smile.io.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Smile. If not, see .
package smile
import java.io._
import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import java.sql.ResultSet
import scala.io.Source
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat
import smile.data.{DataFrame, SparseDataset}
import smile.data.`type`.StructType
import smile.io.{Read, Write, JSON}
/** Data saving utilities. */
object write {
/** Serializes a `Serializable` object/model to a file. */
def apply[T <: Serializable](x: T, file: String): Unit = apply(x, Paths.get(file))
/** Serializes a `Serializable` object/model to a file. */
def apply[T <: Serializable](x: T, file: Path): Unit = {
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file.toFile))
/** Writes an array to a text file line by line.
* @param data an array.
* @param file the file path
def array[T](data: Array[T], file: String): Unit = array(data, Paths.get(file))
/** Writes an array to a text file line by line.
* @param data an array.
* @param file the file path
def array[T](data: Array[T], file: Path): Unit = {
val writer = new PrintWriter(file.toFile)
/** Writes a data frame to an Apache Arrow file. */
def arrow(data: DataFrame, file: String): Unit = arrow(data, Paths.get(file))
/** Writes a data frame to an Apache Arrow file. */
def arrow(data: DataFrame, file: Path): Unit = Write.arrow(data, file)
/** Writes a data frame to an ARFF file. */
def arff(data: DataFrame, file: String, relation: String): Unit = arff(data, Paths.get(file), relation)
/** Writes a data frame to an ARFF file. */
def arff(data: DataFrame, file: Path, relation: String): Unit = Write.arff(data, file, relation)
/** Writes a DataFrame to a comma-delimited text file.
* @param data an attribute dataset.
* @param file the file path.
* @param delimiter delimiter string.
def csv(data: DataFrame, file: String, delimiter: String = ","): Unit =
csv(data, Paths.get(file), delimiter)
/** Writes a DataFrame to a delimited text file.
* @param data an attribute dataset.
* @param file the file path.
* @param delimiter delimiter string.
def csv(data: DataFrame, file: Path, delimiter: String): Unit = {
val format = CSVFormat.Builder.create().setDelimiter(delimiter)
Write.csv(data, file, format.build())
/** Writes a two-dimensional array to a comma-delimited text file.
* @param data a two-dimensional array.
* @param file the file path.
* @param delimiter delimiter string.
def table[T](data: Array[Array[T]], file: String, delimiter: String = ","): Unit =
table(data, Paths.get(file), delimiter)
/** Writes a two-dimensional array to a delimited text file.
* @param data a two-dimensional array.
* @param file the file path.
* @param delimiter delimiter string.
def table[T](data: Array[Array[T]], file: Path, delimiter: String): Unit = {
val writer = new PrintWriter(file.toFile)
val sb = new StringBuilder
val del = sb.append(delimiter).toString
data.foreach { row =>
/** Data loading utilities. */
object read {
/** Reads a serialized object from a file. */
def apply(file: String): AnyRef = apply(Paths.get(file))
/** Reads a serialized object from a file. */
def apply(file: Path): AnyRef = {
val ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file.toFile))
val o = ois.readObject
* Reads a data file. Infers the data format by the file name extension.
* @param path the input file path.
* @param format the optional file format specification. For csv files,
* it is such as delimiter=\t,header=true,comment=#,escape=\,quote="
* For json files, it is the file mode (single-line or
* multi-line). For avro files, it is the path to the schema
* file.
* @return the data frame.
def data(path: String, format: String = null): DataFrame = {
Read.data(path, format)
/** Reads a JDBC query result to a data frame. */
def jdbc(rs: ResultSet): DataFrame = {
/** Reads a CSV file. */
def csv(file: String, delimiter: String = ",", header: Boolean = true, quote: Char = '"', escape: Char = '\\', schema: StructType = null): DataFrame = {
val format = CSVFormat.Builder.create()
if (header) format.setHeader().setSkipHeaderRecord(true)
Read.csv(file, format.build(), schema)
/** Reads a CSV file. */
def csv(file: Path, delimiter: String, header: Boolean, quote: Char, escape: Char, schema: StructType): DataFrame = {
val format = CSVFormat.Builder.create()
if (header) format.setHeader().setSkipHeaderRecord(true)
Read.csv(file, format.build(), schema)
/** Reads a CSV file. */
def csv(file: String, format: CSVFormat, schema: StructType): DataFrame = Read.csv(file, format, schema)
/** Reads a CSV file. */
def csv(file: Path, format: CSVFormat, schema: StructType): DataFrame = Read.csv(file, format, schema)
/** Reads a JSON file. */
def json(file: String): DataFrame = Read.json(file)
/** Reads a JSON file. */
def json(file: Path): DataFrame = Read.json(file)
/** Reads a JSON file. */
def json(file: String, mode: JSON.Mode, schema: StructType): DataFrame = Read.json(file, mode, schema)
/** Reads a JSON file. */
def json(file: Path, mode: JSON.Mode, schema: StructType): DataFrame = Read.json(file, mode, schema)
/** Reads an ARFF file. */
def arff(file: String): DataFrame = Read.arff(file)
/** Reads an ARFF file. */
def arff(file: Path): DataFrame = Read.arff(file)
/** Reads a SAS7BDAT file. */
def sas(file: String): DataFrame = Read.sas(file)
/** Reads a SAS7BDAT file. */
def sas(file: Path): DataFrame = Read.sas(file)
/** Reads an Apache Arrow file. */
def arrow(file: String): DataFrame = Read.arrow(file)
/** Reads an Apache Arrow file. */
def arrow(file: Path): DataFrame = Read.arrow(file)
/** Reads an Apache Avro file. */
def avro(file: String, schema: InputStream): DataFrame = Read.avro(file, schema)
/** Reads an Apache Avro file. */
def avro(file: String, schema: String): DataFrame = Read.avro(file, schema)
/** Reads an Apache Avro file. */
def avro(file: Path, schema: InputStream): DataFrame = Read.avro(file, schema)
/** Reads an Apache Avro file. */
def avro(file: Path, schema: Path): DataFrame = Read.avro(file, schema)
/** Reads an Apache Parquet file. */
def parquet(file: String): DataFrame = Read.parquet(file)
/** Reads an Apache Parquet file. */
def parquet(file: Path): DataFrame = Read.parquet(file)
/** Reads a LivSVM file. */
def libsvm(file: String): SparseDataset[Integer] = Read.libsvm(file)
/** Reads a LivSVM file. */
def libsvm(file: Path): SparseDataset[Integer] = Read.libsvm(file)
/** Reads a Wavefront OBJ file. */
def wavefront(file: String): (Array[Array[Double]], Array[Array[Int]]) = wavefront(Paths.get(file))
/** Reads a Wavefront OBJ file. The OBJ file format is a simple format of 3D geometry including
* the position of each vertex, the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex,
* vertex normals, and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices,
* and texture vertices. Vertices are stored in a counter-clockwise order by default,
* making explicit declaration of face normals unnecessary. OBJ coordinates have no units,
* but OBJ files can contain scale information in a human-readable comment line.
* Note that we parse only vertex and face elements. All other information ignored.
* @param file the file path
* @return a tuple of vertex array and edge array.
def wavefront(file: Path): (Array[Array[Double]], Array[Array[Int]]) = {
val vertices = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Double]]
val edges = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Int]]
val source = Source.fromFile(file.toFile)
try {
source.getLines() foreach { line =>
val tokens = line.split("\\s+")
if (tokens.size > 1) {
tokens(0) match {
case "v" =>
require(tokens.size == 4 || tokens.size == 5, s"Invalid vertex element: $line")
vertices += Array(tokens(1).toDouble, tokens(2).toDouble, tokens(3).toDouble)
case "f" =>
require(tokens.size >= 3, s"Invalid face element: $line")
val face = tokens.drop(1).map(_.toInt - 1)
for (i <- 1 until face.length) edges += Array(face(i - 1), face(i))
edges += Array(face(0), face.last)
case _ => // ignore all other elements
(vertices.toArray, edges.toArray)
} finally {
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