com.feilong.core.util.MapUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2008 feilong
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.feilong.core.util;
import static com.feilong.core.Validator.isNotNullOrEmpty;
import static com.feilong.core.Validator.isNullOrEmpty;
import static com.feilong.core.bean.ConvertUtil.convert;
import static com.feilong.core.bean.ConvertUtil.toArray;
import static com.feilong.core.bean.ConvertUtil.toBigDecimal;
import static com.feilong.core.bean.ConvertUtil.toList;
import static com.feilong.core.bean.ConvertUtil.toSet;
import static com.feilong.core.lang.ObjectUtil.defaultEmptyStringIfNull;
import static com.feilong.core.lang.ObjectUtil.defaultIfNull;
import static com.feilong.core.lang.StringUtil.EMPTY;
import static java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.feilong.core.Validate;
import com.feilong.core.bean.ConvertUtil;
import com.feilong.core.bean.PropertyUtil;
import com.feilong.core.lang.NumberUtil;
import com.feilong.lib.collection4.MapUtils;
* {@link Map}工具类.
* hashCode与equals:
* hashCode重要么?
* 对于{@link java.util.List List}集合、数组而言,不重要,他就是一个累赘;
* 但是对于{@link java.util.HashMap HashMap}、{@link java.util.HashSet HashSet}、 {@link java.util.Hashtable Hashtable} 而言,它变得异常重要.
* 在Java中hashCode的实现总是伴随着equals,他们是紧密配合的,你要是自己设计了其中一个,就要设计另外一个。
* 整个处理流程是:
* - 判断两个对象的hashcode是否相等,若不等,则认为两个对象不等,完毕,若相等,则比较equals。
* - 若两个对象的equals不等,则可以认为两个对象不等,否则认为他们相等。
* 关于 {@link java.util.Map }:
* interface/class
* 说明
* {@link java.util.Map Map}
* - An object that maps keys to values.
* - A map cannot contain duplicate keys
* - Takes the place of the Dictionary class
* {@link java.util.HashMap HashMap}
* - Hash table based implementation of the Map interface.
* - permits null values and the null key.
* - makes no guarantees as to the order of the map
* 扩容:
* - {@link java.util.HashMap HashMap} 初始容量 {@link java.util.HashMap#DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY }是16,DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR 是0.75
是 2 * table.length 2倍
* {@link java.util.LinkedHashMap LinkedHashMap}
* - Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface,
* - with predictable iteration order.
* Note that: insertion order is not affected if a key is re-inserted into the map.
* {@link java.util.TreeMap TreeMap}
* - A Red-Black tree based NavigableMap implementation
* - sorted according to the natural ordering of its keys, or by a Comparator.
* - 默认情况 key不能为null,如果传入了
那么key 可以为null.
* {@link java.util.Hashtable Hashtable}
* - This class implements a hashtable, which maps keys to values.
* - synchronized.
* - Any non-null object can be used as a key or as a value.
* {@link java.util.Properties Properties}
* - The Properties class represents a persistent set of properties.
* - can be saved to a stream or loaded from a stream.
* - Each key and its corresponding value in the property list is a string.
* {@link java.util.IdentityHashMap IdentityHashMap}
* - using reference-equality in place of object-equality when comparing keys (and values).
* - 使用==代替equals()对key进行比较的散列表.专为特殊问题而设计的
* 注意:此类不是 通用 Map 实现!它有意违反 Map 的常规协定,此类设计仅用于其中需要引用相等性语义的罕见情况
* {@link java.util.WeakHashMap WeakHashMap}
* - A hashtable-based Map implementation with weak keys.
* - 它对key实行"弱引用",如果一个key不再被外部所引用,那么该key可以被GC回收
* {@link java.util.EnumMap EnumMap}
* - A specialized Map implementation for use with enum type keys.
* - Enum maps are maintained in the natural order of their keys
* - 不允许空的key
* @author feilong
* @see java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
* @see ""
* @since 1.0.0
@SuppressWarnings("squid:S1192") //String literals should not be duplicated
public final class MapUtil{
/** The Constant LOGGER. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MapUtil.class);
/** Don't let anyone instantiate this class. */
private MapUtil(){
//AssertionError不是必须的. 但它可以避免不小心在类的内部调用构造器. 保证该类在任何情况下都不会被实例化.
//see 《Effective Java》 2nd
throw new AssertionError("No " + getClass().getName() + " instances for you!");
* If the specified key is not already associated with a value (or is mapped
* to {@code null}), attempts to compute its value using the given mapping
* function and enters it into this map unless {@code null}.
* 由于jdk1.8 性能有坑 | 慎用 Java 8 ConcurrentHashMap 的 computeIfAbsent
* ConcurrentHashMap 的 computeIfAbsent有性能问题,所有封装此方法
* If the function returns {@code null} no mapping is recorded. If
* the function itself throws an (unchecked) exception, the
* exception is rethrown, and no mapping is recorded. The most
* common usage is to construct a new object serving as an initial
* mapped value or memoized result, as in:
* {@code
* map.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new Value(f(k)));
* }
* Or to implement a multi-value map, {@code Map>},
* supporting multiple values per key:
* {@code
* map.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new HashSet()).add(v);
* }
* @implSpec 默认实现:
* {@code
* V result = map.get(key);
* if (null != mappingFunction){
* return result;
* }
* return map.computeIfAbsent(key, mappingFunction);
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* key with which the specified value is to be associated
* @param mappingFunction
* the function to compute a value
* @return the current (existing or computed) value associated with the specified key, or null if the computed value is null
* @throws NullPointerException
* 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* if the specified key is null and this map does not support null keys, or the mappingFunction is null
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if the {@code put} operation is not supported by this map
* (optional)
* @throws ClassCastException
* if the class of the specified key or value prevents it from being stored in this map
* (optional)
* @see 性能有坑 | 慎用 Java 8 ConcurrentHashMap 的 computeIfAbsent
* @see ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent(k,f) locks bin when k present
* @see JDK1.8 ConcurrentHashMap#computeIfAbsent慎用
* @since jdk 1.8
* @since 3.5.0
public static V computeIfAbsent(Map map,K key,Function super K, ? extends V> mappingFunction){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
V result = map.get(key);
if (null != result){
return result;
return map.computeIfAbsent(key, mappingFunction);
* 根据索引来获得map 的entry.
* 说明:
* - 传入的map 最好是 {@link LinkedHashMap},{@link EnumMap}等自身有顺序的map,否则如 {@link HashMap}每次结果都不一样
* 示例:
* 场景: 获得下面bookSectionUrlMap 第一个entry value值
* public void createFile(Novel novel){
* Map{@code } bookSectionUrlMap = parseBookSectionUrlMap(novel);
* if (isNullOrEmpty(bookSectionUrlMap)){
* LOGGER.warn("bookSectionUrlMap is null/empty,Perhaps you read the latest chapter");
* return;
* }
* //---------------------------------------------------------------
* String beginName = null; // 开始章节名称
* for (Map.Entry{@code } entry : bookSectionUrlMap.entrySet()){
* String sectionName = entry.getValue();
* if (isNullOrEmpty(beginName)){
* beginName = sectionName;//①这里纯粹只是为了获得 map 第一个 entry value 值
* }
* try{
* //do some big logic
* }catch (ChapterParseException e){
* break; //如果出现了异常 就跳出
* }
* }
* //---------------------------------------------------------------
* write(novel, beginName);
* // do something logic
* }
* 对于上述代码 ①处的代码,虽然只是寥寥几行,但是会减低代码的可读性,也不利于循环体代码抽取,通过sonar 扫描的时候,明显方法的复杂度很高
* 此时,你可以优化成:
* public void createFile(Novel novel){
* Map{@code } bookSectionUrlMap = parseBookSectionUrlMap(novel);
* if (isNullOrEmpty(bookSectionUrlMap)){
* LOGGER.warn("bookSectionUrlMap is null/empty,Perhaps you read the latest chapter");
* return;
* }
* //---------------------------------------------------------------
* for (Map.Entry{@code } entry : bookSectionUrlMap.entrySet()){
* try{
* //do some big logic
* }catch (ChapterParseException e){
* break; //如果出现了异常 就跳出
* }
* }
* //---------------------------------------------------------------
* write(novel, MapUtil.get(bookSectionUrlMap, 0).getValue());
* // do something logic
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* 最好是 {@link LinkedHashMap},{@link EnumMap}等自身有顺序的map,否则每次出来的结果都不一样
* @param index
* the index
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* if the index is invalid
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils#get(Iterable, int)"
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils#get(Map, int)"
* @since 1.10.1
public static Map.Entry get(Map map,int index){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
return com.feilong.lib.collection4.CollectionUtils.get(map, index);
* 获取value.
* 取值前,判断了map是否是null,如果是null直接返回null
* 示例:
MapUtil.get(null, "name")) = null
* 重构:
* 对于以下代码:
* if (isNullOrEmpty(singleValueMap)){
* return null;
* }
* return singleValueMap.get(entryId);
* 可以重构成:
* return MapUtil.get(singleValueMapentryId, entryId);
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* the key
* @return 如果 map
是null,返回 null
* @since 3.3.7
public static V get(Map map,K key){
if (null == map){
return null;
return map.get(key);
* 获取value.
* 说明:
* - 取值前,判断了map是否是null,如果是null直接返回""
* - 如果对应的value 是null,也会返回""
* - 值会自动转换成字符串
* 示例:
* MapUtil.getDefaultEmptyStringIfNull(null, "name")) = ""
* MapUtil.getDefaultEmptyStringIfNull(toMap("name", "jim"), "name")) = "jim"
* MapUtil.getDefaultEmptyStringIfNull(toMap("name", "jim"), "name1")) = ""
* MapUtil.getDefaultEmptyStringIfNull(toMap("name", 7777), "name")) = "7777"
* MapUtil.getDefaultEmptyStringIfNull(toMap("name", 7777L), "name")) = "7777"
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* the key
* @return 如果 map
是null,返回 EMPTY
* 否则获取map中key的值, 转成字符串, 如果发现是null ,返回 EMPTY
* @since 4.0.6
public static String getDefaultEmptyStringIfNull(Map map,K key){
if (null == map){
return EMPTY;
return defaultEmptyStringIfNull(ConvertUtil.toString(get(map, key)));
* 获取value.
* 取值前,判断了map是否是null,如果是null直接返回null
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* the key
* @param defaultValue
* the default value
* @return 如果 map
是null,返回 null
* @since 3.3.7
public static V getOrDefault(Map map,K key,V defaultValue){
if (null == map){
return null;
return map.getOrDefault(key, defaultValue);
* 将多值的arrayValueMap
* 示例1:
* Map{@code } arrayValueMap = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* arrayValueMap.put("province", new String[] { "江苏省" });
* arrayValueMap.put("city", new String[] { "南通市" });
* 返回:
* {
* "province": "江苏省",
* "city": "南通市"
* }
* 如果arrayValueMap其中有key的值是多值的数组,那么转换到新的map中的时候,value取第一个值,
* 示例2:
* Map{@code } arrayValueMap = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* arrayValueMap.put("province", new String[] { "浙江省", "江苏省" });
* arrayValueMap.put("city", new String[] { "南通市" });
* 返回:
* {
* "province": "浙江省",
* "city": "南通市"
* }
* 说明:
* - 返回的map是 提取参数
* - 返回的是 {@link LinkedHashMap},保证顺序和参数
* - 和该方法正好相反的是 {@link #toArrayValueMap(Map)}
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param arrayValueMap
* the array value map
* @return 如果arrayValueMap
是null或者empty,那么返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()},
* 如果arrayValueMap
* 如果arrayValueMap
其中有key的value是null,那么转换到新的map中的时候,value以 null替代
* @since 1.8.0 change type to generics
public static Map toSingleValueMap(Map arrayValueMap){
if (isNullOrEmpty(arrayValueMap)){
return emptyMap();
Map singleValueMap = newLinkedHashMap(arrayValueMap.size());//保证顺序和参数 arrayValueMap 顺序相同
for (Map.Entry entry : arrayValueMap.entrySet()){
singleValueMap.put(entry.getKey(), null == entry.getValue() ? null : entry.getValue()[0]);
return singleValueMap;
* 将单值的singleValueMap
* 示例:
* Map{@code } singleValueMap = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* singleValueMap.put("province", "江苏省");
* singleValueMap.put("city", "南通市");
* 返回:
* {
* "province": ["江苏省"],
* "city": ["南通市"]
* }
* 说明:
* - 返回的是 {@link LinkedHashMap},保证顺序和参数
* - 和该方法正好相反的是 {@link #toSingleValueMap(Map)}
* @param
* the key type
* @param singleValueMap
* the name and value map
* @return 如果参数 singleValueMap
是null或者empty,那么返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()}
* 否则迭代 singleValueMap
将value转成数组,返回新的 arrayValueMap
* @since 1.6.2
public static Map toArrayValueMap(Map singleValueMap){
return toArrayValueMap(singleValueMap, String.class);
* 将单值的singleValueMap
* 示例:
* Map{@code } singleValueMap = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* singleValueMap.put("province", "江苏省");
* singleValueMap.put("city", "南通市");
* 返回:
* {
* "province": ["江苏省"],
* "city": ["南通市"]
* }
* 说明:
* - 返回的是 {@link LinkedHashMap},保证顺序和参数
* - 和该方法正好相反的是 {@link #toSingleValueMap(Map)}
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param
* the generic type
* @param singleValueMap
* the name and value map
* @param arrayComponentType
* 显性的指定value类型
* @return 如果参数 singleValueMap
是null或者empty,那么返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()}
* 否则迭代 singleValueMap
将value转成数组,返回新的 arrayValueMap
* 如果 arrayComponentType
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @since 3.3.1
//由于泛型类型擦除,不显性传参会报错 参见
public static Map toArrayValueMap(Map singleValueMap,Class arrayComponentType){
if (isNullOrEmpty(singleValueMap)){
return emptyMap();
Validate.notNull(arrayComponentType, "arrayComponentType can't be null!");
Map arrayValueMap = newLinkedHashMap(singleValueMap.size());//保证顺序和参数singleValueMap顺序相同
for (Map.Entry entry : singleValueMap.entrySet()){
V convert = ConvertUtil.convert(entry.getValue(), arrayComponentType);
//避免 Object[] 问题
V[] array = toArray(toList(convert), arrayComponentType);
arrayValueMap.put(entry.getKey(), array);
return arrayValueMap;
* 仅当 null != map 并且 null != value
才将key/value put到map中.
* 说明:
* - 如果
* - 如果
* - 如果
是否允许是null的 规则
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map to add to
* @param key
* the key
* @param value
* the value
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.MapUtils#safeAddToMap(Map, Object, Object)"
* @since 1.4.0
public static void putIfValueNotNull(final Map map,final K key,final V value){
if (null != map && null != value){
map.put(key, value);
* 仅当 {@code null != map && null != m},才会进行 {@code map.putAll(m)} 操作
* 重构:
* 对于以下代码:
* if (isNotNullOrEmpty(specialSignMap)){
* map.putAll(specialSignMap);
* }
* 可以重构成:
* MapUtil.putAllIfNotNull(map, specialSignMap)
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param m
* mappings to be stored in this map
* @see java.util.Map#putAll(Map)
* @since 1.6.3
public static void putAllIfNotNull(final Map map,Map extends K, ? extends V> m){
if (null != map && null != m){
map.putAll(m);// m 如果是null 会报错
* 仅当 null != map 并且 isNotNullOrEmpty(value)
才将key/value put到map中.
* 说明:
* - 如果
* - 如果
* - 如果
* 重构:
* 对于以下代码:
* if (isNotNullOrEmpty(taoBaoOAuthLoginForCodeEntity.getState())){
* nameAndValueMap.put("state", taoBaoOAuthLoginForCodeEntity.getState());
* }
* 可以重构成:
* MapUtil.putIfValueNotNullOrEmpty(nameAndValueMap, "state", taoBaoOAuthLoginForCodeEntity.getState());
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* the key
* @param value
* the value
* @since 1.6.3
public static void putIfValueNotNullOrEmpty(final Map map,final K key,final V value){
if (null != map && isNotNullOrEmpty(value)){
map.put(key, value);
* 将key
累加的形式put到 map中,如果map
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new HashMap{@code <>}();
* MapUtil.putSumValue(map, "1000001", 5);
* MapUtil.putSumValue(map, "1000002", 5);
* MapUtil.putSumValue(map, "1000002", 5);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(map));
* 返回:
* {
* "1000001": 5,
* "1000002": 10
* }
* 重构:
* 对于以下代码:
* if (disadvantageMap.containsKey(disadvantageToken)){
* disadvantageMap.put(disadvantageToken, disadvantageMap.get(disadvantageToken) + 1);
* }else{
* disadvantageMap.put(disadvantageToken, 1);
* }
* 可以重构成:
* MapUtil.putSumValue(disadvantageMap, disadvantageToken, 1);
* @param
* the key type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* the key
* @param value
* 数值,不能为null,可以是负数
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* 如果 value
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.bag.HashBag"
* @see "org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt"
* @see "java.util.Map#getOrDefault(Object, Object)"
* @see most-efficient-way-to-
* increment-a-map-value-in-java
* @since 1.5.5
public static Map putSumValue(Map map,K key,Integer value){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
Validate.notNull(value, "value can't be null!");
Integer v = map.get(key);//这里不要使用 map.containsKey(key),否则会有2次 two potentially expensive operations
map.put(key, null == v ? value : value + v);//Suggestion: you should care about code readability more than little performance gain in most of the time.
return map;
* 将key
累加的形式put到 map中,如果map
* 常用于数据统计, 比如 {@link com.feilong.core.util.AggregateUtil#groupSum(Iterable, String, String)}
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new HashMap{@code <>}();
* MapUtil.putSumValue(map, "1000001", 5);
* MapUtil.putSumValue(map, "1000002", 5);
* MapUtil.putSumValue(map, "1000002", 5);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(map));
* 返回:
* {
* "1000001": 5,
* "1000002": 10
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* the key
* @param value
* 数值,不能为null,可以是负数
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* 如果 value
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.bag.HashBag"
* @see "java.util.Map#getOrDefault(Object, Object)"
* @see most-efficient-way-to-
* increment-a-map-value-in-java
* @since 1.13.2
public static Map putSumValue(Map map,K key,Number value){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
Validate.notNull(value, "value can't be null!");
BigDecimal v = map.get(key);//这里不要使用 map.containsKey(key),否则会有2次 two potentially expensive operations
map.put(key, null == v ? toBigDecimal(value) : NumberUtil.getAddValue(value, v));//Suggestion: you should care about code readability more than little performance gain in most of the time.
return map;
* 提取map中指定的key 的value,累加起来,按照制定的klass
* 使用场景:
* // 数据库中所有的专辑和声音的map,注意value 是integer类型
* Map{@code } allAlbumIdAndTrackCountMap = albumCountService.selectAllAlbumIdAndTrackCountMap();
* //当前图书馆下面所有的专辑
* Set{@code } allCommonAlbumIdSet = libraryBookService.getAlbumIdSet(libId);
* // 需要统计这个图书馆下面所有专辑的声音加起来的总和
* // 此时integer 会越界, 需要转成Long 类型
* Long trackCount = MapUtil.getSubSumValue(allAlbumIdAndTrackCountMap, allCommonAlbumIdSet, Long.class);
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the generic type
* @param
* the generic type
* @param map
* the map
* @param keys
* the keys
* @param klass
* the klass
* @return 如果 map
* 如果 keys
有对应的value 是null,将忽略不累加
* 如果 klass
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @since 3.3.5
public static C getSubSumValue(Map map,Iterable keys,Class klass){
if (isNullOrEmpty(map) || isNullOrEmpty(keys)){
return convert(0, klass);
Validate.notNull(klass, "klass can't be null!");
BigDecimal resultValue = ZERO;
for (K key : keys){
T v = map.get(key);
if (null != v){
resultValue = NumberUtil.getAddValue(resultValue, v);
return convert(resultValue, klass);
* 往 map 中put 指定 key value(多值形式).
* 说明:
* - map已经存在相同名称的key,那么value以list的形式累加.
* - 如果map中不存在指定名称的key,那么会构建一个ArrayList
* 示例:
* Map{@code >} mutiMap = newLinkedHashMap(2);
* MapUtil.putMultiValue(mutiMap, "name", "张飞");
* MapUtil.putMultiValue(mutiMap, "name", "关羽");
* MapUtil.putMultiValue(mutiMap, "age", "30");
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(mutiMap));
* 返回:
"name": [
"age": ["30"]
* 对于下面的代码:
* private void putItemToMap(Map{@code >} map,String tagName,Item item){
* List{@code - } itemList = map.get(tagName);
* if (isNullOrEmpty(itemList)){
* itemList = new ArrayList{@code
- }();
* }
* itemList.add(item);
* map.put(tagName, itemList);
* }
* 可以重构成:
* private void putItemToMap(Map{@code >} map,String tagName,Item item){
* com.feilong.core.util.MapUtil.putMultiValue(map, tagName, item);
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param key
* the key
* @param value
* the value
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @see ""
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.MultiValuedMap"
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.IterableMap"
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.MultiMapUtils"
* @see "org.apache.commons.collections4.multimap.AbstractMultiValuedMap#put(Object, Object)"
* @since 1.6.2
public static Map> putMultiValue(Map> map,K key,V value){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
List list = defaultIfNull(map.get(key), new ArrayList());
map.put(key, list);
return map;
* 获得一个map
* 说明:
* - 原
* - 返回的map为 {@link LinkedHashMap},key的顺序 按照参数
* - 如果循环的 key不在map key里面,则忽略该key,并输出debug level log
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new HashMap{@code <>}();
* map.put("a", 3007);
* map.put("b", 3001);
* map.put("c", 3001);
* map.put("d", 3003);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.getSubMap(map, "a", "c")));
* 返回:
* {
* "a": 3007,
* "c": 3001
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the generic type
* @param map
* the map
* @param keys
* 如果循环的 key不在map key里面,则忽略该key,并输出debug level log
* @return 如果 map
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()};
* 如果 keys
是null或者empty,直接返回 map
* 如果循环的 key不在map key里面,则忽略该key,并输出debug level log
public static Map getSubMap(Map map,K...keys){
if (isNullOrEmpty(keys)){
return map;
return getSubMap(map, toSet(keys));
* 获得一个map
* 说明:
* - 原
* - 返回的map为 {@link LinkedHashMap},key的顺序 按照参数
* - 如果循环的 key不在map key里面,则忽略该key,并输出debug level log
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new HashMap{@code <>}();
* map.put("a", 3007);
* map.put("b", 3001);
* map.put("c", 3001);
* map.put("d", 3003);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.getSubMap(map,toList("a", "c"))));
* 返回:
* {
* "a": 3007,
* "c": 3001
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the generic type
* @param map
* the map
* @param keys
* 如果循环的 key不在map key里面,则忽略该key,并输出debug level log
* @return 如果 map
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()};
* 如果 keys
是null或者empty,直接返回 map
* 如果循环的 key不在map key里面,则忽略该key,并输出debug level log
* @since 1.10.4
public static Map getSubMap(Map map,Iterable keys){
if (isNullOrEmpty(map)){
return emptyMap();
if (isNullOrEmpty(keys)){
return map;
//保证元素的顺序,key的顺序 按照参数 keys
Map returnMap = newLinkedHashMap(10);
for (K key : keys){
if (map.containsKey(key)){
returnMap.put(key, map.get(key));
LOGGER.debug("mapDon'tContainsKey:[{}],butHasKeys:{}", key, map.keySet());
return returnMap;
* 获得 sub map(排除指定的 excludeKeys).
* 说明:
* - 原
不变, 如果你希望原map直接改变,可以调用 {@link #removeKeys(Map, Object...)}或者
* {@link #removeKeys(Map, Collection)}
* - 此方法可以提取{@link Collections#unmodifiableMap(Map)}
* - 返回值为 {@link LinkedHashMap},key的顺序按照参数
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* map.put("a", 3007);
* map.put("b", 3001);
* map.put("c", 3002);
* map.put("g", -1005);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.getSubMapExcludeKeys(map, "a", "g", "m")));
* 返回:
* {
* "b": 3001,
* "c": 3002
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the generic type
* @param map
* the map
* @param excludeKeys
* the keys
* @return 如果 map
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()};
* 如果 excludeKeys
是null或者empty,直接返回 map
* @since 1.0.9
public static Map getSubMapExcludeKeys(Map map,K...excludeKeys){
if (isNullOrEmpty(excludeKeys)){
return map;
return getSubMapExcludeKeys(map, toSet(excludeKeys));
* 获得 sub map(排除指定的 excludeKeys).
* 说明:
* - 原
不变, 如果你希望原map直接改变,可以调用 {@link #removeKeys(Map, Object...)}或者
* {@link #removeKeys(Map, Collection)}
* - 此方法可以提取{@link Collections#unmodifiableMap(Map)}
* - 返回值为 {@link LinkedHashMap},key的顺序按照参数
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* map.put("a", 3007);
* map.put("b", 3001);
* map.put("c", 3002);
* map.put("g", -1005);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.getSubMapExcludeKeys(map, toList("a", "g", "m"))));
* 返回:
* {
* "b": 3001,
* "c": 3002
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the generic type
* @param map
* the map
* @param excludeKeys
* the exclude keys
* @return 如果 map
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()};
* 如果 excludeKeys
是null或者empty,直接返回 map
* @since 1.10.4
public static Map getSubMapExcludeKeys(Map map,Iterable excludeKeys){
if (isNullOrEmpty(map)){
return emptyMap();
if (isNullOrEmpty(excludeKeys)){
return map;
Map returnMap = newLinkedHashMap(map.size());//保证元素的顺序
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()){
K key = entry.getKey();
if (!com.feilong.lib.collection4.IterableUtils.contains(excludeKeys, key)){
returnMap.put(key, entry.getValue());
return returnMap;
* 删除 map
的指定的 keys
* 注意:
* -
* 原 map
* 如果你只是需要从原map中获取非指定的keys
* {@link #getSubMapExcludeKeys(Map, Object...)} 或者{@link #getSubMapExcludeKeys(Map, Iterable)} 方法
* - 此方法删除不了 {@link Collections#unmodifiableMap(Map)}
* - 如果
包含key,那么直接调用 {@link Map#remove(Object)}
* - 如果不包含,那么输出debug级别日志
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = newLinkedHashMap(3);
* map.put("name", "feilong");
* map.put("age", "18");
* map.put("country", "china");
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.removeKeys(map, "country")));
* 返回:
* {
* "name": "feilong",
* "age": "18"
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param keys
* the keys
* @return 如果 map
* 如果 keys
是null或者empty,直接返回 map
* @since 1.6.3
public static Map removeKeys(Map map,K...keys){
if (null == map){// since 1.8.6
return null;
if (isNullOrEmpty(keys)){
return map;
for (K key : keys){
if (map.containsKey(key)){
LOGGER.debug("map has keys:[{}],but don't contains key:[{}]", map.keySet(), key);
return map;
* 删除 map
的指定的 keyList
* 注意:
* -
* 原 map
* 如果你只是需要从原map中获取非指定的keyList
* {@link #getSubMapExcludeKeys(Map, Object...)} 或者{@link #getSubMapExcludeKeys(Map, Iterable)} 方法
* - 此方法删除不了 {@link Collections#unmodifiableMap(Map)}
* - 如果
包含key,那么直接调用 {@link Map#remove(Object)}
* - 如果不包含,那么输出debug级别日志
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = newLinkedHashMap(3);
* map.put("name", "feilong");
* map.put("age", "18");
* map.put("country", "china");
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.removeKeys(map, toList("country"))));
* 返回:
* {
* "name": "feilong",
* "age": "18"
* }
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @param keyList
* the keys
* @return 如果 map
* 如果 keyList
是null或者empty,直接返回 map
* @since 3.3.1
public static Map removeKeys(Map map,Collection keyList){
if (null == map){
return null;
if (isNullOrEmpty(keyList)){
return map;
for (K key : keyList){
if (map.containsKey(key)){
LOGGER.debug("map has keys:[{}],but don't contains key:[{}]", map.keySet(), key);
return map;
* 将 map
* 说明:
* - 这个操作map预先良好的定义.
* - 如果传过来的map,不同的key有相同的value,那么返回的map(key)只会有一个(value),其他重复的key被丢掉了
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new HashMap{@code <>}();
* map.put("a", 3007);
* map.put("b", 3001);
* map.put("c", 3001);
* map.put("d", 3003);
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.invertMap(map)));
* 返回:
* {
* "3001": "c",
* "3007": "a",
* "3003": "d"
* }
* 可以看出 b元素被覆盖了
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @return 如果map
是null,返回 null
* 如果map
是empty,返回 一个 new HashMap
* @see com.feilong.lib.collection4.MapUtils#invertMap(Map)
* @since 1.2.2
public static Map invertMap(Map map){
return null == map ? null : MapUtils.invertMap(map);//返回的是 HashMap
* 提取 key 交集, 但是值不同的map
* 从targetMap 中, 提取key在toBeComparedMap,但是值即使转换成相同类型后还是不相等的数据
* 注意, 返回的是基于targetMap走的, 值的类型也是 targetMap value 类型
* 示例:
* Map targetMap = newLinkedHashMap();
* targetMap.put(1L, 88L);
* targetMap.put(2L, 99L);
* Map toBeComparedMap = newLinkedHashMap();
* toBeComparedMap.put(1L, 66);
* toBeComparedMap.put(2L, 99);
* toBeComparedMap.put(8L, 55);
* Map extractSubMap = MapUtil.extractIntersectionKeyDifferentValueMap(targetMap, toBeComparedMap);
* 返回:
* (1L, 88L) 一条记录
* @param
* key 类型
* @param
* 目标map value 类型
* @param
* 待比较的map value 类型, 可以和目标map value 类型相同或者不同, 如果不同自动转换比较
* @param targetMap
* 目标map
* @param toBeComparedMap
* 待比较的map
* @return 如果 targetMap
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()}
* 如果 toBeComparedMap
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()}
* @since 3.2.3
public static Map extractIntersectionKeyDifferentValueMap(Map targetMap,Map toBeComparedMap){
if (isNullOrEmpty(targetMap)){
return emptyMap();
if (isNullOrEmpty(toBeComparedMap)){
return emptyMap();
Map returnMap = newHashMap();
for (Map.Entry entry : targetMap.entrySet()){
T key = entry.getKey();
//不存在的key 就跳过
if (!toBeComparedMap.containsKey(key)){
V targetValue = entry.getValue();
I toBeComparedValue = toBeComparedMap.get(key);
//两个值相同, 跳过 (含都是null , 或者类型直接相同)
if (targetValue == toBeComparedValue){
//有一个是null, 设置值
if (null == targetValue || null == toBeComparedValue){
returnMap.put(key, targetValue);
if (ConvertUtil.convert(toBeComparedValue, targetValue.getClass()).equals(targetValue)){ //类型自动转换后对比
returnMap.put(key, targetValue);
return returnMap;
* 以参数 map
的key为key,以参数 map
* 说明:
* - 返回map的顺序,按照参数 map key的顺序
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* map.put(1L, new User(100L));
* map.put(2L, new User(200L));
* map.put(5L, new User(500L));
* map.put(4L, new User(400L));
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.extractSubMap(map, "id")));
* 返回:
"1": 100,
"2": 200,
"5": 500,
"4": 400
* @param
* key的类型
* @param
* map value bean类型
* @param
* map value bean相关 属性名称 extractPropertyName
* @param map
* the map
* @param extractPropertyName
* 泛型O对象指定的属性名称,Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property to be modified,参见
* propertyName
* @return 如果 map
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()}
* 如果 extractPropertyName
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* 如果 extractPropertyName
是blank,抛出 {@link IllegalArgumentException}
* @since 1.8.0 remove class param
public static Map extractSubMap(Map map,String extractPropertyName){
return extractSubMap(map, null, extractPropertyName);
* 以参数 map
的key为key,以参数 map
* 属性值为值,拼装成新的map返回.
* 说明:
* - 如果在抽取的过程中,
没有某个 includeKeys
,将会忽略该key的抽取,并输出 warn log
* - 如果参数
是null或者 empty,那么会抽取map所有的key
* - 返回map的顺序,按照参数includeKeys的顺序(如果includeKeys是null,那么按照map key的顺序)
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* map.put(1L, new User(100L));
* map.put(2L, new User(200L));
* map.put(53L, new User(300L));
* map.put(5L, new User(500L));
* map.put(6L, new User(600L));
* map.put(4L, new User(400L));
* Long[] includeKeys = { 5L, 4L };
* LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(MapUtil.extractSubMap(map, includeKeys, "id")));
* 返回:
* {
* "5": 500,
* "4": 400
* }
* 典型示例:
* private Map{@code } constructPropertyIdAndItemPropertiesIdMap(
* String properties,
* Map{@code } itemPropertiesIdAndPropertyValueSubViewCommandMap){
* Long[] itemPropertiesIds = StoCommonUtil.toItemPropertiesIdLongs(properties);
* Map{@code } itemPropertiesIdAndPropertyIdMap = MapUtil
* .extractSubMap(itemPropertiesIdAndPropertyValueSubViewCommandMap, itemPropertiesIds, "propertyId");
* return MapUtil.invertMap(itemPropertiesIdAndPropertyIdMap);
* }
* @param
* key的类型
* @param
* map value bean类型
* @param
* map value bean相关 属性名称 extractPropertyName
* @param map
* the map
* @param includeKeys
* the include keys
* @param extractPropertyName
* 泛型O对象指定的属性名称,Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property to be modified,参见
* propertyName
* @return 如果 map
是null或者empty,返回 {@link Collections#emptyMap()}
* 如果 extractPropertyName
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* 如果 extractPropertyName
是blank,抛出 {@link IllegalArgumentException}
* 如果 includeKeys
是null或者empty, then will extract map total keys
* @since 1.8.0 remove class param
public static Map extractSubMap(Map map,K[] includeKeys,String extractPropertyName){
if (isNullOrEmpty(map)){
return emptyMap();
Validate.notBlank(extractPropertyName, "extractPropertyName can't be null/empty!");
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // NOPMD - false positive for generics
K[] useIncludeKeys = isNullOrEmpty(includeKeys) ? (K[]) map.keySet().toArray() : includeKeys;
Validate.notEmpty(useIncludeKeys, "useIncludeKeys can't be null/empty!");
//保证元素的顺序,顺序是参数 includeKeys的顺序
Map returnMap = newLinkedHashMap(useIncludeKeys.length);
for (K key : useIncludeKeys){
if (map.containsKey(key)){
returnMap.put(key, PropertyUtil. getProperty(map.get(key), extractPropertyName));
LOGGER.warn("map:[{}] don't contains key:[{}]", map.keySet(), key);
return returnMap;
* New concurrent hash map.
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @return a new, empty {@code ConcurrentHashMap}
* @since 1.10.7
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new ConcurrentHashMap<>()} 的写法
public static Map newConcurrentHashMap(){
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* New concurrent hash map.
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @since 1.14.0
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new ConcurrentHashMap<>(map)} 的写法
public static Map newConcurrentHashMap(Map map){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>(map);
* 创建 {@code ConcurrentHashMap}实例,拥有足够的 "initial capacity" 应该控制{@code expectedSize} elements without growth.
* This behavior cannot be broadly guaranteed, but it is observed to be true for OpenJDK 1.7.
* It also can't be guaranteed that the method isn't inadvertently oversizing the returned map.
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = MapUtil.newConcurrentHashMap(3);
* map.put("name", "feilong");
* map.put("age", "18");
* map.put("address", "shanghai");
* 使用该方法的好处:
* - 简化代码书写方式
* 以前你可能需要这么写代码:
* Map{@code >>} map = new ConcurrentHashMap{@code >>}(16);
* 如果你是使用JDK1.7或者以上,你可以使用钻石符:
* Map{@code >>} map = new ConcurrentHashMap{@code <>}(16);
* 不过只要你是使用1.5+,你都可以写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newConcurrentHashMap(16);// 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* - 减少扩容次数
* 如果你要一次性初始一个能存放100个元素的map,并且不需要扩容,提高性能的话,你需要
* Map{@code >>} map = new ConcurrentHashMap{@code >>}(100/0.75+1);
* 使用这个方法,你可以直接写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newConcurrentHashMap(100);// 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param expectedSize
* the number of entries you expect to add to the returned map
* @return a new, empty {@code ConcurrentHashMap} with enough capacity to hold {@code expectedSize} entries without resizing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* 如果 expectedSize{@code < }0
* @since 1.11.1
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new ConcurrentHashMap<>(toInitialCapacity(expectedSize))} 的写法
public static Map newConcurrentHashMap(int expectedSize){
return new ConcurrentHashMap<>(toInitialCapacity(expectedSize));
* New tree map.
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @return a new, empty {@code ConcurrentHashMap}
* @since 1.10.7
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new TreeMap<>()} 的写法
public static Map newTreeMap(){
return new TreeMap<>();
* New tree map.
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @since 1.14.0
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new TreeMap<>(map)} 的写法
public static Map newTreeMap(Map map){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
return new TreeMap<>(map);
* 创建 {@code HashMap}实例.
* 示例:
* Map{@code } newHashMap = MapUtil.newHashMap();
* newHashMap.put("name", "feilong");
* newHashMap.put("age", "18");
* newHashMap.put("address", "shanghai");
* 使用该方法的好处:
* - 简化代码书写方式
* 以前你可能需要这么写代码:
* Map{@code >>} map = new HashMap{@code >>}();
* 如果你是使用JDK1.7或者以上,你可以使用钻石符:
* Map{@code >>} map = new HashMap{@code <>}();
* 不过只要你是使用1.5+,你都可以写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newHashMap(); // 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @return the hash map
* @see ""
* @see java.util.HashMap#HashMap()
* @since 1.10.7
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new HashMap<>()} 的写法
public static Map newHashMap(){
return new HashMap<>();
* New hash map.
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @since 1.14.0
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new HashMap<>(map)} 的写法
public static Map newHashMap(Map map){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
return new HashMap<>(map);
* 创建 {@code HashMap}实例,拥有足够的 "initial capacity" 应该控制{@code expectedSize} elements without growth.
* This behavior cannot be broadly guaranteed, but it is observed to be true for OpenJDK 1.7.
* It also can't be guaranteed that the method isn't inadvertently oversizing the returned map.
* 示例:
* Map{@code } newHashMap = MapUtil.newHashMap(3);
* newHashMap.put("name", "feilong");
* newHashMap.put("age", "18");
* newHashMap.put("address", "shanghai");
* 使用该方法的好处:
* - 简化代码书写方式
* 以前你可能需要这么写代码:
* Map{@code >>} map = new HashMap{@code >>}(16);
* 如果你是使用JDK1.7或者以上,你可以使用钻石符:
* Map{@code >>} map = new HashMap{@code <>}(16);
* 不过只要你是使用1.5+,你都可以写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newHashMap(16);// 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* - 减少扩容次数
* 如果你要一次性初始一个能存放100个元素的map,并且不需要扩容,提高性能的话,你需要
* Map{@code >>} map = new HashMap{@code >>}(100/0.75+1);
* 使用这个方法,你可以直接写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newHashMap(100);// 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param expectedSize
* the number of entries you expect to add to the returned map
* @return a new, empty {@code HashMap} with enough capacity to hold {@code expectedSize} entries without resizing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* 如果 expectedSize{@code < }0
* @see ""
* @see java.util.HashMap#HashMap(int)
* @since 1.7.1
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new HashMap<>(toInitialCapacity(expectedSize))} 的写法
public static Map newHashMap(int expectedSize){
return new HashMap<>(toInitialCapacity(expectedSize));
* 创建 {@code LinkedHashMap}实例.
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = MapUtil.newLinkedHashMap();
* map.put("name", "feilong");
* map.put("age", "18");
* map.put("address", "shanghai");
* 使用该方法的好处:
* - 简化代码书写方式
* 以前你可能需要这么写代码:
* Map{@code >>} map = new LinkedHashMap{@code >>}();
* 如果你是使用JDK1.7或者以上,你可以使用钻石符:
* Map{@code >>} map = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}();
* 不过只要你是使用1.5+,你都可以写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newLinkedHashMap();// 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @return the linked hash map
* @see ""
* @see java.util.LinkedHashMap#LinkedHashMap()
* @since 1.10.7
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new LinkedHashMap<>()} 的写法
public static Map newLinkedHashMap(){
return new LinkedHashMap<>();
* 基于keys 创建指定value的 {@code LinkedHashMap}实例.
* 使用该方法的好处:
* - 简化代码书写方式
* 以前你可能需要这么写代码:
* Map{@code } map = newLinkedHashMap();
* for (Long albumId : albumIds){
* map.put(albumId, true);
* }
* 现在你可以使用
* Map{@code } map = MapUtil.newLinkedHashMap(albumIds,true);
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param keys
* 如果 keys
是null,返回 emptyMap
* @param value
* the value
* @return 如果 keys
是null,返回 emptyMap
* @see ""
* @see java.util.LinkedHashMap#LinkedHashMap()
* @since 4.2.0
public static Map newLinkedHashMap(Iterable keys,V value){
if (null == keys){
return emptyMap();
Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (K key : keys){
map.put(key, value);
return map;
* New linked hash map.
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param map
* the map
* @return 如果 map
是null,抛出 {@link NullPointerException}
* @since 1.14.0
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new LinkedHashMap<>(map)} 的写法
public static Map newLinkedHashMap(Map map){
Validate.notNull(map, "map can't be null!");
return new LinkedHashMap<>(map);
* 创建 {@code LinkedHashMap}实例,拥有足够的 "initial capacity" 应该控制{@code expectedSize} elements without growth.
* This behavior cannot be broadly guaranteed, but it is observed to be true for OpenJDK 1.7.
* It also can't be guaranteed that the method isn't inadvertently oversizing the returned map.
* 示例:
* Map{@code } map = MapUtil.newLinkedHashMap(3);
* map.put("name", "feilong");
* map.put("age", "18");
* map.put("address", "shanghai");
* 使用该方法的好处:
* - 简化代码书写方式
* 以前你可能需要这么写代码:
* Map{@code >>} map = new LinkedHashMap{@code >>}(16);
* 如果你是使用JDK1.7或者以上,你可以使用钻石符:
* Map{@code >>} map = new LinkedHashMap{@code <>}(16);
* 不过只要你是使用1.5+,你都可以写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newLinkedHashMap(16);// 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* - 减少扩容次数
* 如果你要一次性初始一个能存放100个元素的map,并且不需要扩容,提高性能的话,你需要
* Map{@code >>} map = new LinkedHashMap{@code >>}(100/0.75+1);
* 使用这个方法,你可以直接写成:
* Map{@code >>} map = MapUtil.newLinkedHashMap(100);// 如果搭配static import 使用会更加简洁
* @param
* the key type
* @param
* the value type
* @param expectedSize
* the number of entries you expect to add to the returned map
* @return a new, empty {@code LinkedHashMap} with enough capacity to hold {@code expectedSize} entries without resizing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* 如果 size{@code < }0
* @see ""
* @see java.util.LinkedHashMap#LinkedHashMap(int)
* @since 1.7.1
* @apiNote 可以使用静态导入,简化 {@code new LinkedHashMap<>(toInitialCapacity(expectedSize))} 的写法
public static Map newLinkedHashMap(int expectedSize){
return new LinkedHashMap<>(toInitialCapacity(expectedSize));
* 将size
转成 initialCapacity
(for {@link java.util.HashMap}).
* 适合于明确知道 hashmap size,现在需要初始化的情况
* @param size
* map的 size
* @return the int
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* 如果 size{@code < }0
* @see java hashmap,如果确定只装载100个元素,new HashMap(?)多少是最佳的,why?
* @see
* Difference between new HashMap(int) and guava Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(int)
* @see Best HashMap initial
* capacity while indexing a List
* @see java.util.HashMap#HashMap(Map)
* @see ""
* @see java.util.HashMap#inflateTable(int)
* @see
* @since 1.7.1
private static int toInitialCapacity(int size){
Validate.isTrue(size >= 0, "size :[%s] must >=0", size);
//借鉴了 google guava 的实现,不过 guava 不同版本实现不同
//guava 19 (int) (expectedSize / 0.75F + 1.0F)
//guava 18 expectedSize + expectedSize / 3
//google-collections 1.0 Math.max(expectedSize * 2, 16)
//This is the calculation used in JDK8 to resize when a putAll happens it seems to be the most conservative calculation we can make.
return (int) (size / 0.75f) + 1;//0.75 is the default load factor