japgolly.microlibs.macro_utils.MacroUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package japgolly.microlibs.macro_utils
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object MacroUtils {
sealed trait FindSubClasses
case object DirectOnly extends FindSubClasses
case object LeavesOnly extends FindSubClasses
case object Everything extends FindSubClasses
abstract class MacroUtils {
val c: scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import c.universe._
import MacroUtils.FindSubClasses
sealed trait TypeOrTree
case class GotType(t: Type) extends TypeOrTree
case class GotTree(t: Tree) extends TypeOrTree
implicit def autoTypeOrTree1(t: Type): TypeOrTree = GotType(t)
implicit def autoTypeOrTree2(t: Tree): TypeOrTree = GotTree(t)
@inline final def DirectOnly = MacroUtils.DirectOnly
@inline final def LeavesOnly = MacroUtils.LeavesOnly
@inline final def Everything = MacroUtils.Everything
final def sep = ("_" * 120) + "\n"
final def fail(msg: String): Nothing =
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
final def warn(msg: String): Unit =
c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
final def concreteWeakTypeOf[T: c.WeakTypeTag]: Type = {
val t = weakTypeOf[T]
final def ensureConcrete(t: Type): Unit = {
val sym = t.typeSymbol.asClass
if (sym.isAbstract)
fail(s"${sym.name} is abstract which is not allowed.")
if (sym.isTrait)
fail(s"${sym.name} is a trait which is not allowed.")
if (sym.isSynthetic)
fail(s"${sym.name} is synthetic which is not allowed.")
final def caseClassType[T: c.WeakTypeTag]: Type = {
val t = concreteWeakTypeOf[T]
final def ensureCaseClass(t: Type): Unit = {
val sym = t.typeSymbol.asClass
if (!sym.isCaseClass)
fail(s"${sym.name} is not a case class.")
final def primaryConstructorParams(t: Type): List[Symbol] =
.collectFirst { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isPrimaryConstructor => m }
.getOrElse(fail("Unable to discern primary constructor."))
.getOrElse(fail("Primary constructor missing paramList."))
final def primaryConstructorParams_require1(t: Type): Symbol =
primaryConstructorParams(t) match {
case p :: Nil => p
case x => fail(s"One field expected. ${t.typeSymbol.name} has: $x")
final def primaryConstructorParams_require2(t: Type): (Symbol, Symbol) =
primaryConstructorParams(t) match {
case a :: b :: Nil => (a, b)
case x => fail(s"Two fields expected. ${t.typeSymbol.name} has: $x")
final type NameAndType = (TermName, Type)
final def nameAndType(T: Type, s: Symbol): NameAndType = {
def paramType(name: TermName): Type =
T.decl(name).typeSignatureIn(T) match {
case NullaryMethodType(t) => t
case t => t
val a = s.asTerm.name
val A = paramType(a)
(a, A)
final def ensureValidAdtBase(tpe: Type): ClassSymbol = {
tpe.typeConstructor // https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-7755
val sym = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
if (!sym.isSealed)
fail(s"${sym.name} must be sealed.")
if (!(sym.isAbstract || sym.isTrait))
fail(s"${sym.name} must be abstract or a trait.")
if (sym.knownDirectSubclasses.isEmpty)
fail(s"${sym.name} does not have any sub-classes. This may happen due to a limitation of scalac (SI-7046). 95% fixed in Scala 2.11.11 & 2.12.1.")
final def crawlADT[A](tpe: Type, f: ClassSymbol => Option[A], giveUp: ClassSymbol => Vector[A]): Vector[A] = {
def go(t: Type, as: Vector[A]): Vector[A] = {
val tb = ensureValidAdtBase(t)
tb.knownDirectSubclasses.foldLeft(as) { (q, sub) =>
val subClass = sub.asClass
val subType = sub.asType.toType
f(subClass) match {
case Some(a) =>
q :+ a
case None =>
if (subClass.isAbstract || subClass.isTrait)
go(subType, q)
q ++ giveUp(subClass)
go(tpe, Vector.empty)
* Constraints:
* - Type must be sealed.
* - Type must be abstract or a trait.
final def findConcreteTypes(tpe: Type, f: FindSubClasses): Set[ClassSymbol] = {
val sym = ensureValidAdtBase(tpe)
def findSubClasses(p: ClassSymbol): Set[ClassSymbol] = {
p.knownDirectSubclasses.flatMap { sub =>
val subClass = sub.asClass
if (subClass.isTrait)
else f match {
case MacroUtils.DirectOnly => Set(subClass)
case MacroUtils.Everything => Set(subClass) ++ findSubClasses(subClass)
case MacroUtils.LeavesOnly =>
val s = findSubClasses(subClass)
if (s.isEmpty)
final def findConcreteTypesNE(tpe: Type, f: FindSubClasses): Set[ClassSymbol] = {
val r = findConcreteTypes(tpe, f)
if (r.isEmpty)
fail(s"Unable to find concrete types for ${tpe.typeSymbol.name}.")
final def findConcreteAdtTypes(tpe: Type, f: FindSubClasses): Set[Type] =
findConcreteTypes(tpe, f) map (determineAdtType(tpe, _))
final def findConcreteAdtTypesNE(tpe: Type, f: FindSubClasses): Set[Type] =
findConcreteTypesNE(tpe, f) map (determineAdtType(tpe, _))
* findConcreteTypes will spit out type constructors. This will turn them into types.
* @param T The ADT base trait.
* @param t The subclass.
final def determineAdtType(T: Type, t: ClassSymbol): Type = {
val t2 =
if (t.typeParams.isEmpty)
else if (t.isCaseClass)
caseClassTypeCtorToType(T, t)
require(t2 <:< T, s"$t2 is not a subtype of $T")
* Turns a case class type constructor into a type.
* Eg. caseClassTypeCtorToType(Option[Int], Some[_]) → Some[Int]
* Actually this doesn't work with type variance :(
private def caseClassTypeCtorToType(baseTrait: Type, caseclass: ClassSymbol): Type = {
val companion = caseclass.companion
val apply = companion.typeSignature.member(TermName("apply"))
if (apply == NoSymbol)
fail(s"Don't know how to turn $caseclass into a real type of $baseTrait; it's generic and its companion has no `apply` method.")
val matchArgs = apply.asMethod.paramLists.flatten.map { arg => pq"_" }
val name = TermName(c.freshName("x"))
c.typecheck(q"""(??? : $baseTrait) match {case $name@$companion(..$matchArgs) => $name }""").tpe
final def flattenBlocks(trees: List[Tree]): Vector[Tree] = {
@tailrec def go(acc: Vector[Tree], ts: List[Tree]): Vector[Tree] =
ts match {
case Nil => acc
case Block(a, b) :: tail => go(acc, a ::: b :: tail)
case h :: tail => go(acc :+ h, tail)
go(Vector.empty, trees)
// final def flattenBlocks(trees: GenTraversable[Tree]): Vector[Tree] = {
// import _
// @tailrec final def go(acc: Vector[Tree], ts: GenTraversable[Tree]): Vector[Tree] =
// ts.headOption match {
// case None => acc
// case Some(Block(a, b)) => go(acc, (a :+ b) ++ ts.tail)
// case Some(h) => go(acc :+ h, ts.tail)
// }
// go(Vector.empty, trees)
// }
final def modStringHead(s: String, f: Char => Char): String =
if (s.isEmpty)
else {
val h = f(s.head).toString
if (s.length == 1)
h + s.tail
final def lowerCaseHead(s: String): String =
modStringHead(s, _.toLower)
final def readMacroArg_boolean(e: c.Expr[Boolean]): Boolean =
e match {
case Expr(Literal(Constant(b: Boolean))) => b
case _ => fail(s"Expected a literal boolean, got: ${showRaw(e)}")
final def readMacroArg_string(e: c.Expr[String]): String =
e match {
case Expr(Literal(Constant(s: String))) => s
case _ => fail(s"Expected a literal string, got: ${showRaw(e)}")
final def readMacroArg_symbol(e: c.Expr[scala.Symbol]): String =
e match {
case Expr(Apply(_, List(Literal(Constant(n: String))))) => n
case _ => fail(s"Expected a symbol, got: ${showRaw(e)}")
final def readMacroArg_stringString(e: c.Expr[(String, String)]): (String, Literal) =
e match {
// "k" -> "v"
case Expr(Apply(TypeApply(Select(Apply(_, List(Literal(Constant(k: String)))), _), _), List(v@Literal(Constant(_: String))))) =>
(k, v)
case x =>
fail(s"""Expected "k" -> "v", got: $x\n${showRaw(x)}""")
final def readMacroArg_symbolString(e: c.Expr[(scala.Symbol, String)]): (String, Literal) =
e match {
// 'k -> "v"
case Expr(Apply(TypeApply(Select(Apply(_, List(Apply(_, List(Literal(Constant(k: String)))))), _), _), List(v@Literal(Constant(_: String))))) =>
(k, v)
case x =>
fail(s"""Expected 'k -> "v", got: $x\n${showRaw(x)}""")
final def readMacroArg_tToLitFn[T, V: scala.reflect.Manifest](e: c.Expr[T => V]): List[(Either[Select, Type], Literal)] =
readMacroArg_tToTree(e).map(x => (x._1, x._2 match {
case lit @ Literal(Constant(_: V)) => lit
case x => fail(s"Expecting a literal value, got: ${showRaw(x)}")
final def readMacroArg_tToTree[T, V](e: c.Expr[T => V]): List[(Either[Select, Type], Tree)] =
e match {
case Expr(Function(_, Match(_, caseDefs))) =>
caseDefs map {
// case _: Class => "k"
case CaseDef(Typed(_, t: TypeTree), _, tree) =>
(Right(t.tpe), tree)
// case Object => "k"
case CaseDef(s@ Select(_, _), _, tree) =>
(Left(s), tree)
case x =>
fail(s"Expecting a case like: {case _: Type => ?}\n Got: ${showRaw(x)}")
case _ =>
fail(s"Expecting a function like: {case _: Type => ?}\n Got: ${showRaw(e)}")
* Create code for a function that will call .apply() on a given type's type companion object.
final def tcApplyFn(t: Type): Select = {
val sym = t.typeSymbol
val tc = sym.companion
if (tc == NoSymbol)
fail(s"Companion object not found for $sym")
val pre = t match {
case TypeRef(p, _, _) => p
case x => fail(s"Don't know how to extract `pre` from ${showRaw(x)}")
pre match {
// Path dependent, eg. `t.Literal`
case SingleType(NoPrefix, path) =>
Select(Ident(path), tc.asTerm.name)
// Assume type companion .apply exists
case _ =>
Select(Ident(tc), TermName("apply"))
final def selectFQN(s: String, lastIsType: Boolean): RefTree = {
val terms = s.split('.').map(TermName(_): Name)
val l = terms.length - 1
// Bad hack
if (lastIsType)
terms(l) = terms(l).toTypeName
val h = Ident(terms.head): RefTree
if (l == 0)
terms.tail.foldLeft(h)(Select(_, _))
final def toSelectFQN(t: TypeSymbol): RefTree = {
// Do this properly later
selectFQN(t.fullName, !t.isModuleClass)
* Sometimes using a type directly in a clause like "case _: $t => ...", causes spurious exhaustiveness warnings.
* I definitively know why, problably something about compiler-phase order.
* This fixes it consistently so far.
final def fixAdtTypeForCaseDef(t: Type): Tree = {
if (t.typeSymbol.isModuleClass)
else {
// Take the FQN and re-evaluate. Why? I don't know.
// But without this there'll be spurious exhaustiveness warnings
val fqn = toSelectFQN(t.typeSymbol.asType)
if (t.typeArgs.isEmpty)
AppliedTypeTree(fqn, t.typeArgs.map(TypeTree(_)))
final def tryInferImplicit(t: Type): Option[Tree] =
c.inferImplicitValue(t, silent = true) match {
case EmptyTree => None
case i => Some(i)
final def needInferImplicit(t: Type): Tree =
tryInferImplicit(t) getOrElse fail(s"Implicit not found: $t")
implicit val liftInit = Liftable[Init](i => q"..${i.stmts}")
class Init {
var seen = Map.empty[String, TermName]
var stmts: Vector[Tree] = Vector.empty
def +=(t: Tree): Unit =
stmts :+= t
def valImp(tot: TypeOrTree): TermName = tot match {
case GotType(t) => valDef(needInferImplicit(t))
case GotTree(t) => valDef(q"implicitly[$t]")
def valDef(value: Tree): TermName = {
val k = value.toString()
seen.get(k) match {
case None =>
val v = TermName(c.freshName())
this += q"val $v = $value"
seen = seen.updated(k, v)
case Some(v) => v
def wrap(body: Tree): Tree =
q"..$this; $body"
def Init(stmts: Tree*): Init = {
val i = new Init
stmts foreach (i += _)
def LitNil = Ident(c.mirror staticModule "scala.collection.immutable.Nil")
def identityExpr[T: c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Expr[T => T] = {
val T = weakTypeOf[T]
c.Expr[T => T](q"(t: $T) => t")
def deterministicOrderT(ts: TraversableOnce[Type]): Vector[Type] =
def deterministicOrderC(ts: TraversableOnce[ClassSymbol]): Vector[ClassSymbol] =
final def replaceMacroMethod(newMethod: String) =
c.macroApplication match {
case TypeApply(Select(r, _), _) => Select(r, TermName(newMethod))
case Select(r, _) => Select(r, TermName(newMethod))
case x => fail(s"Don't know how to parse macroApplication: ${showRaw(x)}")
final def excludeNamedParams(exclusions: Seq[String], data: List[(TermName, Type)]): List[(TermName, Type)] =
if (exclusions.isEmpty)
else {
var blacklist = Set.empty[String]
var bsize = 0
for (s <- exclusions) {
if (blacklist contains s)
fail(s"Duplicate found: $s")
blacklist += s
bsize += 1
def name(x: (TermName, Type)): String =
val b = List.newBuilder[(TermName, Type)]
var excluded = 0
for (x <- data)
if (blacklist contains name(x))
excluded += 1
b += x
if (bsize != excluded) {
val x = blacklist -- data.map(name)
fail(s"Not found: ${x mkString ", "}")
final def primaryConstructorParamsExcluding(t: Type, exclusions: Seq[c.Expr[scala.Symbol]]): List[(TermName, Type)] =
primaryConstructorParams(t).map(nameAndType(t, _)))
def showUnorderedTypes(ts: Set[Type]): String =
ts.toList.map(_.toString).sorted.mkString(", ")
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