japgolly.microlibs.compiletime.CachedGivens.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package japgolly.microlibs.compiletime
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.deriving.*
import scala.quoted.*
import MacroEnv.*
object CachedGivens:
final case class Value[F[_], A](expr: Expr[F[A]]):
def subst[B] = this.asInstanceOf[Value[F, B]]
type FieldLookup[F[_]] = (f: Field) => Value[F, f.Type]
type Materialiser[F[_]] = Env[F] => (f: Field) => Option[Expr[F[f.Type]]]
object Materialiser:
def none[F[_]]: Materialiser[F] =
_ => (f: Field) => None
final case class SumTypeClassBuilder[-A, +TC](ordinalOf : Expr[A] => Expr[Int],
typeclassForOrd: Expr[Int] => Expr[TC]):
def typeclassFor(value: Expr[A]): Expr[TC] =
final case class Ctx[F[_]](fields: ArraySeq[Field], lookup: FieldLookup[F])(using q: Quotes)(using Type[F]):
import q.reflect.*
lazy val givensArray: Expr[Array[F[Any]]] =
def forSumType[A](m: Expr[Mirror.SumOf[A]])
(f: SumTypeClassBuilder[A, F[Any]] => Expr[F[A]])
(using Type[A]): Expr[F[A]] =
val givens = givensArray
ValDef.let(Symbol.spliceOwner, "m", m.asTerm) { _m =>
val m = _m.asExprOf[Mirror.SumOf[A]]
ValDef.let(Symbol.spliceOwner, "g", givens.asTerm) { _givens =>
val givens = _givens.asExprOf[Array[F[Any]]]
val builder = SumTypeClassBuilder[A, F[Any]](
ordinalOf = a => '{$m.ordinal($a)},
typeclassForOrd = o => '{$givens($o)},
end Ctx
// ===================================================================================================================
object Env {
def apply[F[_]: Type](qq: Quotes): Env[F] { val q: qq.type } =
new Env(using qq).asInstanceOf[Env[F] { val q: qq.type }] // TODO: raise Scala bug
final class Env[F[_]](using val q: Quotes)(using Type[F]) { self =>
import quotes.reflect.*
private var _env = Map.empty[TypeRepr, Value[F, Any]]
private def showFA(t: TypeRepr): String =
private def showFA[A](using t: Type[A]): String =
showFA(TypeRepr.of(using t))
abstract class ByTypeDsl {
type Out[A]
def byTypeRepr(t: TypeRepr): Out[Any] =
t.asType match {
case '[a] => byType[a].asInstanceOf[Out[Any]]
def byTypeTree(t: TypeTree): Out[Any] =
def byType[A](using t: Type[A]): Out[A] =
byTypeRepr(TypeRepr.of(using t)).asInstanceOf[Out[A]]
def byField(f: Field): Out[f.Type] =
byType[f.Type](using f.typeInstance)
object contains extends ByTypeDsl:
override type Out[A] = Boolean
override def byTypeRepr(t: TypeRepr) = _env.contains(t)
object add:
def byTypeRepr[A](t: TypeRepr, e: Expr[F[A]]): Unit =
_env.get(t) match
case None => _env = _env.updated(t, Value(e).subst[Any])
case Some(e2) => if !e.matches(e2.expr) then fail(s"Conflicting instances of ${showFA(t)} added.")
def byTypeTree[A](t: TypeTree, e: Expr[F[A]]): Unit =
byTypeRepr(t.tpe, e)
def byType[A](e: Expr[F[A]])(using t: Type[A]): Unit =
byTypeRepr(TypeRepr.of(using t), e)
def byField(f: Field, e: Expr[F[f.Type]]): Unit =
byType[f.Type](e)(using f.typeInstance)
object summon extends ByTypeDsl:
override type Out[A] = Unit
override def byType[A](using t: Type[A]): Unit =
Expr.summon[F[A]] match
case Some(e) => add.byType(e)
case None => fail(s"Failed to find an instance of ${showFA[A]}.")
def summonOrMaterialise(f: Field, m: Materialiser[F]): Unit =
type A = f.Type
import f.typeInstance
Expr.summon[F[A]] match
case Some(e) => add.byType[A](e)
case None => m(self)(f) match
case Some(e) => add.byType[A](e)
case None => fail(s"Failed to find or create an instance of ${showFA[A]}.")
object get extends ByTypeDsl:
override type Out[A] = Option[Value[F, A]]
override def byTypeRepr(t: TypeRepr) = _env.get(t)
object need extends ByTypeDsl:
override type Out[A] = Value[F, A]
override def byTypeRepr(t: TypeRepr) =
get.byTypeRepr(t) getOrElse fail(s"Failed to find an instance of ${showFA(t)}.")
def use[A](fields: ArraySeq[Field])(use: Ctx[F] => Expr[A])(using Type[A], Type[F]): Expr[A] =
val summons: Array[(TypeRepr, Value[F, Any])] =
val terms: List[Term] =
ValDef.let(Symbol.spliceOwner, terms) { refs =>
val lookupFn: FieldLookup[F] =
f => {
val fieldType = f.typeRepr
val i = summons.indexWhere(_._1 == fieldType)
if i < 0 then fail(s"Failed to find given F[${f.showType}] in cache")
val e = refs(i).asExprOf[F[f.Type]]
val ctx = Ctx(fields, lookupFn)
end use
// ===================================================================================================================
def apply[F[_]] = new Dsl1[F]
final class Dsl1[F[_]]:
def summonMirrorOrError[A](using Quotes, Type[A]): Dsl2[F] =
Expr.summon[Mirror.Of[A]] match {
case Some(m) => mirror(m)
case None => fail(s"Mirror not found for ${Type.show[A]}")
def mirror[A](m: Expr[Mirror.Of[A]])(using Quotes, Type[A]): Dsl2[F] =
def fields(fs: IterableOnce[Field]): Dsl2[F] =
new Dsl2(fs.iterator.to(ArraySeq), Materialiser.none)
final class Dsl2[F[_]](fields: ArraySeq[Field], materialiser: Materialiser[F]):
def filter(f: Field => Boolean): Dsl2[F] =
new Dsl2(fields filter f, materialiser)
def filterWhen(cond: Boolean)(f: => (Field => Boolean)): Dsl2[F] =
if cond then filter(f) else this
def materialise(m: Materialiser[F]): Dsl2[F] =
new Dsl2(fields, c => {
val mm1 = materialiser(c)
val mm2 = m(c)
(f: Field) => mm1(f).orElse(mm2(f))
def summonGivens()(using q: Quotes)(using Type[F]): Dsl3[F] =
val col = Env[F](q)
for (f <- fields)
col.summonOrMaterialise(f, materialiser)
new Dsl3(fields, col)(using q)
final class Dsl3[F[_]](fields: ArraySeq[Field], col: Env[F])(using q: Quotes):
def use[A](use: Ctx[F] => Expr[A])(using Type[A], Type[F]): Expr[A] =
def forSumType[A](m: Expr[Mirror.SumOf[A]])
(f: SumTypeClassBuilder[A, F[Any]] => Expr[F[A]])
(using Type[A], Type[F]): Expr[F[A]] =
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