parsley.internal.deepembedding.backend.StrictParsley.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.internal.deepembedding.backend
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import parsley.XAssert._
import parsley.state.Ref
import parsley.internal.collection.mutable.ResizableArray
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.ContOps, ContOps.{perform, ContAdapter}
import parsley.internal.machine.instructions, instructions.{Instr, Label}
import StrictParsley.*
/** This is the root type of the parsley "backend": it represents a combinator tree
* where the join-points in the tree (recursive or otherwise) have been factored into
* `Let` and `Rec` nodes. This means the tree is finite and acyclic.
* @note objects of this type are freshly generated by the frontend, so can be mutable
* and are allowed to pull all sorts of nasty tricks, as they are guaranteed to
* be thread- and parser-local
private [deepembedding] trait StrictParsley[+A] {
/** This function forms the entry-point of the "backend" of parsley's compiler.
* The process is as follows:
* 1. if this parser was generated by a `flatMap`, it may need to generate a `CalleeSave` instruction
* 1. code generation is performed for the main (non-shared) body of the parser
* 1. a `Halt` instruction is generated to signify the end of the parser
* 1. all the shared parsers are then generated terminated by `Return` instructions
* 1. any sharable, fail-only, handler instructions are then generated at the end of the instruction stream
* 1. jump-labels in the code are removed, and tail-call optimisation is applied
* @param numRegsUsedByParent the number of registers in use by the parent (should one exist), required by callee-save
* @param usedRefs the registers used by this parser (these may require allocation)
* @param recs a stream of pairs of rec nodes and the generators for their strict parsers
* (this is just because more `Cont` operations are performed later)
* @param state the code generator state
* @return the final array of instructions for this parser
final private [deepembedding] def generateInstructions[M[_, +_]: ContOps](numRegsUsedByParent: Int, usedRefs: Set[Ref[_]],
bodyMap: Map[Let[_], StrictParsley[_]])
(implicit state: CodeGenState): Array[Instr] = {
implicit val instrs: InstrBuffer = newInstrBuffer
perform {
generateCalleeSave[M, Array[Instr]](numRegsUsedByParent, this.codeGen(producesResults = true), usedRefs) |> {
// When `numRegsUsedByParent` is -1 this is top level, otherwise it is a flatMap
instrs += (if (numRegsUsedByParent >= 0) instructions.Return else instructions.Halt)
val letRets = finaliseLets(bodyMap)
finaliseInstrs(instrs, state.nlabels, letRets)
/** This method performs the code generation for this combinator and the recursive sub-parsers.
* It is fine for this method to perform peephole optimisation on the combinators and generate
* more optimal sequences of instructions in specific circumstances.
* @param producesResults is this parser expected to push its result onto the stack?
* @param instrs the current buffer of instructions to generate into
* @param state code generator state, for the generation of labels
protected [backend] def codeGen[M[_, +_]: ContOps, R](producesResults: Boolean)(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): M[R, Unit]
/** This method is directly called by the "frontend" and is used to perform domain-specific
* optimisations on this parser (usually following the laws of the parser combinators).
* By default, this method just returns this parser unchanged.
protected [deepembedding] def optimise: StrictParsley[A] = this
/** Should this parser be inlined if it is shared?
* @note the heuristic here is that single instruction combinators should always be inlined
private [deepembedding] def inlinable: Boolean
/** Pretty-prints a combinator tree, for internal debugging purposes only. */
private [deepembedding] def pretty: String
private [deepembedding] object StrictParsley {
/** The kind of buffer that should be used to generate instructions into */
private [deepembedding] type InstrBuffer = ResizableArray[Instr]
/** The type of a return label */
private type RetLoc = Int
/** Make a fresh instruction buffer */
private def newInstrBuffer: InstrBuffer = new ResizableArray()
/** Given a set of in-use registers, this function will allocate those that are currented
* unallocated, giving them addresses not currently in use by the allocated registers
* @param unallocatedRegs the set of registers that need allocating
* @param regs the set of all registers used by a specific parser
* @return the list of slots that have been freshly allocated to
private def allocateRegisters(unallocatedRegs: Set[Ref[_]], regs: Set[Ref[_]]): List[Int] = {
// Global registers cannot occupy the same slot as another global register
// In a flatMap, that means a newly discovered global register must be allocated to a new slot: this may resize the register pool
assert(unallocatedRegs == regs.filterNot(_.allocated))
if (unallocatedRegs.nonEmpty) {
val usedSlots = regs.collect {
case reg if reg.allocated => reg.addr
val freeSlots = (0 until regs.size).filterNot(usedSlots)
applyAllocation(unallocatedRegs, freeSlots)
else Nil
/** Given a set of unallocated registers and a supply of unoccupied slots, allocates each
* register to one of the slots.
* @param regs the set of registers that require allocation
* @param freeSlots the supply of slots that are currently not in-use
* @return the slots that were used for allocation
private def applyAllocation(refs: Set[Ref[_]], freeSlots: Iterable[Int]): List[Int] = {
val allocatedSlots = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Int]
// TODO: For scala 2.12, use lazyZip and foreach!
for ((ref, addr) <- {
allocatedSlots += addr
/** If required, generates callee-save around a main body of instructions.
* This is needed when using `flatMap`, as it is unaware of the register
* context of its parent, other than the number used. The expectation is
* that such a parser will save all the registers used by its parents that
* it itself does not explicitly use and restore them when it is completed
* (if the parent has not allocated a register it may be assumed that
* it is local to the `flatMap`: this is a documented limitation of the
* system).
* @param numRegsUsedByParent the size of the current register array as dictated by the parent
* @param bodyGen a computation that generates instructions into the instruction buffer
* @param reqRegs the number of registered used by the parser in question
* @param allocatedRegs the slots used by the registered allocated local to the parser
* @param instrs the instruction buffer
* @param state the code generation state, for label generation
private def generateCalleeSave[M[_, +_]: ContOps, R](numRegsUsedByParent: Int, bodyGen: =>M[R, Unit], usedRefs: Set[Ref[_]])
(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): M[R, Unit] = {
val reqRegs = usedRefs.size
val localRegs = usedRefs.filterNot(_.allocated)
val allocatedRegs = allocateRegisters(localRegs, usedRefs)
val calleeSaveRequired = numRegsUsedByParent >= 0 // if this is -1, then we are the top level and have no parent, otherwise it needs to be done
if (calleeSaveRequired && localRegs.nonEmpty) {
val end = state.freshLabel()
val calleeSave = state.freshLabel()
instrs += new instructions.Label(calleeSave)
instrs += new instructions.CalleeSave(end, localRegs, reqRegs, allocatedRegs, numRegsUsedByParent)
bodyGen |> {
instrs += new instructions.Jump(calleeSave)
instrs += new instructions.Label(end)
else bodyGen
/** Generates each of the shared, non-recursive, parsers that have been ''used'' by
* the parser. These are stored within the code generation state. This is done because
* some of the identified shared parsers may have been inlined and so do not need to
* be generated. The state tracks which of these parsers were actually demanded, so
* dead-code is automatically eliminated.
* @param bodyMap the map of lets to bodies
* @param instrs the instruction buffer to generate into
* @param state the code generation state, which contains the shared parsers
* @return the list of return labels for each of the parsers (for TCO)
private def finaliseLets[M[_, +_]: ContOps](bodyMap: Map[Let[_], StrictParsley[_]])(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer, state: CodeGenState): List[RetLoc] = {
val retLocs = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[RetLoc]
while (state.more) {
val (let, producesResults, label) = state.nextLet()
instrs += new instructions.Label(label)
perform[M, Unit](bodyMap(let).codeGen(producesResults))
val retLoc = state.freshLabel()
instrs += new instructions.Label(retLoc)
instrs += instructions.Return
retLocs += retLoc
/** Generates each of the shared handlers that have been demanded by the parser.
* These are those handlers that always fail, and have no combinator specific
* (or rather, non-sharable) configuration. This means that they can be generated
* once at the end of the instruction buffer and jumped to from anywhere:
* they will always fail and jump-elsewhere anyway.
* @param handlers the source of handlers, and their raw labels
* @param instrs the instruction buffer to generate into
private def generateHandlers(handlers: Iterator[(Instr, Int)])(implicit instrs: InstrBuffer): Unit = {
for ((handler, label) <- handlers) {
instrs += new instructions.Label(label)
instrs += handler
/** This function takes the fully generated instruction buffer (complete with labels) and
* processes it into the final array of instructions.
* The processing happens in stages:
* 1. traverse the buffer and find the true offset of each label in the instruction buffer
* 1. allocate a new instruction array of the correct size
* 1. fill this array from the original buffer by dropping each label, and resolve labels in instructions
* 1. perform tail-call optimisation
* @param instrs the final instruction buffer
* @param numLabels the number of labels within the instruction buffer
* @param retLocs the labels that point to return instructions within the instruction buffer (for TCO)
* @return the final array of instructions
private def finaliseInstrs(instrs: InstrBuffer, numLabels: Int, retLocs: List[RetLoc]): Array[Instr] = {
@tailrec def findLabels(instrs: Array[Instr], labels: Array[Int], n: Int, i: Int, off: Int): Int = if (i + off < n) instrs(i + off) match {
case label: Label =>
instrs(i + off) = null
labels(label.i) = i
findLabels(instrs, labels, n, i, off + 1)
case _ => findLabels(instrs, labels, n, i + 1, off)
else i
@tailrec def applyLabels(srcs: Array[Instr], labels: Array[Int], dests: Array[Instr], n: Int, i: Int, off: Int): Unit = {
if (i < n) srcs(i + off) match {
case null => applyLabels(srcs, labels, dests, n, i, off + 1)
case instr =>
dests(i) = instr.relabel(labels)
applyLabels(srcs, labels, dests, n, i + 1, off)
val instrsOversize = instrs.toArray
val labelMapping = new Array[Int](numLabels)
val size = findLabels(instrsOversize, labelMapping, instrs.length, 0, 0)
val instrs_ = new Array[Instr](size)
applyLabels(instrsOversize, labelMapping, instrs_, instrs_.length, 0, 0)
tco(instrs_, labelMapping, retLocs)
/** Performs Tail-Call Optimisation (TCO) on the final array of instructions.
* This is done by checking the instruction before each `Return` instruction in the
* instruction buffer. If this is a `Call` instruction, then this is a tail-call
* (where the last thing the subroutine does is call another subroutine). In this
* case, the callstack frame can reused and the `Call` can be replaced by a `Jump`.
* @param instrs the instruction array
* @param labelMapping the mapping from labels to their corresponding offset in the array
* @param retLocs the list of labels that should be checked for tail-call
private def tco(instrs: Array[Instr], labelMapping: Array[Int], retLocs: List[RetLoc]): Unit = {
for (label <- retLocs) {
val retLoc = labelMapping(label)
assert(instrs(retLoc) eq instructions.Return, "return locations are actually `Return`s")
instrs(retLoc-1) match {
case instr: instructions.Call => instrs(retLoc-1) = new instructions.Jump(instr.label)
case _ =>
/** Denotes that a parser unconditionally fails. */
private [deepembedding] trait MZero extends StrictParsley[Nothing]
/** This is the escapulated state required for code generation,
* which is threaded through the entire backend.
* @param numRegs the number of registers required by the parser being generated
private [deepembedding] class CodeGenState(val numRegs: Int) {
/** The next jump-label identifier. */
private var current = 0
/** The shared-parsers that have been referenced at some point in the generation so far. */
private val queue = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(Let[_], Boolean, Int)]
/** The mapping between a shared-parser and its generated jump-label. */
private val map = mutable.Map.empty[(Let[_], Boolean), Int]
/** Generates a unique jump-label. */
def freshLabel(): Int = {
val next = current
current += 1
/** Returns the number of labels generated by the code generation process */
def nlabels: Int = current
/** Given a shared-parser, will return the assigned jump-label for it,
* generating one should it not exist yet.
* @param sub the shared parser to collect a label for
* @return the label assigned the given parser
def getLabel(sub: Let[_], producesResults: Boolean): Int = map.getOrElseUpdate((sub, producesResults), {
val label = freshLabel()
(sub, producesResults, label) +=: queue
/** Returns the next shared-parser that has been refered during code generation */
def nextLet(): (Let[_], Boolean, Int) = queue.remove(0)
/** Are there any more shared-parsers left on the processing queue? */
def more: Boolean = queue.nonEmpty
// Handler caching
// To reduce redundant instructions appearing in the instruction array, many of the
// handler instructions in parsley can be cached and generated in a single place.
// This is because handler instructions are always jumped to (never executed by
// fall-through) and these handlers specifically always continue by failing (which
// means their location in the array is irrelevant). However, there are several
// such handlers, and some of them have some configuration, like `RelabelError`
// but this may also be shared across many parts of the parser. This gives rise
// to several handler maps within the state
/** A map of generic handler instructions to some assigned jump-label. */
private val handlerMap = mutable.Map.empty[Instr, Int]
/** A map of error labels to the assigned jump-label to its instruction. */
private val relabelErrorMap = mutable.Map.empty[scala.Seq[String], Int]
/** A map of reasons to the assigned jump-label to its instruction. */
private val applyReasonMap = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
/** A map of registers to the assigned jump-label to its instruction. */
private val putAndFailMap = mutable.Map.empty[Ref[_], Int]
/** A map of dislodge amounts to the assigned jump-label to its instruction. */
private val dislodgeAndFailMap = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int]
/** Given a generic handler instruction, fetch the corresponding jump-label
* that will represent it in the final instruction array.
def getLabel(handler: Instr): Int = handlerMap.getOrElseUpdate(handler, freshLabel())
/** Given a error label, fetch the corresponding jump-label that will represent
* the `RelabelError(label)` instruction in the final instruction array.
def getLabelForRelabelError(labels: scala.Seq[String]): Int = relabelErrorMap.getOrElseUpdate(labels, freshLabel())
/** Given an error reason, fetch the corresponding jump-label that will represent
* the `ApplyReason(reason)` instruction in the final instruction array.
def getLabelForApplyReason(reason: String): Int = applyReasonMap.getOrElseUpdate(reason, freshLabel())
/** Given a register, fetch the corresponding jump-label that will represent
* the `PutAndFail(reg)` instruction in the final instruction array.
def getLabelForPutAndFail(reg: Ref[_]): Int = putAndFailMap.getOrElseUpdate(reg, freshLabel())
/** Given an amount to dislodge, fetch the corresponding jump-label that will represent
* the `DislodgeAndFail(reg)` instruction in the final instruction array.
def getLabelForDislodgeAndFail(n: Int): Int = dislodgeAndFailMap.getOrElseUpdate(n, freshLabel())
/** An iterator over all the handler instructions and their corresponding jump-labels that have
* been demanded during the process of code-generation.
def handlers: Iterator[(Instr, Int)] = {
val relabelErrors = {
case (labels, i) => new instructions.RelabelErrorAndFail(labels) -> i
val applyReasons = {
case (reason, i) => new instructions.ApplyReasonAndFail(reason) -> i
val putAndFail = {
case (reg, i) => new instructions.PutAndFail(reg.addr) -> i
val dislodgeAndFail = {
case (n, i) => new instructions.DislodgeAndFail(n) -> i
new Iterator[(Instr, Int)] {
private var rest = List(relabelErrors.iterator, applyReasons.iterator, putAndFail.iterator, dislodgeAndFail.iterator)
private var cur = handlerMap.iterator
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
cur.hasNext || (rest.nonEmpty && {
cur = rest.head
rest = rest.tail
override def next(): (Instr, Int) =
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