parsley.internal.machine.instructions.token.TextInstructions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.internal.machine.instructions.token
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import parsley.character.{isHexDigit, isOctDigit}
import parsley.token.errors.SpecializedFilterConfig
import parsley.internal.collection.immutable.Trie
import parsley.internal.errors.{ExpectDesc, ExpectItem, ExpectRaw}
import parsley.internal.machine.Context
import parsley.internal.machine.XAssert._
import parsley.internal.machine.errors.{EmptyError, ExpectedError}
import parsley.internal.machine.instructions.Instr
private [internal] final class EscapeMapped(escTrie: Trie[Int], caretWidth: Int, expecteds: Set[ExpectItem]) extends Instr {
def this(escTrie: Trie[Int], escs: Set[String]) = this(escTrie,, ExpectRaw(_)))
// Do not consume input on failure, it's possible another escape sequence might share a lead
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
findFirst(ctx, 0, escTrie)
@tailrec private def findLongest(ctx: Context, off: Int, escs: Trie[Int], longestChar: Int, longestSz: Int): Unit = {
val (nextLongestChar, nextLongestSz) = escs.get("") match {
case Some(x) => (x, off)
case None => (longestChar, longestSz)
lazy val escsNew = escs.suffixes(ctx.peekChar(off))
if (ctx.moreInput(off + 1) && escsNew.nonEmpty) findLongest(ctx, off + 1, escsNew, nextLongestChar, nextLongestSz)
else {
@tailrec private def findFirst(ctx: Context, off: Int, escs: Trie[Int]): Unit = {
lazy val escsNew = escs.suffixes(ctx.peekChar(off))
val couldTryMore = ctx.moreInput(off + 1) && escsNew.nonEmpty
escs.get("") match {
case Some(x) if couldTryMore => findLongest(ctx, off + 1, escsNew, x, off)
case Some(x) =>
case None if couldTryMore => findFirst(ctx, off + 1, escsNew)
case None => ExpectedError(ctx.offset, ctx.line, ctx.col, expecteds, caretWidth))
override def toString: String = "EscapeMapped"
private [machine] abstract class EscapeSomeNumber(radix: Int) extends Instr {
final def someNumber(ctx: Context, n: Int): EscapeSomeNumber.Result = {
assume(n > 0, "n cannot be zero for EscapeAtMost or EscapeExactly")
if (ctx.moreInput && pred(ctx.peekChar)) go(ctx, n - 1, ctx.consumeChar().asDigit) else EscapeSomeNumber.NoDigits
private def go(ctx: Context, n: Int, num: BigInt): EscapeSomeNumber.Result = {
if (n > 0 && ctx.moreInput && pred(ctx.peekChar)) go(ctx, n - 1, num * radix + ctx.consumeChar().asDigit)
else if (n > 0) EscapeSomeNumber.NoMoreDigits(n, num)
else EscapeSomeNumber.Good(num)
protected val expected: Some[ExpectDesc] = radix match {
case 10 => Some(new ExpectDesc("digit"))
case 16 => Some(new ExpectDesc("hexadecimal digit"))
case 8 => Some(new ExpectDesc("octal digit"))
case 2 => Some(new ExpectDesc("bit"))
protected val pred: Char => Boolean = radix match {
case 10 => _.isDigit
case 16 => isHexDigit(_)
case 8 => isOctDigit(_)
case 2 => c => c == '0' || c == '1'
private [token] object EscapeSomeNumber {
sealed abstract class Result
case class Good(num: BigInt) extends Result
case class NoMoreDigits(remaining: Int, num: BigInt) extends Result
case object NoDigits extends Result
private [internal] final class EscapeAtMost(n: Int, radix: Int) extends EscapeSomeNumber(radix) {
override def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = someNumber(ctx, n) match {
case EscapeSomeNumber.Good(num) =>
assume(new EmptyError(ctx.offset, ctx.line, ctx.col, 0).isExpectedEmpty, "empty errors don't have expecteds, so don't effect hints")
case EscapeSomeNumber.NoDigits => ctx.expectedFail(expected, unexpectedWidth = 1)
case EscapeSomeNumber.NoMoreDigits(_, num) =>
ctx.addHints(expected.toSet, unexpectedWidth = 1)
override def toString: String = s"EscapeAtMost(n = $n, radix = $radix)"
private [internal] final class EscapeOneOfExactly(radix: Int, ns: List[Int], inexactErr: SpecializedFilterConfig[Int]) extends EscapeSomeNumber(radix) {
private val (m :: ms) = ns: @unchecked
def apply(ctx: Context): Unit = {
val origOff = ctx.offset
val origLine = ctx.line
val origCol = ctx.col
someNumber(ctx, m) match {
case EscapeSomeNumber.Good(num) =>
assume(new EmptyError(ctx.offset, ctx.line, ctx.col, 0).isExpectedEmpty, "empty errors don't have expecteds, so don't effect hints")
ctx.pushAndContinue(go(ctx, m, ms, num))
case EscapeSomeNumber.NoDigits => ctx.expectedFail(expected, unexpectedWidth = 1)
case EscapeSomeNumber.NoMoreDigits(remaining, _) =>
assume(remaining != 0, "cannot be left with 0 remaining digits and failed"), origLine, origCol, ctx.offset - origOff, m - remaining))
private def rollback(ctx: Context, origOff: Int, origLine: Int, origCol: Int) = {
// To Cosmin: this can use the save point mechanism you have
ctx.offset = origOff
ctx.line = origLine
ctx.col = origCol
@tailrec def go(ctx: Context, m: Int, ns: List[Int], acc: BigInt): BigInt = ns match {
case Nil => acc
case n :: ns =>
val origOff = ctx.offset
val origLine = ctx.line
val origCol = ctx.col
someNumber(ctx, n-m) match { // this is the only place where the failure can actually happen: go never fails
case EscapeSomeNumber.Good(num) =>
assume(new EmptyError(ctx.offset, ctx.line, ctx.col, 0).isExpectedEmpty, "empty errors don't have expecteds, so don't effect hints")
go(ctx, n, ns, acc * BigInt(radix).pow(n-m) + num)
case EscapeSomeNumber.NoDigits =>
ctx.addHints(expected.toSet, unexpectedWidth = 1)
rollback(ctx, origOff, origLine, origCol)
case EscapeSomeNumber.NoMoreDigits(remaining, _) =>
assume(remaining != 0, "cannot be left with 0 remaining digits and failed")
assume(inexactErr.mkError(origOff, origLine, origCol, ctx.offset - origOff, n - remaining).isExpectedEmpty,
"filter errors don't have expecteds, so don't effect hints")
rollback(ctx, origOff, origLine, origCol)
override def toString: String = s"EscapeOneOfExactly(ns = $ns, radix = $radix)"
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