parsley.debugger.internal.DivergenceContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2020 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.debugger.internal
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.mutable
import parsley.exceptions.ParsleyException
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.frontend.LazyParsley
// FIXME: in future, this should use better tuned exception names
private [parsley] final class DivergenceContext {
case class CtxSnap(pc: Int, instrs: Array[_], off: Int, regs: List[AnyRef])
case class HandlerSnap(pc: Int, instrs: Array[_])
private case class Snapshot(name: String, internalName: String, ctxSnap: CtxSnap, handlerSnap: Option[HandlerSnap], children: mutable.ListBuffer[Snapshot]) {
// this is true when the ctxSnaps match
def matchesParent(that: Snapshot): Boolean = this.ctxSnap == that.ctxSnap
// this is true when the handlers are equal (they should exist!) and the ctxSnaps match
// TODO: technically, we should check that the instrs match for the handler and the ctx?
def matchesSibling(that: Snapshot): Boolean = this.handlerSnap == that.handlerSnap && this.ctxSnap == that.ctxSnap
// NOTE: Pruning snapshots sounds attractive, but doesn't really work, at least for siblings
// consider `val p = r.updateDuring(_ => random())(lookAhead(char('a'))) *> p`
// this I think in an iterative example would be unable to resolve if the offset from the lookahead dominates
// For a recursive structure, I think the pruning actually would work, and can be done
private val snaps = mutable.Stack.empty[Snapshot]
def takeSnapshot(parser: LazyParsley[_], userAssignedName: Option[String], ctxSnap: CtxSnap, handlerSnap: Option[HandlerSnap]): Unit = {
val name = Renamer.nameOf(userAssignedName, parser)
val internalName = Renamer.internalName(parser)
// at this point we may have some old snapshots on the stack
// we also have a current snapshot and optional handler snapshot ready to go
val self = Snapshot(name, internalName, ctxSnap, handlerSnap, mutable.ListBuffer.empty)
// first step is to check for divergence
// we must have a parent snapshot for it to possible that we have diverged
if (snaps.nonEmpty) {
val parent =
// these are the sibling calls, which are direct children of our parent
val siblings = parent.children
// there are two routes to divergence: left-recursion and non-productive iteration
// the former involves searching for an equivalent CtxSnap somewhere along the stack, the path along the way would be the trace
if (snaps.exists(self.matchesParent(_))) { //TODO: as soon as the offset changes, the search can stop?
val cycle = snaps.view.takeWhile(!self.matchesParent(_)).collect {
// internal names aren't particularly useful here, filter them out
case s if != s.internalName => (, s.ctxSnap.regs)
reportLeftRecursion(name, ctxSnap.regs, cycle)
// the latter involves the same but along our siblings -- in this case, us and our parent are relevant for reporting the issue
else if (siblings.exists(self.matchesSibling(_))) { //TODO: as soon as the offset changes, the search can stop?
val states = siblings.view.takeWhile(!self.matchesSibling(_)).collect {
// we need them to be proper siblings for the path to match up
case snap if snap.handlerSnap == self.handlerSnap => snap.ctxSnap.regs
reportNonProductiveIteration(name, internalName,, parent.internalName, ctxSnap.regs, states)
// no divergence, register ourself as a sibling to the parent (put at the front!!!)
self +=: siblings
// at this point, we know divergence didn't occur, so we can push ourself onto the stack
def dropSnapshot(): Unit = snaps.pop(): @nowarn
def reset(): Unit = snaps.clear()
private final val MissingInformation =
|Left-recursion has been detected in the given parser; however, there is not
|enough information to determine the cycle. To get the full cycle diagnostic,
|please use `parsley.debugger.util.Collector` to populate the name information
|(this is ${if (parsley.debugger.util.Collector.isSupported) "supported" else "not supported"} on your platform).
|For example, if your parsers are exposed (publically) in an object called
|`foo`, you should run:
|> parsley.debugger.util.Collector.names(foo)
|Do this before running the `detectDivergence(foo.[...]).parse([...])` call.
|Alternatively, you can give individual parser fragments names by using the
|`named` combinator, which will cause them to appear along the path.
private def LeftRecursion(cycle: Iterable[String]): String =
|Left-recursion has been detected in the given parser. The trace is as follows:
|For readability, all non-named combinators have been stripped out -- to see more,
|use the `named` combinator to tag parts of the parser you want to see appear in
|the trace.
private def reportLeftRecursion(name: String, regs: List[AnyRef], cycle: Vector[(String, List[AnyRef])]): Nothing = {
// if the cycle is empty, this means there is no name information
if (cycle.isEmpty) throw new ParsleyException(MissingInformation)
else {
// if all the registers are the same, there is no point reporting the state in the cycle
val stateFree = (regs +: == 1
val cycle2 = (name, regs) +: cycle :+ ((name, regs))
if (stateFree) throw new ParsleyException(LeftRecursion(
else throw new ParsleyException(LeftRecursion( {
// this is horrid, but it'll (TODO: some day allow for watched references like in `debug`?)
case (name, regs) => s"$name (with state ${regs.zipWithIndex})"
private def reportNonProductiveIteration(bodyName: String, bodyInternal: String,
loopName: String, loopInternal: String,
curState: List[AnyRef], states: Vector[List[AnyRef]]): Nothing = {
val cycle = curState +: states :+ curState
// no point talking about the state cycle if there is no changes
val stateFree = cycle.distinct.size == 1
// if the states do form a cycle, we should report the cycle
lazy val cycleStr = cycle.mkString("\n")
val stateNote = if (!stateFree) s"\nand adjusts the state in a cyclic way, as follows:\n\n$cycleStr" else "."
// if the names are only internal, we should direct the user to either use the collector or use the
// named combinator to get further information
val couldRefine = (if (bodyName == bodyInternal) Set("the body") else Set.empty) ++
(if (loopName == loopInternal) Set("the loop") else Set.empty)
val refineMsg =
if (couldRefine.nonEmpty)
|More precise names for ${couldRefine.mkString(" and ")} can be sourced using Collector.names
|or the `named` combinator.""".stripMargin
else ""
val msg =
s"\n`$loopName` is looping unproductively as `$bodyName` can succeed having not consumed input$stateNote$refineMsg"
throw new ParsleyException(msg)
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