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scalacss.internal.Attrs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scalacss.internal

import scalacss.internal.Literal.{Typed => LT}
import scalacss.internal.ValueT._
import scalacss.internal.{Literal => L}

object Attrs {

  private[internal] lazy val valuesForAllAttr = NonEmptyVector[Attr](
    alignContent, alignItems, alignSelf, animation, animationDelay, animationDirection, animationDuration,
    animationFillMode, animationIterationCount, animationName, animationPlayState, animationTimingFunction,
    backfaceVisibility, background, backgroundAttachment, backgroundBlendMode, backgroundClip, backgroundColor,
    backgroundImage, backgroundOrigin, backgroundPosition, backgroundRepeat, backgroundSize, blockSize, border,
    borderBlockEnd, borderBlockEndColor, borderBlockEndStyle, borderBlockEndWidth, borderBlockStart,
    borderBlockStartColor, borderBlockStartStyle, borderBlockStartWidth, borderBottom, borderBottomColor,
    borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderBottomStyle, borderBottomWidth, borderCollapse, borderColor,
    borderImage, borderImageOutset, borderImageRepeat, borderImageSlice, borderImageSource, borderImageWidth,
    borderInlineEnd, borderInlineEndColor, borderInlineEndStyle, borderInlineEndWidth, borderInlineStart,
    borderInlineStartColor, borderInlineStartStyle, borderInlineStartWidth, borderLeft, borderLeftColor,
    borderLeftStyle, borderLeftWidth, borderRadius, borderRight, borderRightColor, borderRightStyle, borderRightWidth,
    borderSpacing, borderStyle, borderTop, borderTopColor, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius, borderTopStyle,
    borderTopWidth, borderWidth, bottom, boxDecorationBreak, boxShadow, boxSizing, breakAfter, breakBefore, breakInside,
    captionSide, clear, clip, clipPath, color, columnCount, columnFill, columnGap, columnRule, columnRuleColor,
    columnRuleStyle, columnRuleWidth, columns, columnSpan, columnWidth, content, counterIncrement, counterReset, cursor,
    display, emptyCells, filter, flex, flexBasis, flexDirection, flexFlow, flexGrow, flexShrink, flexWrap, float, font,
    fontFamily, fontFeatureSettings, fontKerning, fontLanguageOverride, fontSize, fontSizeAdjust, fontStretch,
    fontStyle, fontSynthesis, fontVariant, fontVariantAlternates, fontVariantCaps, fontVariantEastAsian,
    fontVariantLigatures, fontVariantNumeric, fontVariantPosition, fontWeight, grid, gridArea, gridAutoColumns,
    gridAutoFlow, gridAutoPosition, gridAutoRows, gridColumn, gridColumnEnd, gridColumnStart, gridRow, gridRowEnd,
    gridRowStart, gridTemplate, gridTemplateAreas, gridTemplateColumns, gridTemplateRows, height, hyphens,
    imageOrientation, imageRendering, imageResolution, imeMode, inlineSize, isolation, justifyContent, left,
    letterSpacing, lineBreak, lineHeight, listStyle, listStyleImage, listStylePosition, listStyleType, margin,
    marginBlockEnd, marginBlockStart, marginBottom, marginInlineEnd, marginInlineStart, marginLeft, marginRight,
    marginTop, marks, mask, maskType, maxBlockSize, maxHeight, maxInlineSize, maxWidth, minBlockSize, minHeight,
    minInlineSize, minWidth, mixBlendMode, objectFit, objectPosition, offsetBlockEnd, offsetBlockStart, offsetInlineEnd,
    offsetInlineStart, opacity, order, orphans, outline, outlineColor, outlineOffset, outlineStyle, outlineWidth,
    overflow, overflowWrap, overflowX, overflowY, padding, paddingBlockEnd, paddingBlockStart, paddingBottom,
    paddingInlineEnd, paddingInlineStart, paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, pageBreakAfter, pageBreakBefore,
    pageBreakInside, perspective, perspectiveOrigin, pointerEvents, position, quotes, resize, right, rubyAlign,
    rubyMerge, rubyPosition, scrollBehavior, shapeImageThreshold, shapeMargin, shapeOutside, tableLayout, tabSize,
    textAlign, textAlignLast, textCombineUpright, textDecoration, textDecorationColor, textDecorationLine,
    textDecorationStyle, textIndent, textOrientation, textOverflow, textRendering, textShadow, textTransform,
    textUnderlinePosition, top, touchAction, transform, transformOrigin, transformStyle, transition, transitionDelay,
    transitionDuration, transitionProperty, transitionTimingFunction, unicodeRange, verticalAlign, visibility,
    whiteSpace, widows, width, willChange, wordBreak, wordSpacing, wordWrap, writingMode, zIndex,
    boxReflect, flowFrom, flowInto, regionFragment, textSizeAdjust, textStroke, textStrokeColor, textStrokeWidth,
    textEmphasis, textEmphasisColor, textEmphasisPosition, textEmphasisStyle, userSelect,

    // 0.5.5
    caretColor, fontVariantionSettings, hangingPunctuation, initialLetter,
    overscrollBehavior, overscrollBehaviorX, overscrollBehaviorY,

    // 0.5.6
    gap, rowGap,

    // 0.6.0
    justifySelf, placeSelf,

    // =================================================================================================================
    // ==================================== SVG Attributes =============================================================
    // =================================================================================================================

    svgAlignmentBaseline, svgBaselineShift, svgClipRule, svgColorInterpolation, svgColorInterpolationFilters,
    svgColorProfile, svgColorRendering, svgDominantBaseline, svgEnableBackground, svgFill, svgFillRule, svgFloodColor,
    svgGlyphOrientationHorizontal, svgGlyphOrientationVertical, svgKerning, svgMarkerEnd, svgMarkerMid, svgMarkerStart,
    svgShapeRendering, svgStrokeDashArray, svgStrokeDashOffset, svgStrokeLineCap, svgStrokeLineJoin,
    svgStrokeMiterLimit, svgStrokeWidth, svgTextAnchor)

  lazy val values: NonEmptyVector[Attr] =
    Vector[Attr](all, unicodeBidi, direction) ++: valuesForAllAttr

   * The CSS align-content property aligns a flex container's lines within the flex container when there is extra space on the cross-axis. This property has no effect on single line flexible boxes.
   * @see MDN
  object alignContent extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("align-content", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)
    def baseline      = av(L.baseline)
    def center        = av(
    def end           = avl(LT.end)
    def firstBaseline = av(L.firstBaseline)
    def flexEnd       = av(L.flexEnd)
    def flexStart     = av(L.flexStart)
    def lastBaseline  = av(L.lastBaseline)
    def normal        = avl(LT.normal)
    def safeCenter    = av(L.safeCenter)
    def spaceAround   = av(L.spaceAround)
    def spaceBetween  = av(L.spaceBetween)
    def spaceEvenly   = av(L.spaceEvenly)
    def start         = avl(LT.start)
    def stretch       = av(L.stretch)
    def unsafeCenter  = av(L.unsafeCenter)

   * The CSS align-items property aligns flex items of the current flex line the same way as justify-content but in the perpendicular direction.
   * @see MDN
  object alignItems extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("align-items", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)
    def auto          = avl(
    def baseline      = av(L.baseline)
    def center        = av(
    def end           = avl(LT.end)
    def firstBaseline = av(L.firstBaseline)
    def flexEnd       = av(L.flexEnd)
    def flexStart     = av(L.flexStart)
    def lastBaseline  = av(L.lastBaseline)
    def normal        = avl(LT.normal)
    def safeCenter    = av(L.safeCenter)
    def selfEnd       = av(L.selfEnd)
    def selfStart     = av(L.selfStart)
    def start         = avl(LT.start)
    def stretch       = av(L.stretch)
    def unsafeCenter  = av(L.unsafeCenter)

   * The align-self CSS property aligns flex items of the current flex line overriding the align-items value. If any of the flex item's cross-axis margin is set to auto, then align-self is ignored.
   * @see MDN
  object alignSelf extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("align-self", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)
    def auto          = avl(
    def baseline      = av(L.baseline)
    def center        = av(
    def end           = avl(LT.end)
    def firstBaseline = av(L.firstBaseline)
    def flexEnd       = av(L.flexEnd)
    def flexStart     = av(L.flexStart)
    def lastBaseline  = av(L.lastBaseline)
    def normal        = avl(LT.normal)
    def safeCenter    = av(L.safeCenter)
    def selfEnd       = av(L.selfEnd)
    def selfStart     = av(L.selfStart)
    def start         = avl(LT.start)
    def stretch       = av(L.stretch)
    def unsafeCenter  = av(L.unsafeCenter)

   * The animation-delay CSS property specifies when the animation should start. This lets the animation sequence begin some time after it's applied to an element.
   * @see MDN
  object animationDelay extends TypedAttrTN[Time](",") {
    override val attr = Attr.real("animation-delay", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)

   * The animation-direction CSS property indicates whether the animation should play in reverse on alternate cycles.
   * @see MDN
  object animationDirection extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr: Attr = Attr.real("animation-direction", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)
    def normal            = avl(LT.normal)
    def reverse           = av(L.reverse)
    def alternate         = av(L.alternate)
    def alternateReverse  = av(L.alternateReverse)

   * The animation-duration CSS property specifies the length of time that an animation should take to complete one cycle.
   * @see MDN
  object animationDuration extends TypedAttrTN[Time](",") {
    override val attr = Attr.real("animation-duration", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)

   * The animation-fill-mode CSS property specifies how a CSS animation should apply styles to its target before and after it is executing.
   * @see MDN
  object animationFillMode extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr: Attr = Attr.real("animation-fill-mode", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)
    def forwards  = av(L.forwards)
    def backwards = av(L.backwards)
    def both      = av(L.both)

   * The animation-iteration-count CSS property defines the number of times an animation cycle should be played before stopping.
   * @see MDN
  object animationIterationCount extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr: Attr = Attr.real("animation-iteration-count", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)
    def infinite       = av(L.infinite)
    def count(n: Int)  = avl(new LT.count(n))

   * The animation-name CSS property specifies a list of animations that should be applied to the selected element. Each name indicates a @keyframes at-rule that defines the property values for the animation sequence.
   * @see MDN
  object animationName extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("animation-name", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)
    def apply(a: Keyframes): AV = av(

   * The animation-play-state CSS property determines whether an animation is running or paused. You can query this property's value to determine whether or not the animation is currently running; in addition, you can set its value to pause and resume playback of an animation.
   * @see MDN
  object animationPlayState extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr: Attr = Attr.real("animation-play-state", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)
    def running = av(L.running)
    def paused  = av(L.paused)

   * The CSS animation-timing-function property specifies how a CSS animation should progress over the duration of each cycle. The possible values are one or several <timing-function>.
   * @see MDN
  object animationTimingFunction extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr: Attr = Attr.real("animation-timing-function", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)
    def cubicBezier(x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double)       = avl(new LT.cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2))
    def steps(steps: Int, direction: LT.TimingFunctionDirection = LT.end) = avl(new LT.steps(steps, direction))
    def linear                                                            = avl(LT.linear)
    def ease                                                              = avl(LT.ease)
    def easeIn                                                            = avl(LT.easeIn)
    def easeInOut                                                         = avl(LT.easeInOut)
    def easeOut                                                           = avl(LT.easeOut)
    def stepStart                                                         = avl(LT.stepStart)
    def stepEnd                                                           = avl(LT.stepEnd)

   * The CSS backface-visibility property determines whether or not the back face of the element is visible when facing the user. The back face of an element always is a transparent background, letting, when visible, a mirror image of the front face be displayed.
   * @see MDN
  object backfaceVisibility extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("backface-visibility", Transform keys CanIUse.transforms)
    def hidden  = avl(LT.hidden)
    def visible = av(L.visible)

   * If a background-image is specified, the background-attachment CSS property determines whether that image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls along with its containing block.
   * @see MDN
  final def backgroundAttachment = Attr.real("background-attachment", Transform keys CanIUse.backgroundAttachment)

   * The background-blend-mode CSS property describes how the element's background images should blend with each other and the element's background color.
   * @see MDN
  final def backgroundBlendMode = Attr.real("background-blend-mode")

   * Technical review completed. Editorial review completed.
   * @see MDN
  object backgroundClip extends TypedAttrBase with BackgroundClipDecorationOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("background-clip", Transform keys CanIUse.backgroundImgOpts)

    override protected def next(v: Value): Accum = new Accum(v)
    final class Accum(v: Value) extends ToAV with BackgroundClipDecorationOps {
      override def av: AV = AV(attr, v)
      override protected def next(v: Value): Accum = new Accum(s"${this.v} $v")
  trait BackgroundClipDecorationOps {
    protected def next(v: Value): backgroundClip.Accum
    final def contentBox: backgroundClip.Accum = next(Literal.contentBox)
    final def paddingBox: backgroundClip.Accum = next(Literal.paddingBox)
    final def borderBox: backgroundClip.Accum = next(Literal.borderBox)

   * The background-color CSS property sets the background color of an element, either through a color value or the keyword transparent.
   * @see MDN
  object backgroundColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("background-color")

   * The CSS background-image property sets one or several background images for an element. The images are drawn on stacking context layers on top of each other. The first layer specified is drawn as if it is closest to the user. The borders of the element are then drawn on top of them, and the background-color is drawn beneath them.
   * @see MDN
  final def backgroundImage = Attr.real("background-image", CanIUse2.backgroundImageTransforms)

   * The background-origin CSS property determines the background positioning area, that is the position of the origin of an image specified using the background-image CSS property.
   * @see MDN
  final def backgroundOrigin = Attr.real("background-origin")

   * The background-position CSS property sets the initial position, relative to the background position layer defined by background-origin for each defined background image.
   * @see MDN
  final def backgroundPosition = Attr.real("background-position")

   * The background-repeat CSS property defines how background images are repeated. A background image can be repeated along the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, both axes, or not repeated at all.
   * @see MDN
  object backgroundRepeat extends TypedAttrT2[RepeatStyle] with RepeatStyleOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("background-repeat")
//      Transform.valueKeywords(CanIUse.backgroundRepeatRoundSpace)(LT.round.value,
    def repeatX = av("repeat-x")
    def repeatY = av("repeat-y")

   * The background-size CSS property specifies the size of the background images. The size of the image can be fully constrained or only partially in order to preserve its intrinsic ratio.
   * @see MDN
  final def backgroundSize = Attr.real("background-size")

   * The border-bottom-color CSS property sets the color of the bottom border of an element. Note that in many cases the shorthand CSS properties border-color or border-bottom are more convenient and preferable.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBottomColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-bottom-color")

   * The border-bottom-left-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the bottom-left corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0 no rounding is done and the corner is square.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBottomLeftRadius extends TypedAttrT2[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-bottom-left-radius", Transform keys CanIUse.borderRadius)

   * The border-bottom-right-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the bottom-right corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0 no rounding is done and the corner is square.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBottomRightRadius extends TypedAttrT2[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-bottom-right-radius", Transform keys CanIUse.borderRadius)

   * The border-bottom-style CSS property sets the line style of the bottom border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBottomStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-bottom-style")

   * The border-bottom-width CSS property sets the width of the bottom border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBottomWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-bottom-width")

   * The border-collapse CSS property selects a table's border model. This has a big influence on the look and style of the table cells.
   * @see MDN
  object borderCollapse extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-collapse")
    def collapse = av(L.collapse)
    def separate = av(L.separate)

   * The border-image-outset property describes by what amount the border image area extends beyond the border box.
   * @see MDN
  final def borderImageOutset = Attr.real("border-image-outset", Transform keys CanIUse.borderImage)

   * The border-image-repeat CSS property defines how the middle part of a border image is handled so that it can match the size of the border. It has a one-value syntax that describes the behavior of all the sides, and a two-value syntax that sets a different value for the horizontal and vertical behavior.
   * @see MDN
  final def borderImageRepeat = Attr.real("border-image-repeat", Transform keys CanIUse.borderImage)

   * The border-image-slice CSS property divides the image specified by border-image-source in nine regions: the four corners, the four edges and the middle. It does this by specifying 4 inwards offsets.
   * @see MDN
  final def borderImageSlice = Attr.real("border-image-slice", Transform keys CanIUse.borderImage)

   * The border-image-source CSS property defines the <image> to use instead of the style of the border. If this property is set to none, the style defined by border-style is used instead.
   * @see MDN
  final def borderImageSource = Attr.real("border-image-source", Transform keys CanIUse.borderImage)

   * The border-image-width CSS property defines the width of the border. If specified, it overrides the border-width property.
   * @see MDN
  final def borderImageWidth = Attr.real("border-image-width", Transform keys CanIUse.borderImage)

   * The border-left-color CSS property sets the color of the bottom border of an element. Note that in many cases the shorthand CSS properties border-color or border-left are more convenient and preferable.
   * @see MDN
  object borderLeftColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-left-color")

   * The border-left-style CSS property sets the line style of the left border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderLeftStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-left-style")

   * The border-left-width CSS property sets the width of the left border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderLeftWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-left-width")

   * The border-right-color CSS property sets the color of the right border of an element. Note that in many cases the shorthand CSS properties  border-color or border-right are more convenient and preferable.
   * @see MDN
  object borderRightColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-right-color")

   * The border-right-style CSS property sets the line style of the right border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderRightStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-right-style")

   * The border-right-width CSS property sets the width of the right border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderRightWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-right-width")

   * The border-spacing CSS property specifies the distance between the borders of adjacent cells (only for the separated borders model). This is equivalent to the cellspacing attribute in presentational HTML, but an optional second value can be used to set different horizontal and vertical spacing.
   * @see MDN
  object borderSpacing extends TypedAttrT2[Len] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-spacing")

   * The border-top-color CSS property sets the color of the top border of an element. Note that in many cases the shorthand CSS properties border-color or border-top are more convenient and preferable.
   * @see MDN
  object borderTopColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-top-color")

   * The border-top-left-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the top-left corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0,no rounding is done and the corner is square.
   * @see MDN
  object borderTopLeftRadius extends TypedAttrT2[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-top-left-radius", Transform keys CanIUse.borderRadius)

   * The border-top-right-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the top-right corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0 no rounding is done and the corner is square.
   * @see MDN
  object borderTopRightRadius extends TypedAttrT2[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-top-right-radius", Transform keys CanIUse.borderRadius)

   * The border-top-style CSS property sets the line style of the top border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderTopStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-top-style")

   * The border-top-width CSS property sets the width of the top border of a box.
   * @see MDN
  object borderTopWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.real("border-top-width")

   * The bottom CSS property participates in specifying the position of positioned elements.
   * @see MDN
  object bottom extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("bottom")

   * The box-decoration-break CSS property specifies how the background, padding, border, border-image, box-shadow, margin and clip of an element is applied when the box for the element is fragmented.  Fragmentation occurs when an inline box wraps onto multiple lines, or when a block spans more than one column inside a column layout container, or spans a page break when printed.  Each piece of the rendering for the element is called a fragment.
   * @see MDN
  object boxDecorationBreak extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("box-decoration-break", Transform keys CanIUse.boxdecorationbreak)
    def clone_ = av(L.clone_)
    def slice  = av(L.slice)

   * The -webkit-box-reflect CSS property lets you reflect the content of an element in one specific direction.
   * Note: This feature is not intended to be used by Web sites. To achieve reflection on the Web, the standard way is
   * to use the CSS `element()` function.
   * @see MDN
  final def boxReflect = Attr.real("box-reflect", Transform keys CanIUse.reflections)

   * The box-shadow CSS property describes one or more shadow effects as a comma-separated list.
   * @see MDN
  final def boxShadow = Attr.real("box-shadow", Transform keys CanIUse.boxshadow)

   * The box-sizing CSS property is used to alter the default CSS box model used to calculate widths and heights of elements. It is possible to use this property to emulate the behavior of browsers that do not correctly support the CSS box model specification.
   * @see MDN
  object boxSizing extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("box-sizing", Transform keys CanIUse.css3Boxsizing)
    def borderBox  = av(L.borderBox)
    def contentBox = av(L.contentBox)
    def paddingBox = av(L.paddingBox)

   * The break-after CSS property describes how the page, column or region break behavior after the generated box. If there is no generated box, the property is ignored.
   * @see MDN
  object breakAfter extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("break-after")
    def always      = av(L.always)
    def auto        = avl(
    def avoid       = av(L.avoid)
    def avoidColumn = av(L.avoidColumn)
    def avoidPage   = av(L.avoidPage)
    def column      = av(L.column)
    def left        = av(L.left)
    def page        = av(
    def right       = av(L.right)

   * The break-before CSS property describes how the page, column or region break behavior before the generated box. If there is no generated box, the property is ignored.
   * @see MDN
  object breakBefore extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("break-before")
    def always      = av(L.always)
    def auto        = avl(
    def avoid       = av(L.avoid)
    def avoidColumn = av(L.avoidColumn)
    def avoidPage   = av(L.avoidPage)
    def column      = av(L.column)
    def left        = av(L.left)
    def page        = av(
    def right       = av(L.right)

   * The break-inside CSS property describes how the page, column or region break inside the generated box. If there is no generated box, the property is ignored.
   * @see MDN
  object breakInside extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("break-inside")
    def auto        = avl(
    def avoid       = av(L.avoid)
    def avoidColumn = av(L.avoidColumn)
    def avoidPage   = av(L.avoidPage)

   * The caption-side CSS property positions the content of a table's <caption> on the specified side.
   * @see MDN
  object captionSide extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("caption-side",
      Transform.values(CanIUse.logicalProps)(L.blockStart, L.blockEnd, L.inlineStart, L.inlineEnd))
    def blockEnd    = av(L.blockEnd)
    def blockStart  = av(L.blockStart)
    def bottom      = av(L.bottom)
    def inlineEnd   = av(L.inlineEnd)
    def inlineStart = av(L.inlineStart)
    def top         = av(

    * The `caret-color` property allows the color to be set of the caret (blinking text insertion pointer) in an editable text area.
  object caretColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("caret-color", Transform keys CanIUse.caretColor)
    def auto = avl(

   * The clear CSS property specifies whether an element can be next to floating elements that precede it or must be moved down (cleared) below them.
   * @see MDN
  object clear extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("clear",
      Transform.values(CanIUse.logicalProps)(L.inlineStart, L.inlineEnd))
    def both        = av(L.both)
    def inlineEnd   = av(L.inlineEnd)
    def inlineStart = av(L.inlineStart)
    def left        = av(L.left)
    def none        = avl(LT.none)
    def right       = av(L.right)

   * The clip CSS property defines what portion of an element is visible. The clip property applies only to absolutely positioned elements, that is elements with position:absolute or position:fixed.
   * @see MDN
  object clip extends TypedAttr_Shape {
    override val attr = Attr.real("clip")
    def auto = avl(

   * The clip-path property prevents a portion of an element from drawing by defining a clipping region.
   * @see MDN
  final def clipPath = Attr.real("clip-path", Transform keys CanIUse.clipPath)

   * The CSS color property sets the foreground color of an element's text content, and its decorations. It doesn't affect any other characteristic of the element; it should really be called text-color and would have been named so, save for historical reasons and its appearance in CSS Level 1.
   * @see MDN
  object color extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("color")

   * The column-count CSS property describes the number of columns of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object columnCount extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-count", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)
    def auto = avl(

   * The column-fill CSS property controls how contents are partitioned into columns. Contents are either balanced, which means that contents in all columns will have the same height or, when using auto, just take up the room the content needs.
   * @see MDN
  object columnFill extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-fill", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)
    def auto    = avl(
    def balance = av(L.balance)

   * The column-gap CSS property sets the size of the gap between columns for elements which are specified to display as a multi-column element.
   * @see MDN
  object columnGap extends TypedAttrT1[GapStyle] with GapStyleOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-gap", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)

   * The column-rule-color CSS property lets you set the color of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.
   * @see MDN
  object columnRuleColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-rule-color", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)

   * The column-rule-style CSS property lets you set the style of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.
   * @see MDN
  object columnRuleStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-rule-style", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)

   * The column-rule-width CSS property lets you set the width of the rule drawn between columns in multi-column layouts.
   * @see MDN
  object columnRuleWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-rule-width", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)

   * The column-span CSS property makes it possible for an element to span across all columns when its value is set to all. An element that spans more than one column is called a spanning element.
   * @see MDN
  object columnSpan extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-span", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)
    def all  = av(L.all)
    def none = avl(LT.none)

   * The column-width CSS property suggests an optimal column width. This is not a absolute value but a mere hint. Browser will adjust the width of the column around that suggested value, allowing to achieve scalable designs that fit different screen size. Especially in presence of the column-count CSS property which has precedence, to set an exact column width, all length values must be specified. In horizontal text these are width, column-width, column-gap, and column-rule-width.
   * @see MDN
  object columnWidth extends TypedAttrT1[Len] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("column-width", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)
    def auto = avl(

   * The content CSS property is used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements to generate content in an element. Objects inserted using the content property are anonymous replaced elements.
   * @see MDN
  object content extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("content")

    def none         = avl(LT.none)
    def normal       = avl(LT.normal)
    def openQuote    = av(L.openQuote)
    def closeQuote   = av(L.closeQuote)
    def noOpenQuote  = av(L.noOpenQuote)
    def noCloseQuote = av(L.noCloseQuote)

    // TODO content still missing a bunch of combinations

    private def escape(input: String): String = {
      // fast in JS, speed doesn't matter in JVM for this case
      var newStr = "'"
      var i = 0
      while (i < input.length) {
        val c = input.charAt(i)

        @inline def escape =
          c match {
            case '\\' | '\'' => true
            case _           => c.toInt > 127

        val add =
          if (escape)

        newStr += add
        i += 1

      newStr + "'"

    /** @param content Content string (unescaped). This will be escaped as required.
    def string(content: String) =

    def url(url: String) =
      av("url(" + escape(url) + ")")

   * The counter-increment CSS property is used to increase the value of CSS Counters by a given value. The counter's value can be reset using the counter-reset CSS property.
   * @see MDN
  final def counterIncrement = Attr.real("counter-increment", Transform keys CanIUse.counters)

   * The counter-reset CSS property is used to reset CSS Counters to a given value.
   * @see MDN
  final def counterReset = Attr.real("counter-reset", Transform keys CanIUse.counters)

   * The cursor CSS property specifies the mouse cursor displayed when the mouse pointer is over an element.
   * @see MDN
  object cursor extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("cursor",
      Transform.values(CanIUse.css3CursorsNewer)(L.grab, L.grabbing, L.zoomIn, L.zoomOut))

    /** Indicating an alias or shortcut is to be created. */
    def alias = av(L.alias)

    /** Cursor showing that something can be scrolled in any direction (panned). */
    def allScroll = av(L.allScroll)

    /** The browser determines the cursor to display based on the current context. */
    def auto = avl(

    /** Indicating that cells can be selected. */
    def cell = av(L.cell)

    /** The item/column can be resized horizontally. Often rendered as arrows pointing left and right with a vertical bar separating. */
    def colResize = av(L.colResize)

    /** A context menu is available under the cursor. Only IE 10 and up have implemented this on Windows */
    def contextMenu = av(L.contextMenu)

    /** Indicating that something can be copied. */
    def copy = av(L.copy)

    /** Cross cursor, often used to indicate selection in a bitmap. */
    def crosshair = av(L.crosshair)

    /** Default cursor, typically an arrow. */
    def default = av(L.default)

    /** The east edge is to be moved. */
    def eResize = av(L.eResize)

    /** Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor. */
    def ewResize = av(L.ewResize)

    /** Indicates that something can be grabbed (dragged to be moved). */
    def grab = av(L.grab)

    /** Indicates that something can be grabbed (dragged to be moved). */
    def grabbing = av(L.grabbing)

    /** Indicating help is available. */
    def help = av(

    /** The hovered object may be moved. */
    def move = av(L.move)

    /** The north-east edge is to be moved. */
    def neResize = av(L.neResize)

    /** Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor. */
    def neswResize = av(L.neswResize)

    /** Cursor showing that a drop is not allowed at the current location. */
    def noDrop = av(L.noDrop)

    /** No cursor is rendered. */
    def none = avl(LT.none)

    /** Cursor showing that something cannot be done. */
    def notAllowed = av(L.notAllowed)

    /** The north edge is to be moved. */
    def nResize = av(L.nResize)

    /** Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor. */
    def nsResize = av(L.nsResize)

    /** The north-west edge is to be moved. */
    def nwResize = av(L.nwResize)

    /** Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor. */
    def nwseResize = av(L.nwseResize)

    /** Used when hovering over links, typically a hand. */
    def pointer = av(L.pointer)

    /** The program is busy in the background but the user can still interact with the interface (unlike for wait). */
    def progress = av(L.progress)

    /** The item/row can be resized vertically. Often rendered as arrows pointing up and down with a horizontal bar separating them. */
    def rowResize = av(L.rowResize)

    /** The south-east edge is to be moved. */
    def seResize = av(L.seResize)

    /** The south edge is to be moved. */
    def sResize = av(L.sResize)

    /** The south-west edge is to be moved. */
    def swResize = av(L.swResize)

    /** Indicating text can be selected, typically an I-beam. */
    def text = av(L.text)

    /** Indicating that vertical text can be selected, typically a sideways I-beam. */
    def verticalText = av(L.verticalText)

    /** The program is busy (sometimes an hourglass or a watch). */
    def wait_ = av(L.wait_)

    /** The west edge is to be moved. */
    def wResize = av(L.wResize)

    /** Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) in. */
    def zoomIn = av(L.zoomIn)

    /** Indicates that something can be zoomed (magnified) out. */
    def zoomOut = av(L.zoomOut)

   * Set the direction CSS property to match the direction of the text: rtl for languages written from right-to-left (like Hebrew or Arabic) text and ltr for other scripts. This is typically done as part of the document (e.g., using the dir attribute in HTML) rather than through direct use of CSS.
   * @see MDN
  object direction extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("direction")
    def ltr = av(L.ltr)
    def rtl = av(L.rtl)

   * The display CSS property specifies the type of rendering box used for an element. In HTML, default display property values are taken from behaviors described in the HTML specifications or from the browser/user default stylesheet. The default value in XML is inline.
   * @see MDN
  object display extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("display",
      Transform.values(CanIUse.displayContents)(L.contents) *
      Transform.values(CanIUse.flowRoot       )(L.flowRoot) *
      Transform.values(CanIUse.runIn          )(L.runIn) *
      Transform.values(CanIUse.flexbox        )(L.flex, L.inlineFlex) *
      Transform.values(CanIUse.grid           )(L.grid, L.inlineGrid))

    def block             = av(L.block)
    def contents          = av(L.contents)
    def flex              = av(L.flex)
    def flowRoot          = av(L.flowRoot)
    def grid              = av(L.grid)
    def inline            = av(L.inline)
    def inlineBlock       = av(L.inlineBlock)
    def inlineFlex        = av(L.inlineFlex)
    def inlineGrid        = av(L.inlineGrid)
    def inlineTable       = av(L.inlineTable)
    def listItem          = av(L.listItem)
    def none              = avl(LT.none)
    def ruby              = av(L.ruby)
    def rubyBase          = av(L.rubyBase)
    def rubyBaseContainer = av(L.rubyBaseContainer)
    def rubyText          = av(L.rubyText)
    def rubyTextContainer = av(L.rubyTextContainer)
    def runIn             = av(L.runIn)
    def table             = av(L.table)
    def tableCell         = av(L.tableCell)
    def tableColumn       = av(L.tableColumn)
    def tableColumnGroup  = av(L.tableColumnGroup)
    def tableFooterGroup  = av(L.tableFooterGroup)
    def tableHeaderGroup  = av(L.tableHeaderGroup)
    def tableRow          = av(L.tableRow)
    def tableRowGroup     = av(L.tableRowGroup)

   * The empty-cells CSS property specifies how user agents should render borders and backgrounds around cells that have no visible content.
   * @see MDN
  object emptyCells extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("empty-cells")
    def hide = av(L.hide)
    def show = av(

   * The CSS filter property provides for effects like blurring or color shifting on an element’s rendering before the element is displayed. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of an image, a background, or a border.
   * @see MDN
  final def filter = Attr.real("filter", Transform keys CanIUse.filters)

   * The CSS flex-basis property specifies the flex basis which is the initial main size of a flex item. The property determines the size of the content-box unless specified otherwise using box-sizing.
   * @see MDN
  final def flexBasis = Attr.real("flex-basis", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)

   * The CSS flex-direction property specifies how flex items are placed in the flex container defining the main axis and the direction (normal or reversed).
   * @see MDN
  object flexDirection extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("flex-direction", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)
    def column        = av(L.column)
    def columnReverse = av(L.columnReverse)
    def row           = av(L.row)
    def rowReverse    = av(L.rowReverse)

   * The CSS flex-grow property specifies the flex grow factor of a flex item.
   * @see MDN
  object flexGrow extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("flex-grow", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)

   * The CSS flex-shrink property specifies the flex shrink factor of a flex item.
   * @see MDN
  object flexShrink extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("flex-shrink", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)

   * The CSS flex-wrap property specifies whether the children are forced into a single line or if the items can be flowed on multiple lines.
   * @see MDN
  object flexWrap extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("flex-wrap", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)
    def nowrap      = av(L.nowrap)
    def wrap        = av(L.wrap)
    def wrapReverse = av(L.wrapReverse)

   * The float CSS property specifies that an element should be taken from the normal flow and placed along the left or right side of its container, where text and inline elements will wrap around it. A floating element is one where the computed value of float is not none.
   * @see MDN
  object float extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("float",
      Transform.values(CanIUse.logicalProps)(L.inlineStart, L.inlineEnd))
    def inlineEnd   = av(L.inlineEnd)
    def inlineStart = av(L.inlineStart)
    def left        = av(L.left)
    def none        = avl(LT.none)
    def right       = av(L.right)

   * Flows content from a named flow (specified by a corresponding flow-into) through selected elements to form a dynamic chain of layout regions.
   * @see WPD
  final def flowFrom = Attr.real("flow-from", Transform keys CanIUse.regions)

   * Diverts the selected element's content into a named flow, used to thread content through different layout regions specified by flow-from.
   * @see WPD
  final def flowInto = Attr.real("flow-into", Transform keys CanIUse.regions)

   * The font-family CSS property allows for a prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names to be specified for the selected element. Unlike most other CSS properties, values are separated by a comma to indicate that they are alternatives. The browser will select the first font on the list that is installed on the computer, or that can be downloaded using the information provided by a @font-face at-rule.
   * @see MDN
  object fontFamily extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-family", Transform.values(CanIUse.fontFamilySystemUi)(L.systemUI))
    def apply(a: FontFace[String]): AV = av(a.fontFamily)
    def systemUI = av(L.systemUI)

   * The font-feature-settings CSS property allows control over advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontFeatureSettings = Attr.real("font-feature-settings", Transform keys CanIUse.fontFeature)

   * The font-kerning CSS property controls the usage of the kerning information; that is, it controls how letters are spaced. The kerning information is stored in the font, and if the font is well-kerned, this feature allows spacing between characters to be very similar, whatever the characters are.
   * @see MDN
  object fontKerning extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-kerning", Transform keys CanIUse.fontKerning)
    def auto   = avl(
    def none   = avl(LT.none)
    def normal = avl(LT.normal)

   * The font-language-override CSS property controls the usage of language-specific glyphs in a typeface.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontLanguageOverride = Attr.real("font-language-override")

   * The font-size CSS property specifies the size of the font – specifically the desired height of glyphs from the font. Setting the font size may, in turn, change the size of other items, since it is used to compute the value of em and ex length units.
   * @see MDN
  object fontSize extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-size")
    def large   = av(L.large)
    def larger  = av(L.larger)
    def medium  = avl(LT.medium)
    def small   = av(L.small)
    def smaller = av(L.smaller)
    def sSmall  = av(L.sSmall)
    def xLarge  = av(L.xLarge)
    def xxSmall = av(L.xxSmall)
    def xxLarge = av(L.xxLarge)

   * The font-size-adjust CSS property specifies that font size should be chosen based on the height of lowercase letters rather than the height of capital letters.
   * @see MDN
  object fontSizeAdjust extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-size-adjust", Transform keys CanIUse.fontSizeAdjust)
    def none = avl(LT.none)

   * The font-stretch CSS property selects a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font.
   * @see MDN
  object fontStretch extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-stretch", Transform keys CanIUse.fontStretch)
    def condensed      = av(L.condensed)
    def expanded       = av(L.expanded)
    def extraCondensed = av(L.extraCondensed)
    def extraExpanded  = av(L.extraExpanded)
    def normal         = avl(LT.normal)
    def semiCondensed  = av(L.semiCondensed)
    def semiExpanded   = av(L.semiExpanded)
    def ultraCondensed = av(L.ultraCondensed)
    def ultraExpanded  = av(L.ultraExpanded)

   * The font-style CSS property allows italic or oblique faces to be selected within a font-family.
   * @see MDN
  object fontStyle extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-style")
    def italic  = av(L.italic)
    def normal  = avl(LT.normal)
    def oblique = av(L.oblique)

   * The font-synthesis CSS property controls which missing typefaces, bold or italic, may be synthesized by the browser.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontSynthesis = Attr.real("font-synthesis")

   * The font-variant-alternates CSS property controls the usage of alternate glyphs associated to alternative names defined in @font-feature-values.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontVariantAlternates = Attr.real("font-variant-alternates")

   * The font-variant-caps CSS property controls the usage of alternate glyphs for capital letters. Scripts can have capital letter glyphs of different sizes, the normal uppercase glyphs, small capital glyphs, and petite capital glyphs. This property controls which alternate glyphs to use.
   * @see MDN
  object fontVariantCaps extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-variant-caps")
    def allPetiteCaps = av(L.allPetiteCaps)
    def allSmallCaps  = av(L.allSmallCaps)
    def normal        = avl(LT.normal)
    def petiteCaps    = av(L.petiteCaps)
    def smallCaps     = av(L.smallCaps)
    def titlingCaps   = av(L.titlingCaps)
    def unicase       = av(L.unicase)

   * The font-variant-east-asian CSS property controls the usage of alternate glyphs for East Asian scripts, like Japanese and Chinese.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontVariantEastAsian = Attr.real("font-variant-east-asian")

   * The font-variant-ligatures CSS property controls which ligatures and contextual forms are used in textual content of the elements it applies to. This leads to more harmonized forms in the resulting text.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontVariantLigatures = Attr.real("font-variant-ligatures")

   * The font-variant-numeric CSS property controls the usage of alternate glyphs for numbers, fractions, and ordinal markers.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontVariantNumeric = Attr.real("font-variant-numeric")

   * The font-variant-position CSS property controls the usage of alternate glyphs of smaller size positioned as superscript or subscript regarding the baseline of the font, which is set unchanged. These glyphs are likely to be used in <sub> and <sup> elements.
   * @see MDN
  object fontVariantPosition extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-variant-position")
    def normal = avl(LT.normal)
    def sub    = av(L.sub)
    def super_ = av(L.super_)

    * This property provides low-level control over OpenType or TrueType font variations. It is intended as a way of providing access to font variations that are not widely used but are needed for a particular use case.
  final def fontVariantionSettings = Attr.real("font-variation-settings", Transform keys CanIUse.variableFonts)

   * The font-weight CSS property specifies the weight or boldness of the font. However, some fonts are not available in all weights; some are available only on normal and bold.
   * @see MDN
  object fontWeight extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("font-weight")
    def _100    = av("100")
    def _200    = av("200")
    def _300    = av("300")
    def _400    = av("400")
    def _500    = av("500")
    def _600    = av("600")
    def _700    = av("700")
    def _800    = av("800")
    def _900    = av("900")
    def bold    = av(L.bold)
    def bolder  = av(L.bolder)
    def lighter = av(L.lighter)
    def normal  = avl(LT.normal)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridAutoColumns = Attr.real("grid-auto-columns", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridAutoFlow = Attr.real("grid-auto-flow", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridAutoPosition = Attr.real("grid-auto-position", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridAutoRows = Attr.real("grid-auto-rows", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridColumnStart = Attr.real("grid-column-start", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridColumnEnd = Attr.real("grid-column-end", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridRowStart = Attr.real("grid-row-start", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridRowEnd = Attr.real("grid-row-end", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  object gridTemplateAreas extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("grid-template-areas", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)
    def apply(s1: String, sn: String*) = av((s1 +: sn).map("\"" + _ + "\"").mkString(" "))

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridTemplateRows = Attr.real("grid-template-rows", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def gridTemplateColumns = Attr.real("grid-template-columns", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)

    * Allows some punctuation characters from start (or the end) of text elements to be placed "outside" of the box in order to preserve the reading flow.
  object hangingPunctuation extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("hanging-punctuation", Transform keys CanIUse.hangingPunctuation)
    // Value:	none | [ first || [ force-end | allow-end ] || last ]
    def none              = avl(LT.none)
    def first             = av("first")
    def last              = av("last")
    def firstLast         = av("first last")
    def forceEnd          = av("force-end")
    def firstForceEnd     = av("first force-end")
    def forceEndLast      = av("force-end last")
    def firstForceEndLast = av("first force-end last")
    def allowEnd          = av("allow-end")
    def firstAllowEnd     = av("first allow-end")
    def allowEndLast      = av("allow-end last")
    def firstAllowEndLast = av("first allow-end last")


   * The height CSS property specifies the height of the content area of an element. The content area is inside the padding, border, and margin of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object height extends TypedAttr_Length {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.real("height", _)

   * The hyphens CSS property tells the browser how to go about splitting words to improve the layout of text when line-wrapping. On HTML, the language is determined by the lang attribute: browsers will hyphenate only if this attribute is present and if an appropriate hyphenation dictionary is available. On XML, the xml:lang attribute must be used.
   * @see MDN
  object hyphens extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("hyphens", Transform keys CanIUse.hyphens)
    def auto   = avl(
    def manual = av(L.manual)
    def none   = avl(LT.none)

   * The image-rendering CSS property provides a hint to the user agent about how to handle its image rendering.  It applies to any images appearing on the element properties, but has no effect on non-scaled images.. For example, if the natural size of the image is 100×100px but the page author specifies the dimensions to 200×200px (or 50×50px), then the image will be upscaled (or downscaled) to the new dimensions using the specified algorithm. Scaling may also apply due to user interaction (zooming).
   * @see MDN
  object imageRendering extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("image-rendering",
      Transform.values(CanIUse.crispEdges)(L.crispEdges, L.pixelated))
    def auto       = avl(
    def crispEdges = av(L.crispEdges)
    def pixelated  = av(L.pixelated)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def imageResolution = Attr.real("image-resolution")

   * The image-orientation CSS property describes how to correct the default orientation of an image.
   * @see MDN
  final def imageOrientation = Attr.real("image-orientation")

   * The ime-mode CSS property controls the state of the input method editor for text fields.
   * @see MDN
  object imeMode extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("ime-mode")
    def active   = av(
    def auto     = avl(
    def disabled = av(L.disabled)
    def inactive = av(L.inactive)
    def normal   = avl(LT.normal)

    * This property specifies styling for dropped, raised, and sunken initial letters.
  object initialLetter extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("initial-letter", Transform keys CanIUse.initialLetter)
    def normal                                 : AV = avl(LT.normal)
    def apply(size: ValueT[Number])            : AV = av(size.value)
    def apply(size: ValueT[Number], lines: Int): AV = av(s"${size.value} $lines")

   * The isolation CSS property defines if the element must create a new stacking context.
   * @see MDN
  object isolation extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("isolation")
    def auto    = avl(
    def isolate = av(L.isolate)

   * The CSS justify-content property defines how a browser distributes available space between and around elements when aligning flex items in the main-axis of the current line. The alignment is done after the lengths and auto margins are applied, meaning that, if there is at least one flexible element, with flex-grow different than 0, it will have no effect as there won't be any available space.
   * @see MDN
  object justifyContent extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("justify-content", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)
    def center        = av(
    def start         = avl(L.start)
    def end           = avl(L.end)
    def flexStart     = av(L.flexStart)
    def flexEnd       = av(L.flexEnd)
    def left          = av(L.left)
    def right         = av(L.right)
    def normal        = avl(LT.normal)
    def spaceBetween  = av(L.spaceBetween)
    def spaceAround   = av(L.spaceAround)
    def spaceEvenly   = av(L.spaceEvenly)
    def stretch       = av(L.stretch)
    def safeCenter    = av(L.safeCenter)
    def unsafeCenter  = av(L.unsafeCenter)

   * The CSS justify-self property sets the way a box is justified inside its alignment container along the appropriate axis.
   * @see MDN
  object justifySelf extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("justify-self", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)
    def auto          = avl(
    def normal        = avl(LT.normal)
    def stretch       = av(L.stretch)
    def center        = av(
    def start         = avl(L.start)
    def end           = avl(L.end)
    def flexStart     = av(L.flexStart)
    def flexEnd       = av(L.flexEnd)
    def selfStart     = av(L.selfStart)
    def selfEnd       = av(L.selfEnd)
    def left          = av(L.left)
    def right         = av(L.right)
    def baseline      = av(L.baseline)
    def firstBaseline = av(L.firstBaseline)
    def lastBaseline  = av(L.lastBaseline)
    def safeCenter    = av(L.safeCenter)
    def unsafeCenter  = av(L.unsafeCenter)

   * The left CSS property specifies part of the position of positioned elements.
   * @see MDN
  object left extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("left")

   * The letter-spacing CSS property specifies spacing behavior between text characters.
   * @see MDN
  object letterSpacing extends TypedAttrT1[Len] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("letter-spacing", Transform keys CanIUse.letterSpacing)
    def normal = avl(LT.normal)

   * The line-break CSS property is used to specify how (or if) to break lines.
   * @see MDN
  object lineBreak extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("line-break")
    def auto   = avl(
    def loose  = av(L.loose)
    def normal = avl(LT.normal)
    def strict = av(L.strict)

   * On block level elements, the line-height CSS property specifies the minimal height of line boxes within the element.
   * @see MDN
  object lineHeight extends TypedAttrT1[LenPctNum] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("line-height")
    def normal = avl(LT.normal)

   * The list-style-image CSS property sets the image that will be used as the list item marker.
   * @see MDN
  final def listStyleImage = Attr.real("list-style-image")

   * The list-style-position CSS property specifies the position of the marker box in the principal block box.
   * @see MDN
  object listStylePosition extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("list-style-position")
    def inside  = av(L.inside)
    def outside = av(L.outside)

   * The list-style-type CSS property specifies appearance of a list item element. As it is the only one which defaults to display:list-item, this is usually a <li> element, but can be any element with this display value.
   * @see MDN
  final def listStyleType = Attr.real("list-style-type")

   * The margin-bottom CSS property of an element sets the margin space required on the bottom of an element. A negative value is also allowed.
   * @see MDN
  object marginBottom extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("margin-bottom")

   * The margin-left CSS property of an element sets the margin space required on the left side of a box associated with an element. A negative value is also allowed.
   * @see MDN
  object marginLeft extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("margin-left")

   * The margin-right CSS property of an element sets the margin space required on the right side of an element. A negative value is also allowed.
   * @see MDN
  object marginRight extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("margin-right")

   * The margin-top CSS property of an element sets the margin space required on the top of an element. A negative value is also allowed.
   * @see MDN
  object marginTop extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("margin-top")

   * The marks CSS property adds crop and/or cross marks to the presentation of the document. Crop marks indicate where the page should be cut. Cross marks are used to align sheets.
   * @see MDN
  final def marks = Attr.real("marks")

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def mask = Attr.real("mask", Transform keys CanIUse.masks)
  // TODO mask is shorthand - missing mask properties:

   * The CSS mask-type properties defines if a SVG <mask> element is a luminance or an alpha mask.
   * @see MDN
  final def maskType = Attr.real("mask-type", Transform keys CanIUse.masks)

   * The max-height CSS property is used to set the maximum height of a given element. It prevents the used value of the height property from becoming larger than the value specified for max-height.
   * @see MDN
  object maxHeight extends TypedAttr_MaxLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.real("max-height", _)

   * The max-width CSS property is used to set the maximum width of a given element. It prevents the used value of the width property from becoming larger than the value specified for max-width.
   * @see MDN
  object maxWidth extends TypedAttr_MaxLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.real("max-width", _)

   * The min-height CSS property is used to set the minimum height of a given element. It prevents the used value of the height property from becoming smaller than the value specified for min-height.
   * @see MDN
  object minHeight extends TypedAttr_MinLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.real("min-height", _)

   * The min-width CSS property is used to set the minimum width of a given element. It prevents the used value of the width property from becoming smaller than the value specified for min-width.
   * @see MDN
  object minWidth extends TypedAttr_MinLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.real("min-width", _)

   * The mix-blend-mode CSS property describes how an element content should blend with the content of the element that is below it and the element's background.
   * @see MDN
  final def mixBlendMode = Attr.real("mix-blend-mode")

   * The object-fit CSS property specifies how the contents of a replaced element should be fitted to the box established by its used height and width.
   * @see MDN
  object objectFit extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("object-fit", Transform keys CanIUse.objectFit)
    def contain   = avl(LT.contain)
    def cover     = av(L.cover)
    def fill      = av(L.fill)
    def none      = avl(LT.none)
    def scaleDown = av(L.scaleDown)

   * The object-position property determines the alignment of the replaced element inside its box.
   * @see MDN
  final def objectPosition = Attr.real("object-position")

   * The opacity CSS property specifies the transparency of an element, that is, the degree to which the background behind the element is overlaid.
   * @see MDN
  object opacity extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("opacity", Transform keys CanIUse.opacity)

   * The CSS order property specifies the order used to lay out flex items in their flex container. Elements are laid out by ascending order of the order value. Elements with the same order value are laid out in the order they appear in the source code.
   * @see MDN
  object order extends TypedAttrT1[Integer] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("order", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)

   * The orphans CSS property refers to the minimum number of lines in a block container that must be left at the bottom of the page. This property is normally used to control how page breaks occur.
   * @see MDN
  object orphans extends TypedAttrT1[Integer] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("orphans", Transform keys CanIUse.widowsOrphans)

   * The outline-color CSS property sets the color of the outline of an element. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge, to make the element stand out.
   * @see MDN
  object outlineColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("outline-color", Transform keys CanIUse.outline)
    def invert = av(L.invert)

   * The outline-offset CSS property is used to set space between an outline and the edge or border of an element. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge.
   * @see MDN
  object outlineOffset extends TypedAttrT1[Len] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("outline-offset", Transform keys CanIUse.outline)

   * The outline-style CSS property is used to set the style of the outline of an element. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge, to make the element stand out.
   * @see MDN
  object outlineStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.real("outline-style", Transform keys CanIUse.outline)
    def auto = avl(

   * The outline-width CSS property is used to set the width of the outline of an element. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements, outside the border edge, to make the element stand out:
   * @see MDN
  object outlineWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.real("outline-width", Transform keys CanIUse.outline)

   * The overflow CSS property specifies whether to clip content, render scrollbars or just display content when it overflows its block level container.
   * @see MDN
  object overflow extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("overflow")
    def auto    = avl(
    def hidden  = avl(LT.hidden)
    def scroll  = av(L.scroll)
    def visible = av(L.visible)

    * Scroll anchoring aims to be the default mode of behavior when launched, so that users benefit from it even on legacy content. overflow-anchor can disable scroll anchoring in part or all of a webpage (opt out), or exclude portions of the DOM from the anchor node selection algorithm.
  object overflowAnchor extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("overflow-anchor", Transform keys CanIUse.overflowAnchor)
    def none: AV = avl(LT.none)
    def auto: AV = avl(

    * Specifies how a scroll container element must behave when scrolling.
  object overscrollBehavior extends TypedAttrT2[OverflowBehaviour] with OverflowBehaviourOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("overscroll-behavior", Transform keys CanIUse.overflowAnchor)

    * Specifies how a scroll container element must behave when scrolling.
  object overscrollBehaviorX extends TypedAttrT1[OverflowBehaviour] with OverflowBehaviourOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("overscroll-behavior-x", Transform keys CanIUse.overflowAnchor)

    * Specifies how a scroll container element must behave when scrolling.
  object overscrollBehaviorY extends TypedAttrT1[OverflowBehaviour] with OverflowBehaviourOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("overscroll-behavior-y", Transform keys CanIUse.overflowAnchor)

   * @see MDN
  final def overflowWrap = Attr.real("overflow-wrap")

   * The overflow-x CSS property specifies whether to clip content, render a scroll bar or display overflow content of a block-level element, when it overflows at the left and right edges.
   * @see MDN
  object overflowX extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("overflow-x")
    def auto    = avl(
    def hidden  = avl(LT.hidden)
    def scroll  = av(L.scroll)
    def visible = av(L.visible)

   * The overflow-y CSS property specifies whether to clip content, render a scroll bar, or display overflow content of a block-level element, when it overflows at the top and bottom edges.
   * @see MDN
  object overflowY extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("overflow-y")
    def auto    = avl(
    def hidden  = avl(LT.hidden)
    def scroll  = av(L.scroll)
    def visible = av(L.visible)

   * The padding-bottom CSS property of an element sets the height of the padding area at the bottom of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and it's border. Contrary to margin-bottom values, negative values of padding-bottom are invalid.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingBottom extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("padding-bottom")

   * The padding-left CSS property of an element sets the padding space required on the left side of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and it's border. A negative value is not allowed.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingLeft extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("padding-left")

   * The padding-right CSS property of an element sets the padding space required on the right side of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and its border. Negative values are not allowed.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingRight extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("padding-right")

   * The padding-top CSS property of an element sets the padding space required on the top of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and its border. Contrary to margin-top values, negative values of padding-top are invalid.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingTop extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("padding-top")

   * The page-break-after CSS property adjusts page breaks after the current element.
   * @see MDN
  object pageBreakAfter extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("page-break-after", Transform keys CanIUse.pageBreak)
    def always = av(L.always)
    def auto   = avl(
    def avoid  = av(L.avoid)
    def left   = av(L.left)
    def right  = av(L.right)

   * The page-break-before CSS property adjusts page breaks before the current element.
   * @see MDN
  object pageBreakBefore extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("page-break-before", Transform keys CanIUse.pageBreak)
    def always = av(L.always)
    def auto   = avl(
    def avoid  = av(L.avoid)
    def left   = av(L.left)
    def right  = av(L.right)

   * The page-break-inside CSS property adjusts page breaks inside the current element.
   * @see MDN
  object pageBreakInside extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("page-break-inside", Transform keys CanIUse.pageBreak)
    def auto  = avl(
    def avoid = av(L.avoid)

   * The perspective CSS property determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give to the 3D-positioned element some perspective. Each 3D element with z>0 becomes larger; each 3D-element with z<0 becomes smaller. The strength of the effect is determined by the value of this property.
   * @see MDN
  object perspective extends TypedAttrT1[Len] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("perspective", Transform keys CanIUse.transforms)
    def none = avl(LT.none)

   * The perspective-origin CSS property determines the position the viewer is looking at. It is used as the vanishing point by the perspective property.
   * @see MDN
  final def perspectiveOrigin = Attr.real("perspective-origin", Transform keys CanIUse.transforms)

   * The CSS property pointer-events allows authors to control under what circumstances (if any) a particular graphic element can become the target of mouse events. When this property is unspecified, the same characteristics of the visiblePainted value apply to SVG content.
   * @see MDN
  object pointerEvents extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("pointer-events")
    def auto = avl(
    def none = avl(LT.none)

   * The position CSS property chooses alternative rules for positioning elements, designed to be useful for scripted animation effects.
   * @see MDN
  object position extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("position")
    def absolute = av(L.absolute)
    def fixed    = av(L.fixed)
    def relative = av(L.relative)
    def static   = av(L.static)
    def sticky   = av(L.sticky)

   * The quotes CSS property indicates how user agents should render quotation marks.
   * @see MDN
  object quotes extends TypedAttrBase with QuotesOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("quotes")
    def none = avl(LT.none)

    override protected def next(v: Value): Accum = new Accum(v)
    final class Accum(v: Value) extends ToAV with QuotesOps {
      override def av: AV = AV(attr, v)
      override protected def next(v: Value): Accum = new Accum(this.v + " " + v)
  trait QuotesOps {
    protected def next(v: Value): quotes.Accum
    final def apply(openQuote: String, closeQuote: String) =
      next(mkStrings(openQuote, " ", closeQuote))

   * Controls whether the last region in a chain displays additional 'overset' content according its default overflow property, or	if it displays a fragment of content as if it were flowing into a subsequent region.
   * @see WPD
  final def regionFragment = Attr.real("region-fragment", Transform keys CanIUse.regions)

   * The resize CSS property lets you control the resizability of an element.
   * @see MDN
  object resize extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("resize",
      Transform.keys(CanIUse.resize) *
      Transform.values(CanIUse.logicalProps)(L.block, L.inline))
    def block      = av(L.block)
    def both       = av(L.both)
    def horizontal = av(L.horizontal)
    def inline     = av(L.inline)
    def none       = avl(LT.none)
    def vertical   = av(L.vertical)

   * The right CSS property specifies part of the position of positioned elements.
   * @see MDN
  object right extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("right")

   * The row-gap CSS property sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's grid rows.
   * @see MDN
  object rowGap extends TypedAttrT1[GapStyle] with GapStyleOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("row-gap", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)

   * The ruby-align CSS property defines the distribution of the different ruby elements over the base.
   * @see MDN
  object rubyAlign extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("ruby-align")
    def center       = av(
    def spaceAround  = av(L.spaceAround)
    def spaceBetween = av(L.spaceBetween)
    def start        = avl(L.start)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def rubyMerge = Attr.real("ruby-merge")

   * The ruby-position CSS property defines the position of a ruby element relatives to its base element. It can be position over the element (over), under it (under), or between the characters, on their right side (inter-character).
   * @see MDN
  object rubyPosition extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("ruby-position")
    def interCharacter = av(L.interCharacter)
    def over           = av(L.over)
    def under          = av(L.under)

   * The scroll-behavior CSS property specifies the scrolling behavior for a scrolling box, when scrolling happens due to navigation or CSSOM scrolling APIs. Any other scrolls, e.g. those that are performed by the user, are not affected by this property. When this property is specified on the root element, it applies to the viewport instead.
   * @see MDN
  object scrollBehavior extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("scroll-behavior", Transform keys CanIUse.scrollBehavior)
    def auto   = avl(
    def smooth = av(L.smooth)

   * The shape-image-threshold CSS property defines the alpha channel threshold used to extract the shape using an image as the value for shape-outside. A value of 0.5 means that the shape will enclose all the pixels that are more than 50% opaque.
   * @see MDN
  object shapeImageThreshold extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("shape-image-threshold", Transform keys CanIUse.shapes)

   * The shape-margin CSS property adds a margin to shape-outside.
   * @see MDN
  object shapeMargin extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("shape-margin", Transform keys CanIUse.shapes)

   * The shape-outside CSS property uses shape values to define the float area for a float and will cause inline content to wrap around the shape instead of the float's bounding box.
   * @see MDN
  final def shapeOutside = Attr.real("shape-outside", Transform keys CanIUse.shapes)

   * The table-layout CSS property defines the algorithm to be used to layout the table cells, rows, and columns.
   * @see MDN
  object tableLayout extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("table-layout")
    def auto  = avl(
    def fixed = av(L.fixed)

   * The tab-size CSS property is used to customize the width of a tab (U+0009) character.
   * @see MDN
  final def tabSize = Attr.real("tab-size", Transform keys CanIUse.css3Tabsize)

   * The text-align CSS property describes how inline content like text is aligned in its parent block element. text-align does not control the alignment of block elements itself, only their inline content.
   * @see MDN
  object textAlign extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-align",
      Transform.values(CanIUse.logicalProps)(L.start.value, L.end.value) *
    def center      = av(
    def end         = avl(L.end)
    def justify     = av(L.justify)
    def left        = av(L.left)
    def matchParent = av(L.matchParent)
    def right       = av(L.right)
    def start       = avl(L.start)
    def startEnd    = av(L.startEnd)

   * The text-align-last CSS property describes how the last line of a block or a line, right before a forced line break, is aligned.
   * @see MDN
  object textAlignLast extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-align-last", Transform keys CanIUse.textAlignLast)
    def auto    = avl(
    def center  = av(
    def end     = avl(L.end)
    def justify = av(L.justify)
    def left    = av(L.left)
    def right   = av(L.right)
    def start   = avl(L.start)

   * The documentation about this has not yet been written; please consider contributing!
   * @see MDN
  final def textCombineUpright = Attr.real("text-combine-upright")

   * The text-decoration-color CSS property sets the color used when drawing underlines, overlines, or strike-throughs specified by text-decoration-line. This is the preferred way to color these text decorations, rather than using combinations of other HTML elements.
   * @see MDN
  object textDecorationColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-decoration-color", Transform keys CanIUse.textDecoration)

   * The text-decoration-line CSS property sets what kind of line decorations are added to an element.
   * @see MDN
  object textDecorationLine extends TypedAttrBase with TextDecorationLineOps {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-decoration-line", Transform keys CanIUse.textDecoration)
    def none = avl(LT.none)

    override protected def next(v: Value): Accum = new Accum(v)
    final class Accum(v: Value) extends ToAV with TextDecorationLineOps {
      override def av: AV = AV(attr, v)
      override protected def next(v: Value): Accum = new Accum(this.v + " " + v)
  trait TextDecorationLineOps {
    protected def next(v: Value): textDecorationLine.Accum
    final def underline   = next(L.underline)
    final def overline    = next(L.overline)
    final def lineThrough = next(L.lineThrough)
    final def blink       = next(L.blink)

   * The text-decoration-style CSS property defines the style of the lines specified by text-decoration-line. The style applies to all lines, there is no way to define different style for each of the line defined by text-decoration-line.
   * @see MDN
  object textDecorationStyle extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-decoration-style", Transform keys CanIUse.textDecoration)
    def dashed = avl(LT.dashed)
    def dotted = avl(LT.dotted)
    def double = avl(LT.double)
    def solid  = avl(LT.solid)
    def wavy   = av(L.wavy)

   * The text-emphasis-color property specifies the foreground color of the emphasis marks.
   * @see WPD
  final def textEmphasisColor = Attr.real("text-emphasis-color", Transform keys CanIUse.textEmphasis)

   * This property describes where emphasis marks are drawn at.
   * @see
  final def textEmphasisPosition = Attr.real("text-emphasis-position", Transform keys CanIUse.textEmphasis)

   * The text-emphasis-style property applies special emphasis marks to an element's text.
   * @see WPD
  final def textEmphasisStyle = Attr.real("text-emphasis-style", Transform keys CanIUse.textEmphasis)

   * The text-indent CSS property specifies how much horizontal space should be left before the beginning of the first line of the text content of an element. Horizontal spacing is with respect to the left (or right, for right-to-left layout) edge of the containing block element's box.
   * @see MDN
  object textIndent extends TypedAttrBase with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-indent", Transform keys CanIUse.textIndent)
    def apply(v: ValueT[LenPct])                                         : AV = av(v.value)
    def apply(v: ValueT[LenPct], h: LT.hanging.type)                     : AV = av(s"${v.value} ${h.value}")
    def apply(v: ValueT[LenPct], h: LT.eachLine.type)                    : AV = av(s"${v.value} ${h.value}")
    def apply(v: ValueT[LenPct], h: LT.hanging.type, e: LT.eachLine.type): AV = av(s"${v.value} ${h.value} ${e.value}")

   * The text-orientation CSS property defines the orientation of the text in a line. This property only has an effect in vertical mode, that is when writing-mode is not horizontal-tb. It is useful to control the display of writing in languages using vertical script, but also to deal with vertical table headers.
   * @see MDN
  object textOrientation extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-orientation", Transform keys CanIUse.textOrientation)
    def mixed               = av(L.mixed)
    def sideways            = av(L.sideways)
    def sidewaysLeft        = av(L.sidewaysLeft)
    def sidewaysRight       = av(L.sidewaysRight)
    def upright             = av(L.upright)
    def useGlyphOrientation = av(L.useGlyphOrientation)

   * The text-overflow CSS property determines how overflowed content that is not displayed is signaled to the users. It can be clipped, or display an ellipsis ('…', U+2026 Horizontal Ellipsis) or a Web author-defined string.
   * @see MDN
  final def textOverflow = Attr.real("text-overflow", Transform keys CanIUse.textOverflow)

   * The text-rendering CSS property provides information to the rendering engine about what to optimize for when rendering text. The browser makes trade-offs among speed, legibility, and geometric precision. The text-rendering property is an SVG property that is not defined in any CSS standard. However, Gecko and WebKit browsers let you apply this property to HTML and XML content on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
   * @see MDN
  final def textRendering = Attr.real("text-rendering")

   * The text-shadow CSS property adds shadows to text. It accepts a comma-separated list of shadows to be applied to the text and text-decorations of the element.
   * @see MDN
  final def textShadow = Attr.real("text-shadow", Transform keys CanIUse.textshadow)

   * On mobile devices, the text-size-adjust CSS property allows Web authors to control if and how the text-inflating algorithm is applied to the textual content of the element it is applied to.
   * @see MDN
  object textSizeAdjust extends TypedAttrT1[Pct] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-size-adjust", Transform keys CanIUse.textSizeAdjust)
    def auto = avl(
    def none = avl(LT.none)

   * Apple extension. Specifies the color of the outline (stroke) of text.
   * @see Safari CSS Reference
  final def textStrokeColor = Attr.real("text-stroke-color", Transform keys CanIUse.textStroke)

   * Apple extension. Specifies the width for the text outline.
   * @see Safari CSS Reference
  final def textStrokeWidth = Attr.real("text-stroke-width", Transform keys CanIUse.textStroke)

   * The text-transform CSS property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized.
   * @see MDN
  object textTransform extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-transform")
    def capitalize = av(L.capitalize)
    def fullWidth  = av(L.fullWidth)
    def lowercase  = av(L.lowercase)
    def none       = avl(LT.none)
    def uppercase  = av(L.uppercase)

   * The CSS text-underline-position property specifies the position of the underline which is set using the text-decoration property underline value.
   * @see MDN
  object textUnderlinePosition extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("text-underline-position")
    def auto       = avl(
    def under      = av(L.under)
    def left       = av(L.left)
    def right      = av(L.right)
    def underLeft  = av("under left")
    def underRight = av("under right")

   * The top CSS property specifies part of the position of positioned elements. It has no effect on non-positioned elements.
   * @see MDN
  object top extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.real("top")

   * The touch-action CSS property specifies whether and how a given region can be manipulated by the user (for instance, by panning or zooming).
   * @see MDN
  final def touchAction = Attr.real("touch-action", Transform keys CanIUse.touchAction)

   * The CSS transform property lets you modify the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model. Using it, elements can be translated, rotated, scaled, and skewed according to the values set.
   * @see MDN
  final def transform = Attr.real("transform", Transform keys CanIUse.transforms)

   * The transform-origin CSS property lets you modify the origin for transformations of an element. For example, the transform-origin of the rotate() function is the centre of rotation. (This property is applied by first translating the element by the negated value of the property, then applying the element's transform, then translating by the property value.)
   * @see MDN
  final def transformOrigin = Attr.real("transform-origin", Transform keys CanIUse.transforms)

   * The transform-style CSS property determines if the children of the element are positioned in the 3D-space or are flattened in the plane of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object transformStyle extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("transform-style", Transform keys CanIUse.transforms)
    def flat        = av(L.flat)
    def preserve3D = av(L.preserve3D)

   * The transition-delay CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait between a change being requested to a property that is to be transitioned and the start of the transition effect.
   * @see MDN
  object transitionDelay extends TypedAttrTN[Time](",") {
    override val attr = Attr.real("transition-delay", Transform keys CanIUse.transitions)

   * The transition-duration CSS property specifies the number of seconds or milliseconds a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s, meaning that no animation will occur.
   * @see MDN
  object transitionDuration extends TypedAttrTN[Time](",") {
    override val attr = Attr.real("transition-duration", Transform keys CanIUse.transitions)

   * The transition-property CSS property is used to specify the names of CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
   * @see MDN
  final def transitionProperty = Attr.real("transition-property", Transform keys CanIUse.transitions)

   * The CSS transition-timing-function property is used to describe how the intermediate values of the CSS properties being affected by a transition effect are calculated. This in essence lets you establish an acceleration curve, so that the speed of the transition can vary over its duration.
   * @see MDN
  object transitionTimingFunction extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr: Attr = Attr.real("transition-timing-function", Transform keys CanIUse.transitions)
    def cubicBezier(x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double)       = avl(new LT.cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2))
    def steps(steps: Int, direction: LT.TimingFunctionDirection = LT.end) = avl(new LT.steps(steps, direction))
    def linear                                                            = avl(LT.linear)
    def ease                                                              = avl(LT.ease)
    def easeIn                                                            = avl(LT.easeIn)
    def easeInOut                                                         = avl(LT.easeInOut)
    def easeOut                                                           = avl(LT.easeOut)
    def stepStart                                                         = avl(LT.stepStart)
    def stepEnd                                                           = avl(LT.stepEnd)

   * The unicode-bidi CSS property together with the direction property relates to the handling of bidirectional text in a document. For example, if a block of text contains both left-to-right and right-to-left text then the user-agent uses a complex Unicode algorithm to decide how to display the text. This property overrides this algorithm and allows the developer to control the text embedding.
   * @see MDN
  object unicodeBidi extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("unicode-bidi")
    def bidiOverride    = av(L.bidiOverride)
    def embed           = av(L.embed)
    def isolate         = av(L.isolate)
    def isolateOverride = av(L.isolateOverride)
    def normal          = avl(LT.normal)
    def plaintext       = av(L.plaintext)

   * The unicode-range CSS descriptor sets the specific range of characters to be downloaded from a font defined by @font-face and made available for use on the current page.
   * @see MDN
  final def unicodeRange = Attr.real("unicode-range")

   * Controls the actual Selection operation. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes. A similar property 'user-focus' was proposed in early drafts of a predecessor of css3-ui but was rejected by the working group.
   * @see MDN
  object userSelect extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("user-select", Transform keys CanIUse.userSelectNone)
    def auto = avl(
    def text = av(L.text)
    def none = avl(LT.none)
    def contain = avl(LT.contain)
    def all = av(L.all)

   * The vertical-align CSS property specifies the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell box.
   * @see MDN
  object verticalAlign extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("vertical-align")
    def baseline    = av(L.baseline)
    def bottom      = av(L.bottom)
    def middle      = av(L.middle)
    def sub         = av(L.sub)
    def super_      = av(L.super_)
    def textBottom = av(L.textBottom)
    def textTop    = av(L.textTop)
    def top         = av(

   * The visibility CSS property has two purposes:
   * @see MDN
  object visibility extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("visibility")
    def collapse = av(L.collapse)
    def hidden   = avl(LT.hidden)
    def visible  = av(L.visible)

   * The white-space CSS property is used to to describe how white spaces inside the element is handled.
   * @see MDN
  object whiteSpace extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("white-space")
    def normal   = avl(LT.normal)
    def nowrap   = av(L.nowrap)
    def pre      = av(L.pre)
    def preLine = av(L.preLine)
    def preWrap = av(L.preWrap)

   * The widows CSS property defines how many minimum lines must be left on top of a new page, on a paged media. In typography, a widow is the last line of a paragraph appearing alone at the top of a page. Setting the widows property allows to prevent widows to be left.
   * @see MDN
  object widows extends TypedAttrT1[Integer] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("widows", Transform keys CanIUse.widowsOrphans)

   * The width CSS property specifies the width of the content area of an element. The content area is inside the padding, border, and margin of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object width extends TypedAttr_Length {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.real("width", _)

   * The will-change CSS property provides a way for authors to hint browsers about the kind of changes to be expected on an element, so that the browser can setup appropriate optimizations ahead of time before the element is actually changed.
   * @see MDN
  final def willChange = Attr.real("will-change")

   * The word-break CSS property is used to specify how (or if) to break lines within words.
   * @see MDN
  object wordBreak extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("word-break", Transform keys CanIUse.wordBreak)
    def breakAll = av(L.breakAll)
    def keepAll  = av(L.keepAll)
    def normal    = avl(LT.normal)

   * The word-spacing CSS property specifies spacing behavior between tags and words.
   * @see MDN
  object wordSpacing extends TypedAttrT1[Len] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.real("word-spacing")
    def normal = avl(LT.normal)

   * The word-wrap CSS property is used to specify whether or not the browser may break lines within words in order to prevent overflow (in other words, force wrapping) when an otherwise unbreakable string is too long to fit in its containing box.
   * @see MDN
  object wordWrap extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("word-wrap", Transform keys CanIUse.wordwrap)
    def breakWord = av(L.breakWord)
    def normal     = avl(LT.normal)

   * The writing-mode CSS property defines whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically and the direction in which blocks progress.
   * @see MDN
  object writingMode extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.real("writing-mode", Transform keys CanIUse.writingMode)
    def horizontalTB = av(L.horizontalTB)
    def verticalLR   = av(L.verticalLR)
    def verticalRL   = av(L.verticalRL)

   * The z-index CSS property specifies the z-order of an element and its descendants. When elements overlap, z-order determines which one covers the other. An element with a larger z-index generally covers an element with a lower one.
   * @see MDN
  object zIndex extends TypedAttrT1[Integer] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("z-index")
    def auto = avl(

  // ===================================================================================================================
  // Alias Attributes
  // ===================================================================================================================

   * The CSS all shorthand property resets all properties, but unicode-bidi and direction to their initial or inherited value.
   * @see MDN
  object all extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = new AliasAttr("all", Attr.genSimple("all"), Need(Attrs.valuesForAllAttr))

   * The animation CSS property is a shorthand property for animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function, animation-delay, animation-iteration-count, animation-direction, animation-fill-mode and animation-play-state.
   * @see MDN
  final def animation = Attr.alias("animation", Transform keys CanIUse.animation)(_(
    animationName, animationDuration, animationTimingFunction, animationDelay, animationIterationCount,
    animationDirection, animationFillMode, animationPlayState))

   * The background CSS property is a shorthand for setting the individual background values in a single place in the style sheet. background can be used to set the values for one or more of: background-clip, background-color, background-image, background-origin, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, and background-attachment.
   * @see MDN
  final def background = Attr.alias("background", CanIUse2.backgroundImageTransforms)(_(
    backgroundClip, backgroundColor, backgroundImage, backgroundOrigin, backgroundPosition, backgroundRepeat,
    backgroundSize, backgroundAttachment))

   * The block-size CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical size of an element's block depending on it's writing mode. It corresponds to the width or the height property depending on the value defined for writing-mode.
   * @see MDN
  object blockSize extends TypedAttr_Length {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.alias("block-size", _)(_(height, width))

   * The border CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual border property values in a single place in the style sheet. border can be used to set the values for one or more of: border-width, border-style, border-color.
   * @see MDN
  object border extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border")(_(
      borderWidth, borderStyle, borderColor))

   * The border-block-end CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical block end border property values in a single place in the style sheet. border-block-end can be used to set the values for one or more of: border-block-end-width, border-block-end-style, border-block-end-color. It maps to a physical border depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top, border-right, border-bottom, or border-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockEnd extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-end")(_(
      borderBlockEndWidth, borderBlockEndStyle, borderBlockEndColor))

   * The border-block-end-color CSS property defines the color of the logical block end border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, or border-left-color property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockEndColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-end-color")(_(
      borderLeftColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor))

   * The border-block-end-style CSS property defines the style of the logical block end border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, or border-left-style property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockEndStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-end-style")(_(
      borderLeftStyle, borderTopStyle, borderRightStyle, borderBottomStyle))

   * The border-block-end-width CSS property defines the width of the logical block end border of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, or border-left-width property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockEndWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-end-width")(_(
      borderLeftWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth))

   * The border-block-start CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical block start border property values in a single place in the style sheet. border-block-start can be used to set the values for one or more of: border-block-start-width, border-block-start-style, border-block-start-color. It maps to a physical border depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top, border-right, border-bottom, or border-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockStart extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-start")(_(
      borderBlockStartWidth, borderBlockStartStyle, borderBlockStartColor))

   * The border-block-start-color CSS property defines the color of the logical block start border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, or border-left-color property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockStartColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-start-color")(_(
      borderLeftColor, borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor))

   * The border-block-start-style CSS property defines the style of the logical block start border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, or border-left-style property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockStartStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-start-style")(_(
      borderLeftStyle, borderTopStyle, borderRightStyle, borderBottomStyle))

   * The border-block-start-width CSS property defines the width of the logical block start border of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, or border-left-width property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBlockStartWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-block-start-width")(_(
      borderLeftWidth, borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth))

   * The border-bottom CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-bottom-color, border-bottom-style, and border-bottom-width. These properties describe the bottom border of elements.
   * @see MDN
  object borderBottom extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-bottom")(_(
      borderBottomColor, borderBottomStyle, borderBottomWidth))

   * The border-color CSS property is a shorthand for setting the color of the four sides of an element's border: border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, border-left-color
   * @see MDN
  object borderColor extends TypedAttrT4Edges[Color](" ") with ColourOps {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-color")(_(
      borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor))
    override protected def attrT = borderTopColor
    override protected def attrR = borderRightColor
    override protected def attrB = borderBottomColor
    override protected def attrL = borderLeftColor

   * The border-image CSS property allows drawing an image on the borders of elements. This makes drawing complex looking widgets much simpler than it has been and removes the need for nine boxes in some cases.
   * @see MDN
  final def borderImage = Attr.alias("border-image", Transform keys CanIUse.borderImage)(_(
    borderImageOutset, borderImageRepeat, borderImageSlice, borderImageSource, borderImageWidth))

   * The border-inline-end CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical inline end border property values in a single place in the style sheet. border-inline-end can be used to set the values for one or more of: border-inline-end-width, border-inline-end-style, border-inline-end-color. It maps to a physical border depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top, border-right, border-bottom, or border-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineEnd extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-end")(_(
      borderInlineEndWidth, borderInlineEndStyle, borderInlineEndColor))

   * The border-inline-end-color CSS property defines the color of the logical inline end border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, or border-left-color property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineEndColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-end-color")(_(
      borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor))

   * The border-inline-end-style CSS property defines the style of the logical inline end border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, or border-left-style property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineEndStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-end-style")(_(
      borderTopStyle, borderRightStyle, borderBottomStyle, borderLeftStyle))

   * The border-inline-end-width CSS property defines the width of the logical inline end border of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, or border-left-width property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineEndWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-end-width")(_(
      borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth))

   * The border-inline-start CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical inline start border property values in a single place in the style sheet. border-inline-start can be used to set the values for one or more of: border-inline-start-width, border-inline-start-style, border-inline-start-color. It maps to a physical border depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top, border-right, border-bottom, or border-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineStart extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-start")(_(
      borderInlineStartWidth, borderInlineStartStyle, borderInlineStartColor))

   * The border-inline-start-color CSS property defines the color of the logical inline start border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color, border-right-color, border-bottom-color, or border-left-color property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineStartColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-start-color")(_(
      borderTopColor, borderRightColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor))

   * The border-inline-start-style CSS property defines the style of the logical inline start border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, or border-left-style property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineStartStyle extends TypedAttr_BrStyle {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-start-style")(_(
      borderTopStyle, borderRightStyle, borderBottomStyle, borderLeftStyle))

   * The border-inline-start-width CSS property defines the width of the logical inline start border of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, or border-left-width property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object borderInlineStartWidth extends TypedAttr_BrWidth {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-inline-start-width")(_(
      borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth))

   * The border-left CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-left-color, border-left-style, and border-left-width. These properties describe the left border of elements.
   * @see MDN
  object borderLeft extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-left")(_(
      borderLeftColor, borderLeftStyle, borderLeftWidth))

   * The border-radius CSS property allows Web authors to define how rounded border corners are. The curve of each corner is defined using one or two radii, defining its shape: circle or ellipse.
   * @see MDN
  object borderRadius extends TypedAttrBase with RorderRadiusOps[BorderRadiusNext] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-radius", Transform keys CanIUse.borderRadius)(_(
      borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius))
    override protected def n(v: Value) = new BorderRadiusNext(v)
  final class BorderRadiusNext(a: Value) extends RorderRadiusOps[AV] with ToAV {
    override def av: AV = AV(borderRadius.attr, a)
    override protected def n(b: Value) = AV(borderRadius.attr, s"$a / $b")
  sealed trait RorderRadiusOps[Next] {
    protected def n(v: Value): Next
    final type V = ValueT[LenPct]
    final def apply(radius: V)                        : Next = n(radius.value)
    final def apply(tl_br : V, tr_bl: V)              : Next = n(concat(" ", tl_br, tr_bl))
    final def apply(tl    : V, tr_bl: V, br: V)       : Next = n(concat(" ", tl, tr_bl, br))
    final def apply(tl    : V, tr   : V, br: V, bl: V): Next = n(concat(" ", tl,tr,br,bl))

   * The border-right CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-right-color, border-right-style, and border-right-width. These properties describe the right border of elements.
   * @see MDN
  object borderRight extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-right")(_(
      borderRightColor, borderRightStyle, borderRightWidth))

   * The border-style CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the line style for all four sides of the elements border.
   * @see MDN
  object borderStyle extends TypedAttrT4Edges[BrStyle](" ") with BrStyleOps {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-style")(_(
      borderTopStyle, borderRightStyle, borderBottomStyle, borderLeftStyle))
    override protected def attrT = borderTopStyle
    override protected def attrR = borderRightStyle
    override protected def attrB = borderBottomStyle
    override protected def attrL = borderLeftStyle

   * The border-top CSS property is a shorthand that sets the values of border-top-color, border-top-style, and border-top-width. These properties describe the top border of elements.
   * @see MDN
  object borderTop extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-top")(_(
      borderTopColor, borderTopStyle, borderTopWidth))

   * The border-width CSS property sets the width of the border of a box. Using the shorthand property border is often more convenient.
   * @see MDN
  object borderWidth extends TypedAttrT4Edges[BrWidth](" ") with BrWidthOps {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("border-width")(_(
      borderTopWidth, borderRightWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderLeftWidth))
    override protected def attrT = borderTopWidth
    override protected def attrR = borderRightWidth
    override protected def attrB = borderBottomWidth
    override protected def attrL = borderLeftWidth

   * The columns CSS property is a shorthand property allowing to set both the column-width and the column-count properties at the same time.
   * @see MDN
  final def columns = Attr.alias("columns", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)(_(
    columnWidth, columnCount))

   * In multi-column layouts, the column-rule CSS property specifies a straight line, or "rule")( to be drawn between each column. It is a convenient shorthand to avoid setting each of the individual column-rule-* properties separately : column-rule-width, column-rule-style and column-rule-color.
   * @see MDN
  object columnRule extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("column-rule", Transform keys CanIUse.multicolumn)(_(
      columnRuleWidth, columnRuleStyle, columnRuleColor))

   * The flex CSS property is a shorthand property specifying the ability of a flex item to alter its dimensions to fill available space. Flex items can be stretched to use available space proportional to their flex grow factor or their flex shrink factor to prevent overflow.
   * @see MDN
  final def flex = Attr.alias("flex", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)(_(
    flexGrow, flexShrink, flexBasis))

   * The CSS flex-flow property is a shorthand property for flex-direction and flex-wrap individual properties.
   * @see MDN
  final def flexFlow = Attr.alias("flex-flow", Transform keys CanIUse.flexbox)(_(
    flexDirection, flexWrap))

   * The font CSS property is either a shorthand property for setting font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family, or a way to set the element's font to a system font, using specific keywords.
   * @see MDN
  final def font = Attr.alias("font")(_(
    fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight, fontSize, lineHeight, fontFamily))

   * The font-variant CSS property selects a normal, or small-caps face from a font family. Setting the CSS Level 2 (Revision 1) values of the  font-variant property, that is normal or small-caps, is also possible by using the font shorthand.
   * @see MDN
  final def fontVariant = Attr.alias("font-variant")(_(
    fontVariantAlternates, fontVariantCaps, fontVariantEastAsian, fontVariantLigatures, fontVariantNumeric,

   * The gap CSS property sets the gaps (gutters) between rows and columns. It is a shorthand for row-gap and column-gap.
   * @see MDN
  object gap extends TypedAttrBase with GapStyleOps {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("gap")(_(columnGap, rowGap))
    type T = ValueT[GapStyle]
    def apply(both: T)       : AV = av(both.value)
    def apply(row: T, col: T): AV = av(concat(" ", row, col))

   * @see css3-grid-layout#grid
  final def grid = Attr.alias("grid", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)(_(
    gridTemplate, gridAutoFlow, gridAutoColumns, gridAutoRows))

   * @see css3-grid-layout#common-uses
  final def gridArea = Attr.alias("grid-area", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)(_(
    gridColumn, gridRow))

   * @see css3-grid-layout#placement-shorthands
  final def gridColumn = Attr.alias("grid-column", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)(_(
    gridColumnStart, gridColumnEnd))

   * @see css3-grid-layout#placement-shorthands
  final def gridRow = Attr.alias("grid-row", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)(_(
    gridRowStart, gridRowEnd))

   * @see css3-grid-layout#grid-template
  final def gridTemplate = Attr.alias("grid-template", Transform keys CanIUse.grid)(_(
    gridTemplateAreas, gridTemplateColumns, gridTemplateRows))

   * The inline-size CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical size of an element's block depending on it's writing mode. It corresponds to the width or the height property depending on the value defined for writing-mode.
   * @see MDN
  object inlineSize extends TypedAttr_Length {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.alias("inline-size", _)(_(height, width))

   * The list-style CSS property is a shorthand property for setting list-style-type, list-style-image and list-style-position.
   * @see MDN
  final def listStyle = Attr.alias("list-style")(_(
    listStyleType, listStyleImage, listStylePosition))

   * The margin CSS property sets the margin for all four sides. It is a shorthand to avoid setting each side separately with the other margin properties: margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom and margin-left.
   * @see MDN
  object margin extends TypedAttrT4Edges[LenPctAuto](" ") with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("margin")(_(
      marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft))
    override protected def attrT = marginTop
    override protected def attrR = marginRight
    override protected def attrB = marginBottom
    override protected def attrL = marginLeft
    def auto = avl(

   * The margin-block-end CSS property defines the logical block end margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, or margin-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object marginBlockEnd extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("margin-block-end")(_(margin))

   * The margin-block-start CSS property defines the logical block start margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, or margin-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object marginBlockStart extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("margin-block-start")(_(margin))

   * The margin-inline-end CSS property defines the logical inline end margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. In other words, it corresponds to the margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom or margin-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object marginInlineEnd extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("margin-inline-end")(_(margin))

   * The margin-inline-start CSS property defines the logical inline end margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, or margin-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object marginInlineStart extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("margin-inline-start")(_(margin))

   * The max-block-size CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical maximal size of an element's block depending on its writing mode. It corresponds to the max-width or the max-height property, depending on the value defined for writing-mode. If the writing mode is vertically oriented, the value of max-block-size relates to the maximal width of the element, otherwise it relates to the maximal height of the element. It relates to max-inline-size, which defines the other dimension of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object maxBlockSize extends TypedAttr_MaxLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.alias("max-block-size", _)(_(maxHeight, maxWidth))

   * The max-inline-size CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical maximal size of an element's block depending on its writing mode. It corresponds to the max-width or the max-height property depending on the value defined for writing-mode. If the writing mode is vertically oriented, the value of max-inline-size relates to the maximal height of the element, otherwise it relates to the maximal width of the element. It relates to max-block-size, which defines the other dimension of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object maxInlineSize extends TypedAttr_MaxLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.alias("max-inline-size", _)(_(maxHeight, maxWidth))

   * The min-block-size CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical minimal size of an element's block depending on its writing mode. It corresponds to the min-width or the min-height property, depending on the value defined for writing-mode. If the writing mode is vertically oriented, the value of min-block-size relates to the minimal width of the element, otherwise it relates to the minimal height of the element. It relates to min-inline-size, which defines the other dimension of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object minBlockSize extends TypedAttr_MinLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.alias("min-block-size", _)(_(minHeight, minWidth))

   * The min-inline-size CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical minimal size of an element's block depending on its writing mode. It corresponds to the min-width or the min-height property, depending on the value defined for writing-mode. If the writing mode is vertically oriented, the value of min-inline-size relates to the minimal height of the element, otherwise it relates to the minimal width of the element. It relates to min-block-size, which defines the other dimension of the element.
   * @see MDN
  object minInlineSize extends TypedAttr_MinLength {
    override protected def attr2 = Attr.alias("min-inline-size", _)(_(minHeight, minWidth))

   * The offset-block-end CSS property defines the logical block end offset of an element, which maps to a physical offset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object offsetBlockEnd extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("offset-block-end")(_(
      top, left, right, bottom))

   * The offset-block-start CSS property defines the logical block start offset of an element, which maps to a physical offset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object offsetBlockStart extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("offset-block-start")(_(
      top, left, right, bottom))

   * The offset-inline-end CSS property defines the logical inline end offset of an element, which maps to a physical offset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object offsetInlineEnd extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("offset-inline-end")(_(
      top, left, right, bottom))

   * The offset-inline-start CSS property defines the logical inline start offset of an element, which maps to a physical offset depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the top, right, bottom, or left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object offsetInlineStart extends TypedAttr_LenPctAuto {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("offset-inline-start")(_(
      top, left, right, bottom))

   * The CSS outline property is a shorthand property for setting one or more of the individual outline properties outline-style, outline-width and outline-color in a single declaration. In most cases the use of this shortcut is preferable and more convenient.
   * @see MDN
  object outline extends TypedAttr_BrWidthStyleColour {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("outline", Transform keys CanIUse.outline)(_(
      outlineStyle, outlineWidth, outlineColor)) // not outlineOffset

   * The padding CSS property sets the required padding space on all sides of an element. The padding area is the space between the content of the element and its border. Negative values are not allowed.
   * @see MDN
  object padding extends TypedAttrT4Edges[LenPct](" ") with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("padding")(_(
      paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom))
    override protected def attrT = paddingTop
    override protected def attrR = paddingRight
    override protected def attrB = paddingBottom
    override protected def attrL = paddingLeft

   * The padding-block-end CSS property defines the logical block end padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, or padding-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingBlockEnd extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("padding-block-end")(_(padding))

   * The padding-block-start CSS property defines the logical block start padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, or padding-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingBlockStart extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("padding-block-start")(_(padding))

   * The padding-inline-end CSS property defines the logical inline end padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, or padding-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingInlineEnd extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("padding-inline-end")(_(padding))

   * The padding-inline-start CSS property defines the logical inline start padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, or padding-left property depending on the values defined for writing-mode, direction, and text-orientation.
   * @see MDN
  object paddingInlineStart extends TypedAttrT1[LenPct] with ZeroLit {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("padding-inline-start")(_(padding))

   * The place-self CSS property is a shorthand property sets both the align-self and justify-self properties. The first value is the align-self property value, the second the justify-self one. If the second value is not present, the first value is also used for it.
   * @see MDN
  object placeSelf extends TypedAttrBase {
    override val attr = Attr.alias("place-self")(_(alignSelf, justifySelf))
    def autoCenter         = av("auto center")
    def normalStart        = av("normal start")
    def centerNormal       = av("center normal")
    def startAuto          = av("start auto")
    def endNormal          = av("end normal")
    def selfStartAuto      = av("self-start auto")
    def selfEndNormal      = av("self-end normal")
    def flexStartAuto      = av("flex-start auto")
    def flexEndNormal      = av("flex-end normal")
    def leftAuto           = av("left auto")
    def rightNormal        = av("right normal")
    def baselineNormal     = av("baseline normal")
    def firstBaselineAuto  = av("first baseline auto")
    def lastBaselineNormal = av("last baseline normal")
    def stretchAuto        = av("stretch auto")

   * The text-decoration CSS property is used to set the text formatting to underline, overline, line-through or blink. Underline and overline decorations are positioned under the text, line-through over it.
   * @see MDN
  final def textDecoration = Attr.alias("text-decoration", Transform keys CanIUse.textDecoration)(_(
    textDecorationColor, textDecorationLine, textDecorationStyle))

   * The text-emphasis property will apply special emphasis marks to the elements text. Slightly similar to the text-decoration property only that this property can have affect on the line-height. It also is noted that this is shorthand for text-emphasis-style and for text-emphasis-color.
   * Note that `text-emphasis-position` is not reset in this shorthand. This is because typically the shape and color vary, but the position is consistent for a particular language throughout the document. Therefore the position should inherit independently.
   * @see WPD
  final def textEmphasis = Attr.alias("text-emphasis", Transform keys CanIUse.textEmphasis)(_(
    textEmphasisColor, textEmphasisStyle)) // Not textEmphasisPosition

   * Apple extension. Specifies the color of the outline (stroke) of text.
   * @see Safari CSS Reference
  final def textStroke = Attr.alias("text-stroke", Transform keys CanIUse.textStroke)(_(
    textStrokeColor, textStrokeWidth))

   * The CSS transition property is a shorthand property for transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, and transition-delay. It allows to define the transition between two states of an element. Different states may be defined using pseudo-classes like :hover or :active or dynamically set using JavaScript.
   * @see MDN
  final def transition = Attr.alias("transition", Transform keys CanIUse.transitions)(_(
    transitionProperty, transitionDuration, transitionTimingFunction, transitionDelay))

  /* =================================================================================================================
   * ==================================== SVG Attributes =============================================================
   * ================================================================================================================= */

    * The clip-rule attribute only applies to graphics elements that are contained within a  element. The clip-rule attribute basically works as the fill-rule attribute, except that it applies to  definitions.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgClipRule = Attr.real("clip-rule")

    * The enable-background is only applicable to container elements and specifies how the SVG user agents manages the accumulation of the background image.
    * @see
  final def svgEnableBackground = Attr.real("enable-background")

    * The flood-color attribute indicates what color to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion defined through the  element. The keyword currentColor and ICC colors can be specified in the same manner as within a  specification for the fill and stroke attributes.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgFloodColor = Attr.real("flood-color")

    * The flood-opacity attribute indicates the opacity value to use across the current filter primitive subregion defined through the  element.
    * @see MDN
  object svgFloodOpacity extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("flood-opacity")

    * The lighting-color attribute defines the color of the light source for filter primitives elements  and .
    * @see MDN
  object svgLightingColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("lighting-color")

    * The stop-color attribute indicates what color to use at that gradient stop. The keyword currentColor and ICC colors can be specified in the same manner as within a  specification for the fill and stroke attributes.
    * @see MDN
  object svgStopColor extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("stop-color")

    * The stop-opacity attribute defines the opacity of a given gradient stop.
    * @see MDN
  object svgStopOpacity extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("stop-opacity")

    * The color-interpolation attribute specifies the color space for gradient interpolations, color animations, and alpha compositing.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgColorInterpolation = Attr.real("color-interpolation")

    * The color-interpolation-filters attribute specifies the color space for imaging operations performed via filter effects.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgColorInterpolationFilters = Attr.real("color-interpolation-filters")

    * The color-profile attribute is used to define which color profile a raster image included through the  element should use.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgColorProfile = Attr.real("color-profile")

    * The color-rendering attribute provides a hint to the SVG user agent about how to optimize its color interpolation and compositing operations.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgColorRendering = Attr.real("color-rendering")

    * The fill attribute can be used to maintain the value of an animation after the active duration of an animation element ends.
    * For shapes and text, the fill attribute is a presentation attribute that define the color of the interior of the given graphical element.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgFill = Attr.real("fill")

    * This attribute specifies the opacity of the color or the content the current object is filled with.
    * @see MDN
  object svgFillOpacity extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("fill-opacity")

    * The fill-rule attribute indicates the algorithm which is to be used to determine what side of a path is inside the shape.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgFillRule = Attr.real("fill-rule")

    * The marker-end defines the arrowhead or polymarker that will be drawn at the final vertex of the given  element or basic shape.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgMarkerEnd = Attr.real("marker-end")

    * The marker-mid defines the arrowhead or polymarker that shall be drawn at every vertex other than the first and last vertex of the given  element or basic shape.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgMarkerMid = Attr.real("marker-mid")

    * The marker-start attribute defines the arrowhead or polymarker that will be drawn at the first vertex of the given  element or basic shape.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgMarkerStart = Attr.real("marker-start")

    * The creator of SVG content might want to provide a hint about what tradeoffs to make as the browser renders  element or basic shapes. The shape-rendering attribute provides these hints.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgShapeRendering = Attr.real("shape-rendering")

    * The stroke attribute defines the color of the outline on a given graphical element. The default value for the stroke attribute is none.
    * @see MDN
  object svgStroke extends TypedAttr_Color {
    override val attr = Attr.real("stroke")

    * The stroke-dasharray attribute controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgStrokeDashArray = Attr.real("stroke-dasharray")

    * The stroke-dashoffset attribute specifies the distance into the dash pattern to start the dash.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgStrokeDashOffset = Attr.real("stroke-dashoffset")

    * The stroke-linecap attribute specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgStrokeLineCap = Attr.real("stroke-linecap")

    * The stroke-linejoin attribute specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgStrokeLineJoin = Attr.real("stroke-linejoin")

    * The stroke-miterlimit imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke-width.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgStrokeMiterLimit = Attr.real("stroke-miterlimit")

    * The stroke-opacity attribute specifies the opacity of the outline on the current object. Its default value is 1.
    * @see MDN
  object svgStrokeOpacity extends TypedAttrT1[Number] {
    override val attr = Attr.real("stroke-opacity")

    * The stroke-width attribute specifies the width of the outline on the current object.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgStrokeWidth = Attr.real("stroke-width")

    * The alignment-baseline attribute specifies how an object is aligned with respect to its parent.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgAlignmentBaseline = Attr.real("alignment-baseline")

    * The baseline-shift attribute allows repositioning of the dominant-baseline relative to the dominant-baseline of the parent text content element.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgBaselineShift = Attr.real("baseline-shift")

    * The dominant-baseline attribute is used to determine or re-determine a scaled-baseline-table.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgDominantBaseline = Attr.real("dominant-baseline")

    * This property is applied only to text written in a horizontal ‘writing-mode’.
    * @see
  final def svgGlyphOrientationHorizontal = Attr.real("glyph-orientation-horizontal")

    * This property is applied only to text written in a vertical ‘writing-mode’.
    * @see
  final def svgGlyphOrientationVertical = Attr.real("glyph-orientation-vertical")

    * The kerning attribute indicates whether the browser should adjust inter-glyph spacing based on kerning tables
    * @see MDN
  final def svgKerning = Attr.real("kerning")

    * The text-anchor attribute is used to align (start-, middle- or end-alignment) a string of text relative to a given point.
    * @see MDN
  final def svgTextAnchor = Attr.real("text-anchor")

//  /**
//   * xxxxxxxx
//   *
//   * @see MDN
//   */
//  final val xxxxxxxx = Attr.real("xxxxxxxx")

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