parsley.Parsley.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2018 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley
import parsley.combinator.{option, some}
import parsley.errors.ErrorBuilder
import parsley.expr.{chain, infix}
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.{frontend, singletons}
import parsley.internal.machine.Context
import Parsley.pure
import XCompat._ // substituteCo
* This is the class that encapsulates the act of parsing and running an object of this class with `parse` will
* parse the string given as input to `parse`.
* @note In order to construct an object of this class you must use the combinators; the class itself is opaque.
* @author Jamie Willis
* @version 4.0.0
* @groupprio run 0
* @groupname run Running Parsers
* @groupdesc run These methods allow for a parser to be executed.
* @groupprio map 20
* @groupname map Result Changing Combinators
* @groupdesc map
* These combinators change the result of the parser they are called on into a value
* of a different type. This new result value may or may not be derived from the previous
* result.
* @groupprio alt 25
* @groupname alt Branching Combinators
* @groupdesc alt
* These combinators allow for parsing one alternative or another. All of these combinators
* are ''left-biased'', which means that the left-hand side of the combinator is tried first:
* the right-hand side of the combinator will only be tried when the left-hand one failed
* (and did not consume input in the process).
* @groupprio seq 25
* @groupname seq Sequencing Combinators
* @groupdesc seq
* These combinators all combine two parsers in sequence. The receiver of the combinator
* will be executed first, then the argument second. The results of both parsers are combined
* in some way (depending on the individual combinator). If one of the parsers fails, the
* combinator as a whole fails.
* @groupprio filter 50
* @groupname filter Filtering Combinators
* @groupdesc filter
* These combinators perform filtering on the results of a parser. This means that, given
* the result of a parser, they will perform some function on that result, and the success
* of that function effects whether or not the parser fails.
* @groupprio fold 50
* @groupname fold Folding Combinators
* @groupdesc fold
* These combinators repeatedly execute a parser (at least zero or one times depending on
* the specific combinator) until it fails. The results of the successes are then combined
* together using a folding function. An initial value for the accumulation may be given
* (for the `fold`s), or the first successful result is the initial accumulator (for the
* `reduce`s). These are implemented efficiently and do not need to construct any intermediate
* list with which to store the results.
* @groupprio monad 75
* @groupname monad Expensive Sequencing Combinators
* @groupdesc monad
* These combinators can sequence two parsers, where the first parser's result influences
* the structure of the second one. This may be because the second parser is generated
* from the result of the first, or that the first parser ''returns'' the second parser.
* Either way, the second parser cannot be known until runtime, when the first parser
* has been executed: this means that Parsley is forced to compile the second parser during
* parse-time, which is '''very''' expensive to do repeatedly. These combinators are only
* needed in exceptional circumstances, and should be avoided otherwise.
* @groupprio special 100
* @groupname special Special Methods
* @groupdesc special These are methods that should be rarely needed.
* @define attemptreason
* The reason for this behaviour is that it prevents space leaks and improves error messages. If this behaviour
* is not desired, use `attempt(this)` to rollback any input consumed on failure.
* @define or
* parses `q` if this parser fails '''without''' consuming input.
* If this parser is successful, then this combinator is successful and no further action is taken. Otherwise, if this parser
* fails '''without''' consuming input, then `q` is parsed instead. If this parser fails having consumed
* input, this combinator fails.
* @define orconst
* returns `x` if this parser fails '''without''' consuming input.
* If this parser is successful, then this combinator is successful and no further action is taken. Otherwise, if this parser
* fails '''without''' consuming input, then `x` is unconditionally returned. If this parser fails having consumed
* input, this combinator fails. Functionally the same as `this <|> pure(x)`.
* @define bind
* first performs this parser, then uses its result to generate and execute a new parser.
* First, this combinator runs this parser. If it succeeded, the result `x` is given to the function `f`
* to produce a new parser `f(x)`. This new parser is then executed and its result returned. If either
* of this parser or the new parser fails, then the entire combinator fails.
* This is a very powerful combinator (Turing-powerful, in fact): it is only necessary (and not ''all''
* the time) to use this for context-sensitive parsing. The idea is that it can make any form of
* decision based on the result of a parser, allowing it to perform a different parser for each
* possible output of another without exhaustively enumerating them all.
* @define autoAmend
* when this combinator fails (and not this parser itself), it will generate errors rooted at the start of the
* parse (as if [[parsley.errors.combinator$.amend `amend`]] had been used) and the caret will span the entire
* successful parse of this parser.
final class Parsley[+A] private [parsley] (private [parsley] val internal: frontend.LazyParsley[A]) extends AnyVal {
/** This method is responsible for actually executing parsers. Given an input
* array, will parse the string with the parser. The result is either a `Success` or a `Failure`.
* @param input The input to run against
* @return Either a success with a value of type `A` or a failure with error message
* @since 3.0.0
* @group run
def parse[Err: ErrorBuilder](input: String): Result[Err, A] = new Context(internal.instrs, input, internal.numRegs, None).run()
/** This combinator allows the result of this parser to be changed using a given function.
* When this parser succeeds, `map(f)` will adjust its result using the function `f`, which can
* potentially change its type. This can be used to build more complex results from parsers, instead
* of just characters or strings.
* ''In Haskell, this combinator is known as `fmap` or `(<$>)`''.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.digit
* scala>"7")
* val res0 = Success(7)
* }}}
* @note This is subject to aggressive optimisations assuming purity; the compiler is permitted to optimise such
* that the application of `f` actually only happens once at compile time. In order to preserve the behaviour of
* impure functions, consider using the `unsafe` method before map; ``.
* @param f the function to apply to the result of the parse
* @return a new parser that behaves the same as this parser, but with the given function `f` applied to its result.
* @group map
def map[B](f: A => B): Parsley[B] = pure(f) <*> this
/** This combinator, pronounced "as", replaces the result of this parser, ignoring the old result.
* Similar to `map`, except the old result of this parser is not required to
* compute the new result. This is useful when the result is a constant value (or function!).
* Functionally the same as `this *> pure(x)` or ` => x)`.
* ''In Haskell, this combinator is known as `($>)`''.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.string
* scala> (string("true") #> true).parse("true")
* val res0 = Success(true)
* }}}
* @param x the new result of this parser.
* @return a new parser that behaves the same as this parser, but always succeeds with `x` as the result.
* @group map
def #>[B](x: B): Parsley[B] = this *> pure(x)
/** Replaces the result of this parser with `()`.
* This combinator is useful when the result of this parser is not required, and the
* type must be `Parsley[Unit]`. Functionally the same as `this #> ()`.
* @return a new parser that behaves the same as this parser, but always returns `()` on success.
* @group map
def void: Parsley[Unit] = this #> (())
/** This combinator, pronounced "or", $or
* $attemptreason
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.string
* scala> val p = string("a") <|> string("b")
* scala> p.parse("a")
* val res0 = Success("a")
* scala> p.parse("b")
* val res1 = Success("b")
* scala> val q = string("ab") <|> string("ac")
* scala> q.parse("ac")
* val res2 = Failure(..) // first parser consumed an 'a'!
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run if this parser fails having not consumed input.
* @tparam Aʹ the type returned by `q`, which must be a supertype of the result type of this parser: this allows for weakening of the result type.
* @return a parser which either parses this parser or parses `q`.
* @group alt
def <|>[Aʹ >: A](q: Parsley[Aʹ]): Parsley[Aʹ] = new Parsley(new frontend.<|>(this.internal, q.internal))
/** This combinator, pronounced "or", $or
* $attemptreason
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.string
* scala> val p = string("a") | string("b")
* scala> p.parse("a")
* val res0 = Success("a")
* scala> p.parse("b")
* val res1 = Success("b")
* scala> val q = string("ab") | string("ac")
* scala> q.parse("ac")
* val res2 = Failure(..) // first parser consumed an 'a'!
* }}}
* @since 4.0.0
* @param q the parser to run if this parser fails having not consumed input.
* @tparam Aʹ the type returned by `q`, which must be a supertype of the result type of this parser: this allows for weakening of the result type.
* @return a parser which either parses this parser or parses `q`.
* @note just an alias for `<|>`.
* @group alt
def |[Aʹ >: A](q: Parsley[Aʹ]): Parsley[Aʹ] = this <|> q
/** This combinator $or
* $attemptreason
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.string
* scala> val p = string("a").orElse(string("b"))
* scala> p.parse("a")
* val res0 = Success("a")
* scala> p.parse("b")
* val res1 = Success("b")
* scala> val q = string("ab").orElse(string("ac"))
* scala> q.parse("ac")
* val res2 = Failure(..) // first parser consumed an 'a'!
* }}}
* @since 4.0.0
* @param q the parser to run if this parser fails having not consumed input.
* @tparam Aʹ the type returned by `q`, which must be a supertype of the result type of this parser: this allows for weakening of the result type.
* @return a parser which either parses this parser or parses `q`.
* @note just an alias for `<|>`.
* @group alt
def orElse[Aʹ >: A](q: Parsley[Aʹ]): Parsley[Aʹ] = this <|> q
/** This combinator, pronounced "or constant", $orconst
* $attemptreason
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.string
* scala> val p = string("aa") > "b"
* scala> p.parse("aa")
* val res0 = Success("a")
* scala> p.parse("xyz")
* val res1 = Success("b")
* scala> p.parse("ab")
* val res2 = Failure(..) // first parser consumed an 'a'!
* }}}
* @param x the value to return if this parser fails having not consumed input.
* @tparam Aʹ the type of `x`, which must be a supertype of the result type of this parser: this allows for weakening of the result type.
* @return a parser which either parses this parser or returns `x`.
* @group alt
def >[Aʹ >: A](x: Aʹ): Parsley[Aʹ] = this <|> pure(x)
/** This combinator $orconst
* $attemptreason
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.string
* scala> val p = string("aa").getOrElse("b")
* scala> p.parse("aa")
* val res0 = Success("a")
* scala> p.parse("xyz")
* val res1 = Success("b")
* scala> p.parse("ab")
* val res2 = Failure(..) // first parser consumed an 'a'!
* }}}
* @group alt
* @note just an alias for `>`
def getOrElse[Aʹ >: A](x: Aʹ): Parsley[Aʹ] = this > x
/** This combinator, pronounced "sum", wraps this parser's result in `Left` if it succeeds, and parses `q` if it failed '''without''' consuming input,
* wrapping the result in `Right`.
* If this parser is successful, then its result is wrapped up using `Left(_)` and no further action is taken.
* Otherwise, if this parser fails '''without''' consuming input, then `q` is parsed instead and its result is
* wrapped up using `Right(_)`. If this parser fails having consumed input, this combinator fails.
* This is functionally equivalent to ` <|>`.
* $attemptreason
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.char
* scala> val p = string("abc") <+> char("xyz")
* scala> p.parse("abc")
* val res0 = Success(Left("abc"))
* scala> p.parse("xyz")
* val res1 = Success(Right("xyz"))
* scala> p.parse("ab")
* val res2 = Failure(..) // first parser consumed an 'a'!
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run if this parser fails having not consumed input.
* @return a parser which either parses this parser or parses `q` projecting their results into an `Either[A, B]`.
* @group alt
def <+>[B](q: Parsley[B]): Parsley[Either[A, B]] = <|>
/** This combinator, pronounced "ap", first parses this parser then parses `px`: if both succeed then the function
* returned by this parser is applied to the value returned by `px`.
* The implicit (compiler-provided) evidence proves that this parser really has type `Parsley[B => C]`.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding a function `f` on success, then `px` is ran, yielding a value `x`
* on success. If both are successful, then `f(x)` is returned. If either fail then the entire combinator
* fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.Parsley, parsley.character.char
* scala> val sign: Parsley[Int => Int] = char('+') #> (identity[Int] _) <|> char('-') #> (x => -x)
* scala> val nat: Parsley[Int] = ..
* scala> val int = sign <*> nat
* scala> int.parse("-7")
* val res0 = Success(-7)
* scala> int.parse("+42")
* val res1 = Success(42)
* scala> int.parse("2")
* val res2 = Failure(..) // `sign` failed: no + or -
* scala> int.parse("-a")
* val res3 = Failure(..) // `nat` failed
* }}}
* @param px the parser to run second, which returns a value applicable to this parser's result.
* @param ev witnesses that the type of this parser, `A`, is actually `B => C`.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `px` and combines their results with function application.
* @note equivalent to `lift2((f, x) => f(x), this, px)`.
* @group seq
def <*>[B, C](px: =>Parsley[B])
(implicit ev: A <:< (B=>C)): Parsley[C] = new Parsley(new frontend.<*>[B, C](ev.substituteParsley(this).internal, px.internal))
/** This combinator, pronounced "reverse ap", first parses this parser then parses `pf`: if both succeed then the value
* returned by this parser is applied to the function returned by `pf`.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding a value `x` on success, then `pf` is ran, yielding a function `f`
* on success. If both are successful, then `f(x)` is returned. If either fail then the entire combinator
* fails.
* Compared with `<*>`, this combinator is useful for left-factoring: when two branches of a parser share
* a common prefix, this can often be factored out; but the result of that factored prefix may be required
* to help generate the results of each branch. In this case, the branches can return functions that, when
* given the factored result, can produce the original results from before the factoring.
* @example {{{
* // this has a common prefix "term" and requires backtracking
* val expr1 = attempt(lift2(Add, term <* char('+'), expr2)) <|> term
* // common prefix factored out, and branches return a function to recombine
* val expr2 = term <**> (char('+') *> => Add(_, y)) > (identity[Expr] _))
* }}}
* @param pf the parser to run second, which returns a function this parser's result can be applied to.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `pf` and combines their results with function application.
* @note equivalent to {{{lift2((x, f) => f(x), this, pf)}}}
* @group seq
def <**>[B](pf: =>Parsley[A => B]): Parsley[B] = lift.lift2[A, A=>B, B]((x, f) => f(x), this, pf)
/** This combinator, pronounced "then", first parses this parser then parses `q`: if both succeed then the result
* of `q` is returned.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `q` is ran, yielding `y` on success. If both
* are successful then `y` is returned and `x` is ignored. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* ''Identical to `~>`: `*>` is more common in Haskell, whereas `~>` is more common in Scala.''
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.char
* scala> ('a' *> 'b').parse("ab")
* val res0 = Success('b')
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run second, which returns the result of this combinator.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `q` and returns `q`'s result.
* @group seq
def *>[B](q: =>Parsley[B]): Parsley[B] = new Parsley(new frontend.*>(this.internal, q.internal))
/** This combinator, pronounced "then discard", first parses this parser then parses `q`: if both succeed then the result
* of this parser is returned.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `q` is ran, yielding `y` on success. If both
* are successful then `x` is returned and `y` is ignored. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* ''Identical to `<~`: `<*` is more common in Haskell, whereas `<~` is more common in Scala.''
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.char
* scala> ('a' <* 'b').parse("ab")
* val res0 = Success('a')
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run second, which returns the result of this combinator.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `q` and returns this parser's result.
* @group seq
def <*[B](q: =>Parsley[B]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.<*(this.internal, q.internal))
/** This combinator, pronounced "then", first parses this parser then parses `q`: if both succeed then the result
* of `q` is returned.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `q` is ran, yielding `y` on success. If both
* are successful then `y` is returned and `x` is ignored. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* ''Identical to `*>`: `*>` is more common in Haskell, whereas `~>` is more common in Scala.''
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.char
* scala> ('a' ~> 'b').parse("ab")
* val res0 = Success('b')
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run second, which returns the result of this combinator.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `q` and returns `q`'s result.
* @since 2.4.0
* @group seq
def ~>[B](q: =>Parsley[B]): Parsley[B] = this *> q
/** This combinator, pronounced "then discard", first parses this parser then parses `q`: if both succeed then the result
* of this parser is returned.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `q` is ran, yielding `y` on success. If both
* are successful then `x` is returned and `y` is ignored. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* ''Identical to `<*`: `<*` is more common in Haskell, whereas `<~` is more common in Scala.''
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.char
* scala> ('a' <~ 'b').parse("ab")
* val res0 = Success('a')
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run second, which returns the result of this combinator.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `q` and returns this parser's result.
* @since 2.4.0
* @group seq
def <~[B](q: =>Parsley[B]): Parsley[A] = this <* q
/** This combinator, pronounced "prepend", first parses this parser then parses `ps`: if both succeed the result of this
* parser is prepended onto the result of `ps`.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `ps` is ran, yielding `xs` on success. If both
* are successful then `x +: xs` is returned. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* def some[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[List[A]] = {
* p <+:> many(p) // since List[A] <: Seq[A]
* }
* }}}
* @param ps the parser to run second, which returns a sequence.
* @tparam Aʹ the type of the elements in the result sequence, which must be a supertype of
* the result type of this parser: this allows for weakening of the result type.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `ps` and prepends its result onto `ps` result.
* @note equivalent to {{{lift2(_ +: _, this, ps)}}}
* @group seq
def <+:>[Aʹ >: A](ps: =>Parsley[Seq[Aʹ]]): Parsley[Seq[Aʹ]] = lift.lift2[A, Seq[Aʹ], Seq[Aʹ]](_ +: _, this, ps)
/** This combinator, pronounced "cons", first parses this parser then parses `ps`: if both succeed the result of this
* parser is prepended onto the result of `ps`.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `ps` is ran, yielding `xs` on success. If both
* are successful then `x :: xs` is returned. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* def some[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[List[A]] = {
* p <::> many(p)
* }
* }}}
* @param ps the parser to run second, which returns a list.
* @tparam Aʹ the type of the elements in the result list, which must be a supertype of
* the result type of this parser: this allows for weakening of the result type.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `ps` and prepends its result onto `ps` result.
* @note equivalent to {{{lift2(_ :: _, this, ps)}}}
* @group seq
def <::>[Aʹ >: A](ps: =>Parsley[List[Aʹ]]): Parsley[List[Aʹ]] = lift.lift2[A, List[Aʹ], List[Aʹ]](_ :: _, this, ps)
/** This combinator, pronounced "zip", first parses this parser then parses `q`: if both succeed the result of this
* parser is paired with the result of `q`.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `q` is ran, yielding `y` on success. If both
* are successful then `(x, y)` is returned. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.char
* scala> val p = char('a') <~> char('b')
* scala> p.parse("ab")
* val res0 = Success(('a', 'b'))
* scala> p.parse("b")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* scala> p.parse("a")
* val res2 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run second.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `q` and pairs their results together.
* @note equivalent to {{{lift2((_, _), this, q)}}}
* @group seq
def <~>[B](q: =>Parsley[B]): Parsley[(A, B)] = lift.lift2[A, B, (A, B)]((_, _), this, q)
/** This combinator first parses this parser then parses `q`: if both succeed the result of this
* parser is paired with the result of `q`.
* First, this parser is ran, yielding `x` on success, then `q` is ran, yielding `y` on success. If both
* are successful then `(x, y)` is returned. If either fail then the entire combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.char
* scala> val p = char('a').zip(char('b'))
* scala> p.parse("ab")
* val res0 = Success(('a', 'b'))
* scala> p.parse("b")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* scala> p.parse("a")
* val res2 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @param q the parser to run second.
* @return a parser that sequences this parser with `q` and pairs their results together.
* @note alias for `<~>`.
* @since 2.3.0
* @group seq
def zip[B](q: =>Parsley[B]): Parsley[(A, B)] = this <~> q
/** This combinator filters the result of this parser using a given predicate, succeeding only if the predicate returns `true`.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds then take its result `x` and apply it to the predicate `pred`. If `pred(x)` is
* true, then return `x`. Otherwise, the combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.letter
* scala> val keywords = Set("if", "then", "else")
* scala> val identifier = some(letter).map(_.mkString)
* .filter(!keywords.contains(_))
* scala> identifier.parse("hello")
* val res0 = Success("hello")
* scala> idenfitier.parse("if")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @param pred the predicate that is tested against the parser result.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser if it passes the predicate.
* @see [[parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods.filterOut `filterOut`]] for a version which can produce custom ''reasons'' on failure.
* @see [[parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods.guardAgainst `guardAgainst`]] for a version which can produce custom error messages on failure.
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def filter(pred: A => Boolean): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.Filter(this.internal, pred))
/** This combinator filters the result of this parser using a given predicate, succeeding only if the predicate returns `false`.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds then take its result `x` and apply it to the predicate `pred`. If `pred(x) is
* false, then return `x`. Otherwise, the combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.letter
* scala> val keywords = Set("if", "then", "else")
* scala> val identifier = some(letter).map(_.mkString)
* .filterNot(keywords.contains(_))
* scala> identifier.parse("hello")
* val res0 = Success("hello")
* scala> idenfitier.parse("if")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @param pred the predicate that is tested against the parser result.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser if it fails the predicate.
* @see [[parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods.filterOut `filterOut`]] for a version that can produce custom ''reasons'' on failure.
* @see [[parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods.guardAgainst `guardAgainst`]] for a version that can produce custom error messages on failure.
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def filterNot(pred: A => Boolean): Parsley[A] = this.filter(!pred(_))
/** This combinator applies a partial function `pf` to the result of this parser if its result
* is defined for `pf`, failing if it is not.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds, test whether its result `x` is in the
* domain of the partial function `pf`. If it is defined for `pf`, return `pf(x)`.
* If it is undefined, or this parser failed, then this combinator fails. Equivalent
* to a `filter` followed by a `map`.
* @example {{{
* scala> val int: Parsley[Int] = ..
* scala> val safeDiv: Parsley[Int] = (int <~> char(' ') *> int).collect {
* case (x, y) if y != 0 => x / y
* }
* scala> safeDiv.parse("7 0")
* val res0 = Failure(..) // y cannot be 0!
* scala> safeDiv.parse("10 2")
* val res1 = Success(5)
* }}}
* @param pf the partial function used to both filter the result of this parser and transform it.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser applied to `pf`, if possible.
* @see [[parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods.collectMsg[B](msg0:String,msgs:String*)* `collectMsg(String, String*)`]]
* and [[parsley.errors.combinator.ErrorMethods.collectMsg[B](msggen:A=>Seq[String])* `collectMsg(A => Seq[String])`]]
* for versions that can produce custom error messages on failure.
* @since 2.0.0
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Parsley[B] = this.mapFilter(pf.lift)
/** This combinator applies a function `f` to the result of this parser: if it returns a
* `Some(y)`, `y` is returned, otherwise the parser fails.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds, apply the function `f` to the result `x`. If
* `f(x)` returns `Some(y)`, return `y`. If `f(x)` returns `None`, or this parser failed
* then this combinator fails. Is a more efficient way of performing a `filter` and `map`
* at the same time.
* @example {{{
* scala> val int: Parsley[Int] = ..
* scala> val safeDiv: Parsley[Int] = (int <~> char(' ') *> int).collect {
* case (x, y) if y != 0 => Some(x / y)
* case _ => None
* }
* scala> safeDiv.parse("7 0")
* val res0 = Failure(..) // y cannot be 0!
* scala> safeDiv.parse("10 2")
* val res1 = Success(5)
* }}}
* @param f the function used to both filter the result of this parser and transform it.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser applied to `f`, if it yields a value.
* @since 4.0.0
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def mapFilter[B](f: A => Option[B]): Parsley[B] = new Parsley(new frontend.MapFilter(this.internal, f))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''zero''' or more times combining the results with the function `f` and base value `k` from the right.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* All of the results generated by the successful parses are then combined in a right-to-left
* fashion using the function `f`: the right-most value provided to `f` is the value `k`.
* If this parser does fail at any point having consumed input, this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* // in reality, many is implemented more efficiently
* def many[A](p: Parsley[A]) = {
* p.foldRight(List.empty[A])(_ :: _)
* }
* }}}
* @param k value to use when this parser no longer succeeds.
* @param f function to apply to each value produced by this parser, starting at the right.
* @return a parser which parses this parser many times and folds the results together with `f` and `k` right-associatively.
* @group fold
def foldRight[B](k: B)(f: (A, B) => B): Parsley[B] = chain.prefix(, pure(k))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''zero''' or more times combining the results with the function `f` and base value `k` from the left.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* All of the results generated by the successful parses are then combined in a left-to-right
* fashion using the function `f`: the accumulation is initialised with the value `k`.
* If this parser does fail at any point having consumed input, this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* // this is not an efficient implementation of stringOfMany
* def stringOfMany(pc: Parsley[Char]): Parsley[String] = {
* pc.foldLeft("")(_ + _)
* }
* }}}
* @param k initial accumulation value.
* @param f function to apply to each iteration's accumulator.
* @return a parser which parses this parser many times and folds the results together with `f` and `k` left-associatively.
* @group fold
def foldLeft[B](k: B)(f: (B, A) => B): Parsley[B] = expr.infix.secretLeft1(pure(k), this, pure(f))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''one''' or more times combining the results with the function `f` and base value `k` from the right.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* All of the results generated by the successful parses are then combined in a right-to-left
* fashion using the function `f`: the right-most value provided to `f` is the value `k`.
* If this parser does fail at any point having consumed input, this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* // in reality, some is implemented more efficiently
* def some[A](p: Parsley[A]) = {
* p.foldRight1(List.empty[A])(_ :: _)
* }
* }}}
* @param k value to use when this parser no longer succeeds.
* @param f function to apply to each value produced by this parser, starting at the right.
* @return a parser which parses this parser some times and folds the results together with `f` and `k` right-associatively.
* @since 2.1.0
* @group fold
def foldRight1[B](k: B)(f: (A, B) => B): Parsley[B] = {
lift.lift2(f, this, this.foldRight(k)(f))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''one''' or more times combining the results with the function `f` and base value `k` from the left.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* All of the results generated by the successful parses are then combined in a left-to-right
* fashion using the function `f`: the accumulation is initialised with the value `k`.
* If this parser does fail at any point having consumed input, this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* val natural: Parsley[Int] = digit.foldLeft1(0)((x, d) => x * 10 + d.toInt)
* }}}
* @param k initial accumulation value.
* @param f function to apply to each iteration's accumulator.
* @return a parser which parses this parser some times and folds the results together with `f` and `k` left-associatively.
* @since 2.1.0
* @group fold
def foldLeft1[B](k: B)(f: (B, A) => B): Parsley[B] = expr.infix.secretLeft1(, _)), this, pure(f))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''one''' or more times combining the results right-associatively with the function `op`.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* All of the results generated by the successful parses are then combined in a right-to-left
* fashion using the function `op`. If this parser does fail at any point having consumed input,
* this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* stmt.reduceRight(Seq(_, _))
* }}}
* @param op function to apply to each value produced by this parser, starting from the right.
* @return a parser which parses this parser some times and folds the results together with `op` right-associatively.
* @since 2.3.0
* @group fold
def reduceRight[B >: A](op: (A, B) => B): Parsley[B] = some(this).map(_.reduceRight(op))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''zero''' or more times combining the results right-associatively with the function `op`.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* If this parser succeeded at least once, all of the results generated by the successful
* parses are then combined in a right-to-left fashion using the function `op` and returned
* in a `Some`. If no successful parses occurred, then `None` is returned. If this
* parser does fail at any point having consumed input, this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* arg.reduceRightOption(Sep(_, _))
* }}}
* @param op function to apply to each value produced by this parser, starting from the right.
* @return a parser which parses this parser many times and folds the results together with `op` right-associatively or returns None if no parses occured.
* @since 2.3.0
* @group fold
def reduceRightOption[B >: A](op: (A, B) => B): Parsley[Option[B]] = option(this.reduceRight(op))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''one''' or more times combining the results left-associatively with the function `op`.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* All of the results generated by the successful parses are then combined in a left-to-right
* fashion using the function `op`. If this parser does fail at any point having consumed input,
* this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* stmt.reduceLeft(Seq(_, _))
* }}}
* @param op function to apply to each value produced by this parser, starting from the left.
* @return a parser which parses this parser some times and folds the results together with `op` left-associatively.
* @since 2.3.0
* @group fold
def reduceLeft[B >: A](op: (B, A) => B): Parsley[B] = infix.left1(this, pure(op))
/** This combinator will parse this parser '''zero''' or more times combining the results left-associatively with the function `op`.
* This parser will continue to be parsed until it fails having '''not consumed''' input.
* If this parser succeeded at least once, all of the results generated by the successful
* parses are then combined in a left-to-right fashion using the function `op` and returned
* in a `Some`. If no successful parses occurred, then `None` is returned. If this
* parser does fail at any point having consumed input, this combinator will fail.
* @example {{{
* arg.reduceLeftOption(Sep(_, _))
* }}}
* @param op function to apply to each value produced by this parser, starting from the left.
* @return a parser which parses this parser many times and folds the results together with `op` left-associatively or returns None if no parses occured.
* @since 2.3.0
* @group fold
def reduceLeftOption[B >: A](op: (B, A) => B): Parsley[Option[B]] = option(this.reduceLeft(op))
/** This combinator $bind
* ''In Haskell, this combinator is known as `(>>=)` (pronounced "bind")''.
* @example {{{
* // this is an inefficient implementation, but does work
* def filter(pred: A => Boolean): Parsley[A] = {
* this.flatMap { x =>
* if (pred(x)) pure(x)
* else empty
* }
* }
* }}}
* @note there is '''significant''' overhead for using `flatMap`: if possible try to avoid using it! This
* is because Parsley will need to generate, process, and compile each parser produced by the combinator
* during parse-time.
* @param f the function that produces the next parser.
* @return a new parser, which sequences this parser with the parser generated from its result.
* @group monad
def flatMap[B](f: A => Parsley[B]): Parsley[B] = new Parsley(new frontend.>>=(this.internal, f.andThen(_.internal)))
/** This combinator, pronounced "bind", $bind
* @example {{{
* // this is an inefficient implementation, but does work
* def filter(pred: A => Boolean): Parsley[A] = {
* this >>= { x =>
* if (pred(x)) pure(x)
* else empty
* }
* }
* }}}
* @note there is '''significant''' overhead for using `>>=`: if possible try to avoid using it! This
* is because Parsley will need to generate, process, and compile each parser produced by the combinator
* during parse-time.
* @param f the function that produces the next parser.
* @return a new parser, which sequences this parser with the parser generated from its result.
* @group monad
def >>=[B](f: A => Parsley[B]): Parsley[B] = this.flatMap(f)
/** This combinator collapses two layers of parsing structure into one.
* The implicit (compiler-provided) evidence proves that this parser really has type `Parsley[Parsley[B]]`.
* First, this parser is executed, which, if successful, will produce a new parser `p`. The parser `p` is
* then executed, and its result is returned. If either this parser or `p` fail, then the entire combinator
* fails.
* This is a very powerful combinator (Turing-powerful, in fact): it is only necessary (and not ''all''
* the time) to use this for context-sensitive parsing. The idea is that it can allow a parser to return
* any other parser as its result: this allows for an implementation of a later parser to be picked
* by an earlier one.
* ''In Haskell, this combinator is known as `join`''.
* @example imagine a parser for RegEx that first reads the description of the regular expression, then runs
* that against the remaining input string. It is possible to implement the parser for the regular
* expression itself as a `Parsley[Parsley[Unit]]`, which returns a parser that matches the regular
* expression. This can then be used to parse the remaining input by using `flatten` to incorporate
* it into the parser again:
* {{{
* scala> val regexDesc: Parsley[Parsley[Unit]] = ..
* // let's suppose "#" is the delimeter between expression and input
* scala> val regex: Parsley[Unit] = (regexDesc <* char('#')).flatten
* scala> regex.parse("a.(c*)#abccc")
* val res0 = Success(())
* scala> regex.parse("a.(c*)#a")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @param ev witnesses that the result type of this parser, `A`, is really `Parsley[B]`.
* @return a new parser, which sequences this parser with its result parser.
* @note there is '''significant''' overhead for using `flatten`: if possible try to avoid using it! This
* is because Parsley will need to generate, process, and compile each parser produced by the combinator
* during parse-time.
* @group monad
def flatten[B](implicit ev: A <:< Parsley[B]): Parsley[B] = this.flatMap[B](ev)
/** Forces the compilation of a parser as opposed to the regular lazy evaluation.
* @group special
def force(): Unit = internal.force()
/** Provides an indicator that this parser will likely stack-overflow and so a stack-safe
* construction should be used when "compiling" this parser.
* @group special
def overflows(): Unit = internal.overflows()
/** Using this method signifies that the parser it is invoked on is impure and any optimisations which assume purity
* are disabled.
* @group special
def unsafe(): Parsley[A] = {
/** This is an alias for `p.filter(pred)`. It is needed to support for-comprehension syntax with `if`s.
* @since 4.0.0
* @see [[parsley.Parsley.filter `filter`]] for more information.
def withFilter(pred: A => Boolean): Parsley[A] = this.filter(pred)
/** This object contains the core "function-style" combinators: all parsers will likely require something from within!
* In particular, it contains combinators for: controlling how input is consumed; injecting values into
* the parser, or failing; extracting position information from the parser; conditional execution of
* parsers; and more.
* @groupprio cond 25
* @groupname cond Conditional Combinators
* @groupdesc cond
* These combinators will decide which branch to take next based on the result of another parser.
* This differs from combinators like `<|>` which make decisions based on the success/failure of
* a parser: here the result of a ''successful'' parse will direct which option is done. These
* are sometimes known as "selective" combinators.
* @groupprio prim 0
* @groupname prim Primitive Combinators
* @groupdesc prim
* These combinators are specific to parser combinators. In one way or another, they influence how a
* parser consumes input, or under what conditions a parser does or does not fail. These are really
* important for most practical parsing considerations, although `lookAhead` is much less well used.
* @groupprio basic 5
* @groupname basic Consumptionless Parsers
* @groupdesc basic
* These combinators and parsers do not consume input: they are the most primitive ways of producing
* successes and failures with the minimal possible effect on the parse. They are, however, reasonably
* useful; in particular, `pure` and `unit` can be put to good use in injecting results into a parser
* without needing to consume anything, or mapping another parser.
* @groupprio monad 100
* @groupname monad Expensive Sequencing Combinators
* @groupdesc monad
* These combinators can sequence two parsers, where the first parser's result influences
* the structure of the second one. This may be because the second parser is generated
* from the result of the first, or that the first parser ''returns'' the second parser.
* Either way, the second parser cannot be known until runtime, when the first parser
* has been executed: this means that Parsley is forced to compile the second parser during
* parse-time, which is '''very''' expensive to do repeatedly. These combinators are only
* needed in exceptional circumstances, and should be avoided otherwise.
object Parsley {
/** This class enables the prefix `~` combinator, which allows a parser in an otherwise strict
* position to be made lazy.
* @constructor This constructor should not be called manually, it is designed to be used via Scala's implicit resolution.
* @param p the parser that `~` is enabled on.
* @since 4.0.0
implicit final class LazyParsley[A](p: =>Parsley[A]) {
/** This combinator makes a parser lazy.
* There are some combinators that are, due to Scala limitations,
* strict in all their parameters. Usually, a combinator is strict
* in its "first position", which is to say the first part of the
* combinator to be executed; and lazy in all other "positions".
* The rationale behind this is that recursion appearing in a
* "first position" ''will'' result in infinite recursion at parse-time,
* it is left-recursive after all, and so it makes little sense to
* waste efficiency and complicate the API to support laziness
* there. Since method receivers are strict and only
* arguments can be lazy under regular conditions, this works well.
* However, for combinators that are always strict, this poses a
* problem: a recursion point inside one of these strict fields
* will cause an infinite loop at runtime! This can be fixed by
* ensuring that this becomes part of a lazy argument. This is
* a solution described by the [[combinator.skip `skip`]]
* combinator, for instance: `p *> skip(q, .., r)` will ensure
* that the `skip` is in a lazy position in `*>` meaning that
* even if any of `q` to `r` must be lazy, they can go in the strict
* positions of skip because the `p *>` provides the required
* laziness. However, if this isn't possible (for instance, with
* the [[implicits.zipped `zipped`]] combinators), then how can
* this problem be solved?
* This is the job of the `~` combinator: very simply it wraps up
* a parser in a lazy box, so that even if the box is forced by
* a strict position, the parser will remain lazy. This means it
* serves as an adequate solution to this problem.
* @example {{{
* // this works fine, even though all of `zipped`'s parsers are strict
* lazy val expr = (attempt(term) <* '+', ~expr).zipped(_ + _) <|> term
* // in this case, however, the following would fix the problem more elegantly:
* lazy val expr = (attempt(term), '+' *> expr).zipped(_ + _) <|> term
* }}}
* @return the parser `p`, but guaranteed to be lazy.
def unary_~ : Parsley[A] = unit *> p
/** This combinator produces a value without having any other effect.
* When this combinator is ran, no input is required, nor consumed, and
* the given value will always be successfully returned. It has no other
* effect on the state of the parser.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.Parsley.pure
* scala> pure(7).parse("")
* val res0 = Success(7)
* scala> pure("hello!").parse("a")
* val res1 = Success("hello!")
* }}}
* @param x the value to be returned.
* @return a parser which consumes no input and produces a value `x`.
* @group basic
def pure[A](x: A): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new singletons.Pure(x))
/** This combinator produces a '''new''' value everytime it is parsed without having any other effect.
* When this combinator is ran, no input is required, nor consumed, and
* a '''new instance''' of the given value will always be successfully returned.
* It has no other effect on the state of the parser.
* This is useful primarily if mutable data is being threaded around a parser: this
* should not be needed for the ''vast'' majority of parsers.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.Parsley.{pure, fresh}
* scala> val p = pure(new Object)
* scala> p.parse("")
* val res0 = Success(java.lang.Object@44a3ec6b)
* scala> p.parse("")
* val res1 = Success(java.lang.Object@44a3ec6b)
* scala> val q = fresh(new Object)
* scala> q.parse("")
* val res2 = Success(java.lang.Object@71623278)
* scala> q.parse("")
* val res3 = Success(java.lang.Object@768b970c)
* }}}
* @param x the value to be returned.
* @return a parser which consumes no input and produces a value `x`.
* @since 4.0.0
* @group basic
def fresh[A](x: =>A): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new singletons.Fresh(x))
/** This combinator parses its first argument `either`, and then parses either `left` or `right` depending on its result.
* First, `branch(either, left, right)` parses `either`, which, if successful, will produce either a `Left(x)` or a `Right(y)`.
* If a `Left(x)` is produced, the parser `left` is executed to produce a function `f`, and `f(x)` is returned. Otherwise,
* if a `Right(y)` is produced, the parser `right` is executed to produce a function `g`, and `g(y)` is returned. If either
* of the two executed parsers fail, the entire combinator fails.
* ''First introduced in [[ Selective Applicative Functors]] (Mokhov et al. 2019)''.
* @example {{{
* def ifP[A](b: Parsley[Boolean], t: =>Parsley[A], e: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = {
* val cond = {
* case true => Left(())
* case false => Right(())
* }
* branch(cond,[Unit => A](x => _ => x),[Unit => A](x => _ => x))
* }
* }}}
* @param either the first parser to execute, its result decides which parser to execute next.
* @param left a parser to execute if `either` returns a `Left`.
* @param right a parser to execute if `either` returns a `Right`.
* @return a parser that will parse one of `left` or `right` depending on `either`'s result.
* @group cond
def branch[A, B, C](either: Parsley[Either[A, B]], left: =>Parsley[A => C], right: =>Parsley[B => C]): Parsley[C] = {
new Parsley(new frontend.Branch(either.internal, left.internal, right.internal))
/** This combinator parses its first argument `p`, then parses `q` only if `p` returns a `Left`.
* First, `select(p, q)` parses `p`, which, if successful, will produce either a `Left(x)` or
* a `Right(y)`. If a `Left(x)` is produced, then the parser `q` is executed to produce a function
* `f`, and `f(x)` is returned. Otherwise, if a `Right(y)` is produced, `y` is returned unmodified
* and `q` is not parsed. If either `p` or `q` fails, the entire combinator fails. This is a special
* case of `branch` where the right branch is `pure(identity[B])`.
* ''First introduced in [[ Selective Applicative Functors]] (Mokhov et al. 2019)''.
* @example {{{
* def filter(pred: A => Boolean): Parsley[A] = {
* val p = => if (pred(x)) Right(x) else Left(()))
* select(p, empty)
* }
* }}}
* @param p the first parser to execute, its result decides whether `q` is executed or not.
* @param q a parser to execute when `p` returns a `Left`.
* @return a parser that will parse `p` then possibly parse `q` to transform `p`'s result into a `B`.
* @group cond
def select[A, B](p: Parsley[Either[A, B]], q: =>Parsley[A => B]): Parsley[B] = branch(p, q, pure(identity[B](_)))
/** This combinator collapses two layers of parsing structure into one.
* Just an alias for `_.flatten`, providing a namesake to Haskell.
* @group monad
* @see [[Parsley.flatten `flatten`]] for details and examples.
def join[A](p: Parsley[Parsley[A]]): Parsley[A] = p.flatten
/** This combinator parses its argument `p`, but rolls back any consumed input on failure.
* If the parser `p` succeeds, then `attempt(p)` has no effect. However, if `p` failed,
* then any input that it consumed is rolled back. This has two uses: it ensures that
* the parser `p` is all-or-nothing when consuming input (atomic), and it allows for
* parsers that consume input to backtrack when they fail (with `<|>`). It should be
* used for the latter purpose sparingly, however, since excessive backtracking in a
* parser can result in much lower efficiency.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.string, parsley.Parsley.attempt
* scala> (string("abc") <|> string("abd")).parse("abd")
* val res0 = Failure(..) // first parser consumed a, so no backtrack
* scala> (attempt(string("abc")) <|> string("abd")).parse("abd")
* val res1 = Success("abd") // first parser does not consume input on failure now
* }}}
* @param p the parser to execute, if it fails, it will not have consumed input.
* @return a parser that tries `p`, but never consumes input if it fails.
* @group prim
def attempt[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.Attempt(p.internal))
/** This combinator parses its argument `p`, but does not consume input if it succeeds.
* If the parser `p` succeeds, then `lookAhead(p)` will roll back any input consumed
* whilst parsing `p`. If `p` fails, however, then the whole combinator fails and
* any input consumed '''remains consumed'''. If this behaviour is not desirable,
* consider pairing `lookAhead` with `attempt`.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.Parsley.lookAhead, parsley.character.string
* scala> (lookAhead(string("aaa")) *> string("aaa")).parse("aaa")
* val res0 = Success("aaa")
* scala> (lookAhead(string("abc")) <|> string("abd")).parse("abd")
* val res1 = Failure(..) // lookAhead does not roll back input consumed on failure
* }}}
* @param p the parser to execute, if it succeeds, it will not have consumed input.
* @return a parser that parses `p` and never consumes input if it succeeds.
* @group prim
def lookAhead[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.Look(p.internal))
/** This combinator parses its argument `p`, and succeeds when `p` fails and vice-versa, never consuming input.
* If the parser `p` succeeds, then `notFollowedBy(p)` will fail, consuming no input.
* Otherwise, should `p` fail, then `notFollowedBy(p)` will succeed, consuming no input
* and returning `()`.
* @example one use for this combinator is to allow for "longest-match" behaviour.
* For instance, keywords are normally only considered keywords if they are not
* part of some larger valid identifier (i.e. the keyword "if" should not parse
* successfully given "ifp"). This can be accomplished as follows:
* {{{
* import parsley.character.{string, letterOrDigit}
* import parsley.Parsley.notFollowedBy
* def keyword(kw: String): Parsley[Unit] = attempt {
* string(kw) *> notFollowedBy(letterOrDigit)
* }
* }}}
* @param p the parser to execute, it should fail in order for this combinator to succeed.
* @return a parser which fails when `p` succeeds and succeeds otherwise, never consuming input.
* @group prim
def notFollowedBy(p: Parsley[_]): Parsley[Unit] = new Parsley(new frontend.NotFollowedBy(p.internal))
/** This parser fails immediately, with an unknown parse error.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.Parsley.empty
* scala> empty.parse("")
* val res0 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @return a parser that fails.
* @group basic
val empty: Parsley[Nothing] = new Parsley(singletons.Empty)
/** This combinator produces `()` without having any other effect.
* When this combinator is ran, no input is required, nor consumed, and
* the given value will always be successfully returned. It has no other
* effect on the state of the parser.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.Parsley.unit
* scala> unit.parse("")
* val res0 = Success(())
* scala> unit.parse("a")
* val res0 = Success(())
* }}}
* @param x the value to be returned.
* @return a parser which consumes no input and produces `()`.
* @note defined as `pure(())` as a simple convenience.
* @group basic
val unit: Parsley[Unit] = pure(())
/** This parser returns the current line number of the input without having any other effect.
* @deprecated Moved to [[position.line `position.line`]], due for removal in 5.0.0
@deprecated("Position parsing functionality was moved to `parsley.position`; use `position.line` instead as this will be removed in 5.0.0", "4.2.0")
def line: Parsley[Int] = position.line
/** This parser returns the current column number of the input without having any other effect.
* @note in the presence of wide unicode characters, the column value returned may be inaccurate.
* @deprecated Moved to [[position.col `position.col`]], due for removal in 5.0.0
@deprecated("Position parsing functionality was moved to `parsley.position`; use `position.line` instead as this will be removed in 5.0.0", "4.2.0")
def col: Parsley[Int] = position.col
/** This parser returns the current line and column numbers of the input without having any other effect.
* @note in the presence of wide unicode characters, the column value returned may be inaccurate.
* @deprecated Moved to [[position.pos `position.pos`]], due for removal in 5.0.0
@deprecated("Position parsing functionality was moved to `parsley.position`; use `position.line` instead as this will be removed in 5.0.0", "4.2.0")
def pos: Parsley[(Int, Int)] = position.pos
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