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parsley.debugger.combinator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2020 Parsley Contributors 
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.debugger

import parsley.Parsley
import parsley.Parsley.{atomic, empty, fresh}
import parsley.debugger.frontend.DebugFrontend
import parsley.debugger.internal.{DebugContext, XWeakMap}

import parsley.internal.deepembedding.frontend.LazyParsley
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.frontend.debugger.Named
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.frontend.debugger.helper.{injectM, ParserTracker}

/** This object contains the two main debug combinators, `attachDebugger` and `attachWithFrontend`.
  * @since 4.5.0
object combinator {
    // By default, we don't want closures stored as themselves.
    private [debugger] val defaultRules: Seq[Any => Boolean] = Seq(_.isInstanceOf[Function[_, _]])

    /** Shorthand representation of a pair of a tree extraction function and a debugged parser. */
    type DebuggedPair[+A] = (() => DebugTree, Parsley[A])

    /** Attaches a debugger to a parser, returning a reference to the debug tree produced by
      * the parser's parse tree formed as it runs.
      * Ideally, this is called on the highest level parser that you want to debug, as this combinator
      * will traverse downwards in the parser tree and attach debuggers to all the child parsers. As a
      * consequence of this, it is not really recommended to include debugged parsers as lower-level
      * parsers within your main parser, and rather to isolate their testing.
      * Before running the parser, it may be advised to see if the current platform's implementation
      * of the debugger supports [[parsley.debugger.util.Collector]]
      * (via [[parsley.debugger.util.Collector.isSupported]]), which allows you to input an
      * object or class instance containing parsers, in order to analyse it via reflection to assign
      * the names given to the parser fields / methods in that object to disambiguate the parser names
      * in the tree in a much easier manner. Otherwise, you may want to attach explicit names to
      * your parsers using [[named]] to achieve the same effect manually.
      * Without either of those name sources, parsers will simply appear as prettified versions
      * of their internal class names.
      * After instrumentation, you would run the instrumented parser first, then after the parser
      * finishes running on ONE input ideally, you would run the debug tree generator function in
      * order to acquire the debug tree.
      * This tree can then be introspected manually in a (runtime) debugger, or passed over to one
      * of the frontends in [[parsley.debugger.frontend]] in one of the extra companion libraries
      * for this debugger.
      * It is recommended that you save the debug trees somewhere should you want to re-use the same
      * debugged parser, or if you want to use the same debugged parser as a child parser on
      * multiple parts of your main parser, make sure you use
      * [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachReusable[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachReusable]]
      * , as re-use of the same debugged parser across multiple parent parsers will cause the
      * different parse trees to incorrectly merge in an undefined manner.
      * A small warning: debugging an already debugged parser (via
      * [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachDebugger[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachDebugger]]
      * and friends) is an undefined behaviour.
      * See
      * [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachWithFrontend[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],frontend:parsley\.debugger\.frontend\.DebugFrontend,toStringRules* attachWithFrontend]]
      * to automate the tree processing after parsing.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @param parser The parser to debug.
      * @param toStringRules If a parser's result matches any of the predicates in this sequence, it
      *                      will get turned into a string before storing in the debug tree. This is
      *                      usually for memory-usage optimisation. By default, all function-like
      *                      objects will be converted into strings, as closures are expensive to store.
      * @tparam A Output type of original parser.
      * @return A pair of the finalised tree, and the instrumented parser.
    def attachDebugger[A](parser: Parsley[A], toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): DebuggedPair[A] = {
        // XXX: A weak map is needed so that memory leaks will not be caused by flatMap parsers.
        //      We want a decent amount of initial space to speed up debugging larger parsers slightly.
        val seen: ParserTracker   = new ParserTracker(new XWeakMap) // scalastyle:ignore magic.number
        val context: DebugContext = new DebugContext(toStringRules)

        val attached: LazyParsley[A] = injectM[A](parser.internal, seen, context)
        val resetter: Parsley[Unit]  = fresh(context.reset()).impure

        (() => context.getFinalTree, resetter *> new Parsley(attached))

    /** Attaches a debugger to a parser.
      * This assumes the default rules of converting only lambdas and closures into strings when
      * storing in the output debug tree.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   The other overload of this method
      *   ([[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachDebugger[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachDebugger]])
      *   has more information on how this attachment works.
      * @param parser The parser to debug.
      * @tparam A Output type of original parser.
      * @return A pair of the finalised tree, and the instrumented parser.
    def attachDebugger[A](parser: Parsley[A]): DebuggedPair[A] =
        attachDebugger[A](parser, defaultRules)

    /** Create a closure that freshly attaches a debugger to a parser every time it is called.
      * This is used for creating debugged parsers that can be used as children to multiple parent
      * parsers, as using the same debugged parser as a child to multiple parsers is unsafe.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachDebugger[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachDebugger]]
      *   for more information, or
      *   [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachWithFrontend[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],frontend:parsley\.debugger\.frontend\.DebugFrontend,toStringRules* attachWithFrontend]]
      *   for a version that also accepts a [[parsley.debugger.frontend.DebugFrontend]].
      * @return Generator closure for debugged versions of the input parser.
    def attachReusable[A](parser: Parsley[A], toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): () => DebuggedPair[A] =
        () => attachDebugger[A](parser, toStringRules)

    /** Create a closure that freshly attaches a debugger to a parser every time it is called.
      * This is used for creating debugged parsers that can be used as children to multiple parent
      * parsers, as using the same debugged parser as a child to multiple parsers is unsafe.
      * This assumes the default rules of converting only lambdas and closures into strings when
      * storing in the output debug tree.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   The other overload of this method
      *   ([[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachDebugger[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachDebugger]])
      *   has more information on its usage.
      * @return Generator closure for debugged versions of the input parser.
    def attachReusable[A](parser: Parsley[A]): () => DebuggedPair[A] =
        attachReusable[A](parser, defaultRules)

    /** Attach a debugger and an explicitly-available frontend in which the debug tree should be
      * proessed with.
      * You would normally obtain a [[parsley.debugger.frontend.DebugFrontend]] frontend from its
      * respective package as either a static object or an instance object depending on whether the
      * renderer stores state. In the latter case, it is better to regenerate the frontend with
      * every new debugged parser. The frontend can be reusable (i.e. inherits from
      * [[parsley.debugger.frontend.ReusableFrontend]]) or single-use (i.e. inherits from
      * [[parsley.debugger.frontend.SingleUseFrontend]]).
      * The instrumented parser will automatically call the frontend to render the debug tree, so it
      * may be recommended that you only use this with smaller parsers as large parsers may cause
      * large amounts of memory to be used for processing the tree.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachDebugger[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachDebugger]]
      *   for more information on how attachment works and things you may want
      *   to do before using this debug combinator, as well as some warnings on what not to do when
      *   using this debugger (such as regarding re-use of debugged parsers).
      * @param parser The parser to debug.
      * @param frontend The frontend instance to render with.
      * @param toStringRules If a parser's result matches any of the predicates in this sequence, it
      *                      will get turned into a string before storing in the debug tree. This is
      *                      usually for memory-usage optimisation. By default, all function-like
      *                      objects will be converted into strings, as closures are expensive to store.
      * @tparam A Output type of parser.
      * @return A modified parser which will ask the frontend to process the produced debug tree after
      *         a call to [[Parsley.parse]] is made.
    def attachWithFrontend[A](parser: Parsley[A], frontend: DebugFrontend, toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): Parsley[A] = {
        val (tree, attached) = attachDebugger(parser, toStringRules)

        // Ideally, this should run 'attached', and render the tree regardless of the parser's success.
        val renderer = fresh {
            val frozen = tree()
            val input = frozen.fullInput

            frontend.process(input, frozen)

        atomic(attached <* renderer) <|> (renderer *> empty)

    /** Attach a debugger and an explicitly-available frontend in which the debug tree should be
      * processed with. This frontend will also be called automatically with any debug trees produced
      * by the parser.
      * This assumes the default rules of converting only lambdas and closures into strings when
      * storing in the output debug tree.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   The other overload of this method
      *   ([[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachWithFrontend[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],frontend:parsley\.debugger\.frontend\.DebugFrontend,toStringRules* attachDebugger]])
      *   has more information on its usage.
      * @param parser The parser to debug.
      * @param frontend The frontend instance to render with.
      * @tparam A Output type of parser.
      * @return A modified parser which will ask the frontend to process the produced debug tree after
      *         a call to [[Parsley.parse]] is made.
    def attachWithFrontend[A](parser: Parsley[A], frontend: DebugFrontend): Parsley[A] =
        attachWithFrontend[A](parser, frontend, defaultRules)

    /** Create a closure that freshly attaches a debugger and a tree-processing frontend to a parser every
      * time it is called.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachReusable[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachReusable]]
      * @return Generator closure for frontend-debugged versions of the input parser.
    def attachReusableWithFrontend[A](parser: Parsley[A], frontend: () => DebugFrontend, toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): () => Parsley[A] =
        () => attachWithFrontend(parser, frontend(), toStringRules)

    /** Create a closure that freshly attaches a debugger and a tree-processing frontend to a parser every
      * time it is called.
      * This assumes the default rules of converting only lambdas and closures into strings when
      * storing in the output debug tree.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   The other overload of this method
      *   ([[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachReusableWithFrontend[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],frontend:()=>parsley\.debugger\.frontend\.DebugFrontend,toStringRules* attachDebugger]])
      *   has more information on its usage.
      * @return Generator closure for frontend-debugged versions of the input parser.
    def attachReusableWithFrontend[A](parser: Parsley[A], frontend: () => DebugFrontend): () => Parsley[A] =
        attachReusableWithFrontend[A](parser, frontend, defaultRules)

    /** Attach a debugger and an implicitly-available frontend in which the debug tree should be
      * processed with.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   [[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachWithFrontend[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],frontend:parsley\.debugger\.frontend\.DebugFrontend,toStringRules* attachWithFrontend]]
      *   for more information.
    def attachWithImplicitFrontend[A](parser: Parsley[A], toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean] = defaultRules)(implicit frontend: DebugFrontend): Parsley[A]
        = attachWithFrontend(parser, frontend, toStringRules)

    /** Attach a debugger and an implicitly-available frontend in which the debug tree should be
      * processed with.
      * This assumes the default rules of converting only lambdas and closures into strings when
      * storing in the output debug tree.
      * @note Do not run a parser through this combinator multiple times.
      * @see
      *   The other overload of this method
      *   ([[parsley.debugger.combinator$.attachWithImplicitFrontend[A](parser:parsley\.Parsley[A],toStringRules* attachWithImplicitFrontend]])
      *   has more information on its usage.
    def attachWithImplicitFrontend[A](parser: Parsley[A])(implicit frontend: DebugFrontend): Parsley[A] =
        attachWithImplicitFrontend[A](parser, defaultRules)

    /** Attach a name to a parser, for display within the debugger output.
      * Names assigned here have a higher precedence than names collected with [[parsley.debugger.util.Collector]].
      * Renaming the same parser multiple times simply overwrites its name to the most latest rename.
    def named[A](parser: Parsley[A], name: String): Parsley[A] =
        parser.internal match {
            case Named(i, _) => new Parsley(Named(i.asInstanceOf[LazyParsley[A]], name))
            case _           => new Parsley(Named(parser.internal, name))

    /** Dot accessor versions of the combinators.  */
    implicit class DebuggerOps[A](par: Parsley[A]) {
        def attachDebugger(toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): DebuggedPair[A] =
            combinator.attachDebugger(par, toStringRules)

        def attachReusable(toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): () => DebuggedPair[A] =
            combinator.attachReusable(par, toStringRules)

        def attachWithFrontend(frontend: DebugFrontend, toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): Parsley[A] =
            combinator.attachWithFrontend(par, frontend, toStringRules)

        def attachReusableWithFrontend(frontend: () => DebugFrontend, toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean]): () => Parsley[A] =
            combinator.attachReusableWithFrontend(par, frontend, toStringRules)

        def attachWithImplicitFrontend(toStringRules: Seq[Any => Boolean])(implicit frontend: DebugFrontend): Parsley[A] =
            combinator.attachWithImplicitFrontend(par, toStringRules)

        def attachDebugger: DebuggedPair[A] =
            combinator.attachDebugger(par, defaultRules)

        def attachReusable: () => DebuggedPair[A] =
            combinator.attachReusable(par, defaultRules)

        def attachWithFrontend(frontend: DebugFrontend): Parsley[A] =
            combinator.attachWithFrontend(par, frontend, defaultRules)

        def attachReusableWithFrontend(frontend: () => DebugFrontend): () => Parsley[A] =
            combinator.attachReusableWithFrontend(par, frontend, defaultRules)

        def attachWithImplicitFrontend(implicit frontend: DebugFrontend): Parsley[A] =
            combinator.attachWithImplicitFrontend(par, defaultRules)

        def named(name: String): Parsley[A] =
            combinator.named(par, name)
    // $COVERAGE-ON$

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