parsley.internal.deepembedding.backend.SequenceEmbedding.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2022 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.internal.deepembedding.backend
import parsley.XAssert._
import parsley.internal.collection.mutable.DoublyLinkedList
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.ContOps, ContOps.{result, suspend, ContAdapter}
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.frontend
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.singletons._
import parsley.internal.machine.instructions
import StrictParsley.InstrBuffer
// Core Embedding
private [deepembedding] final class <*>[A, B](var left: StrictParsley[A => B], var right: StrictParsley[A]) extends StrictParsley[B] {
def inlinable: Boolean = false
// TODO: Refactor
// FIXME: Needs more interation with .safe
override def optimise: StrictParsley[B] = (left, right) match {
// Fusion laws
case (uf, ux@Pure(x)) if (uf.isInstanceOf[Pure[_]] || uf.isInstanceOf[_ <*> _]) && && => uf match {
// first position fusion
case Pure(f) => new Pure(f(x))
// second position fusion
case Pure(f: Function1[t, A => B]) <*> (uy/*: StrictParsley[t]*/) => // scalastyle:ignore
left = new Pure((y: t) => f(y)(x)).asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A => B]]
right = uy.asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A]]
// third position fusion
case Pure(f: Function1[t, Function1[u, A => B]]) <*>
(uy/*: StrictParsley[t]*/) <*> // scalastyle:ignore
(uz/*: StrictParsley[u]*/) => // scalastyle:ignore
left = <*>(new Pure((y: t) => (z: u) => f(y)(z)(x)), uy.asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[t]]).asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A => B]]
right = uz.asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A]]
// interchange law: u <*> pure y == pure ($y) <*> u == ($y) <$> u (single instruction, so we benefit at code-gen)
case _ =>
left = new Pure((f: A => B) => f(x)).asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A => B]]
right = uf.asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A]]
// functor law: fmap f (fmap g p) == fmap (f . g) p where fmap f p = pure f <*> p from applicative
case (Pure(f), Pure(g: Function[t, A]) <*> (u/*: StrictParsley[t]*/)) => // scalastyle:ignore
left = new Pure(f.compose(g)).asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A => B]]
right = u.asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A]]
// TODO: functor law with lift2!
// right absorption law: mzero <*> p = mzero
case (z: MZero, _) => z
// re-association law 1: (q *> left) <*> right = q *> (left <*> right)
case (q *> uf, ux) => *>(q, <*>(uf, ux).optimise)
case (uf, seq: Seq[A]) => seq match {
// re-association law 2: left <*> (right <* q) = (left <*> right) <* q
case ux <* v => <*(<*>(uf, ux).optimise, v).optimise
// re-association law 3: p *> pure x = pure x <* p
// consequence of re-association law 3: left <*> (q *> pure x) = (left <*> pure x) <* q
case v *> (ux: Pure[_]) => <*(<*>(uf, ux).optimise, v).optimise
case _ => this
// consequence of left zero law and monadic definition of <*>, preserving error properties of left
case (u, z: MZero) => *>(u, z)
// interchange law: u <*> pure y == pure ($y) <*> u == ($y) <$> u (single instruction, so we benefit at code-gen)
case (uf, Pure(x)) =>
left = new Pure((f: A => B) => f(x)).asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A => B]]
right = uf.asInstanceOf[StrictParsley[A]]
case _ => this
override def codeGen[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = left match {
// pure f <*> p = f <$> p
case Pure(f) => right match {
case ct@CharTok(c) => result(instrs += instructions.CharTokFastPerform[Char, B](c, f.asInstanceOf[Char => B], ct.expected))
case st@StringTok(s) => result(instrs += instructions.StringTokFastPerform(s, f.asInstanceOf[String => B], st.expected))
case _ =>
suspend(right.codeGen[Cont, R]) |>
(instrs += instructions.Lift1(f))
case _ =>
suspend(left.codeGen[Cont, R]) >>
suspend(right.codeGen[Cont, R]) |>
(instrs += instructions.Apply)
final override def pretty[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R]: Cont[R,String] =
for {
s1 <- left.pretty
s2 <- right.pretty
} yield s"($s1 <*> $s2)"
private [deepembedding] final class >>=[A, B](val p: StrictParsley[A], private [>>=] val f: A => frontend.LazyParsley[B]) extends Unary[A, B] {
override def optimise: StrictParsley[B] = p match {
// monad law 1: pure x >>= f = f x: unsafe because it might expose recursion
//case Pure(x) if safe => new Rec(() => f(x))
// char/string x = char/string x *> pure x and monad law 1
//case p@CharTok(c) => *>(p, new Rec(() => f(c.asInstanceOf[A]), expected))
//case p@StringTok(s) => *>(p, new Rec(() => f(s.asInstanceOf[A]), expected))
// (q *> p) >>= f = q *> (p >>= f)
//case u *> v => *>(u, >>=(v, f).optimise)
// monad law 3: (m >>= g) >>= f = m >>= (\x -> g x >>= f) Note: this *could* help if g x ended with a pure, since this would be optimised out!
//case (m: Parsley[T] @unchecked) >>= (g: (T => A) @unchecked) =>
// p = m.asInstanceOf[Parsley[A]]
// f = (x: T) => >>=(g(x), f, expected).optimise
// this
// monadplus law (left zero)
case z: MZero => z
case _ => this
override def codeGen[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
suspend(p.codeGen[Cont, R]) |> {
instrs += instructions.DynCall[A](x => f(x).demandCalleeSave(state.numRegs).instrs)
final override def pretty(p: String): String = s"$p.flatMap(?)"
private [deepembedding] final class Seq[A](private [backend] var before: DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]],
private [backend] var res: StrictParsley[A],
private [backend] var after: DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]]) extends StrictParsley[A] {
def inlinable: Boolean = false
private def mergeIntoRight(p: StrictParsley[A]): this.type = p match {
case Seq(rs1, rr, rs2) =>
assume(!rr.isInstanceOf[Pure[_]] || rs2.isEmpty, "if rr is pure, then rs2 is empty, which retains normalisation")
after = rs2
res = rr
case _ => this
private def mergeFromRight(p: Seq[_], into: DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]]): this.type = {
assume(after.isEmpty || after.size == 1 && (after.head eq p), "after can only contain just p, which is going to get flattened")
Seq.whenNonPure(p.res, into.addOne(_))
private def chooseInto(p: StrictParsley[A]): DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]] = p match {
case _: Pure[_] => before
case _ => after
override def optimise: StrictParsley[A] = this match {
// Assume that this is eliminated first, so not other before or afters
case (_: Pure[_]) **> u => u
case (p: MZero) **> _ => p
case u <** (_: Pure[_]) => u
case (p: MZero) <** _ => p
case u@Seq(bs1, br, bs2) **> r =>
bs2.lastOption match {
case Some(_: MZero) => u
case _ =>
before = bs1
Seq.whenNonPure(br, before.addOne(_))
case _ **> q => mergeIntoRight(q)
case u@Seq(rs1, rr, rs2) <** p =>
rs2.lastOption match {
case Some(_: MZero) => u
case _ =>
before = rs1
res = rr
assume(!rr.isInstanceOf[Pure[_]] || rs2.isEmpty, "rs2 is empty when rr is Pure")
after = rs2
val into = chooseInto(rr)
p match {
case p: Seq[_] => mergeFromRight(p, into)
case p =>
case r <** (p: Seq[_]) => mergeFromRight(p, chooseInto(r))
// shift pure to the right by swapping before and after (before is empty linked list!)
case (_: Pure[_]) <** _ =>
assume(before.isEmpty, "empty can reuse before instead of allocating a new list because before is empty")
val empty = before
before = after
after = empty
case _ => this
override def codeGen[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = res match {
case Pure(x) =>
// peephole here involves CharTokFastPerform, StringTokFastPerform, and Exchange
assume(after.isEmpty, "The pure in question is normalised to the end: if result is pure, after is empty.")
assume(before.nonEmpty, "before cannot be empty because after is empty")
val last = before.last
suspend(Seq.codeGenMany[Cont, R](before.iterator)) >> {
last match {
case ct@CharTok(c) => result(instrs += instructions.CharTokFastPerform[Char, A](c, _ => x, ct.expected))
case st@StringTok(s) => result(instrs += instructions.StringTokFastPerform(s, _ => x, st.expected))
case st@Satisfy(f) => result(instrs += new instructions.SatisfyExchange(f, x, st.expected))
case _ =>
suspend(last.codeGen[Cont, R]) |> {
instrs += new instructions.Exchange(x)
case _ =>
suspend(Seq.codeGenMany[Cont, R](before.iterator)) >> {
suspend(res.codeGen[Cont, R]) >> {
final override def pretty[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R]: Cont[R,String] =
for {
ss1 <- ContOps.sequence([Cont, R]).toList)
rs <- res.pretty
ss2 <- ContOps.sequence([Cont, R]).toList)
} yield (ss1 ::: rs :: ss2).mkString("seq(", ", ", ")")
private [backend] object Seq {
def unapply[A](self: Seq[A]): Some[(DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]], StrictParsley[A], DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]])] = {
Some((self.before, self.res, self.after))
private [Seq] def codeGenMany[Cont[_, +_]: ContOps, R](it: Iterator[StrictParsley[_]])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): Cont[R, Unit] = {
if (it.hasNext) {
suspend([Cont, R]) >> {
instrs += instructions.Pop
} else result(())
private [Seq] def whenNonPure(p: StrictParsley[_], f: StrictParsley[_] => Unit): Unit = p match {
case _: Pure[_] =>
case p => f(p)
private [backend] object <*> {
def apply[A, B](left: StrictParsley[A=>B], right: StrictParsley[A]): <*>[A, B] = new <*>[A, B](left, right)
def unapply[A, B](self: <*>[A, B]): Some[(StrictParsley[A=>B], StrictParsley[A])] = Some((self.left, self.right))
private [deepembedding] object *> {
def apply[A](left: StrictParsley[_], right: StrictParsley[A]): Seq[A] = {
val before = DoublyLinkedList.empty[StrictParsley[_]]
*>(before, right)
private [backend] def apply[A](before: DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]], res: StrictParsley[A]): Seq[A] = new Seq(before, res, DoublyLinkedList.empty)
private [backend] def unapply[A](self: Seq[A]): Option[(DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]], StrictParsley[A])] = {
if (self.after.isEmpty) Some((self.before, self.res))
else None
private [backend] object **> {
private [backend] def unapply[A](self: Seq[A]): Option[(StrictParsley[_], StrictParsley[A])] = *>.unapply(self).collect {
case (before, res) if self.before.size == 1 => (before.head, res)
private [deepembedding] object <* {
def apply[A](left: StrictParsley[A], right: StrictParsley[_]): Seq[A] = {
val after = DoublyLinkedList.empty[StrictParsley[_]]
<*(left, after)
private [backend] def apply[A](res: StrictParsley[A], after: DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]]): Seq[A] = new Seq(DoublyLinkedList.empty, res, after)
private [backend] def unapply[A](self: Seq[A]): Option[(StrictParsley[A], DoublyLinkedList[StrictParsley[_]])] = {
if (self.before.isEmpty) Some((self.res, self.after))
else None
private [backend] object <** {
private [backend] def unapply[A](self: Seq[A]): Option[(StrictParsley[A], StrictParsley[_])] = <*.unapply(self).collect {
case (res, after) if after.size == 1 => (res, after.head)
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