 1.0;
} else {
return Beta.regularizedIncompleteBetaFunction(n - k, k + 1, 1 - p);
public double quantile(double p) {
if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid p: " + p);
if (p == 0.0) {
return 0;
if (p == 1.0) {
return n;
// Starting guess near peak of density.
// Expand interval until we bracket.
int kl, ku, inc = 1;
int k = Math.max(0, Math.min(n, (int) (n * p)));
if (p < cdf(k)) {
do {
k = Math.max(k - inc, 0);
inc *= 2;
} while (p < cdf(k) && k > 0);
kl = k;
ku = k + inc / 2;
} else {
do {
k = Math.min(k + inc, n + 1);
inc *= 2;
} while (p > cdf(k));
ku = k;
kl = k - inc / 2;
return quantile(p, kl, ku);
* This function generates a random variate with the binomial distribution.
* Uses down/up search from the mode by chop-down technique for {@code n*p < 55},
* and patchwork rejection method for {@code n*p >= 55}.
* For {@code n*p < 1E-6} numerical inaccuracy is avoided by poisson approximation.
public double rand() {
// faster calculation by inversion
boolean inv = p > 0.5;
double np = n * Math.min(p, 1.0 - p);
// Poisson's approximation for extremely low np
int x = np < 1E-6 ?
PoissonDistribution.tinyLambdaRand(np) :
getRandomNumberGenerator(p, np).rand();
// undo inversion
return inv ? n - x : x;
* Returns a random number generator.
* @param p the probability of success.
* @param np n * p
* @return a random number generator.
private RandomNumberGenerator getRandomNumberGenerator(double p, double np) {
RandomNumberGenerator rng;
if (np < 55) {
// inversion method, using chop-down search from 0
if (p <= 0.5) {
rng = new ModeSearch(p);
} else {
rng = new ModeSearch(1.0 - p); // faster calculation by inversion
} else {
// ratio of uniforms method
if (p <= 0.5) {
rng = new Patchwork(p);
} else {
rng = new Patchwork(1.0 - p); // faster calculation by inversion
return rng;
interface RandomNumberGenerator {
int rand();
class Patchwork implements RandomNumberGenerator {
private final int k1, k2, k4, k5;
private final double dl, dr, r1, r2, r4, r5, ll, lr, l_pq, c_pm, f1, f2, f4, f5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6;
public Patchwork(double p) {
double nu = (n + 1) * p;
double q = 1.0 - p; // main parameters
// approximate deviation of reflection points k2, k4 from nu - 1/2
double W = Math.sqrt(nu * q + 0.25);
// mode, reflection points k2 and k4, and points k1 and k5, which
// delimit the centre region of h(x)
final int mode = (int) nu;
k2 = (int) Math.ceil(nu - 0.5 - W);
k4 = (int) (nu - 0.5 + W);
k1 = k2 + k2 - mode + 1;
k5 = k4 + k4 - mode;
// range width of the critical left and right centre region
dl = k2 - k1;
dr = k5 - k4;
// recurrence constants r(k) = p(k)/p(k-1) at k = k1, k2, k4+1, k5+1
nu = nu / q;
p = p / q;
r1 = nu / (double) k1 - p; // nu = (n+1)p / q
r2 = nu / (double) k2 - p; // p = p / q
r4 = nu / (double) (k4 + 1) - p;
r5 = nu / (double) (k5 + 1) - p;
if (Double.isInfinite(r1) || Double.isNaN(r1) ||
Double.isInfinite(r2) || Double.isNaN(r2) ||
Double.isInfinite(r4) || Double.isNaN(r4) ||
Double.isInfinite(r5) || Double.isNaN(r5)) {
throw new ArithmeticException("RNG arithmetic overflow/underflow.");
// reciprocal values of the scale parameters of expon. tail envelopes
ll = log(r1); // expon. tail left
lr = -log(r5); // expon. tail right
// binomial constants, necessary for computing function values f(k)
l_pq = log(p);
c_pm = mode * l_pq - lfactorial(mode) - lfactorial(n - mode);
// function values f(k) = p(k)/p(mode) at k = k2, k4, k1, k5
f2 = f(k2, n, l_pq, c_pm);
f4 = f(k4, n, l_pq, c_pm);
f1 = f(k1, n, l_pq, c_pm);
f5 = f(k5, n, l_pq, c_pm);
// area of the two centre and the two exponential tail regions
// area of the two immediate acceptance regions between k2, k4
p1 = f2 * (dl + 1.); // immed. left
p2 = f2 * dl + p1; // centre left
p3 = f4 * (dr + 1.) + p2; // immed. right
p4 = f4 * dr + p3; // centre right
p5 = f1 / ll + p4; // expon. tail left
p6 = f5 / lr + p5; // expon. tail right
* Ppatchwork rejection method (BPRS).
public int rand() {
int Dk, X, Y;
double U, V, W;
for (;;) {
// generate uniform number U -- U(0, p6)
// case distinction corresponding to U
if ((U = MathEx.random() * p6) < p2) { // centre left
// immediate acceptance region R2 = [k2, mode) *[0, f2), X = k2, ... mode -1
if ((V = U - p1) < 0.) {
return (k2 + (int) (U / f2));
// immediate acceptance region R1 = [k1, k2)*[0, f1), X = k1, ... k2-1
if ((W = V / dl) < f1) {
return (k1 + (int) (V / f1));
// computation of candidate X < k2, and its counterpart Y > k2
// either squeeze-acceptance of X or acceptance-rejection of Y
Dk = (int) (dl * MathEx.random()) + 1;
if (W <= f2 - Dk * (f2 - f2 / r2)) { // quick accept of
return (k2 - Dk);
} // X = k2 - Dk
if ((V = f2 + f2 - W) < 1.) { // quick reject of Y
Y = k2 + Dk;
if (V <= f2 + Dk * (1. - f2) / (dl + 1.)) { // quick accept of
return (Y);
} // Y = k2 + Dk
if (V <= f(Y, n, l_pq, c_pm)) {
return (Y);
} // final accept of Y
X = k2 - Dk;
} else if (U < p4) { // centre right
// immediate acceptance region R3 = [mode, k4+1)*[0, f4), X = mode, ... k4
if ((V = U - p3) < 0.) {
return (k4 - (int) ((U - p2) / f4));
// immediate acceptance region R4 = [k4+1, k5+1)*[0, f5)
if ((W = V / dr) < f5) {
return (k5 - (int) (V / f5));
// computation of candidate X > k4, and its counterpart Y < k4
// either squeeze-acceptance of X or acceptance-rejection of Y
Dk = (int) (dr * MathEx.random()) + 1;
if (W <= f4 - Dk * (f4 - f4 * r4)) { // quick accept of
return (k4 + Dk);
} // X = k4 + Dk
if ((V = f4 + f4 - W) < 1.) { // quick reject of Y
Y = k4 - Dk;
if (V <= f4 + Dk * (1. - f4) / dr) { // quick accept of
return (Y);
} // Y = k4 - Dk
if (V <= f(Y, n, l_pq, c_pm)) {
return (Y); // final accept of Y
X = k4 + Dk;
} else {
W = MathEx.random();
if (U < p5) { // expon. tail left
Dk = (int) (1. - log(W) / ll);
if ((X = k1 - Dk) < 0) {
continue; // 0 <= X <= k1 - 1
W *= (U - p4) * ll; // W -- U(0, h(x))
if (W <= f1 - Dk * (f1 - f1 / r1)) {
return X; // quick accept of X
} else { // expon. tail right
Dk = (int) (1. - log(W) / lr);
if ((X = k5 + Dk) > n) {
continue; // k5 + 1 <= X <= n
W *= (U - p5) * lr; // W -- U(0, h(x))
if (W <= f5 - Dk * (f5 - f5 * r5)) {
return X; // quick accept of X
// acceptance-rejection test of candidate X from the original area
// test, whether W <= BinomialF(k), with W = U*h(x) and U -- U(0, 1)
// log BinomialF(X) = (X - mode)*log(p/q) - log X!(n - X)! + log mode!(n - mode)!
if (log(W) <= X * l_pq - lfactorial(X) - lfactorial(n - X) - c_pm) {
return X;
// used by BinomialPatchwork
private double f(int k, int n, double l_pq, double c_pm) {
return exp(k * l_pq - lfactorial(k) - lfactorial(n - k) - c_pm);
class ModeSearch implements RandomNumberGenerator {
private int mode; // mode
private int bound; // upper bound
private final double modeValue; // value at mode
private final double r1;
public ModeSearch(double p) {
double nu = (n + 1) * p;
// safety bound guarantees at least 17 significant decimal digits
bound = (int) (nu + 11.0 * (Math.sqrt(nu) + 1.0));
if (bound > n) {
bound = n;
mode = (int) nu;
if (mode == nu && p == 0.5) {
mode--; // mode
r1 = p / (1.0 - p);
modeValue = exp(lfactorial(n) - lfactorial(mode) - lfactorial(n - mode) + mode * log(p) + (n - mode) * log(1. - p));
* Uses inversion method by down-up search starting at the mode (BMDU).
* Assumes p < 0.5. Gives overflow for n*p > 60.
* This method is fast when n*p is low.
public int rand() {
int K, x;
double U, c, d, divisor;
while (true) {
U = MathEx.random();
if ((U -= modeValue) <= 0.0) {
return (mode);
c = d = modeValue;
// down- and upward search from the mode
for (K = 1; K <= mode; K++) {
x = mode - K; // downward search from mode
divisor = (n - x) * r1;
c *= x + 1;
U *= divisor;
d *= divisor;
if ((U -= c) <= 0.0) {
return x;
x = mode + K; // upward search from mode
divisor = x;
d *= (n - x + 1) * r1;
U *= divisor;
c *= divisor;
if ((U -= d) <= 0.0) {
return x;
// upward search from 2*mode + 1 to bound
for (x = mode + mode + 1; x <= bound; x++) {
d *= (n - x + 1) * r1;
U *= x;
if ((U -= d) <= 0.0) {
return x;