parsley.token.Lexer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 Parsley Contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package parsley.token
import parsley.Parsley, Parsley.{eof, many, transPure => pure}
import parsley.combinator.{sepBy, sepBy1}
import parsley.errors.combinator.{markAsToken, ErrorMethods}
import parsley.state.Ref
import parsley.token.names.{ConcreteNames, LexemeNames}
import parsley.token.numeric.{CombinedParsers, IntegerParsers,
LexemeCombined, LexemeInteger, LexemeReal,
SignedCombined, SignedInteger, SignedReal,
UnsignedCombined, UnsignedInteger, UnsignedReal}
import parsley.token.symbol.{ConcreteSymbol, LexemeSymbol}
import parsley.token.text.{CharacterParsers, ConcreteCharacter, ConcreteString,
EscapableCharacter, Escape, LexemeCharacter, LexemeString,
RawCharacter, StringParsers}
import parsley.unicode.satisfy
import parsley.internal.deepembedding.singletons
/** This class is just to allow for a polymorphic apply for the lexeme versions of each lexing category
* It is designed to be extended by `Lexer#lexeme` only (or within the tests!)
private [token] abstract class Lexeme {
def apply[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A]
// TODO: grouping for numeric and text? we can use documentation tags to group them in the high-level docs again :)
/** This class provides a large selection of functionality concerned
* with lexing.
* This class provides lexing functionality to `parsley`, however
* it is guaranteed that nothing in this class is not implementable
* purely using `parsley`'s pre-existing functionality. These are
* regular parsers, but constructed in such a way that they create
* a clear and logical separation from the rest of the parser.
* The class is broken up into several internal "modules" that group
* together similar kinds of functionality. Importantly, the `lexemes`
* and `nonlexemes` objects separate the underlying token implementations
* based on whether or not they consume whitespace or not. Functionality
* is broadly duplicated across both of these modules: `lexemes` should
* be used by a wider parser, to ensure whitespace is handled uniformly;
* and `nonlexemes` should be used to define further composite tokens or
* in special circumstances where whitespace should not be consumed.
* It is possible that some of the implementations of
* parsers found within this class may have been hand-optimised for
* performance: care '''will''' have been taken to ensure these
* implementations precisely match the semantics of the originals.
* @define numeric
* These objects contain lexing functionality relevant to the parsing
* of numbers. This is sub-divided into different categories:
* - integers (both signed and unsigned)
* - reals (signed only)
* - a combination of the two (signed and unsigned)
* These contain relevant functionality for the processing of
* decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary literals; or some
* mixed combination thereof (as specified by `desc.numericDesc`).
* Additionally, it is possible to ensure literals represent known
* sizes or precisions.
* @define text
* These object contain lexing functionality relevant to the parsing
* of text. This is sub-divided into different categories:
* - string literals (both with escapes and raw)
* - multi-line string literals (both with escapes and raw)
* - character literals
* These contain the relevant functionality required to specify the
* degree of unicode support for the underlying language, from
* ASCII to full UTF-16.
* @define symbol
* This object contains lexing functionality relevant to the parsing
* of atomic symbols.
* Symbols are characterised by their "unitness", that is, every parser
* inside returns `Unit`. This is because they all parse a specific
* known entity, and, as such, the result of the parse is irrelevant.
* These can be things such as reserved names, or small symbols like
* parentheses. This object also contains a means of creating new symbols
* as well as implicit conversions to allow for Scala's string literals to serve
* as symbols within a parser.
* @define names
* This object contains lexing functionality relevant to the parsing
* of names, which include operators or identifiers.
* The parsing of names is mostly concerned with finding the longest
* valid name that is not a reserved name, such as a hard keyword or
* a special operator.
* @define natural
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling unsigned (positive) integer literals.
* Natural numbers are described generally as follows:
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.literalBreakChar`''': determines whether or not it
* is legal to "break up" the digits within a literal, for example: is `1_000_000` allowed?
* If this is legal, describes what the break character is, and whether it can appear after
* a hexadecimal/octal/binary prefix
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.leadingZerosAllowed`''': determines whether or not it is
* possible to add extraneous zero digits onto the front of a number or not. In some languages,
* like C, this is disallowed, as numbers starting with `0` are octal numbers.
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.integerNumbersCanBe{Hexadecimal/Octal/Binary}`''': these flags
* control what kind of literals can appear within the `number` parser. Each type of literal
* can be individually parsed with its corresponding parser, regardless of the value of the
* flag
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.{hexadecimal/octal/binary}Leads`''': controls what character must
* follow a `0` when starting a number to change it from decimal into another base. This
* set may be empty, in which case the literal is described purely with leading zero (C style
* octals would set `octalLeads` to `Set.empty`)
* Additional to the parsing of decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary literals, each parser can
* be given a bit-width from 8- to 64-bit: this will check the parsed literal to ensure it is
* a legal literal of that size.
* @define integer
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling signed integer literals.
* Signed integer literals are an extension of unsigned integer literals with the following
* extra configuration:
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.positiveSign`''': describes whether or not literals are
* allowed to omit `+` for positive literals, must write a `+`, or can never write a `+`.
* @define real
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling signed real numbers (like floats and doubles).
* These literals consist of a (possibly optional) integer prefix, with at least one of a fractional component (with `.`)
* or an exponential component.
* Real numbers are an extension of signed integers with the following additional configuration:
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.leadingDotAllowed`''': determines whether a literal like `.0` would be considered legal
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.trailingDotAllowed`''': determines whether a literal like `0.` would be considered legal
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.realNumbersCanBe{Hexadecimal/Octal/Binary}`''': these flags control
* what kind of literals can appear within the `number` parser. Each type of literal
* may still be individually parsed with its corresponding parser, regardless of the value of
* the flag
* - '''`desc.numericDesc.{decimal/hexadecimal/octal/binary}ExponentDesc`''': describes how the
* exponential syntax works for each kind of base. If the syntax is legal, then this describes:
* which characters start it (classically, this would be `e` or `E` for decimals); whether or
* not it is compulsory for the literal (in Java and C, hexadecimal floats are ''only'' valid
* when they have an exponent attached); and whether or not a `+` sign is mandatory, optional,
* or illegal for positive exponents
* Additional to the parsing of decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary floating literals, each
* parser can be given a precision of IEEE 754 float or double. This can either be achieved by
* rounding to the nearest representable value, or by ensuring that the literal must be precisely
* representable as one of these numbers (which is defined as being one of binary, decimal
* or exact `float` and `double` values as described by Java)
* @define unsignedCombined
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling numeric literals that may either be
* unsigned integers ''or'' unsigned reals.
* There is no additional configuration offered over that found in `natural` or `real`.
* the bit-bounds and precision of the integer or real parts of the result can be specified
* in any pairing.
* @define signedCombined
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling numeric literals that may either be
* signed integers ''or'' signed reals.
* There is no additional configuration offered over that found in `integer` or `real`.
* the bit-bounds and precision of the integer or real parts of the result can be specified
* in any pairing.
* @define character
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling character literals.
* Character literals are described generally as follows:
* - '''`desc.textDesc.characterLiteralEnd`''': the character that starts and ends
* the literal (for example in many languages this is `'`)
* - '''`desc.textDesc.graphicCharacter`''': describes the legal characters that may appear
* in the literal directly. Usually, this excludes control characters and newlines,
* but permits most other things. Escape sequences can represent non-graphic
* characters
* - '''`desc.textDesc.escapeSequences`''': describes the legal escape sequences that
* that can appear in a character literal (for example `\n` or `\u000a`)
* Aside from the generic configuration, characters can be parsed in accordance with
* varying levels of unicode support, from ASCII-only to full UTF-16 characters. Parsers
* for each of four different vareties are exposed by this object.
* @define string
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling single-line string literals.
* String literals are described generally as follows:
* - '''`desc.textDesc.stringEnds`''': the sequence of characters that can begin or
* end a string literal. Regardless of which of these is used for a specific literal,
* the end of the literal ''must'' use the same sequence
* - '''`desc.textDesc.graphicCharacter`''': describes the legal characters that may appear
* in the literal directly. Usually, this excludes control characters and newlines,
* but permits most other things. Escape sequences can represent non-graphic
* characters for non-raw strings
* - '''`desc.textDesc.escapeSequences`''': describes the legal escape sequences that
* that can appear in a string literal (for example `\n` or `\u000a`)
* @define multiString
* This is a collection of parsers concerned with handling multi-line string literals.
* String literals are described generally as follows:
* - '''`desc.textDesc.multiStringEnds`''': the sequence of characters that can begin or
* end a multi-line string literal. Regardless of which of these is used for a specific literal,
* the end of the literal ''must'' use the same sequence
* - '''`desc.textDesc.graphicCharacter`''': describes the legal characters that may appear
* in the literal directly. Usually, this excludes control characters and newlines,
* but permits most other things. Escape sequences can represent non-graphic
* characters for non-raw strings
* - '''`desc.textDesc.escapeSequences`''': describes the legal escape sequences that
* that can appear in a string literal (for example `\n` or `\u000a`)
* @define raw this will be parsed without handling any escape sequences,
* this includes literal-end characters and the escape prefix
* (often `"` and `\` respectively)
* @constructor Builds a new lexer with a given description for the lexical structure as
* well as how error messages should be specialised.
* @param desc the configuration for the lexer, specifying the lexical
* rules of the grammar being parsed.
* @param errConfig the configuration for error messages generated within
* the lexer.
* @since 4.0.0
final class Lexer(desc: descriptions.LexicalDesc, errConfig: errors.ErrorConfig) {
/** Builds a new lexer with a given description for the lexical structure of the language.
* @param desc the configuration for the lexer, specifying the lexical
* rules of the grammar/language being parsed.
* @since 4.0.0
def this(desc: descriptions.LexicalDesc) = this(desc, new errors.ErrorConfig)
// Note: If any members with only public parsers are added into this class,
// please also add those objects into the safeLexerObjects list within CollectorImpl
// (found in Collector.scala in parsley-debug/src/shared). If those members are terms that
// contain other parsers, add them to that list too.
// Members with private members (in which those private members contain parsers) must be
// added to unsafeLexerObjects (where they will be reflected twice).
private val generic = new numeric.Generic(errConfig)
/** This object is concerned with ''lexemes'': these are tokens that are
* treated as "words", such that whitespace will be consumed after each
* has been parsed.
* Ideally, a wider parser should not be concerned with
* handling whitespace, as it is responsible for dealing with a stream
* of tokens. With parser combinators, however, it is usually not the
* case that there is a separate distinction between the parsing phase
* and the lexing phase. That said, it is good practice to establish
* a logical separation between the two worlds. As such, this object
* contains parsers that parse tokens, and these are whitespace-aware.
* This means that whitespace will be consumed '''after''' any of these
* parsers are parsed. It is not, however, required that whitespace be
* present.
* @groupname numericg Numeric Parsers
* @groupdesc numericg $numeric
* @groupname textg String Literal Parsers
* @groupdesc textg $text
* @groupname separatorsg Separators
* @groupdesc separatorsg
* These combinators are useful for separating a parser by commonly used
* bits, such as commas.
* @groupname enclosingg Enclosers
* @groupdesc enclosingg
* These combinators abstract away different bracket-like constructions.
* @since 4.0.0
object lexeme extends Lexeme {
/** This combinator turns a non-lexeme parser into a lexeme one by
* ensuring whitespace is consumed after the parser.
* When using parser combinators, it is important to establish a
* consistent whitespace consumption scheme: ideally, there is no
* wasteful parsing, and whitespace consumption should not impact
* backtracking. This leads to a convention that whitespace must
* only be consumed ''after'' a token, and only once at the very
* start of the parser (see [[fully `fully`]]). When manually
* constructing tokens that are not supported by this lexer, use
* this combinator to ensure it also follows the whitespace convention.
* @param p the token parser to ensure consumes trailing whitespace.
* @since 4.0.0
def apply[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = (markAsToken(p) <* space.whiteSpace).uo("lexeme")
/** $names
* @since 4.0.0
val names: parsley.token.names.Names = new LexemeNames(nonlexeme.names, this)
/** $natural
* @since 4.5.0
* @note alias for [[natural `natural`]].
* @group numericg
def unsigned: IntegerParsers = natural
/** $natural
* @since 4.5.0
* @group numericg
val natural: IntegerParsers = new LexemeInteger(nonlexeme.natural, this)
/** $integer
* @since 4.5.0
* @note alias for [[integer `integer`]]
* @see [[unsigned `unsigned`]] for a full description of signed integer configuration
* @group numericg
def signed: IntegerParsers = integer
/** $integer
* @since 4.5.0
* @see [[natural `natural`]] for a full description of integer configuration
* @group numericg
val integer: IntegerParsers = new LexemeInteger(nonlexeme.integer, this)
/** $real
* @since 4.5.0
* @note alias for [[real `real`]]
* @see [[natural `natural`]] and [[integer `integer`]] for a full description of the configuration for the start of a real number
* @group numericg
def floating: RealParsers = real
/** $real
* @since 4.5.0
* @see [[natural `natural`]] and [[integer `integer`]] for a full description of the configuration for the start of a real number
* @group numericg
val real: RealParsers = new LexemeReal(nonlexeme.real, this, errConfig)
/** $unsignedCombined
* @since 4.5.0
* @group numericg
val unsignedCombined: CombinedParsers = new LexemeCombined(nonlexeme.unsignedCombined, this, errConfig)
/** $signedCombined
* @since 4.5.0
* @group numericg
val signedCombined: CombinedParsers = new LexemeCombined(nonlexeme.signedCombined, this, errConfig)
/** $character
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
def character: CharacterParsers = new LexemeCharacter(nonlexeme.character, this)
/** $string
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
def string: StringParsers = new LexemeString(nonlexeme.string, this)
/** $string
* @note $raw
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
def rawString: StringParsers = new LexemeString(nonlexeme.rawString, this)
/** $multiString
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
def multiString: StringParsers = new LexemeString(nonlexeme.multiString, this)
/** $multiString
* @note $raw
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
def rawMultiString: StringParsers = new LexemeString(nonlexeme.rawMultiString, this)
/** $symbol
* @since 4.0.0
val symbol: parsley.token.symbol.Symbol = new LexemeSymbol(nonlexeme.symbol, this)
/** This combinator parses '''zero''' or more occurrences of `p`, separated by semi-colons.
* Behaves just like `semiSep1`, except does not require an initial `p`, returning the empty list instead.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val stmts = lexer.lexeme.separators.semiSep(int)
* scala> stmts.parse("7; 3;2")
* val res0 = Success(List(7; 3; 2))
* scala> stmts.parse("")
* val res1 = Success(Nil)
* scala> stmts.parse("1")
* val res2 = Success(List(1))
* scala> stmts.parse("1; 2; ")
* val res3 = Failure(..) // no trailing semi-colon allowed
* }}}
* @param p the parser whose results are collected into a list.
* @return a parser that parses `p` delimited by semi-colons, returning the list of `p`'s results.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group separatorsg
def semiSep[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[List[A]] = sepBy(p, symbol.semi)
/** This combinator parses '''one''' or more occurrences of `p`, separated by semi-colons.
* First parses a `p`. Then parses a semi-colon followed by `p` until there are no more semi-colons.
* The results of the `p`'s, `x,,1,,` through `x,,n,,`, are returned as `List(x,,1,,, .., x,,n,,)`.
* If `p` fails having consumed input, the whole parser fails. Requires at least
* one `p` to have been parsed.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val stmts = lexer.lexeme.separators.semiSep1(int)
* scala> stmts.parse("7; 3;2")
* val res0 = Success(List(7; 3; 2))
* scala> stmts.parse("")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* scala> stmts.parse("1")
* val res2 = Success(List(1))
* scala> stmts.parse("1; 2; ")
* val res3 = Failure(..) // no trailing semi-colon allowed
* }}}
* @param p the parser whose results are collected into a list.
* @return a parser that parses `p` delimited by semi-colons, returning the list of `p`'s results.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group separatorsg
def semiSep1[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[List[A]] = sepBy1(p, symbol.semi)
/** This combinator parses '''zero''' or more occurrences of `p`, separated by commas.
* Behaves just like `commaSep1`, except does not require an initial `p`, returning the empty list instead.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val stmts = lexer.lexeme.separators.commaSep(int)
* scala> stmts.parse("7, 3,2")
* val res0 = Success(List(7, 3, 2))
* scala> stmts.parse("")
* val res1 = Success(Nil)
* scala> stmts.parse("1")
* val res2 = Success(List(1))
* scala> stmts.parse("1, 2, ")
* val res3 = Failure(..) // no trailing comma allowed
* }}}
* @param p the parser whose results are collected into a list.
* @return a parser that parses `p` delimited by commas, returning the list of `p`'s results.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group separatorsg
def commaSep[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[List[A]] = sepBy(p, symbol.comma)
/** This combinator parses '''one''' or more occurrences of `p`, separated by commas.
* First parses a `p`. Then parses a comma followed by `p` until there are no more commas.
* The results of the `p`'s, `x,,1,,` through `x,,n,,`, are returned as `List(x,,1,,, .., x,,n,,)`.
* If `p` fails having consumed input, the whole parser fails. Requires at least
* one `p` to have been parsed.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val stmts = lexer.lexeme.separators.commaSep1(int)
* scala> stmts.parse("7, 3,2")
* val res0 = Success(List(7, 3, 2))
* scala> stmts.parse("")
* val res1 = Failure(..)
* scala> stmts.parse("1")
* val res2 = Success(List(1))
* scala> stmts.parse("1, 2, ")
* val res3 = Failure(..) // no trailing comma allowed
* }}}
* @param p the parser whose results are collected into a list.
* @return a parser that parses `p` delimited by commas, returning the list of `p`'s results.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group separatorsg
def commaSep1[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[List[A]] = sepBy1(p, symbol.comma)
/** This combinator parses a `p` enclosed within parentheses.
* First parse an open parenthesis, any whitespace, then parse, `p`, producing `x`. Finally, parse a closing parenthesis and any whitespace.
* If all three parts succeeded, then return `x`. If any of them failed, this combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val p = lexer.nonlexeme.enclosing.parens(int)
* scala> p.parse("( 5)")
* val res0 = Success(5)
* scala> p.parse("(5")
* val res1 = Failure(...)
* scala> p.parse("5)")
* val res2 = Failure(...)
* }}}
* @param p the parser to parse between parentheses.
* @return a parser that reads an open parenthesis, then `p`, then a closing parenthesis and returns the result of `p`.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group enclosingg
def parens[A](p: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = enclosing(p, symbol.openParen, symbol.closingParen, "parentheses")
/** This combinator parses a `p` enclosed within braces.
* First parse an open brace, any whitespace, then parse, `p`, producing `x`. Finally, parse a closing brace and any whitespace.
* If all three parts succeeded, then return `x`. If any of them failed, this combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val p = lexer.nonlexeme.enclosing.braces(int)
* scala> p.parse("{ 5}")
* val res0 = Success(5)
* scala> p.parse("{5")
* val res1 = Failure(...)
* scala> p.parse("5}")
* val res2 = Failure(...)
* }}}
* @param p the parser to parse between parentheses.
* @return a parser that reads an open brace, then `p`, then a closing brace and returns the result of `p`.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group enclosingg
def braces[A](p: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = enclosing(p, symbol.openBrace, symbol.closingBrace, "braces")
/** This combinator parses a `p` enclosed within angle brackets.
* First parse an open bracket, any whitespace, then parse, `p`, producing `x`. Finally, parse a closing bracket and any whitespace.
* If all three parts succeeded, then return `x`. If any of them failed, this combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val p = lexer.nonlexeme.enclosing.brackets(int)
* scala> p.parse("< 5>")
* val res0 = Success(5)
* scala> p.parse("<5")
* val res1 = Failure(...)
* scala> p.parse("5>")
* val res2 = Failure(...)
* }}}
* @param p the parser to parse between parentheses.
* @return a parser that reads an open bracket, then `p`, then a closing bracket and returns the result of `p`.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group enclosingg
def angles[A](p: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = enclosing(p, symbol.openAngle, symbol.closingAngle, "angle brackets")
/** This combinator parses a `p` enclosed within square brackets.
* First parse an open bracket, any whitespace, then parse, `p`, producing `x`. Finally, parse a closing bracket and any whitespace.
* If all three parts succeeded, then return `x`. If any of them failed, this combinator fails.
* @example {{{
* scala> ...
* scala> val p = lexer.nonlexeme.enclosing.brackets(int)
* scala> p.parse("[ 5]")
* val res0 = Success(5)
* scala> p.parse("[5")
* val res1 = Failure(...)
* scala> p.parse("5]")
* val res2 = Failure(...)
* }}}
* @param p the parser to parse between parentheses.
* @return a parser that reads an open bracket, then `p`, then a closing bracket and returns the result of `p`.
* @since 4.5.0
* @group enclosingg
def brackets[A](p: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = enclosing(p, symbol.openSquare, symbol.closingSquare, "square brackets")
private def enclosing[A](p: =>Parsley[A], open: Parsley[Unit], close: Parsley[Unit], plural: String) = open ~> p <~ close.explain(s"unclosed $plural")
/** This object is concerned with ''non-lexemes'': these are tokens that
* do not give any special treatment to whitespace.
* Whilst the functionality in `lexeme` is ''strongly'' recommended for
* wider use in a parser, the functionality here may be useful for more
* specialised use-cases. In particular, these may for the building blocks
* for more complex tokens (where whitespace is not allowed between them, say),
* in which case these compound tokens can be turned into lexemes manually.
* For example, the lexer does not have configuration for trailing specifiers
* on numeric literals (like, `1024L` in Scala, say): the desired numeric
* literal parser could be extended with this functionality ''before'' whitespace
* is consumed by using the variant found in this object.
* Alternatively, these tokens can be used for ''lexical extraction'', which
* can be performed by the [[parsley.errors.ErrorBuilder `ErrorBuilder`]]
* typeclass: this can be used to try and extract tokens from the input stream
* when an error happens, to provide a more informative error. In this case,
* it is desirable to ''not'' consume whitespace after the token to keep the
* error tight and precise.
* @groupname numericg Numeric Parsers
* @groupdesc numericg $numeric
* @groupname textg String Literal Parsers
* @groupdesc textg $text
* @since 4.0.0
object nonlexeme {
/** $names
* @since 4.0.0
val names: parsley.token.names.Names = new ConcreteNames(desc.nameDesc, desc.symbolDesc, errConfig)
/** $natural
* @since 4.5.0
* @note alias for [[natural `natural`]].
* @group numericg
def unsigned: IntegerParsers = natural
/** $natural
* @since 4.5.0
* @group numericg
val natural: IntegerParsers = new UnsignedInteger(desc.numericDesc, errConfig, generic)
/** $integer
* @since 4.5.0
* @note alias for [[integer `integer`]]
* @see [[unsigned `unsigned`]] for a full description of signed integer configuration
* @group numericg
def signed: IntegerParsers = integer
/** $integer
* @since 4.5.0
* @see [[natural `natural`]] for a full description of integer configuration
* @group numericg
val integer: IntegerParsers = new SignedInteger(desc.numericDesc, natural, errConfig)
/** $real
* @since 4.5.0
* @note alias for [[real `real`]]
* @see [[natural `natural`]] and [[integer `integer`]] for a full description of the configuration for the start of a real number
* @group numericg
def floating: RealParsers = real
private [Lexer] val positiveReal = new UnsignedReal(desc.numericDesc, errConfig, generic)
/** $real
* @since 4.5.0
* @see [[natural `natural`]] and [[integer `integer`]] for a full description of the configuration for the start of a real number
* @group numericg
val real: RealParsers = new SignedReal(desc.numericDesc, positiveReal, errConfig)
/** $unsignedCombined
* @since 4.5.0
* @group numericg
val unsignedCombined: CombinedParsers = new UnsignedCombined(desc.numericDesc, natural, positiveReal, errConfig)
/** $signedCombined
* @since 4.5.0
* @group numericg
val signedCombined: CombinedParsers = new SignedCombined(desc.numericDesc, unsignedCombined, errConfig)
// These are not going to be picked up by the debugger... I removed that machinery... oh well
private val escapes = new Escape(desc.textDesc.escapeSequences, errConfig, generic)
private val escapeChar = new EscapableCharacter(desc.textDesc.escapeSequences, escapes,, errConfig)
private val rawChar = new RawCharacter(errConfig)
/** $character
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
val character: CharacterParsers = new ConcreteCharacter(desc.textDesc, escapes, errConfig)
/** $string
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
val string: StringParsers = new ConcreteString(desc.textDesc.stringEnds, escapeChar, desc.textDesc.graphicCharacter, false, errConfig)
/** $string
* @note $raw
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
val rawString: StringParsers = new ConcreteString(desc.textDesc.stringEnds, rawChar, desc.textDesc.graphicCharacter, false, errConfig)
/** $multiString
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
val multiString: StringParsers = new ConcreteString(desc.textDesc.multiStringEnds, escapeChar, desc.textDesc.graphicCharacter, true, errConfig)
/** $multiString
* @note $raw
* @since 4.5.0
* @group textg
val rawMultiString: StringParsers = new ConcreteString(desc.textDesc.multiStringEnds, rawChar, desc.textDesc.graphicCharacter, true, errConfig)
/** $symbol
* @since 4.0.0
val symbol: parsley.token.symbol.Symbol = new ConcreteSymbol(desc.nameDesc, desc.symbolDesc, errConfig)
/** This combinator ensures a parser fully parses all available input, and consumes whitespace
* at the start.
* This combinator should be used ''once'' as the outermost combinator in a parser. It is the
* only combinator that should consume ''leading'' whitespace, and this must be the first
* thing a parser does. It will ensure that, after the parser is complete, the end of the
* input stream has been reached.
* @since 4.0.0
def fully[A](p: Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = {
val init = if (desc.spaceDesc.whitespaceIsContextDependent) space.init else pure(())
(((init.ut() *> space.whiteSpace).ut() *> p).ut() <* eof).uo("fully")
/** This object is concerned with special treatment of whitespace.
* For the vast majority of cases, the functionality within this
* object shouldn't be needed, as whitespace is consistently handled
* by `lexeme` and `fully`. However, for grammars where whitespace
* is significant (like indentation-sensitive languages), this object
* provides some more fine-grained control over how whitespace is
* consumed by the parsers within `lexeme`.
* @since 4.0.0
object space {
private [Lexer] lazy val space =
private lazy val wsImpl = Ref.make[Parsley[Unit]]
/** This parser initialises the whitespace used by the lexer when
* `spaceDesc.whiteSpaceIsContextDependent` is set to `true`.
* The whitespace is set to the implementation given by the lexical description.
* This parser '''must''' be used, by `fully` or otherwise, as the first thing
* the global parser does or an `UnfilledRegisterException` will occur.
* @note this parser is automatically invoked by the [[fully `fully`]] combinator when applicable.
* @see [[alter `alter`]] for how to change whitespace during a parse.
* @since 4.0.0
def init: Parsley[Unit] = {
if (!desc.spaceDesc.whitespaceIsContextDependent) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( // scalastyle:ignore throw
"Whitespace cannot be initialised unless `spaceDesc.whitespaceIsContextDependent` is true"
/** This combinator changes how whitespace is parsed by lexemes for the duration of
* a given parser.
* So long as `spaceDesc.whiteSpaceIsContextDependent` is set to `true`, this combinator
* will be able to locally change the definition of whitespace during the given parser.
* @example
* In indentation sensitive languages, the indentation sensitivity is often ignored
* within parentheses or braces. In these cases `lexeme.enclosing.parens(space.alter(withNewline)(p))`
* would allow unrestricted newlines within parentheses.
* @param newSpace the new implementation of whitespace to be used during the execution of `within`.
* @param within the parser that should be parsed using the updated whitespace.
* @note the whitespace will not be restored to its original implementation if the
* given parser fails having consumed input.
* @since 4.0.0
def alter[A](newSpace: CharPred)(within: =>Parsley[A]): Parsley[A] = {
if (!desc.spaceDesc.whitespaceIsContextDependent) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( // scalastyle:ignore throw
"Whitespace cannot be altered unless `spaceDesc.whitespaceIsContextDependent` is true"
wsImpl.rollback(wsImpl.setDuring(whiteSpace(newSpace))(whiteSpace ~> within))
/** This parser skips '''zero''' or more (insignificant) whitespace characters as well as comments.
* The implementation of this parser depends on whether `whitespaceIsContextDependent` is
* set: when it is, this parser may change based on the use of the `alter` combinator.
* This parser will always use the `hide` combinator as to not appear as a valid alternative
* in an error message: it's likely always the case whitespace can be added at any given time,
* but that doesn't make it a ''useful'' suggestion unless it is significant.
* @since 4.0.0
val whiteSpace: Parsley[Unit] = {
if (desc.spaceDesc.whitespaceIsContextDependent) wsImpl.get.ut().flatten.ut()
else configuredWhiteSpace.ut()
/** This parser skips '''zero''' or more comments.
* The implementation of this combinator does not vary with `whitespaceIsContextDependent`.
* It will use the `hide` combinator as to not appear as a valid alternative in an error
* message: adding a comment is often legal, but not a ''useful'' solution for how to make
* the input syntactically valid.
* @since 4.0.0
lazy val skipComments: Parsley[Unit] = {
if (!desc.spaceDesc.supportsComments) pure(())
else new Parsley(new singletons.SkipComments(desc.spaceDesc, errConfig))
private def configuredWhiteSpace: Parsley[Unit] = whiteSpace(
private def whiteSpace(impl: CharPred): Parsley[Unit] = impl match {
case NotRequired => skipComments
case Basic(ws) => new Parsley(new singletons.WhiteSpace(ws, desc.spaceDesc, errConfig))
// satisfyUtf16 is effectively hidden, and so is Comment
case Unicode(ws) if desc.spaceDesc.supportsComments =>
many(new Parsley(new singletons.Comment(desc.spaceDesc, errConfig)) | satisfy(ws).void).void
case Unicode(ws) => many(satisfy(ws)).void
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