japgolly.microlibs.utils.SafeBool.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.microlibs.utils
import japgolly.microlibs.utils.SafeBool._
import japgolly.univeq.UnivEq
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.Factory
/** Boolean isomorphism.
* Mix into the base type and override [[this.companion]] there.
* Examples:
* {{{
* sealed trait Enabled extends SafeBool[Enabled] {
* override final def companion = Enabled
* }
* case object Enabled extends Enabled with SafeBool.Object[Enabled] {
* override def positive = Enabled
* override def negative = Disabled
* }
* case object Disabled extends Enabled
* }}}
* {{{
* sealed abstract class Permission extends SafeBool.WithBoolOps[Permission] {
* override final def companion = Permission
* }
* case object Allow extends Permission
* case object Deny extends Permission
* object Permission extends SafeBool.Object[Permission] {
* override def positive = Allow
* override def negative = Deny
* }
* }}}
trait SafeBool[B <: SafeBool[B]] extends Product with Serializable {
this: B =>
def companion: Object[B]
final def unary_! : B =
if (this == companion.positive)
@inline final def is(b: B): Boolean =
b == this
@inline final def when(cond: Boolean): B =
if (cond) this else !this
final def fnToThisWhen[A](f: A => Boolean): A => B =
a => when(f(a))
final def whenAllAre(bs: B*): B =
this when bs.forall(is)
final def whenAnyAre(bs: B*): B =
this when bs.exists(is)
object SafeBool {
* Mix into the companion object for the type.
trait Object[B <: SafeBool[B]] {
implicit final def equality: UnivEq[B] = UnivEq.force
def positive: B with SafeBool[B]
def negative: B with SafeBool[B]
final def memo[A](f: B => A): B => A = {
val p = f(positive)
val n = f(negative)
b => if (b is positive) p else n
final def memoLazy[A](f: B => A): B => A = {
lazy val p = f(positive)
lazy val n = f(negative)
b => if (b is positive) p else n
final def fold[A](a: A)(f: (A, B) => A): A =
f(f(a, positive), negative)
final def mapReduce[X, Y](m: B => X)(r: (X, X) => Y): Y =
r(m(positive), m(negative))
final def forall(f: B => Boolean): Boolean =
f(positive) && f(negative)
final def exists(f: B => Boolean): Boolean =
f(positive) || f(negative)
final type Values[+A] = SafeBool.Values[B, A]
object Values {
def apply[A](f: B => A): Values[A] =
SafeBool.Values(pos = f(positive), neg = f(negative))
def both[A](a: A): Values[A] =
SafeBool.Values(a, a)
def partition[C[_], A](as: IterableOnce[A])(f: A => B)(implicit factory: Factory[A, C[A]]): Values[C[A]] = {
type Bldr = scala.collection.mutable.Builder[A, C[A]]
val b = new SafeBool.Values[B, Bldr](factory.newBuilder, factory.newBuilder)
for (a <- as.iterator) b(f(a)) += a
* Adds boolean ops with `companion.positive` being the equivalent of `true`.
trait WithBoolOps[B <: SafeBool[B]] extends SafeBool[B] {
this: B =>
final def &(that: => B): B = {
val pos = companion.positive
pos when ((this is pos) && (that is pos))
final def &&(that: => Boolean): B = {
val pos = companion.positive
pos when ((this is pos) && that)
final def |(that: => B): B = {
val pos = companion.positive
pos when ((this is pos) || (that is pos))
final def ||(that: => Boolean): B = {
val pos = companion.positive
pos when ((this is pos) || that)
// ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
final case class Values[B <: SafeBool[B], +A](pos: A, neg: A) {
def apply(b: B): A =
if (b is b.companion.positive) pos else neg
def set[AA >: A](b: B, a: AA): Values[B, AA] =
if (b is b.companion.positive) copy(pos = a) else copy(neg = a)
def mod[AA >: A](b: B, f: A => AA): Values[B, AA] =
if (b is b.companion.positive) copy(pos = f(pos)) else copy(neg = f(neg))
def map[C](f: A => C): Values[B, C] =
Values(pos = f(pos), neg = f(neg))
def ap[C, D](other: Values[B, C])(f: (A, C) => D): Values[B, D] =
Values(pos = f(pos, other.pos), neg = f(neg, other.neg))
def exists(f: A => Boolean): Boolean =
f(pos) || f(neg)
def forall(f: A => Boolean): Boolean =
f(pos) && f(neg)
object Values {
implicit def univEq[B <: SafeBool[B], A: UnivEq]: UnivEq[Values[B, A]] =