smile.validation.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Haifeng Li. All rights reserved.
* Smile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Smile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package smile
import smile.classification.{Classifier, DataFrameClassifier}
import smile.data.DataFrame
import smile.data.formula.Formula
import smile.regression.{DataFrameRegression, Regression}
import smile.util.toJavaBiFunction
import smile.validation.metric._
/** Model validation.
* @author Haifeng Li
package object validation {
/** Computes the confusion matrix. */
def confusion(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): ConfusionMatrix = ConfusionMatrix.of(truth, prediction)
/** The accuracy is the proportion of true results (both true positives and
* true negatives) in the population.
def accuracy(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = Accuracy.of(truth, prediction)
/** In information retrieval area, sensitivity is called recall. */
def recall(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = Recall.of(truth, prediction)
/** The precision or positive predictive value (PPV) is ratio of true positives
* to combined true and false positives, which is different from sensitivity.
def precision(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = Precision.of(truth, prediction)
/** Sensitivity or true positive rate (TPR) (also called hit rate, recall) is a
* statistical measures of the performance of a binary classification test.
* Sensitivity is the proportion of actual positives which are correctly
* identified as such.
def sensitivity(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = Sensitivity.of(truth, prediction)
/** Specificity or True Negative Rate is a statistical measures of the
* performance of a binary classification test. Specificity measures the
* proportion of negatives which are correctly identified.
def specificity(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = Specificity.of(truth, prediction)
/** Fall-out, false alarm rate, or false positive rate (FPR).
* Fall-out is actually Type I error and closely related to specificity
* (1 - specificity).
def fallout(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = Fallout.of(truth, prediction)
/** The false discovery rate (FDR) is ratio of false positives
* to combined true and false positives, which is actually 1 - precision.
def fdr(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = FDR.of(truth, prediction)
/** The F-score (or F-measure) considers both the precision and the recall of the test
* to compute the score. The precision p is the number of correct positive results
* divided by the number of all positive results, and the recall r is the number of
* correct positive results divided by the number of positive results that should
* have been returned.
* The traditional or balanced F-score (F1 score) is the harmonic mean of
* precision and recall, where an F1 score reaches its best value at 1 and worst at 0.
def f1(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = FScore.F1.score(truth, prediction)
/** The area under the curve (AUC). When using normalized units, the area under
* the curve is equal to the probability that a classifier will rank a
* randomly chosen positive instance higher than a randomly chosen negative
* one (assuming 'positive' ranks higher than 'negative').
def auc(truth: Array[Int], probability: Array[Double]): Double = AUC.of(truth, probability)
/** Log loss is a evaluation metric for binary classifiers and it is sometimes
* the optimization objective as well in case of logistic regression and neural
* networks. Log Loss takes into account the uncertainty of the prediction
* based on how much it varies from the actual label. This provides a more
* nuanced view of the performance of the model. In general, minimizing
* Log Loss gives greater accuracy for the classifier. However, it is
* susceptible in case of imbalanced data.
def logloss(truth: Array[Int], probability: Array[Double]): Double = LogLoss.of(truth, probability)
/** Cross entropy generalizes the log loss metric to multiclass problems. */
def crossentropy(truth: Array[Int], probability: Array[Array[Double]]): Double = CrossEntropy.of(truth, probability)
/** MCC is a correlation coefficient between prediction and actual values.
* It is considered as a balanced measure for binary classification, even in unbalanced data sets.
* It varies between -1 and +1. 1 when there is perfect agreement between ground truth and prediction,
* -1 when there is a perfect disagreement between ground truth and predictions.
* MCC of 0 means the model is not better than random.
def mcc(truth: Array[Int], prediction: Array[Int]): Double = MatthewsCorrelation.of(truth, prediction)
/** Mean squared error. */
def mse(truth: Array[Double], prediction: Array[Double]): Double = MSE.of(truth, prediction)
/** Root mean squared error. */
def rmse(truth: Array[Double], prediction: Array[Double]): Double = RMSE.of(truth, prediction)
/** Residual sum of squares. */
def rss(truth: Array[Double], prediction: Array[Double]): Double = RSS.of(truth, prediction)
/** Mean absolute deviation error. */
def mad(truth: Array[Double], prediction: Array[Double]): Double = MAD.of(truth, prediction)
/** Rand index is defined as the number of pairs of objects
* that are either in the same group or in different groups in both partitions
* divided by the total number of pairs of objects. The Rand index lies between
* 0 and 1. When two partitions agree perfectly, the Rand index achieves the
* maximum value 1. A problem with Rand index is that the expected value of
* the Rand index between two random partitions is not a constant. This problem
* is corrected by the adjusted Rand index.
def randIndex(y1: Array[Int], y2: Array[Int]): Double = RandIndex.of(y1, y2)
/** Adjusted Rand Index. Adjusted Rand Index assumes the generalized
* hyper-geometric distribution as the model of randomness. The adjusted Rand
* index has the maximum value 1, and its expected value is 0 in the case
* of random clusters. A larger adjusted Rand index means a higher agreement
* between two partitions. The adjusted Rand index is recommended for measuring
* agreement even when the partitions compared have different numbers of clusters.
def adjustedRandIndex(y1: Array[Int], y2: Array[Int]): Double = AdjustedRandIndex.of(y1, y2)
/** Normalized mutual information (normalized by max(H(y1), H(y2)) between two clusterings. */
def nmi(y1: Array[Int], y2: Array[Int]): Double = NormalizedMutualInformation.max(y1, y2)
object validate {
/** Test a generic classifier.
* The accuracy will be measured and printed out on standard output.
* @param x training data.
* @param y training labels.
* @param testx test data.
* @param testy test data labels.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @tparam T the type of training and test data.
* @return the trained classifier.
def classification[T <: AnyRef, M <: Classifier[T]](x: Array[T], y: Array[Int], testx: Array[T], testy: Array[Int])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Int]) => M): ClassificationValidation[M] = {
ClassificationValidation.of(x, y, testx, testy, trainer)
/** Test a generic classifier.
* The accuracy will be measured and printed out on standard output.
* @param train training data.
* @param test test data.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return the trained classifier.
def classification[M <: DataFrameClassifier](formula: Formula, train: DataFrame, test: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => M): ClassificationValidation[M] = {
ClassificationValidation.of(formula, train, test, trainer)
/** Test a generic classifier.
* The accuracy will be measured and printed out on standard output.
* @param x training data.
* @param y training labels.
* @param testx test data.
* @param testy test data labels.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @tparam T the type of training and test data.
* @return the trained classifier.
def regression[T <: AnyRef, M <: Regression[T]](x: Array[T], y: Array[Double], testx: Array[T], testy: Array[Double])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Double]) => M): RegressionValidation[M] = {
RegressionValidation.of(x, y, testx, testy, trainer)
/** Test a generic classifier.
* The accuracy will be measured and printed out on standard output.
* @param train training data.
* @param test test data.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return the trained classifier.
def regression[M <: DataFrameRegression](formula: Formula, train: DataFrame, test: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => M): RegressionValidation[M] = {
RegressionValidation.of(formula, train, test, trainer)
object loocv {
/** Leave-one-out cross validation on a generic classifier. LOOCV uses a single observation
* from the original sample as the validation data, and the remaining
* observations as the training data. This is repeated such that each
* observation in the sample is used once as the validation data. This is
* the same as a K-fold cross-validation with K being equal to the number of
* observations in the original sample. Leave-one-out cross-validation is
* usually very expensive from a computational point of view because of the
* large number of times the training process is repeated.
* @param x data samples.
* @param y sample labels.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def classification[T <: AnyRef](x: Array[T], y: Array[Int])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Int]) => Classifier[T]): ClassificationMetrics = {
LOOCV.classification(x, y, trainer)
/** Leave-one-out cross validation on a data frame classifier.
* @param formula model formula.
* @param data data samples.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def classification(formula: Formula, data: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => DataFrameClassifier): ClassificationMetrics = {
LOOCV.classification(formula, data, trainer)
/** Leave-one-out cross validation on a generic regression model.
* @param x data samples.
* @param y response variable.
* @param trainer a code block to return a regression model trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def regression[T <: AnyRef](x: Array[T], y: Array[Double])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Double]) => Regression[T]): RegressionMetrics = {
LOOCV.regression(x, y, trainer)
/** Leave-one-out cross validation on a data frame regression model.
* @param formula model formula.
* @param data data samples.
* @param trainer a code block to return a regression model trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def regression(formula: Formula, data: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => DataFrameRegression): RegressionMetrics = {
LOOCV.regression(formula, data, trainer)
object cv {
/** Cross validation on a generic classifier.
* Cross-validation is a technique for assessing how the results of a
* statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set.
* It is mainly used in settings where the goal is prediction, and one
* wants to estimate how accurately a predictive model will perform in
* practice. One round of cross-validation involves partitioning a sample
* of data into complementary subsets, performing the analysis on one subset
* (called the training set), and validating the analysis on the other subset
* (called the validation set or testing set). To reduce variability, multiple
* rounds of cross-validation are performed using different partitions, and the
* validation results are averaged over the rounds.
* @param x data samples.
* @param y sample labels.
* @param k k-fold cross validation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def classification[T <: AnyRef, M <: Classifier[T]](k: Int, x: Array[T], y: Array[Int])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Int]) => M): ClassificationValidations[M] = {
CrossValidation.classification(k, x, y, trainer)
/** Cross validation on a data frame classifier.
* @param formula model formula.
* @param data data samples.
* @param k k-fold cross validation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def classification[M <: DataFrameClassifier](k: Int, formula: Formula, data: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => M): ClassificationValidations[M] = {
CrossValidation.classification(k, formula, data, trainer)
/** Cross validation on a generic regression model.
* @param x data samples.
* @param y response variable.
* @param k k-fold cross validation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a regression model trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def regression[T <: AnyRef, M <: Regression[T]](k: Int, x: Array[T], y: Array[Double])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Double]) => M): RegressionValidations[M] = {
CrossValidation.regression(k, x, y, trainer)
/** Cross validation on a data frame regression model.
* @param formula model formula.
* @param data data samples.
* @param k k-fold cross validation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a regression model trained on the given data.
* @return metric scores.
def regression[M <: DataFrameRegression](k: Int, formula: Formula, data: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => M): RegressionValidations[M] = {
CrossValidation.regression(k, formula, data, trainer)
object bootstrap {
/** Bootstrap validation on a generic classifier.
* The bootstrap is a general tool for assessing statistical accuracy. The basic
* idea is to randomly draw datasets with replacement from the training data,
* each sample the same size as the original training set. This is done many
* times (say k = 100), producing k bootstrap datasets. Then we refit the model
* to each of the bootstrap datasets and examine the behavior of the fits over
* the k replications.
* @param x data samples.
* @param y sample labels.
* @param k k-round bootstrap estimation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return the error rates of each round.
def classification[T <: AnyRef, M <: Classifier[T]](k: Int, x: Array[T], y: Array[Int])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Int]) => M): ClassificationValidations[M] = {
Bootstrap.classification(k, x, y, trainer)
/** Bootstrap validation on a data frame classifier.
* @param data data samples.
* @param k k-round bootstrap estimation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a classifier trained on the given data.
* @return the error rates of each round.
def classification[M <: DataFrameClassifier](k: Int, formula: Formula, data: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => M): ClassificationValidations[M] = {
Bootstrap.classification(k, formula, data, trainer)
/** Bootstrap validation on a generic regression model.
* @param x data samples.
* @param y response variable.
* @param k k-round bootstrap estimation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a regression model trained on the given data.
* @return the root mean squared error of each round.
def regression[T <: AnyRef, M <: Regression[T]](k: Int, x: Array[T], y: Array[Double])
(trainer: (Array[T], Array[Double]) => M): RegressionValidations[M] = {
Bootstrap.regression(k, x, y, trainer)
/** Bootstrap validation on a data frame regression model.
* @param data data samples.
* @param k k-round bootstrap estimation.
* @param trainer a code block to return a regression model trained on the given data.
* @return the root mean squared error of each round.
def regression[M <: DataFrameRegression](k: Int, formula: Formula, data: DataFrame)
(trainer: (Formula, DataFrame) => M): RegressionValidations[M] = {
Bootstrap.regression(k, formula, data, trainer)
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