parsley.internal.deepembedding.backend.AlternativeEmbedding.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2022 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.internal.deepembedding.backend
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import parsley.XAssert._
import parsley.internal.collection.mutable.SinglyLinkedList, SinglyLinkedList.LinkedListIterator
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.ContOps, ContOps.{result, suspend, ContAdapter}
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.singletons._
import parsley.internal.errors.{ExpectDesc, ExpectItem}
import parsley.internal.machine.instructions
// scalastyle:off underscore.import
import Choice._
import StrictParsley.InstrBuffer
// scalastyle:on underscore.import
private [deepembedding] final class Choice[A](private [backend] val alt1: StrictParsley[A],
private [backend] var alt2: StrictParsley[A],
private [backend] var alts: SinglyLinkedList[StrictParsley[A]]) extends StrictParsley[A] {
def inlinable: Boolean = false
override def optimise: StrictParsley[A] = this match {
// Assume that this is eliminated first, so not other alts
case (u: Pure[_]) <|> _ => u
case Empty <|> q => q
case p <|> Empty => p
case Choice(ret@Choice(_, _, lalts: SinglyLinkedList[StrictParsley[A]]),
Choice(ralt1, ralt2, ralts: SinglyLinkedList[StrictParsley[A]]),
alts) =>
assume(!alts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Choice[_]]), "alts can never contain a choice")
assume(!lalts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Choice[_]]), "ralts can never contain a choice")
assume(!ralts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Choice[_]]), "lalts can never contain a choice")
case Choice(ret@Choice(_, _, alts: SinglyLinkedList[StrictParsley[A]]), p, alts_) =>
assume(!alts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Choice[_]]), "alts can never contain a choice")
assume(!alts_.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Choice[_]]), "alts_ can never contain a choice")
case Choice(_, Choice(alt1, alt2, alts: SinglyLinkedList[StrictParsley[A]]), alts_) =>
assume(!alts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Choice[_]]), "alts can never contain a choice")
assume(!alts_.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Choice[_]]), "alts_ can never contain a choice")
this.alt2 = alt1
this.alts = alts
case _ => this
override def codeGen[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
this.tablify match {
// If the tablified list is single element (or the next is None), that implies that this should be generated as normal!
case (_ :: Nil) | (_ :: (_, None) :: Nil) => codeGenChain(alt1, alt2, alts.iterator)
case tablified => codeGenJumpTable(tablified)
private def tablify: List[(StrictParsley[_], Option[(Char, Option[ExpectItem], Int, Boolean)])] = {
tablify((alt1::alt2::alts).iterator, mutable.ListBuffer.empty, mutable.Set.empty, None)
@tailrec private def tablify(
it: LinkedListIterator[StrictParsley[A]],
acc: mutable.ListBuffer[(StrictParsley[_], Option[(Char, Option[ExpectItem], Int, Boolean)])],
seen: mutable.Set[Char],
lastSeen: Option[Char]
): List[(StrictParsley[_], Option[(Char, Option[ExpectItem], Int, Boolean)])] = match {
case u if it.hasNext =>
val leadingInfo = tablable(u, backtracks = false)
leadingInfo match {
// if we've not seen it before that's ok
case Some((c, _, _, _)) if !seen.contains(c) => tablify(it, acc += ((u, leadingInfo)), seen += c, Some(c))
// if we've seen it, then only a repeat of the last character is allowed
case Some((c, _, _, _)) if lastSeen.contains(c) => tablify(it, acc += ((u, leadingInfo)), seen += c, lastSeen)
// if it's seen and not the last character we have to stop
case _ => (acc += ((new Choice(u,, it.remaining), None))).toList
case p => (acc += ((p, tablable(p, backtracks = false)))).toList
final override def pretty[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R]: Cont[R,String] =
for {
s1 <- alt1.pretty
s2 <- alt2.pretty
ss <- ContOps.sequence([Cont, R]).toList)
} yield (s1::s2::ss).mkString("choice(", ", ", ")")
private [backend] object Choice {
private def unapply[A](self: Choice[A]): Some[(StrictParsley[A], StrictParsley[A], SinglyLinkedList[StrictParsley[A]])] =
Some((self.alt1, self.alt2, self.alts))
private def scopedState[A, Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](p: StrictParsley[A])(generateHandler: =>Cont[R, Unit])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
val handler = state.freshLabel()
val skip = state.freshLabel()
instrs += new instructions.PushHandlerAndState(handler, saveHints = true, hideHints = false)
suspend(p.codeGen[Cont, R]) >> {
instrs += new instructions.JumpAndPopState(skip)
instrs += new instructions.Label(handler)
generateHandler |> {
instrs += new instructions.Label(skip)
private def scopedCheck[A, Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](p: StrictParsley[A])(generateHandler: =>Cont[R, Unit])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
val handler = state.freshLabel()
val skip = state.freshLabel()
instrs += new instructions.PushHandlerAndCheck(handler, saveHints = true)
suspend(p.codeGen[Cont, R]) >> {
instrs += new instructions.JumpAndPopCheck(skip)
instrs += new instructions.Label(handler)
generateHandler |> {
instrs += new instructions.Label(skip)
private def codeGenChain[A, Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](alt1: StrictParsley[A], alt2: StrictParsley[A], alts: Iterator[StrictParsley[A]])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
if (alts.hasNext) {
val alt3 =
codeGenAlt(alt1, suspend(codeGenChain[A, Cont, R](alt2, alt3, alts)))
else alt2 match {
case Pure(x) => alt1 match {
case Attempt(u) => scopedState(u) {
instrs += new instructions.AlwaysRecoverWith[A](x)
case u => scopedCheck(u) {
instrs += new instructions.RecoverWith[A](x)
case v => codeGenAlt(alt1, suspend(v.codeGen[Cont, R]))
// Why is rest lazy? because Cont could be Id, and Id forces the argument immediately!
private def codeGenAlt[A, Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](p: StrictParsley[A], rest: =>Cont[R, Unit])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
val merge = state.getLabel(instructions.MergeErrorsAndFail)
p match {
case Attempt(u) => scopedState(u) {
instrs += new instructions.RestoreAndPushHandler(merge)
rest |> {
instrs += instructions.ErrorToHints
case u => scopedCheck(u) {
instrs += new instructions.Catch(merge)
rest |> {
instrs += instructions.ErrorToHints
@tailrec private def propagateExpecteds(expectedss: List[(Set[ExpectItem], Boolean)], all: Set[ExpectItem], corrected: List[Set[ExpectItem]]):
List[Set[ExpectItem]] = expectedss match {
case (expecteds, backtrack) :: expectedss => propagateExpecteds(expectedss, all, (if (backtrack) all else expecteds) :: corrected)
case Nil => corrected
private def codeGenRoots[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](roots: List[List[StrictParsley[_]]], ls: List[Int], end: Int)
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = roots match {
case root::roots_ =>
instrs += new instructions.Label(ls.head)
codeGenAlternatives(root) >> {
instrs += instructions.ErrorToHints
instrs += new instructions.JumpAndPopCheck(end)
suspend(codeGenRoots[Cont, R](roots_, ls.tail, end))
case Nil => result(())
private def codeGenAlternatives[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R]
(alts: List[StrictParsley[_]])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = (alts: @unchecked) match {
case alt::Nil => alt.codeGen
case alt::alts_ => codeGenAlt(alt, suspend(codeGenAlternatives[Cont, R](alts_)))
// TODO: Refactor
@tailrec private def foldTablified(tablified: List[(StrictParsley[_], (Char, Option[ExpectItem], Int, Boolean))], // scalastyle:ignore parameter.number
labelGen: CodeGenState,
roots: mutable.Map[Char, mutable.ListBuffer[StrictParsley[_]]],
backtracking: mutable.Map[Char, Boolean],
leads: mutable.ListBuffer[Char],
labels: mutable.ListBuffer[Int],
size: Int,
expecteds: Set[ExpectItem],
// build in reverse!
expectedss: List[Set[ExpectItem]]):
(List[List[StrictParsley[_]]], List[Char], List[Int], Int, Set[ExpectItem], List[(Set[ExpectItem], Boolean)]) = tablified match {
case (root, (c, expected, _size, backtracks))::tablified_ =>
if (roots.contains(c)) {
roots(c) += root
backtracking(c) = backtracking(c) && backtracks
foldTablified(tablified_, labelGen, roots, backtracking, leads, labels,
Math.max(size, _size), expected.fold(expecteds)(expecteds + _), expectedss)
else {
roots(c) = mutable.ListBuffer(root)
backtracking(c) = backtracks
foldTablified(tablified_, labelGen, roots, backtracking, leads += c, labels += labelGen.freshLabel(),
Math.max(size, _size), expected.fold(expecteds)(expecteds + _), expecteds :: expectedss)
case Nil => (, leads.toList, labels.toList, size,
// When 2.12 is dropped, the final toList can go
@tailrec private def tablable(p: StrictParsley[_], backtracks: Boolean): Option[(Char, Option[ExpectItem], Int, Boolean)] = p match {
// CODO: Numeric parsers by leading digit (This one would require changing the foldTablified function a bit)
case ct@CharTok(d) => Some((d, ct.expected.asExpectItem(d), 1, backtracks))
case st@StringTok(s) => Some((s.head, st.expected.asExpectItem(s), s.codePointCount(0, s.length), backtracks))
//case op@MaxOp(o) => Some((o.head, Some(Desc(o)), o.size, backtracks))
//case _: StringLiteral | RawStringLiteral => Some(('"', Some(Desc("string")), 1, backtracks))
// TODO: This can be done for case insensitive things too, but with duplicated branching
case t@Specific(s) if t.caseSensitive => Some((s.head, Some(ExpectDesc(s)), s.codePointCount(0, s.length), backtracks))
case Attempt(t) => tablable(t, backtracks = true)
case (_: Pure[_]) <*> t => tablable(t, backtracks)
case Lift2(_, t, _) => tablable(t, backtracks)
case Lift3(_, t, _, _) => tablable(t, backtracks)
case t <*> _ => tablable(t, backtracks)
case Seq(before, r, _) => tablable(before.headOption.getOrElse(r), backtracks)
case _ => None
private def codeGenJumpTable[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R, A](tablified: List[(StrictParsley[_], Option[(Char, Option[ExpectItem], Int, Boolean)])])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
val needsDefault = tablified.last._2.isDefined
val end = state.freshLabel()
val default = state.freshLabel()
val merge = state.getLabel(instructions.MergeErrorsAndFail)
val tablified_ = tablified.collect {
case (root, Some(info)) => (root, info)
val (roots, leads, ls, size, expecteds, expectedss) = foldTablified(tablified_, state, mutable.Map.empty, mutable.Map.empty,
mutable.ListBuffer.empty, mutable.ListBuffer.empty, 0, Set.empty, Nil)
instrs += new instructions.JumpTable(leads, ls, default, merge, size, expecteds, propagateExpecteds(expectedss, expecteds, Nil))
codeGenRoots(roots, ls, end) >> {
instrs += new instructions.Catch(merge) //This instruction is reachable as default - 1
instrs += new instructions.Label(default)
if (needsDefault) {
instrs += instructions.Empty
result(instrs += new instructions.Label(end))
else {
tablified.last._1.codeGen |> {
instrs += instructions.ErrorToHints
instrs += new instructions.Label(end)
private [deepembedding] object <|> {
def apply[A](left: StrictParsley[A], right: StrictParsley[A]): Choice[A] = new Choice(left, right, SinglyLinkedList.empty)
private [backend] def unapply[A](self: Choice[A]): Some[(StrictParsley[A], StrictParsley[A])] = {
if (self.alts.nonEmpty) throw new IllegalStateException("<|> assumed, but full Choice given") // scalastyle:ignore throw
Some((self.alt1, self.alt2))
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