parsley.internal.machine.Context.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package parsley.internal.machine
import instructions.Instr
import stacks.{ArrayStack, Stack, CallStack, CheckStack, HandlerStack, StateStack, HintStack, ErrorStack}, Stack.StackExt
import parsley.{Failure, Result, Success}
import parsley.internal.errors.{ErrorItem, LineBuilder}
import parsley.internal.machine.errors.{
DefuncError, ClassicExpectedError, ClassicExpectedErrorWithReason, ClassicFancyError, ClassicUnexpectedError, WithHints, TokenError,
DefuncHints, EmptyHints, MergeHints, ReplaceHint, PopHints, AddError
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import parsley.errors.ErrorBuilder
private [parsley] object Context {
private [Context] val NumRegs = 4
private [Context] val EmptyPreserve = Array.empty[Int]
private [Context] val EmptyExchange = Array.empty[Instr]
private [parsley] def empty: Context = new Context(null, "")
private [parsley] final class Context(private [machine] var instrs: Array[Instr],
private [machine] var input: String,
private val sourceFile: Option[String] = None) {
/** This is the operand stack, where results go to live */
private [machine] val stack: ArrayStack[Any] = new ArrayStack()
/** Current offset into the input */
private [machine] var offset: Int = 0
/** The length of the input, stored for whatever reason */
private [machine] var inputsz: Int = input.length
/** Call stack consisting of Frames that track the return position and the old instructions */
//private var calls: FastStack[Frame] = FastStack.empty
private var calls: CallStack = Stack.empty
/** State stack consisting of offsets and positions that can be rolled back */
private [machine] var states: StateStack = Stack.empty
/** Stack consisting of offsets at previous checkpoints, which may query to test for consumed input */
private [machine] var checkStack: CheckStack = Stack.empty
/** Current operational status of the machine */
private [machine] var status: Status = Good
/** Stack of handlers, which track the call depth, program counter and stack size of error handlers */
private [machine] var handlers: HandlerStack = Stack.empty
/** Current size of the call stack */
private var depth: Int = 0
/** Current offset into program instruction buffer */
private [machine] var pc: Int = 0
/** Current line number */
private [machine] var line: Int = 1
/** Current column number */
private [machine] var col: Int = 1
/** State held by the registers, AnyRef to allow for `null` */
private [machine] val regs: Array[AnyRef] = new Array[AnyRef](Context.NumRegs)
/** Amount of indentation to apply to debug combinators output */
private [machine] var debuglvl: Int = 0
private var hints: DefuncHints = EmptyHints
private var hintsValidOffset = 0
private var hintStack = Stack.empty[HintStack]
private [machine] var errs: ErrorStack = Stack.empty
private [machine] def saveHints(shadow: Boolean): Unit = {
hintStack = new HintStack(hints, hintsValidOffset, hintStack)
if (!shadow) hints = EmptyHints
private [machine] def restoreHints(): Unit = {
val hintFrame = this.hintStack
this.hintsValidOffset = hintFrame.validOffset
this.hints = hintFrame.hints
private [machine] def commitHints(): Unit = {
this.hintStack = this.hintStack.tail
private [machine] def mergeHints(): Unit = {
val hintFrame = this.hintStack
if (hintFrame.validOffset == offset) this.hints = MergeHints(hintFrame.hints, this.hints)
private [machine] def replaceHint(label: String): Unit = hints = ReplaceHint(label, hints)
private [machine] def popHints: Unit = hints = PopHints(hints)
private def addErrorToHints(): Unit = {
val err = errs.error
if (err.isTrivialError && err.offset == offset && !err.isExpectedEmpty) {
// If our new hints have taken place further in the input stream, then they must invalidate the old ones
if (hintsValidOffset < offset) {
hints = EmptyHints
hintsValidOffset = offset
hints = new AddError(hints, err)
private [machine] def addErrorToHintsAndPop(): Unit = {
this.errs = this.errs.tail
private [machine] def updateCheckOffsetAndHints() = {
this.checkStack.offset = this.offset
this.hintsValidOffset = this.offset
private [machine] def pretty: String = {
| stack = [${stack.mkString(", ")}]
| instrs = ${instrs.mkString("; ")}
| input = ${input.drop(offset).mkString}
| pos = ($line, $col)
| status = $status
| pc = $pc
| depth = $depth
| rets = ${calls.mkString(", ")}
| handlers = ${handlers.mkString(", ")}
| recstates = ${states.mkString(", ")}
| checks = ${checkStack.mkString(", ")}
| registers = ${{case (r, i) => s"r$i = $r"}.mkString("\n ")}
| errors = ${errs.mkString(", ")}
| hints = ($hintsValidOffset, ${hints.toSet}):${hintStack.mkString(", ")}
@tailrec @inline private [parsley] def runParser[Err: ErrorBuilder, A](): Result[Err, A] = {
if (status eq Failed) Failure(errs.error.asParseError.format(sourceFile))
else if (status ne Finished) {
runParser[Err, A]()
else if (calls.isEmpty) Success(stack.peek[A])
else {
status = Good
runParser[Err, A]()
@tailrec @inline private def preserveInstrs(preserve: Array[Int], exchange: Array[Instr], i: Int): Unit = if (i >= 0) {
val idx = preserve(i)
val instr = instrs(idx)
exchange(i) = instr
instrs(idx) = instr.copy
preserveInstrs(preserve, exchange, i - 1)
private [machine] def call(at: Int, preserve: Array[Int]): Unit = {
val exchange = new Array[Instr](preserve.size)
preserveInstrs(preserve, exchange, preserve.size - 1)
calls = new CallStack(pc + 1, instrs, preserve, exchange, at, calls)
for (idx <- preserve) instrs(idx) = instrs(idx).copy
pc = at
depth += 1
private [machine] def call(newInstrs: Array[Instr]): Unit = {
instrs = newInstrs
private [machine] def call(at: Int): Unit = {
calls = new CallStack(pc + 1, instrs, Context.EmptyPreserve, Context.EmptyExchange, at, calls)
pc = at
depth += 1
@tailrec @inline private def restoreInstrs(preserve: Array[Int], exchange: Array[Instr], i: Int): Unit = if (i >= 0) {
instrs(preserve(i)) = exchange(i)
restoreInstrs(preserve, exchange, i-1)
private [machine] def ret(): Unit = {
instrs = calls.instrs
restoreInstrs(calls.indices,, calls.indices.size-1)
pc = calls.ret
calls = calls.tail
depth -= 1
@tailrec private def multiRet(n: Int): Unit = if (n > 0) {
if (n == 1) ret()
else {
val callId = calls.callId
var m = n - 1
while (calls.tail != null && calls.tail.callId == callId && m > 0) {
calls = calls.tail
m -= 1
private [machine] def catchNoConsumed(handler: =>Unit): Unit = {
if (offset != checkStack.offset) fail()
else {
status = Good
checkStack = checkStack.tail
private [machine] def pushError(err: DefuncError): Unit = this.errs = new ErrorStack(this.useHints(err), this.errs)
private [machine] def useHints(err: DefuncError): DefuncError = {
if (hintsValidOffset == offset) WithHints(err, hints)
else {
hintsValidOffset = offset
hints = EmptyHints
private [machine] def failWithMessage(msgs: String*): Unit = ClassicFancyError(offset, line, col, msgs: _*))
private [machine] def unexpectedFail(expected: Option[ErrorItem], unexpected: ErrorItem): Unit = { ClassicUnexpectedError(offset, line, col, expected, unexpected))
private [machine] def expectedFail(expected: Option[ErrorItem]): Unit = ClassicExpectedError(offset, line, col, expected))
private [machine] def expectedFail(expected: Option[ErrorItem], reason: String): Unit = { ClassicExpectedErrorWithReason(offset, line, col, expected, reason))
private [machine] def expectedTokenFail(expected: Option[ErrorItem], size: Int): Unit = TokenError(offset, line, col, expected, size))
private [machine] def fail(error: DefuncError): Unit = {
private [machine] def fail(): Unit = {
if (handlers.isEmpty) status = Failed
else {
status = Recover
val handler = handlers
handlers = handlers.tail
multiRet(depth - handler.depth)
pc = handler.pc
val diffstack = stack.usize - handler.stacksz
if (diffstack > 0) stack.drop(diffstack)
private [machine] def pushAndContinue(x: Any) = {
private [machine] def exchangeAndContinue(x: Any) = {
private [machine] def inc(): Unit = pc += 1
private [machine] def nextChar: Char = input.charAt(offset)
private [machine] def moreInput: Boolean = offset < inputsz
private [machine] def updatePos(c: Char) = c match {
case '\n' => line += 1; col = 1
case '\t' => col += 4 - ((col - 1) & 3)
case _ => col += 1
private [machine] def consumeChar(): Char = {
val c = nextChar
offset += 1
private [machine] def fastUncheckedConsumeChars(n: Int) = {
offset += n
col += n
private [machine] def pushHandler(label: Int): Unit = handlers = new HandlerStack(depth, label, stack.usize, handlers)
private [machine] def pushCheck(): Unit = checkStack = new CheckStack(offset, checkStack)
private [machine] def saveState(): Unit = states = new StateStack(offset, line, col, states)
private [machine] def restoreState(): Unit = {
val state = states
states = states.tail
offset = state.offset
line = state.line
col = state.col
private [machine] def writeReg(reg: Int, x: Any): Unit = {
regs(reg) = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
// Allows us to reuse a context, helpful for benchmarking and potentially user applications
private [parsley] def apply(_instrs: Array[Instr], _input: String): Context = {
instrs = _instrs
input = _input
offset = 0
inputsz = input.length
calls = Stack.empty
states = Stack.empty
checkStack = Stack.empty
status = Good
handlers = Stack.empty
depth = 0
pc = 0
line = 1
col = 1
debuglvl = 0
hintsValidOffset = 0
hints = EmptyHints
hintStack = Stack.empty
private implicit val lineBuilder: LineBuilder = new LineBuilder {
def nearestNewlineBefore(off: Int): Option[Int] = {
if (off < 0) None
else Some {
val idx = Context.this.input.lastIndexOf('\n', off-1)
if (idx == -1) 0 else idx + 1
def nearestNewlineAfter(off: Int): Option[Int] = {
if (off > Context.this.inputsz) None
else Some {
val idx = Context.this.input.indexOf('\n', off)
if (idx == -1) Context.this.inputsz else idx
def segmentBetween(start: Int, end: Int): String = {
Context.this.input.substring(start, end)
private implicit val errorItemBuilder: ErrorItemBuilder = new ErrorItemBuilder {
def inRange(offset: Int): Boolean = offset < Context.this.inputsz
def charAt(offset: Int): Char = Context.this.input.charAt(offset)
def substring(offset: Int, size: Int): String = Context.this.input.substring(offset, Math.min(offset + size, Context.this.inputsz))
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