smile.classification.AdaBoost Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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package smile.classification;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Properties;
import smile.base.cart.CART;
import smile.base.cart.SplitRule;
import smile.feature.importance.TreeSHAP;
import smile.math.MathEx;
import smile.util.IntSet;
import smile.util.Strings;
* AdaBoost (Adaptive Boosting) classifier with decision trees. In principle,
* AdaBoost is a meta-algorithm, and can be used in conjunction with many other
* learning algorithms to improve their performance. In practice, AdaBoost with
* decision trees is probably the most popular combination. AdaBoost is adaptive
* in the sense that subsequent classifiers built are tweaked in favor of those
* instances misclassified by previous classifiers. AdaBoost is sensitive to
* noisy data and outliers. However, in some problems it can be less susceptible
* to the over-fitting problem than most learning algorithms.
* AdaBoost calls a weak classifier repeatedly in a series of rounds from
* total T classifiers. For each call a distribution of weights is updated
* that indicates the importance of examples in the data set for the
* classification. On each round, the weights of each incorrectly classified
* example are increased (or alternatively, the weights of each correctly
* classified example are decreased), so that the new classifier focuses more
* on those examples.
* The basic AdaBoost algorithm is only for binary classification problem.
* For multi-class classification, a common approach is reducing the
* multi-class classification problem to multiple two-class problems.
* This implementation is a multi-class AdaBoost without such reductions.
* - Yoav Freund, Robert E. Schapire. A Decision-Theoretic Generalization of on-Line Learning and an Application to Boosting, 1995.
* - Ji Zhu, Hui Zhou, Saharon Rosset and Trevor Hastie. Multi-class Adaboost, 2009.
* @author Haifeng Li
public class AdaBoost extends AbstractClassifier implements DataFrameClassifier, TreeSHAP {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdaBoost.class);
* The model formula.
private final Formula formula;
* The number of classes.
private final int k;
* Forest of decision trees.
private DecisionTree[] trees;
* The weight of each decision tree.
private double[] alpha;
* The weighted error of each decision tree during training.
private double[] error;
* Variable importance. Every time a split of a node is made on variable
* the (GINI, information gain, etc.) impurity criterion for the two
* descendent nodes is less than the parent node. Adding up the decreases
* for each individual variable over all trees in the forest gives a fast
* variable importance that is often very consistent with the permutation
* importance measure.
private final double[] importance;
* Constructor.
* @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
* @param k the number of classes.
* @param trees forest of decision trees.
* @param alpha the weight of each decision tree.
* @param error the weighted error of each decision tree during training.
* @param importance variable importance
public AdaBoost(Formula formula, int k, DecisionTree[] trees, double[] alpha, double[] error, double[] importance) {
this(formula, k, trees, alpha, error, importance, IntSet.of(k));
* Constructor.
* @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
* @param k the number of classes.
* @param trees forest of decision trees.
* @param alpha the weight of each decision tree.
* @param error the weighted error of each decision tree during training.
* @param importance variable importance
* @param labels the class label encoder.
public AdaBoost(Formula formula, int k, DecisionTree[] trees, double[] alpha, double[] error, double[] importance, IntSet labels) {
this.formula = formula;
this.k = k;
this.trees = trees;
this.alpha = alpha;
this.error = error;
this.importance = importance;
* Fits a AdaBoost model.
* @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
* @param data the data frame of the explanatory and response variables.
* @return the model.
public static AdaBoost fit(Formula formula, DataFrame data) {
return fit(formula, data, new Properties());
* Fits a AdaBoost model.
* @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
* @param data the data frame of the explanatory and response variables.
* @param params the hyperparameters.
* @return the model.
public static AdaBoost fit(Formula formula, DataFrame data, Properties params) {
int ntrees = Integer.parseInt(params.getProperty("smile.adaboost.trees", "500"));
int maxDepth = Integer.parseInt(params.getProperty("smile.adaboost.max_depth", "20"));
int maxNodes = Integer.parseInt(params.getProperty("smile.adaboost.max_nodes", "6"));
int nodeSize = Integer.parseInt(params.getProperty("smile.adaboost.node_size", "1"));
return fit(formula, data, ntrees, maxDepth, maxNodes, nodeSize);
* Fits a AdaBoost model.
* @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
* @param data the data frame of the explanatory and response variables.
* @param ntrees the number of trees.
* @param maxDepth the maximum depth of the tree.
* @param maxNodes the maximum number of leaf nodes in the tree.
* @param nodeSize the number of instances in a node below which the tree will
* not split, setting nodeSize = 5 generally gives good results.
* @return the model.
public static AdaBoost fit(Formula formula, DataFrame data, int ntrees, int maxDepth, int maxNodes, int nodeSize) {
if (ntrees < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of trees: " + ntrees);
formula = formula.expand(data.schema());
DataFrame x = formula.x(data);
BaseVector, ?, ?> y = formula.y(data);
ClassLabels codec =;
int[][] order = CART.order(x);
int k = codec.k;
int n = data.size();
int[] samples = new int[n];
double[] w = new double[n];
boolean[] wrong = new boolean[n];
Arrays.fill(w, 1.0);
double guess = 1.0 / k; // accuracy of random guess.
double b = Math.log(k - 1); // the bias to tree weight in case of multi-class.
int failures = 0; // the number of weak classifiers less accurate than guess.
DecisionTree[] trees = new DecisionTree[ntrees];
double[] alpha = new double[ntrees];
double[] error = new double[ntrees];
for (int t = 0; t < ntrees; t++) {
double W = MathEx.sum(w);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w[i] /= W;
Arrays.fill(samples, 0);
int[] rand = MathEx.random(w, n);
for (int s : rand) {
trees[t] = new DecisionTree(x, codec.y, y.field(), k, SplitRule.GINI, maxDepth, maxNodes, nodeSize, -1, samples, order);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
wrong[i] = trees[t].predict(x.get(i)) != codec.y[i];
double e = 0.0; // weighted error
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (wrong[i]) {
e += w[i];
}"Training {} tree, weighted error = {}%", Strings.ordinal(t+1), 100*e);
if (1 - e > guess) {
failures = 0;
} else {
logger.error("Skip the weak classifier");
if (++failures > 3) {
trees = Arrays.copyOf(trees, t);
alpha = Arrays.copyOf(alpha, t);
error = Arrays.copyOf(error, t);
} else {
error[t] = e;
alpha[t] = Math.log((1-e) / Math.max(1E-10, e)) + b;
double a = Math.exp(alpha[t]);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (wrong[i]) {
w[i] *= a;
double[] importance = new double[x.ncol()];
for (DecisionTree tree : trees) {
double[] imp = tree.importance();
for (int i = 0; i < imp.length; i++) {
importance[i] += imp[i];
return new AdaBoost(formula, k, trees, alpha, error, importance, codec.classes);
public Formula formula() {
return formula;
public StructType schema() {
return trees[0].schema();
* Returns the variable importance. Every time a split of a node is made
* on variable the (GINI, information gain, etc.) impurity criterion for
* the two descendent nodes is less than the parent node. Adding up the
* decreases for each individual variable over all trees in the forest
* gives a simple measure of variable importance.
* @return the variable importance
public double[] importance() {
return importance;
* Returns the number of trees in the model.
* @return the number of trees in the model
public int size() {
return trees.length;
* Returns the decision trees.
* @return the decision trees.
public DecisionTree[] trees() {
return trees;
* Trims the tree model set to a smaller size in case of over-fitting.
* Or if extra decision trees in the model don't improve the performance,
* we may remove them to reduce the model size and also improve the speed of
* prediction.
* @param ntrees the new (smaller) size of tree model set.
public void trim(int ntrees) {
if (ntrees > trees.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new model size is larger than the current size.");
if (ntrees <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid new model size: " + ntrees);
if (ntrees < trees.length) {
trees = Arrays.copyOf(trees, ntrees);
alpha = Arrays.copyOf(alpha, ntrees);
error = Arrays.copyOf(error, ntrees);
public boolean soft() {
return true;
public int predict(Tuple x) {
Tuple xt = formula.x(x);
double[] y = new double[k];
for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) {
y[trees[i].predict(xt)] += alpha[i];
return classes.valueOf(MathEx.whichMax(y));
* Predicts the class label of an instance and also calculate a posteriori
* probabilities. Not supported.
public int predict(Tuple x, double[] posteriori) {
Tuple xt = formula.x(x);
Arrays.fill(posteriori, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) {
posteriori[trees[i].predict(xt)] += alpha[i];
double sum = MathEx.sum(posteriori);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
posteriori[i] /= sum;
return classes.valueOf(MathEx.whichMax(posteriori));
* Test the model on a validation dataset.
* @param data the validation data.
* @return the predictions with first 1, 2, ..., decision trees.
public int[][] test(DataFrame data) {
DataFrame x = formula.x(data);
int n = x.size();
int ntrees = trees.length;
int[][] prediction = new int[ntrees][n];
if (k == 2) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
Tuple xj = x.get(j);
double base = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ntrees; i++) {
base += alpha[i] * trees[i].predict(xj);
prediction[i][j] = base > 0 ? 1 : 0;
} else {
double[] p = new double[k];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
Tuple xj = x.get(j);
Arrays.fill(p, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < ntrees; i++) {
p[trees[i].predict(xj)] += alpha[i];
prediction[i][j] = MathEx.whichMax(p);
return prediction;