parsley.internal.machine.instructions.IterativeInstrs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package parsley.internal.machine.instructions
import parsley.internal.deepembedding
import parsley.internal.machine.{Context, Good}
import parsley.internal.machine.stacks.{HandlerStack, Stack}, Stack.StackExt
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
private [internal] final class Many(var label: Int) extends InstrWithLabel with Stateful {
private [this] val acc: ListBuffer[Any] = ListBuffer.empty
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
acc += ctx.stack.upop()
ctx.pc = label
// If the head of input stack is not the same size as the head of check stack, we fail to next handler
else {
ctx.catchNoConsumed {
override def toString: String = s"Many($label)"
override def copy: Many = new Many(label)
private [internal] final class SkipMany(var label: Int) extends InstrWithLabel {
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
ctx.pc = label
// If the head of input stack is not the same size as the head of check stack, we fail to next handler
else ctx.catchNoConsumed {
override def toString: String = s"SkipMany($label)"
private [internal] final class ChainPost(var label: Int) extends InstrWithLabel with Stateful {
private [this] var acc: Any = _
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
// When acc is null, we are entering the instruction for the first time, a p will be on the stack
if (acc == null) {
// after this point, the inputCheck will roll back one too many items on the stack, because this item
// was consumed. It should be adjusted
val op = ctx.stack.upop()
acc = ctx.stack.upeek
ctx.handlers.stacksz -= 1
acc = ctx.stack.pop[Any => Any]()(acc)
ctx.pc = label
// If the head of input stack is not the same size as the head of check stack, we fail to next handler
else {
ctx.catchNoConsumed {
// When acc is null, we have entered for first time but the op failed, so the result is already on the stack
if (acc != null) ctx.stack.push(acc)
acc = null
override def toString: String = s"ChainPost($label)"
override def copy: ChainPost = new ChainPost(label)
private [internal] final class ChainPre(var label: Int) extends InstrWithLabel with Stateful {
private var acc: Any => Any = _
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
// If acc is null we are entering the instruction, so nothing to compose, this saves on an identity call
acc = if (acc == null) ctx.stack.pop[Any => Any]()
// We perform the acc after the tos function; the tos function is "closer" to the final p
else ctx.stack.pop[Any => Any]().andThen(acc)
ctx.pc = label
// If the head of input stack is not the same size as the head of check stack, we fail to next handler
else {
ctx.catchNoConsumed {
ctx.pushAndContinue(if (acc == null) identity[Any] _ else acc)
acc = null
override def toString: String = s"ChainPre($label)"
override def copy: ChainPre = new ChainPre(label)
private [internal] final class Chainl(var label: Int) extends InstrWithLabel with Stateful {
private [this] var acc: Any = _
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
val y = ctx.stack.upop()
val op = ctx.stack.pop[(Any, Any) => Any]()
// When acc is null, we are entering the instruction for the first time, a p will be on the stack
if (acc == null) {
// after this point, the inputCheck will roll back one too many items on the stack, because this item
// was consumed. It should be adjusted
acc = op(ctx.stack.upop(), y)
ctx.handlers.stacksz -= 1
else acc = op(acc, y)
ctx.pc = label
// If the head of input stack is not the same size as the head of check stack, we fail to next handler
else {
ctx.catchNoConsumed {
// if acc is null this is first entry, p already on the stack!
if (acc != null) ctx.pushAndContinue(acc)
// but p does need to be wrapped
else ctx.exchangeAndContinue(ctx.stack.upeek)
acc = null
override def toString: String = s"Chainl($label)"
override def copy: Chainl = new Chainl(label)
private [instructions] sealed trait DualHandler {
final protected def checkForFirstHandlerAndPop(ctx: Context, otherwise: =>Unit)(action: =>Unit) = {
if (!ctx.handlers.isEmpty && ctx.handlers.pc == ctx.pc) {
ctx.handlers = ctx.handlers.tail
else otherwise
ctx.checkStack = ctx.checkStack.tail
final protected def popSecondHandlerAndJump(ctx: Context, label: Int) = {
ctx.handlers = ctx.handlers.tail
ctx.checkStack = ctx.checkStack.tail
ctx.pc = label
private [internal] final class Chainr[A, B](var label: Int, _wrap: A => B) extends InstrWithLabel with DualHandler with Stateful{
private [this] val wrap: Any => B = _wrap.asInstanceOf[Any => B]
private [this] var acc: Any => Any = _
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
val f = ctx.stack.pop[(Any, Any) => Any]()
val x = ctx.stack.upop()
// If acc is null we are entering the instruction, so nothing to compose, this saves on an identity call
if (acc == null) acc = (y: Any) => f(x, y)
// We perform the acc after the tos function; the tos function is "closer" to the final p
else {
// This must be bound here to avoid late binding issues
val acc_ = acc
acc = (y: Any) => acc_(f(x, y))
popSecondHandlerAndJump(ctx, label)
// If the head of input stack is not the same size as the head of check stack, we fail to next handler
else {
// presence of first handler indicates p succeeded and op didn't
checkForFirstHandlerAndPop(ctx, {
ctx.catchNoConsumed {
ctx.exchangeAndContinue(if (acc != null) acc(wrap(ctx.stack.upeek)) else wrap(ctx.stack.upeek))
acc = null
override def toString: String = s"Chainr($label)"
override def copy: Chainr[A, B] = new Chainr(label, wrap)
private [internal] final class SepEndBy1(var label: Int) extends InstrWithLabel with DualHandler with Stateful {
private [this] val acc: ListBuffer[Any] = ListBuffer.empty
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
acc += ctx.stack.upop()
popSecondHandlerAndJump(ctx, label)
else {
val check = ctx.checkStack.offset
// presence of first handler indicates p succeeded and sep didn't
checkForFirstHandlerAndPop(ctx, ()) {
acc += ctx.stack.upop()
ctx.checkStack = ctx.checkStack.tail
if (ctx.offset != check || acc.isEmpty)
else {
ctx.status = Good
override def toString: String = s"SepEndBy1($label)"
override def copy: SepEndBy1 = new SepEndBy1(label)
private [internal] final class ManyUntil(var label: Int) extends InstrWithLabel with Stateful {
private [this] val acc: ListBuffer[Any] = ListBuffer.empty
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
if (ctx.status eq Good) {
val x = ctx.stack.upop()
if (x == deepembedding.ManyUntil.Stop) {
ctx.handlers = ctx.handlers.tail
else {
acc += x
ctx.pc = label
// ManyUntil is a fallthrough handler, it must be visited during failure, but does nothing to the external state
else { acc.clear(); }
override def toString: String = s"ManyUntil($label)"
override def copy: ManyUntil = new ManyUntil(label)
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