com.feilong.core.bean.BeanUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2008 feilong
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.feilong.core.bean;
import static com.feilong.core.Validator.isNotNullOrEmpty;
import static com.feilong.core.Validator.isNullOrEmpty;
import static com.feilong.core.lang.StringUtil.formatPattern;
import static com.feilong.core.util.MapUtil.newHashMap;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean;
import com.feilong.core.Validate;
import com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils;
import com.feilong.lib.beanutils.LazyDynaBean;
import com.feilong.lib.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
* 对 {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils}的再次封装.
* 说明:
* - 目的是将原来的 checkedException 异常 转换成 {@link BeanOperationException}
* {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.PropertyUtils}与 {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils}区别:
* BeanUtils.setProperty(pt1, "x", "9"); // 这里的9是String类型
* PropertyUtils.setProperty(pt1, "x", 9); // 这里的是int类型
* // 这两个类BeanUtils和PropertyUtils,前者能自动将int类型转化,后者不能
* {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.PropertyUtils}类和 {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils}类很多的方法在参数上都是相同的,但返回值不同.
* BeanUtils着重于"Bean",返回值通常是String,
* 而PropertyUtils着重于属性,它的返回值通常是Object.
* 关于propertyName
* getProperty和setProperty,它们都只有2个参数,第一个是JavaBean对象,第二个是要操作的属性名.
* Company company = new Company();
* company.setName("Simple");
* - Simple类型(简单类型,如String Int)
* -
* 对于Simple类型,参数二直接是属性名即可
* LOGGER.debug(BeanUtils.getProperty(company, "name"));
* - Map类型
* -
* 对于Map类型,则需要以"属性名(key值)"的形式
* LOGGER.debug(BeanUtils.getProperty(company, "address (A2)"));
* Map{@code } am = newHashMap();
* am.put("1", "234-222-1222211");
* am.put("2", "021-086-1232323");
* BeanUtils.setProperty(company, "telephone", am);
* LOGGER.debug(BeanUtils.getProperty(company, "telephone (2)"));
* - 索引类型(Indexed),如 数组 arrayList
* -
* 对于Indexed,则为"属性名[索引值]",注意这里对于ArrayList和数组都可以用一样的方式进行操作.
* LOGGER.debug(BeanUtils.getProperty(company, "otherInfo[2]"));
* BeanUtils.setProperty(company, "product[1]", "NOTES SERVER");
* LOGGER.debug(BeanUtils.getProperty(company, "product[1]"));
* - 组合/嵌套(Nested)
* -
* 当然这3种类也可以组合使用啦!
* LOGGER.debug(BeanUtils.getProperty(company, "employee[1].name"));
* 关于 {@link BeanUtils#copyProperty(Object, String, Object) copyProperty} 和 {@link BeanUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object)
* setProperty}的区别:
* 两者功能相似,区别点在于:
* copyProperty 不支持目标bean是索引类型,但是支持bean有索引类型的setter方法
* copyProperty 不支持目标bean是Map类型,但是支持bean有Map类型的setter方法
* 如果我们只是为bean的属性赋值的话,使用{@link BeanUtils#copyProperty(Object, String, Object)}就可以了;
* 而{@link BeanUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object)}方法是实现 {@link BeanUtils#populate(Object,Map)}机制的基础,也就是说如果我们需要自定义实现populate()方法,那么我们可以override {@link BeanUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object)}方法.
* 所以,做为一般的日常使用,{@link BeanUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object)}方法是不推荐使用的.
* @author feilong
* @see com.feilong.core.bean.PropertyUtil
* @see java.beans.BeanInfo
* @see java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
* @see java.beans.MethodDescriptor
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.Converter
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.converters.DateConverter
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.converters.DateTimeConverter
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.converters.AbstractConverter
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.ConvertUtils#register(com.feilong.lib.beanutils.Converter, Class)
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.ConvertUtilsBean#registerPrimitives(boolean)
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.ConvertUtilsBean#registerStandard(boolean, boolean)
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.ConvertUtilsBean#registerOther(boolean)
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.ConvertUtilsBean#registerArrays(boolean, int)
* @see "org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils"
* @since 1.0.0
public final class BeanUtil{
/** Don't let anyone instantiate this class. */
private BeanUtil(){
//AssertionError不是必须的. 但它可以避免不小心在类的内部调用构造器. 保证该类在任何情况下都不会被实例化.
//see 《Effective Java》 2nd
throw new AssertionError("No " + getClass().getName() + " instances for you!");
// [start] copyProperties
* 将 fromObj
中的全部或者一组属性 includePropertyNames
的值,复制到 toObj
* 如果需要copy的两个对象属性的类型一样,那么调用此方法会有性能消耗,强烈建议使用
* {@link PropertyUtil#copyProperties(Object, Object, String...)}
* 注意:
* - 这种copy都是 浅拷贝,复制后的2个Bean的同一个属性可能拥有同一个对象的ref,在使用时要小心,特别是对于属性为自定义类的情况 .
* - 此方法调用了 {@link BeanUtils#copyProperties(Object, Object)},会自动进行{@code Object--->String--->Object}类型转换
* - 如果指定了
,会调用 {@link #getProperty(Object, String)},在自动进行{@code Object--->String}
* 类型转换过程中,如果发现值是数组,只会取第一个元素重新构造数组转到 toObj
中,规则参见 {@link ConvertUtil#toString(Object)}
* - 不支持
是map类型,从{@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#copyProperties(Object, Object)}源码可以看出,
* fromObj
* 使用示例:
* 例如两个pojo: user和userForm 都含有字段"enterpriseName","linkMan","phone"
* 通常写法:
* .....
* user.setEnterpriseName(userForm.getEnterpriseName());
* user.setLinkMan(userForm.getLinkMan());
* user.setPhone(userForm.getPhone());
* ......
* 此时,可以使用
* BeanUtil.copyProperties(user,userForm,"enterpriseName","linkMan","phone");
* 注册自定义 {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.Converter}:
* 如果有
* {@link java.util.Date}类型的需要copy,那么需要先使用{@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.ConvertUtils#register(com.feilong.lib.beanutils.Converter, Class)}方法:
* ConvertUtils.register(new DateLocaleConverter(Locale.US, DatePattern.TO_STRING_STYLE),Date.class);
* {@link BeanUtils#copyProperties(Object, Object)}与
* {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.PropertyUtils#copyProperties(Object, Object)}区别
* - {@link BeanUtils#copyProperties(Object, Object)} 提供类型转换功能,即发现两个JavaBean的同名属性为不同类型时,在支持的数据类型范围内进行转换,而
* {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.PropertyUtils#copyProperties(Object, Object)}不支持这个功能,但是速度会更快一些.
* - commons-beanutils v1.9.0以前的版本 BeanUtils不允许对象的属性值为 null,PropertyUtils可以拷贝属性值 null的对象.
* (注:commons-beanutils v1.9.0+修复了这个情况,BeanUtilsBean.copyProperties() no longer throws a ConversionException for null properties
* of certain data types),具体信息,可以参阅commons-beanutils的
* 相比较直接调用 {@link BeanUtils#copyProperties(Object, Object)}的优点:
* - 将 checkedException 异常转成了 {@link BeanOperationException} RuntimeException,因为通常copy的时候出现了checkedException,也是普普通通记录下log,没有更好的处理方式
* - 支持 includePropertyNames 参数,允许针对性copy 个别属性
* - 更多,更容易理解的的javadoc
* @param toObj
* 目标对象
* @param fromObj
* 原始对象
* @param includePropertyNames
* 包含的属性名字数组,(can be nested/indexed/mapped/combo)
* - 如果是null或者empty,那么直接调用 {@link BeanUtils#copyProperties(Object, Object)},否则循环调用{@link #getProperty(Object, String)} 再
* {@link #setProperty(Object, String, Object)}到
* - 如果传入的
,含有 fromObj
* - 如果传入的
,含有 fromObj
有,但是 toObj
* {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#copyProperty(Object, String, Object)} Line391
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 toObj
是null,或者 fromObj
* @throws BeanOperationException
* 其他调用api有任何异常,转成{@link BeanOperationException}返回
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#copyProperties(Object, Object)
* @see Bean复制的几种框架性能比较(Apache BeanUtils、PropertyUtils,Spring
* BeanUtils,Cglib BeanCopier)
//XXX add excludePropertyNames support
public static void copyProperties(Object toObj,Object fromObj,String...includePropertyNames){
Validate.notNull(toObj, "toObj [destination bean] not specified!");
Validate.notNull(fromObj, "fromObj [origin bean] not specified!");
if (isNullOrEmpty(includePropertyNames)){
BeanUtils.copyProperties(toObj, fromObj);
}catch (Exception e){
String pattern = "copyProperties exception,toObj:[{}],fromObj:[{}],includePropertyNames:[{}]";
throw new BeanOperationException(formatPattern(pattern, toObj, fromObj, includePropertyNames), e);
for (String propertyName : includePropertyNames){
String value = getProperty(fromObj, propertyName);
setProperty(toObj, propertyName, value);
// [end]
// [start] setProperty
* 使用 {@link BeanUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object)} 来设置属性值(会进行类型转换).
* BeanUtils支持把所有类型的属性都作为字符串处理,在后台自动进行类型转换(字符串和真实类型的转换)
* @param bean
* Bean on which setting is to be performed
* @param propertyName
* Property name (can be nested/indexed/mapped/combo),参见propertyName
* @param value
* Value to be set
* @throws BeanOperationException
* 有任何异常,转成{@link BeanOperationException}返回
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object)
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#setProperty(Object, String, Object)
* @see "org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils#setProperty(Object, String, Object)"
* @see com.feilong.core.bean.PropertyUtil#setProperty(Object, String, Object)
private static void setProperty(Object bean,String propertyName,Object value){
BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, propertyName, value);
}catch (Exception e){
String pattern = "setProperty exception,bean:[{}],propertyName:[{}],value:[{}]";
throw new BeanOperationException(formatPattern(pattern, bean, propertyName, value), e);
// [end]
// [start] getProperty
* 使用 {@link BeanUtils#getProperty(Object, String)} 类从对象中取得属性值,不care值原本是什么类型,统统转成 {@link String}返回.
* 值转成字符串的规则,参见 {@link ConvertUtil#toString(Object)},比如如果发现值是数组,只会取第一个元素重新构造数组转到toObj
* @param bean
* bean
* @param propertyName
* 属性名称 (can be nested/indexed/mapped/combo),参见 propertyName
* @return 使用{@link BeanUtils#getProperty(Object, String)} 从对象中取得属性值
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 bean
是null,或者如果 propertyName
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* 如果 propertyName
* @throws BeanOperationException
* 在调用 {@link BeanUtils#getProperty(Object, String)}过程中有任何异常,转成{@link BeanOperationException}返回
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils#getProperty(Object, String)
* @see "org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils#getProperty(Object, String)"
* @see com.feilong.core.bean.PropertyUtil#getProperty(Object, String)
* @since 1.9.0 change access to private
private static String getProperty(Object bean,String propertyName){
Validate.notNull(bean, "bean can't be null!");
Validate.notBlank(propertyName, "propertyName can't be blank!");
return BeanUtils.getProperty(bean, propertyName);
}catch (Exception e){
String pattern = "getProperty exception,bean:[{}],propertyName:[{}]";
throw new BeanOperationException(formatPattern(pattern, bean, propertyName), e);
// [end]
// [start] cloneBean
* 调用{@link BeanUtils#cloneBean(Object)}.
* 注意:
* - 这个方法通过默认构造函数建立一个bean的新实例,然后拷贝每一个属性到这个新的bean中,即使这个bean没有实现 {@link Cloneable}接口 .
* - 是为那些本身没有实现clone方法的类准备的
* - 在源码上看是调用了 getPropertyUtils().copyProperties(newBean, bean);最后实际上还是复制的引用,无法实现深clone
* 但还是可以帮助我们减少工作量的,假如类的属性不是基础类型的话(即自定义类),可以先clone出那个自定义类,在把他付给新的类,覆盖原来类的引用
* -
* 如果需要深度clone,可以使用 {@link com.feilong.lib.lang3.SerializationUtils#clone( SerializationUtils.clone}
* ,但是它的性能要慢很多倍
* - 由于内部实现是通过 {@link java.lang.Class#newInstance() Class.newInstance()}来构造新的对象,所以需要被clone的对象必须存在默认无参构造函数,否则会出现异常
* {@link java.lang.InstantiationException InstantiationException}
* - 目前无法clone list,总是返回empty list,参见
* BeanUtils.cloneBean with List is broken
* @param
* the generic type
* @param bean
* Bean to be cloned
* @return the cloned bean (复制的引用 ,无法实现深clone)
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 bean
* @throws BeanOperationException
* 在调用api有任何异常,转成{@link BeanOperationException}返回
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils#cloneBean(Object)
* @see "org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtilsBean#copyProperties(Object, Object)"
* @see com.feilong.lib.lang3.SerializationUtils#clone(
* @see com.feilong.lib.lang3.ObjectUtils#clone(Object)
* @see com.feilong.lib.lang3.ObjectUtils#cloneIfPossible(Object)
* @see BeanUtils.cloneBean with List is broken
public static T cloneBean(T bean){
Validate.notNull(bean, "bean can't be null!");
return (T) BeanUtils.cloneBean(bean);
}catch (Exception e){
String message = formatPattern("cloneBean exception,bean:[{}]]", bean);
throw new BeanOperationException(message, e);
// [end]
// [start] populate(填充) 把properties/map里面的值放入bean中
* 把properties/map里面的值 populate
* 说明:
* - 将Map{@code
* - apache的javadoc中,明确指明这个方法是为解析http请求参数特别定义和使用的,在正常使用中不推荐使用.推荐使用 {@link #copyProperties(Object, Object, String...)}方法
* - 底层方法原理 {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#populate(Object, Map)},循环map,调用
* {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#setProperty(Object, String, Object)}方法 ,一一对应设置到
* - 如果properties key中有bean中不存在的属性,那么该条数据自动忽略
* - 如果properties key中有null,那么该条数据自动忽略,see {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#populate(Object, Map)} line 817
* bean
* {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#setProperty(Object, String, Object)} line
* 928
* 示例:
* User user = new User();
* user.setId(5L);
* Map{@code } properties = newHashMap();
* properties.put("id", 8L);
* BeanUtil.populate(user, properties);
* 返回:
* {
* "id": 8,
* }
* 示例:
* 场景: 将mail.properties配置文件数据直接转成 MailSenderConfig
* 有以下的mail.properties配置文件信息:
* // this is 胡编乱造的 account
* [email protected] // this is 胡编乱造的 account
* password=feilong // this is 胡编乱造的 account
* personal=feilong store
* [email protected],[email protected]
* [email protected],[email protected]
* [email protected],[email protected]
* subject=hello world
* mailServerPort=25
* isDebug=true
* isNeedReturnReceipt=true
* 有以下bean信息:
* public class MailSenderConfig{
* //** 发送邮件的服务器的IP
* private String mailServerHost;
* //** 邮件服务的端口 默认25.
* private String mailServerPort = "25";
* //** 登录邮件发送服务器的用户名
* private String userName;
* //** 登录邮件发送服务器的密码
* private String password;
* //** 是否debug 输出.
* private boolean isDebug = false;
* //** 是否需要回执, 默认不需要.
* private boolean isNeedReturnReceipt = false;
* //** 邮件发送者的地址.
* private String fromAddress;
* //** 个人名义.
* private String personal = "";
* //** 邮件多人接收地址.
* private String[] tos;
* //** 邮件多人接收地址(抄送).
* private String[] ccs;
* //** 邮件多人接收地址.
* private String[] bccs;
* //setter getter 略
* }
* 此时你可以如此调用代码:
* MailSenderConfig mailSenderConfig = new MailSenderConfig();
* ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundleUtil.getResourceBundle(FileUtil.getFileInputStream(""));
* BeanUtil.populate(mailSenderConfig, ResourceBundleUtil.toMap(resourceBundle));
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(mailSenderConfig));
* 返回:
"subject": "hello world",
"mailServerHost": "",
"bccs": [
"ccs": [
"password": "******",
"mailServerPort": "25",
"content": "",
"tos": [
"personal": "feilong store",
"isNeedReturnReceipt": true,
"fromAddress": "",
"userName": "[email protected]",
"isDebug": true
* 此时你会发现,上面的 tos 期望值是 ["[email protected]","[email protected]"],但是和你的期望值不符合,ccs和bccs 也是相同的情况
* 因为,{@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.converters.ArrayConverter} 默认允许的字符 allowedChars 只有 '.', '-'
* 你可以如此这般:
* MailSenderConfig mailSenderConfig = new MailSenderConfig();
* ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundleUtil.getResourceBundle(FileUtil.getFileInputStream(""));
* ArrayConverter arrayConverter = new ArrayConverter(String[].class, new StringConverter(), 2);
* char[] allowedChars = { '@' };
* arrayConverter.setAllowedChars(allowedChars);
* ConvertUtils.register(arrayConverter, String[].class);
* BeanUtil.populate(mailSenderConfig, ResourceBundleUtil.toMap(resourceBundle));
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(mailSenderConfig));
* 返回:
"subject": "hello world",
"mailServerHost": "",
"bccs": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"ccs": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"password": "******",
"mailServerPort": "25",
"content": "",
"tos": [
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
"personal": "feilong store",
"isNeedReturnReceipt": true,
"fromAddress": "",
"userName": "[email protected]",
"isDebug": true
* 如果你的配置文件的key和bean的属性不一致(比如大小写,有分隔符等情况),你可以使用 {@link #populateAliasBean(Object, Map)}
* @param
* the generic type
* @param bean
* JavaBean whose properties are being populated
* @param properties
* Map keyed by property name,with the corresponding (String or String[]) value(s) to be set
* @return 如果properties key中有bean中不存在的属性,那么该条数据自动忽略
* 如果properties key中有null,那么该条数据自动忽略,see {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean#populate(Object, Map)} line 817
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 bean
是null,或者如果 properties
* @throws BeanOperationException
* 在调用{@link BeanUtils#populate(Object, Map)}过程中有任何异常,转成{@link BeanOperationException}返回
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.BeanUtils#populate(Object, Map)
public static T populate(T bean,Map properties){
Validate.notNull(bean, "bean can't be null/empty!");
Validate.notNull(properties, "properties can't be null/empty!");
BeanUtils.populate(bean, properties);
return bean;
}catch (Exception e){
String message = formatPattern("can't populate:[{}] to bean:{}", properties, bean);
throw new BeanOperationException(message, e);
* 将 alias 和value 的map populate
(填充)到 aliasBean
* 背景:
* {@link BeanUtil} 有标准的populate功能:{@link #populate(Object, Map)} ,但是要求 map的key 和 bean的属性名称必须是一一对应
* 有很多情况,比如 map 的key是 "memcached.alivecheck" 这样的字符串(常见于properties 的配置文件),或者是大写的 "ALIVECHECK" 的字符串(常见于第三方接口 xml属性名称)
* 而我们的bean里面的属性名称是标准的 java bean 规范的名字,比如 "aliveCheck",这时就没有办法直接使用 {@link #populate(Object, Map)} 方法了
* 你可以使用 {@link #populateAliasBean(Object, Map)}方法~~
* 示例:
* 有以下aliasAndValueMap信息:
* {
* "memcached.alivecheck": "false",
* "memcached.expiretime": "180",
* "memcached.initconnection": "10",
* "memcached.maintSleep": "30",
* "memcached.maxconnection": "250",
* "memcached.minconnection": "5",
* "memcached.nagle": "false",
* "memcached.poolname": "sidsock2",
* "memcached.serverlist": ",",
* "memcached.serverweight": "2",
* "memcached.socketto": "3000"
* }
* 有以下aliasBean信息:
* public class DangaMemCachedConfig{
* //** The serverlist.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.serverlist",sampleValue = ",")
* private String[] serverList;
* //@Alias(name = "memcached.poolname",sampleValue = "sidsock2")
* private String poolName;
* //** The expire time 单位分钟.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.expiretime",sampleValue = "180")
* private Integer expireTime;
* //** 权重.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.serverweight",sampleValue = "2,1")
* private Integer[] weight;
* //** The init connection.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.initconnection",sampleValue = "10")
* private Integer initConnection;
* //** The min connection.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.minconnection",sampleValue = "5")
* private Integer minConnection;
* //** The max connection.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.maxconnection",sampleValue = "250")
* private Integer maxConnection;
* //** 设置主线程睡眠时间,每30秒苏醒一次,维持连接池大小.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.maintSleep",sampleValue = "30")
* private Integer maintSleep;
* //** 关闭套接字缓存.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.nagle",sampleValue = "false")
* private Boolean nagle;
* //** 连接建立后的超时时间.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.socketto",sampleValue = "3000")
* private Integer socketTo;
* //** The alive check.
* @Alias(name = "memcached.alivecheck",sampleValue = "false")
* private Boolean aliveCheck;
* //setter getter 略
* }
* 此时你可以如此调用代码:
* Map{@code } readPropertiesToMap = ResourceBundleUtil.toMap(ResourceBundleUtil.getResourceBundle("memcached"));
* DangaMemCachedConfig dangaMemCachedConfig = new DangaMemCachedConfig();
* BeanUtil.populateAliasBean(dangaMemCachedConfig, readPropertiesToMap);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(dangaMemCachedConfig));
* 返回:
"maxConnection": 250,
"expireTime": 180,
"serverList": [
"weight": [2],
"nagle": false,
"initConnection": 10,
"aliveCheck": false,
"poolName": "sidsock2",
"maintSleep": 30,
"socketTo": 3000,
"minConnection": 5
* 此时你会发现,上面的 serverList 期望值是 ["",""],但是和你的期望值不符合,
* 因为, {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.converters.ArrayConverter} 默认允许的字符 allowedChars 只有 '.', '-'
* 你需要如此这般:
* Map{@code } readPropertiesToMap = ResourceBundleUtil.toMap(ResourceBundleUtil.getResourceBundle("memcached"));
* DangaMemCachedConfig dangaMemCachedConfig = new DangaMemCachedConfig();
* ArrayConverter arrayConverter = new ArrayConverter(String[].class, new StringConverter(), 2);
* char[] allowedChars = { ':' };
* arrayConverter.setAllowedChars(allowedChars);
* ConvertUtils.register(arrayConverter, String[].class);
* BeanUtil.populateAliasBean(dangaMemCachedConfig, readPropertiesToMap);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(dangaMemCachedConfig));
* 返回:
"maxConnection": 250,
"expireTime": 180,
"serverList": [
"weight": [2],
"nagle": false,
"initConnection": 10,
"aliveCheck": false,
"poolName": "sidsock2",
"maintSleep": 30,
"socketTo": 3000,
"minConnection": 5
* @param
* the generic type
* @param aliasBean
* the bean
* @param aliasAndValueMap
* the key and value map
* @return 如果 aliasAndValueMap
是null或者empty,返回 bean
* 如果 alias name
中,或者值是emty,那么不会设置 aliasBean
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 bean
* @since 1.8.1
public static T populateAliasBean(T aliasBean,Map aliasAndValueMap){
Validate.notNull(aliasBean, "aliasBean can't be null!");
if (isNullOrEmpty(aliasAndValueMap)){
return aliasBean;
Map propertyNameAndAliasMap = buildPropertyNameAndAliasMap(aliasBean.getClass());
for (Map.Entry entry : propertyNameAndAliasMap.entrySet()){
String alias = entry.getValue();
Object value = aliasAndValueMap.get(alias);
if (isNotNullOrEmpty(value)){
setProperty(aliasBean, entry.getKey(), value);
return aliasBean;
* 提取 klass {@link Alias} 注释,将 属性名字和 {@link Alias#name()} 组成map 返回.
* @param klass
* the klass
* @return 如果klass
没有 {@link Alias} 注释,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()}
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 klass
* @since 1.8.1
private static Map buildPropertyNameAndAliasMap(Class> klass){
Validate.notNull(klass, "klass can't be null!");
List aliasFieldsList = FieldUtils.getFieldsListWithAnnotation(klass, Alias.class);
if (isNullOrEmpty(aliasFieldsList)){
return emptyMap();
Map propertyNameAndAliasMap = newHashMap(aliasFieldsList.size());
for (Field field : aliasFieldsList){
Alias alias = field.getAnnotation(Alias.class);
return propertyNameAndAliasMap;
// [end]
* 使用 valueMap
来构造一个 DynaBean.
* 说明:
* - 一般情况下,你可能不需要使用这个方法
* - 很适合那种属性值数量不确定,并且又不想在页面使用map来渲染的地方,比如制作多维度的图表
* - 程序内部,默认使用的是 {@link com.feilong.lib.beanutils.LazyDynaClass}
* - 不需要先创建一个期望的数据结构DynaClass,就能向{@link LazyDynaBean}中填充我们任意想填充的数据。
* - {@link LazyDynaBean}内部会根据我们填充进的数据(即使是一个map中的一个key-value pair),创建metadata的。
* 示例:
* DynaBean newDynaBean = BeanUtil.newDynaBean(
* toMap(//
* Pair.of("address", (Object) newHashMap()),
* Pair.of("firstName", (Object) "Fred"),
* Pair.of("lastName", (Object) "Flintstone")));
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(newDynaBean));
* 返回:
* {
* "address": {},
* "firstName": "Fred",
* "lastName": "Flintstone"
* }
* @param valueMap
* the value map
* @return the dyna bean
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 valueMap
是null,或者 valueMap
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* 如果valueMap
* @see com.feilong.lib.beanutils.LazyDynaBean
* @since 1.8.1
* @since 1.13.2 param map change from {@code Map valueMap} to {@code Map, ?> valueMap}
public static DynaBean newDynaBean(Map, ?> valueMap){
Validate.notNull(valueMap, "valueMap can't be null!");
LazyDynaBean lazyDynaBean = new LazyDynaBean();
for (Map.Entry, ?> entry : valueMap.entrySet()){
String key = ConvertUtil.toString(entry.getKey());
Validate.notBlank(key, "entry.getKey() can't be blank!");
lazyDynaBean.set(key, entry.getValue());
return lazyDynaBean;