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package ntbea
import evodef.BanditLandscapeModel
import evodef.SearchSpace
import utilities.LinearRegression
import utilities.StatSummary
import java.util.*
import kotlin.Comparator
import kotlin.NoSuchElementException
import kotlin.math.*
class NTupleSystemBinaryFit(override val searchSpace: SearchSpace,
val interpolation: Double = 0.5,
val interpolateByTuple: Boolean = true,
val threshold: Int = 10,
val maxFeatures: Int = -1)
: NTupleSystem(searchSpace) {
private lateinit var regression: LinearRegression
var allSampledPoints = arrayOf()
var sampledResults = doubleArrayOf()
var features = emptySet()
var totalTime = 0L
val intArrayComparator = Comparator { arr1: IntArray, arr2: IntArray ->
try {
val firstDiff = { it.first != it.second }
firstDiff.first - firstDiff.second
} catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
// in this case the longer array is bigger
if (arr1.size == arr2.size) 0 else arr1.size - arr2.size
val maxTuples = 1 + if (use2Tuple) {
searchSpace.nDims() + searchSpace.nDims() * (searchSpace.nDims() - 1)
} else {
} + if (use3Tuple) {
searchSpace.nDims() * (searchSpace.nDims() - 1) * (searchSpace.nDims() - 2)
} else 0
// This is where we want to use the best alpha linear fit
override fun getMeanEstimate(x: IntArray): Double {
val retValue = if (interpolateByTuple) {
val featuresOn = convert(x).count { it > 0.0 } - 1
// -1 is because the constant term will always be set
val fitWeight = featuresOn / maxTuples.toDouble()
linearFit(x) * fitWeight + getMeanEstimateBelowThreshold(x) * (1.0 - fitWeight)
} else {
interpolation * linearFit(x) + (1.0 - interpolation) * super.getMeanEstimate(x)
// println("${x.joinToString()} has mean estimate $retValue")
return retValue
private fun matchesFeature(tuple: NTuple, x: IntArray): Boolean {
// tuple.tuple is the indices that apply
// easiest thing to do is convert x into feature format and see if it exists
// Since features is a SortedSet (TreeSet), this is O(logN)
val xAsFeature = x.withIndex().map{(i, _) -> if (tuple.tuple.contains(i)) x[i] else -99}.toIntArray()
return features.contains(xAsFeature)
fun getMeanEstimateBelowThreshold(x: IntArray): Double {
// rather than using the threshold here, I want to check against the feature set
val ssTot = StatSummary()
for (tuple in tuples) {
val ss = tuple.getStats(x)
if (ss != null) {
if (tuple.tuple.size >= minTupleSize && !matchesFeature(tuple, x)) {
val mean = ss.mean()
if (!java.lang.Double.isNaN(mean))
val ret = ssTot.mean()
return if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(ret)) {
} else {
override fun reset(): BanditLandscapeModel {
allSampledPoints = arrayOf()
sampledResults = doubleArrayOf()
features = emptySet()
totalTime = 0L
return this
override fun addPoint(p: IntArray, value: Double) {
super.addPoint(p, value)
sampledResults += value // we need to track this for fitting
allSampledPoints += p
// we add a bias term in at the front for the moment
// TODO: Move somewhere else once we process the sampled points
// TODO : At this point we should then calculate which features meet the threshold requirement
// and process all sampled points into this format. However ... first of all we check to see if this rough idea will work at all
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
// val calcTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val pointsToFit: Array = convert(allSampledPoints);
// val conversionTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
regression = LinearRegression(pointsToFit, sampledResults)
val regressionTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
totalTime += regressionTime - startTime
// println("Calculation: ${regressionTime - startTime}ms")
fun linearFit(x: IntArray): Double {
return regression.predict(convert(x))
private fun calculatePointsAboveThreshold() {
val tuplesAboveThresholdByVisit = { Pair(it, it.ntMap) }
.flatMap { (nTuple, ntMap) ->
ntMap.filterValues { ss -> ss.n() >= threshold }
.map { (k, v) -> Triple(nTuple, k, v) }
.sortedByDescending { (_, _, ss) -> ss.n() }
// OK - so here is where I can keep a count of the visits
// sort by them, and take the top N
features = (if (maxFeatures > 0)
tuplesAboveThresholdByVisit.take(maxFeatures) else tuplesAboveThresholdByVisit)
.map { (nTuple, pattern, _) ->
val retValue = IntArray(searchSpace.nDims()) { -99 }
for (i in pattern.v.indices) {
retValue[nTuple.tuple[i]] = pattern.v[i]
private fun convert(input: IntArray): DoubleArray {
return doubleArrayOf(1.0) + { f ->
// f has -99 at irrelevant parameters
if (f.withIndex().all { (i, v) -> v == -99 || v == input[i] }) 1.0 else 0.0
private fun convert(input: Array): Array {
override fun toString(): String {
val top20Weights = regression.weights.withIndex().sortedByDescending { abs(it.value) }.take(20)
return buildString {
append(String.format("%d sampled points, %d ms calculation, %d features above threshold", sampledResults.size, totalTime, features.size))
for ((i, w) in top20Weights) {
val featureArray = if (i == 0)
IntArray(searchSpace.nDims()) { -99 }
(features as SortedSet).elementAt(i - 1)
append(String.format("\t%+.3f : %s\n", w, featureArray.joinToString("|") { v -> if (v == -99) "*" else v.toString() }))