parsley.errors.combinator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.errors
import parsley.Parsley
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.{frontend, singletons}
/** This module contains combinators that can be used to directly influence error messages of parsers.
* Error messages are, by default, not ''particularly'' descriptive. However, the combinators in this
* module can be used to improve the generation of error messages by providing labels for expected
* items, explanations for why things went wrong, custom error messages, custom unexpected error messages,
* as well as correcting the offsets that error messages actually occurred at.
* @since 3.0.0
* @group combinators
* @groupprio fail 0
* @groupname fail Failure Combinators
* @groupdesc fail
* These combinator immediately fail the parser, with a more bespoke message.
* @groupprio adj 10
* @groupname adj Error Adjustment Combinators
* @groupdesc adj
* These combinators can affect at what position an error is caused at. They are
* opposites: where `amend` will ensure an error message is said to have generated
* at the position on entry to the combinator, `entrench` will resist these changes.
* @groupprio ext 5
* @groupname ext Error Extension Combinators
* @groupdesc ext
* These are implicit classes that, when in scope, enable additional combinators on
* parsers that interact with the error system in some way.
object combinator {
/** This combinator consumes no input and fails immediately with the given error messages.
* Produces a ''specialised'' error message where all the lines of the error are the
* given `msgs` in order of appearance.
* @example {{{
* val failing = fail("hello,", "this is an error message", "broken across multiple lines")
* }}}
* @param msg0 the first message in the error message.
* @param msgs the remaining messages that will make up the error message.
* @return a parser that fails producing an error message consisting of all the given messages.
* @since 3.0.0
* @group fail
def fail(msg0: String, msgs: String*): Parsley[Nothing] = fail(1, msg0, msgs: _*)
/** This combinator consumes no input and fails immediately with the given error messages.
* Produces a ''specialised'' error message where all the lines of the error are the
* given `msgs` in order of appearance.
* @example {{{
* val failing = fail("hello,", "this is an error message", "broken across multiple lines")
* }}}
* @param caretWidth the size of the caret for this error: should ideally match the width of the cause of the error.
* @param msg0 the first message in the error message.
* @param msgs the remaining messages that will make up the error message.
* @return a parser that fails producing an error message consisting of all the given messages.
* @since 4.0.0
* @group fail
def fail(caretWidth: Int, msg0: String, msgs: String*): Parsley[Nothing] = new Parsley(new singletons.Fail(caretWidth, (msg0 +: msgs): _*))
/** This combinator consumes no input and fails immediately, setting the unexpected component
* to the given item.
* Produces a ''trivial'' error message where the unexpected component of the error is
* replaced with the given item `item`.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param item the unexpected message for the error generated.
* @return a parser that fails producing an error with `item` as the unexpected token.
* @group fail
def unexpected(item: String): Parsley[Nothing] = unexpected(1, item)
/** This combinator consumes no input and fails immediately, setting the unexpected component
* to the given item.
* Produces a ''trivial'' error message where the unexpected component of the error is
* replaced with the given item `item`.
* @since 4.0.0
* @param caretWidth the size of the caret for this error: should ideally match the width of the cause of the error (the unexpected item).
* @param item the unexpected message for the error generated.
* @return a parser that fails producing an error with `item` as the unexpected token.
* @group fail
def unexpected(caretWidth: Int, item: String): Parsley[Nothing] = new Parsley(new singletons.Unexpected(item, caretWidth))
/** This combinator adjusts any error messages generated by the given parser so that they
* occur at the position recorded on entry to this combinator (effectively as if no
* input were consumed).
* This is useful if validation work is done
* on the output of a parser that may render it invalid, but the error should point to the
* beginning of the structure. This combinators effect can be cancelled with [[entrench `entrench`]].
* @param p a parser whose error messages should be adjusted.
* @return a parser that parses `p` but ensures any errors generated occur as if no input were consumed.
* @since 3.1.0
* @group adj
def amend[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.ErrorAmend(p.internal, partial = false))
/** This combinator prevents the action of any enclosing `amend` on the errors generated by the given
* parser.
* Sometimes, the error adjustments performed by [[amend `amend`]] should only affect errors generated
* within a certain part of a parser and not the whole thing; in this case, `entrench` can be used
* to protect sub-parsers from having their errors adjusted, providing a much more fine-grained
* scope for error adjustment.
* @example In this example, the `ident` parser should not allow keywords, and these error messages
* should be generated from the start of the identifier, not the end. However any errors generated
* ''within'' the identifier itself should remain at their regular offsets.
* {{{
* val ident = amend {
* entrench(stringOfSome(letter)).filterOut {
* case v if keywords.contains(v) => s"keyword $v cannot be an identifier"
* }
* }
* }}}
* @param p a parser whose error messages should not be adjusted by any surrounding [[amend `amend`]].
* @return a parser that parses `p` but ensures any error messages are generated normally.
* @since 3.1.0
* @group adj
def entrench[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.ErrorEntrench(p.internal))
/** This combinator undoes the action of the `entrench` combinator on the given parser.
* Entrenchment is important for preventing the incorrect amendment of certain parts of sub-errors
* for a parser, but it may be then undesireable to block further amendments from elsewhere in the
* parser. This combinator can be used to cancel and entrenchment after the critical section has
* passed.
* @param p a parser that should no longer be under the affect of an `entrench` combinator
* @return a parser that parses `p` and allows its error messages to be amended.
* @since 4.2.0
def dislodge[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.ErrorDislodge(p.internal))
/** This combinator first tries to amend the position of any error generated by the given parser,
* and if the error was entrenched will dislodge it instead.
* @param p a parser whose error messages should be amended unless its been entrenched.
* @return a parser that parses `p` but ensures any errors generated occur as if no input were consumed.
* @since 4.2.0
* @see [[amend `amend`]] and `[[dislodge `dislodge`]]
def amendThenDislodge[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = dislodge(amend(p))
// These aren't going to be exposed and should be removed in 5.0.0 as well!
@deprecated("this combinator is evil, because it renders the error at the wrong place unless it is amended!", "4.2.0")
private [parsley] def partialAmend[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.ErrorAmend(p.internal, partial = true))
@deprecated("this combinator is evil, because it renders the error at the wrong place unless it is amended!", "4.2.0")
private [parsley] def partialAmendThenDislodge[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = dislodge(partialAmend(p))
/** This combinator marks any errors within the given parser as being ''lexical errors''.
* When an error is marked as a ''lexical error'', it sets a flag within the error that is
* passed to [[parsley.errors.ErrorBuilder.unexpectedToken `ErrorBuilder.unexpectedToken`]]: this
* should be used to prevent `Lexer`-based token extraction from being performed on an error,
* since lexing errors cannot be the result of unexpected tokens.
* @param p the parser that serves as a token.
* @return a parser that parses `p` but ensures any error messages are marked as lexical errors.
* @since 4.0.0
* @group adj
def markAsToken[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.ErrorLexical(p.internal))
/** This class exposes helpful combinators that are specialised for generating more helpful errors messages.
* This extension class operates on values that are convertible to parsers. It enables the use of
* error combinators, which can be used for data validation, error annotation, or immediate failing.
* @constructor This constructor should not be called manually, it is designed to be used via Scala's implicit resolution.
* @param p the value that this class is enabling methods on.
* @param con a conversion that allows values convertible to parsers to be used.
* @tparam P the type of base value that this class is used on (the conversion to `Parsley`) is summoned automatically.
* @version 3.0.0
* @group ext
* @groupprio rich 0
* @groupname rich Error Enrichment Combinators
* @groupdesc rich
* These combinators add additional information - or refine the existing information within - to
* an error message that has been generated within the scope of the parser they have been called on.
* These are a very basic, but effective, way of improving the quality of error messages generated
* by Parsley.
* @groupprio filter 10
* @groupname filter Filtering Combinators
* @groupdesc filter
* These combinators perform filtering on a parser, with particular emphasis on generating meaningful
* error messages if the filtering fails. This is particularly useful for data validation within the
* parser, as very instructive error messages describing what went wrong can be generated. These combinators
* often filter using a `PartialFunction`: this may be because they combine filtering with mapping (in which
* case, the error message is provided separately), or the function may produce a `String`.
* In these cases, the partial function is producing the error messages: if the input to the function is
* defined, this means that it is invalid and the filtering will fail using the message obtained from the
* succesful partial function invocation.
* @groupprio fail 20
* @define observably
* *a parser is said to ''observably'' consume input when error messages generated by a parser `p` occur at a deeper
* offset than `p` originally started at. While this sounds like it is the same as "having consumed input" for the
* purposes of backtracking, they are disjoint concepts:
* 1. in `attempt(p)`, `p` can ''observably'' consume input even though the wider parser does not consume input due to the `attempt`.
* 1. in `amend(p)`, `p` can consume input and may not backtrack even though the consumption is not ''observable'' in the error
* message due to the `amend`.
* @define autoAmend
* when this combinator fails (and not this parser itself), it will generate errors rooted at the start of the
* parse (as if [[parsley.errors.combinator$.amend `amend`]] had been used) and the caret will span the entire
* successful parse of this parser.
* @define partialAmend
* this combinator will generate error messages rooted at the start of the previously successful parse of this
* parser, but only in terms of their position: the actual error is generated at the end of the parse, which
* means it takes priority over sibling errors. This is because the error concerns the whole parse (for caret)
* and morally starts where this parser started (as it caused the failure), however, if it had full `amend`-like
* behaviour these errors would often disappear.
implicit final class ErrorMethods[P, +A](p: P)(implicit con: P => Parsley[A]) {
/** This combinator filters the result of this parser using the given partial-predicate, succeeding only when the predicate is undefined.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds then take its result `x` and test if `pred.isDefinedAt(x)` is true. If it is
* false, the parser succeeds, returning `x`. Otherwise, `pred(x)` will yield a reason `reason` and the parser will
* fail with `reason` provided to the generated error message à la [[explain `explain`]].
* This is useful for performing data validation, but where a definitive reason can be given for the failure. In this instance,
* the rest of the error message is generated as normal, with the expected and unexpected components still given, along with
* any other generated reasons.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.letter
* scala> val keywords = Set("if", "then", "else")
* scala> val ident = stringOfSome(letter).filterOut {
* case v if keywords.contains(v) => s"keyword $v cannot be an identifier"
* }
* scala> ident.parse("hello")
* val res0 = Success("hello")
* scala> ident.parse("if")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @since 3.0.0
* @param pred the predicate that is tested against the parser result, which also generates errors.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser if it fails the predicate.
* @see [[parsley.Parsley.filterNot `filterNot`]], which is a basic version of this same combinator with no customised reason.
* @see [[guardAgainst `guardAgainst`]], which is similar to `filterOut`, except it generates a ''specialised'' error as opposed to just a reason.
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def filterOut(pred: PartialFunction[A, String]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.FilterOut(con(p).internal, pred))
/** This combinator filters the result of this parser using the given partial-predicate, succeeding only when the predicate is undefined.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds then take its result `x` and test of `pred.isDefinedAt(x)` is true. If it is false,
* the parser succeeds, returning `x`. Otherwise `pred(x)` will yield an error message `msg` and the parser will fail, producing
* a ''specialised'' error only consisting of the message `msg` à la [[fail(caretWidth:Int,msg0:String,msgs:String*)* `fail`]].
* This is useful for performing data validation, but where failure is not tied to the grammar but some other property of
* the results. For instance, with the identifier example given for `filterOut`, it is reasonable to suggest that an identifier
* was expected, and a keyword is not a valid identifier: i.e. these components still make sense. Where `guardAgainst` shines,
* however, is in scenarios where the expected alternatives, or the unexpected component itself distract from the cause of the
* error, or are irrelevant in some way. This might be because `guardAgainst` is checking some property of the data that is
* ''possible'' to encode in the grammar, but otherwise ''impractical'', either because it is hard to maintain or generates
* poor error messages for the user.
* @example Suppose we are parsing a data-format for graphs, and a restriction has been placed that ensures that the
* numeric identifiers of each declared node must be ordered. This has, for whatever reason, been specified
* as a syntactic property of the data. This is possible to encode using context-sensitive parsing (since each
* new node can only be parsed according to the previous one), but is fairly difficult and impractical. Instead,
* when all the declarations have been read, a `guardAgainst` can be used to prevent mis-ordering:
* {{{
* val node = integer
* val nodes = many(node).guardAgainst {
* case ns if ns.nonEmpty
* && { case (x, y) => x == y } =>
* val Some((x, _)) = { case (x, y) => x == y }
* Seq(s"node $x has been declared twice")
* case ns if ns.nonEmpty
* && { case (x, y) => x > y } =>
* val Some((x, y)) = { case (x, y) => x > y }
* Seq(s"nodes $x and $y are declared in the wrong order", "all nodes should be ordered")
* }
* }}}
* @since 4.0.0
* @param pred the predicate that is tested against the parser result, which also generates errors.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser if it fails the predicate.
* @see [[parsley.Parsley.filterNot `filterNot`]], which is a basic version of this same combinator with no customised error message.
* @see [[filterOut `filterOut`]], which is similar to `guardAgainst`, except it generates a reason for failure and not a ''specialised'' error.
* @see [[[collectMsg[B](msggen:A=>Seq[String])* `collectMsg`]]], which is similar to `guardAgainst`, but can also transform the data on success.
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def guardAgainst(pred: PartialFunction[A, Seq[String]]): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.GuardAgainst(con(p).internal, pred))
/** This combinator applies a partial function `pf` to the result of this parser if its result is defined for `pf`, failing if it is not.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds, test whether its result `x` is in the domain of the partial function `pf`. If it is defined for
* `pf`, return `pf(x)`. Otherwise, if the result was undefined then fail producing a ''specialised'' error message with `msg`. Equivalent
* to a `guardAgainst` (whose `msggen` ignores its argument) followed by a `map`.
* @example A good example of this combinator in use is for handling overflow in numeric literals.
* {{{
* val integer: Parsley[BigInt] = ...
* // this should be amended/entrenched for best results
* val int16: Parsley[Short] =
* integer.collectMsg("integer literal should within the range -2^16 to +2^16-1") {
* case x if x >= Short.MinValue
* && x <= Short.MaxValue => x.toShort
* }
* }}}
* @since 3.0.0
* @param msg0 the first error message to use if the filtering fails.
* @param msgs the remaining error messages to use if the filtering fails.
* @param pf the partial function used to both filter the result of this parser and transform it.
* @return a parser which returns the result of this parser applied to pf, if possible.
* @see [[parsley.Parsley.collect `collect`]], which is a basic version of this same combinator with no customised error message.
* @see [[guardAgainst `guardAgainst`]], which is similar to `collectMsg`, except it does not transform the data.
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def collectMsg[B](msg0: String, msgs: String*)(pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Parsley[B] = this.collectMsg(_ => msg0 +: msgs)(pf)
/** This combinator applies a partial function `pf` to the result of this parser if its result is defined for `pf`, failing if it is not.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds, test whether its result `x` is in the domain of the partial function `pf`. If it is defined for
* `pf`, return `pf(x)`. Otherwise, if the result was undefined then fail producing a ''specialised'' error message with `msggen(x)`. Equivalent
* to a `guardAgainst` followed by a `map`.
* @example A good example of this combinator in use is for handling overflow in numeric literals.
* {{{
* val integer: Parsley[BigInt] = ...
* // this should be amended/entrenched for best results
* val int16: Parsley[Short] =
* integer.collectMsg(n => Seq(s"integer literal $n is not within the range -2^16 to +2^16-1")) {
* case x if x >= Short.MinValue
* && x <= Short.MaxValue => x.toShort
* }
* }}}
* @since 4.0.0
* @param msggen a function that generates the error messages to use if the filtering fails.
* @param pf the partial function used to both filter the result of this parser and transform it.
* @return a parser which returns the result of this parser applied to pf, if possible.
* @see [[parsley.Parsley.collect `collect`]], which is a basic version of this same combinator with no customised error message.
* @see [[guardAgainst `guardAgainst`]], which is similar to `collectMsg`, except it does not transform the data.
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def collectMsg[B](msggen: A => Seq[String])(pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Parsley[B] = {
this.guardAgainst{case x if !pf.isDefinedAt(x) => msggen(x)}.map(pf)
private def _unexpectedWhen(pred: PartialFunction[A, (String, Option[String])]): Parsley[A] = {
new Parsley(new frontend.UnexpectedWhen(con(p).internal, pred))
/** This combinator filters the result of this parser using the given partial-predicate, succeeding only when the predicate is undefined.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds then take its result `x` and test if `pred.isDefinedAt(x)` is true. If it is
* false, the parser succeeds, returning `x`. Otherwise, `pred(x)` will yield a unexpected label and the parser will
* fail using [[combinator.unexpected(caretWidth:Int,item:String)* `unexpected`]] and that label.
* This is useful for performing data validation, but where a the failure results in the entire token being unexpected. In this instance,
* the rest of the error message is generated as normal, with the expected components still given, along with
* any generated reasons.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.letter
* scala> val keywords = Set("if", "then", "else")
* scala> val ident = stringOfSome(letter).unexpectedWhen {
* case v if keywords.contains(v) => s"keyword $v"
* }
* scala> ident.parse("hello")
* val res0 = Success("hello")
* scala> ident.parse("if")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @since 3.0.0
* @param pred the predicate that is tested against the parser result, which also generates errors.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser if it fails the predicate.
* @see [[parsley.Parsley.filterNot `filterNot`]], which is a basic version of this same combinator with no unexpected message.
* @see [[filterOut `filterOut`]], which is a variant that produces a reason for failure as opposed to an unexpected message.
* @see [[guardAgainst `guardAgainst`]], which is similar to `unexpectedWhen`, except it generates a ''specialised'' error instead.
* @see [[unexpectedWithReasonWhen `unexpectedWithReasonWhen`]], which is similar, but also has a reason associated.
* @note $autoAmend
* @group filter
def unexpectedWhen(pred: PartialFunction[A, String]): Parsley[A] = this._unexpectedWhen {
case x if pred.isDefinedAt(x) => (pred(x), None)
/** This combinator filters the result of this parser using the given partial-predicate, succeeding only when the predicate is undefined.
* First, parse this parser. If it succeeds then take its result `x` and test if `pred.isDefinedAt(x)` is true. If it is
* false, the parser succeeds, returning `x`. Otherwise, `pred(x)` will yield a unexpected label and the parser will
* fail using [[combinator.unexpected(caretWidth:Int,item:String)* `unexpected`]] and that label as well as a reason.
* This is useful for performing data validation, but where a the failure results in the entire token being unexpected. In this instance,
* the rest of the error message is generated as normal, with the expected components still given, along with
* any generated reasons.
* @example {{{
* scala> import parsley.character.letter
* scala> val keywords = Set("if", "then", "else")
* scala> val ident = stringOfSome(letter).unexpectedWhenWithReason {
* case v if keywords.contains(v) => (s"keyword $v", "keywords cannot be identifiers")
* }
* scala> ident.parse("hello")
* val res0 = Success("hello")
* scala> ident.parse("if")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* }}}
* @param pred the predicate that is tested against the parser result, which also generates errors.
* @return a parser that returns the result of this parser if it fails the predicate.
* @see [[parsley.Parsley.filterNot `filterNot`]], which is a basic version of this same combinator with no unexpected message or reason.
* @see [[filterOut `filterOut`]], which is a variant that just produces a reason for failure with no unexpected message.
* @see [[guardAgainst `guardAgainst`]], which is similar to `unexpectedWhen`, except it generates a ''specialised'' error instead.
* @see [[unexpectedWhen `unexpectedWhen`]], which is similar, but with no associated reason.
@since 4.2.0
def unexpectedWithReasonWhen(pred: PartialFunction[A, (String, String)]): Parsley[A] = this._unexpectedWhen {
case x if pred.isDefinedAt(x) =>
val (unex, reason) = pred(x)
(unex, Some(reason))
/** This combinator changes the expected component of any errors generated by this parser.
* When this parser fails having not ''observably''* consumed input, the expected component of the generated
* error message is set to be the given `item`.
* $observably
* @param item the name to give to the expected component of any qualifying errors.
* @return a parser that expects `item` on failure.
* @since 3.0.0
* @group rich
def label(item: String): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.ErrorLabel(con(p).internal, item))
/** This combinator changes the expected component of any errors generated by this parser.
* This is just an alias for the `label` combinator.
* ''Known as `<?>` in Haskell.''
* @since 3.0.0
* @see [[label `label`]]
* @group rich
def ?(item: String): Parsley[A] = this.label(item)
/** This combinator adds a reason to error messages generated by this parser.
* When this parser fails having not ''observably''* consumed input, this combinator adds
* `reason` to the error message, which should justify why the error occured. Unlike error
* labels, which may persist if more progress is made having not consumed input, reasons
* are not carried forward in the error message, and are lost.
* $observably
* @param reason the reason why a parser failed.
* @return a parser that produces the given reason for failure if it fails.
* @since 3.0.0
* @group rich
def explain(reason: String): Parsley[A] = new Parsley(new frontend.ErrorExplain(con(p).internal, reason))
/** This combinator hides the expected component of errors generated by this parser.
* When this parser fails having not ''observably''* consumed input, this combinator
* hides any error labels assigned to the expected item by any `label` combinators,
* or indeed the base raw labels produced by the input consuming combinators themselves.
* This can be useful, say, for hiding whitespace labels, which are not normally useful
* information to include in an error message for whitespace insensitive grammars.
* $observably
* @since 3.0.0
* @return a parser that does not produce an expected component on failure.
* @see [[label `label`]]
* @group rich
def hide: Parsley[A] = this.label("")
/** This combinator parses this parser and then fails, using the result of this parser to customise the error message.
* Similar to `fail`, but first parses this parser: if it succeeded, then its result `x` is used to form the error
* message for the `fail` combinator by calling `msggen(x)`. If this parser fails, however, its error message will
* be generated instead.
* @param msggen the generator function for error message, creating a message based on the result of this parser.
* @return a parser that always fails, with the given generator used to produce the error message if this parser succeeded.
* @note $partialAmend
* @group fail
* @deprecated this combinator has not proven to be particularly useful, and will be replaced by a more appropriate,
* not exactly the same, `verifiedFail` combinator.
@deprecated("This combinator will be removed in 5.0.0, without direct replacement", "4.2.0")
def !(msggen: A => String): Parsley[Nothing] = partialAmendThenDislodge {
parsley.position.internalOffsetSpan(entrench(con(p))).flatMap { case (os, x, oe) => - os, msggen(x))
/** This combinator parses this parser and then fails, using the result of this parser to customise the unexpected component
* of the error message.
* Similar to `unexpected`, but first parses this parser: if it succeeded, then its result `x` is used to form
* the unexpected component of the generated error by calling `msggen(x)`. If this parser fails, however,
* its error message will be returned untouched.
* @param msggen the generator function for error message, creating a message based on the result of this parser.
* @return a parser that always fails, with the given generator used to produce an unexpected message if this parser succeeded.
* @note $partialAmend
* @group fail
* @deprecated this combinator has not proven to be particularly useful and will be removed in 5.0.0. There is a similar, but not
* exact replacement called `verifiedUnexpected`.
* @since 4.2.0
@deprecated("This combinator will be removed in 5.0.0, without direct replacement", "4.2.0")
def unexpected(msggen: A => String): Parsley[Nothing] = partialAmendThenDislodge {
parsley.position.internalOffsetSpan(entrench(con(p))).flatMap { case (os, x, oe) =>
combinator.unexpected(oe - os, msggen(x))
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