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com.feilong.lib.xstream.converters.basic.DateConverter Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Joe Walnes.
 * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 XStream Committers.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The software in this package is published under the terms of the BSD
 * style license a copy of which has been included with this distribution in
 * the LICENSE.txt file.
 * Created on 26. September 2003 by Joe Walnes
package com.feilong.lib.xstream.converters.basic;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import com.feilong.lib.xstream.converters.ConversionException;
import com.feilong.lib.xstream.converters.ErrorReporter;
import com.feilong.lib.xstream.converters.ErrorWriter;
import com.feilong.lib.xstream.core.JVM;
import com.feilong.lib.xstream.core.util.ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat;

 * Converts a {@link Date} to a string as a date format, retaining precision down to milliseconds.

* The formatted string is by default in UTC and English locale. You can provide a different {@link Locale} and * {@link TimeZone} that are used for serialization or null to use always the current TimeZone. Note, that * the default format uses 3-letter time zones that can be ambiguous and may cause wrong results at deserialization and * is localized since Java 6. *


* Using a Java 7 runtime or higher, the converter supports the datetime * format defined by W3C (a subset of ISO 8601) at deserialization. Only the formats that also contain the time * information. *


* Dates in a different era are using a special default pattern that contains the era itself. *

* * @author Joe Walnes * @author Jörg Schaible */ public class DateConverter extends AbstractSingleValueConverter implements ErrorReporter{ private static final String[] DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_FORMATS; private static final String DEFAULT_PATTERN; private static final String DEFAULT_ERA_PATTERN; private static final TimeZone UTC; private static final long ERA_START; static{ UTC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); final String defaultPattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S z"; final String defaultEraPattern = "yyyy-MM-dd G HH:mm:ss.S z"; final List acceptablePatterns = new ArrayList(); final boolean utcSupported = JVM.canParseUTCDateFormat(); DEFAULT_PATTERN = utcSupported ? defaultPattern : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S 'UTC'"; DEFAULT_ERA_PATTERN = utcSupported ? defaultEraPattern : "yyyy-MM-dd G HH:mm:ss.S 'UTC'"; acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S z"); if (!utcSupported){ acceptablePatterns.add(defaultPattern); } acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S a"); // JDK 1.3 needs both versions acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssz"); acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"); if (!utcSupported){ acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 'UTC'"); } if (JVM.canParseISO8601TimeZoneInDateFormat()){ acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SX"); acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX"); acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmX"); } // backwards compatibility acceptablePatterns.add("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssa"); DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_FORMATS = (String[]) acceptablePatterns.toArray(new String[acceptablePatterns.size()]); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeZone(UTC); cal.clear(); cal.set(1, Calendar.JANUARY, 1); ERA_START = cal.getTime().getTime(); // calendar.getTimeInMillis() not available under JDK 1.3 } private final ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat defaultFormat; private final ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat defaultEraFormat; private final ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat[] acceptableFormats; /** * Construct a DateConverter with standard formats and lenient set off. */ public DateConverter(){ this(false); } /** * Construct a DateConverter with standard formats, lenient set off and uses a given * TimeZone for serialization. * * @param timeZone * the TimeZone used to serialize the Date * @since 1.4 */ public DateConverter(final TimeZone timeZone){ this(DEFAULT_PATTERN, DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_FORMATS, timeZone); } /** * Construct a DateConverter with standard formats and using UTC. * * @param lenient * the lenient setting of {@link SimpleDateFormat#setLenient(boolean)} * @since 1.3 */ public DateConverter(final boolean lenient){ this(DEFAULT_PATTERN, DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_FORMATS, lenient); } /** * Construct a DateConverter with lenient set off using UTC. * * @param defaultFormat * the default format * @param acceptableFormats * fallback formats */ public DateConverter(final String defaultFormat, final String[] acceptableFormats){ this(defaultFormat, acceptableFormats, false); } /** * Construct a DateConverter with a given TimeZone and lenient set off. * * @param defaultFormat * the default format * @param acceptableFormats * fallback formats * @since 1.4 */ public DateConverter(final String defaultFormat, final String[] acceptableFormats, final TimeZone timeZone){ this(defaultFormat, acceptableFormats, timeZone, false); } /** * Construct a DateConverter. * * @param defaultFormat * the default format * @param acceptableFormats * fallback formats * @param lenient * the lenient setting of {@link SimpleDateFormat#setLenient(boolean)} * @since 1.3 */ public DateConverter(final String defaultFormat, final String[] acceptableFormats, final boolean lenient){ this(defaultFormat, acceptableFormats, UTC, lenient); } /** * Construct a DateConverter. * * @param defaultFormat * the default format * @param acceptableFormats * fallback formats * @param timeZone * the TimeZone used to serialize the Date * @param lenient * the lenient setting of {@link SimpleDateFormat#setLenient(boolean)} * @since 1.4 */ public DateConverter(final String defaultFormat, final String[] acceptableFormats, final TimeZone timeZone, final boolean lenient){ this(DEFAULT_ERA_PATTERN, defaultFormat, acceptableFormats, Locale.ENGLISH, timeZone, lenient); } /** * Construct a DateConverter. * * @param defaultEraFormat * the default format for dates in a different era (may be * null to drop era support) * @param defaultFormat * the default format * @param acceptableFormats * fallback formats * @param locale * locale to use for the format * @param timeZone * the TimeZone used to serialize the Date * @param lenient * the lenient setting of {@link SimpleDateFormat#setLenient(boolean)} * @since 1.4.4 */ public DateConverter(final String defaultEraFormat, final String defaultFormat, final String[] acceptableFormats, final Locale locale, final TimeZone timeZone, final boolean lenient){ if (defaultEraFormat != null){ this.defaultEraFormat = new ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat(defaultEraFormat, timeZone, locale, 4, 20, lenient); }else{ this.defaultEraFormat = null; } this.defaultFormat = new ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat(defaultFormat, timeZone, locale, 4, 20, lenient); this.acceptableFormats = acceptableFormats != null ? new ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat[acceptableFormats.length] : new ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat[0]; for (int i = 0; i < this.acceptableFormats.length; i++){ this.acceptableFormats[i] = new ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat(acceptableFormats[i], timeZone, locale, 1, 20, lenient); } } @Override public boolean canConvert(Class type){ return type == Date.class; } @Override public Object fromString(String str){ if (defaultEraFormat != null){ try{ return defaultEraFormat.parse(str); }catch (ParseException e){ // try next ... } } if (defaultEraFormat != defaultFormat){ try{ return defaultFormat.parse(str); }catch (ParseException e){ // try next ... } } for (ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat acceptableFormat : acceptableFormats){ try{ return acceptableFormat.parse(str); }catch (ParseException e3){ // no worries, let's try the next format. } } // no dateFormats left to try ConversionException exception = new ConversionException("Cannot parse date"); exception.add("date", str); throw exception; } @Override public String toString(Object obj){ final Date date = (Date) obj; if (date.getTime() < ERA_START && defaultEraFormat != null){ return defaultEraFormat.format(date); }else{ return defaultFormat.format(date); } } @Override public void appendErrors(ErrorWriter errorWriter){ errorWriter.add("Default date pattern", defaultFormat.toString()); if (defaultEraFormat != null){ errorWriter.add("Default era date pattern", defaultEraFormat.toString()); } for (ThreadSafeSimpleDateFormat acceptableFormat : acceptableFormats){ errorWriter.add("Alternative date pattern", acceptableFormat.toString()); } } }

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