smile.plot.vega.Predicate Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Smile. If not, see .
package smile.plot.vega;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
* To test a data point in a filter transform or a test property in conditional
* encoding, a predicate definition of the following forms must be specified:
* - a Vega expression string, where datum can be used to refer to the current
* data object. For example, datum.b2 > 60 would test if the value in the
* field b2 for each data point is over 60.
* - one of the field predicates: equal, lt, lte, gt, gte, range, oneOf, or valid.
* - a parameter predicate, which defines the names of a selection that the data
* point should belong to (or a logical composition of selections).
* - a logical composition of (1), (2), or (3).
* @author Haifeng Li
public class Predicate {
/** The predicate specification object. */
final ObjectNode spec;
/** The Vega expression string. */
final String expr;
* Constructor.
* @param expr a Vega expression string.
public Predicate(String expr) {
this.spec = null;
this.expr = expr;
* Constructor of parameter predicate.
* For example, with {"param": "brush"}, only data values that fall within
* the selection named brush will remain in the dataset. Notice, by default,
* empty selections are considered to contain all data values. We can toggle
* this behavior by setting the optional empty property true on the predicate.
* @param param Filter using a parameter name.
* @param empty For selection parameters, the predicate of empty selections
* returns true by default. Override this behavior, by setting
* this property false.
public Predicate(String param, boolean empty) {
this.expr = null;
this.spec = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
spec.put("param", param).put("empty", empty);
* Constructor.
* @param spec the predicate specification object.
Predicate(ObjectNode spec) {
this.spec = spec;
this.expr = null;
* Sets the time unit for a temporal field. Vega-Lite supports the following time units:
* "year" - Gregorian calendar years.
* "quarter" - Three-month intervals, starting in one of January, April, July, and October.
* "month" - Calendar months (January, February, etc.).
* "date" - Calendar day of the month (January 1, January 2, etc.).
* "week" - Sunday-based weeks. Days before the first Sunday of the year are considered to be
* in week 0, the first Sunday of the year is the start of week 1, the second Sunday
* week 2, etc.
* "day" - Day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc.).
* "dayofyear" - Day of the year (1, 2, …, 365, etc.).
* "hours" - Hours of the day (12:00am, 1:00am, etc.).
* "minutes" - Minutes in an hour (12:00, 12:01, etc.).
* "seconds" - Seconds in a minute (12:00:00, 12:00:01, etc.).
* "milliseconds" - Milliseconds in a second.
* @param timeUnit Time unit.
* @return this object.
public Predicate timeUnit(String timeUnit) {
assert spec != null && spec.has("field") : "Not a Field Predicate";
spec.put("timeUnit", timeUnit);
return this;
* Test if a field in the data point satisfies certain conditions.
* @param field the field to be tested.
* @param op equal, lt (less than), lte (less than or equal),
* gt (greater than), or gte(greater than or equal).
* @param value the value to compare.
* @return a field predicate.
public static Predicate of(String field, String op, boolean value) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("field", field).put(op, value);
return new Predicate(node);
* Test if a field in the data point satisfies certain conditions.
* @param field the field to be tested.
* @param op equal, lt (less than), lte (less than or equal),
* gt (greater than), or gte(greater than or equal).
* @param value the value to compare.
* @return a field predicate.
public static Predicate of(String field, String op, double value) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("field", field).put(op, value);
return new Predicate(node);
* Test if a field in the data point satisfies certain conditions.
* @param field the field to be tested.
* @param op equal, lt (less than), lte (less than or equal),
* gt (greater than), or gte(greater than or equal).
* @param value the value to compare.
* @return a field predicate.
public static Predicate of(String field, String op, String value) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("field", field).put(op, value);
return new Predicate(node);
* Test if a field in the data point satisfies certain conditions.
* @param field the field to be tested.
* @param min inclusive minimum values for a field value of a data
* item to be included in the filtered data.
* @param max inclusive maximum values for a field value of a data
* item to be included in the filtered data.
* @return a field predicate.
public static Predicate range(String field, double min, double max) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("field", field);
return new Predicate(node);
* Test if a field in the data point satisfies certain conditions.
* @param field the field to be tested.
* @param values a set of values that the field's value should be a member
* of, for a data item included in the filtered data.
* @return a field predicate.
public static Predicate oneOf(String field, double... values) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("field", field);
ArrayNode array = node.putArray("oneOf");
for (var value : values) {
return new Predicate(node);
* Test if a field in the data point satisfies certain conditions.
* @param field the field to be tested.
* @param values a set of values that the field's value should be a member
* of, for a data item included in the filtered data.
* @return a field predicate.
public static Predicate oneOf(String field, String... values) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("field", field);
ArrayNode array = node.putArray("oneOf");
for (var value : values) {
return new Predicate(node);
* Test if a field is valid, meaning it is neither null nor NaN.
* @param field the field to be tested.
* @return a field predicate.
public static Predicate valid(String field) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
node.put("field", field).put("valid", true);
return new Predicate(node);
* Logical AND composition to combine predicates.
* @param predicates the predicates.
* @return AND predicate.
public static Predicate and(Predicate... predicates) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
ArrayNode array = node.putArray("and");
for (var predicate : predicates) {
if (predicate.expr != null) {
} else {
return new Predicate(node);
* Logical OR composition to combine predicates.
* @param predicates the predicates.
* @return OR predicate.
public static Predicate or(Predicate... predicates) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
ArrayNode array = node.putArray("or");
for (var predicate : predicates) {
if (predicate.expr != null) {
} else {
return new Predicate(node);
* Logical NOT operation.
* @param predicate the predicate.
* @return NOT predicate.
public static Predicate not(Predicate predicate) {
ObjectNode node = VegaLite.mapper.createObjectNode();
if (predicate.expr != null) {
node.put("not", predicate.expr);
} else {
node.set("not", predicate.spec);
return new Predicate(node);