scalacss.internal.Compose.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalacss.internal
* Style composition logic.
* This is responsible for merges styles together, and producing warnings.
* It has the power to perform merges on conflicting CSS values, and selectively ignore merges.
final case class Compose(rules: Compose.Rules) {
def apply(a: StyleS, b: StyleS): StyleS = {
var warnings = a.warnings ++ b.warnings
def absorbWarning[A](c: Cond, t: (A, Vector[WarningMsg])): A = {
t._2.foreach { w => warnings :+= Warning(c, w) }
def mergeAVs(c: Cond, newAVs: AVs, into: AVs): AVs = {
// Remove exact matches
var newData = newAVs.data
for {(a, nvs) <- newData; ovs <- into.get(a)} {
val o = ovs.toSet
val newVals = nvs.whole.filterNot(o.contains)
NonEmptyVector.maybe(newVals, newData -= a)(n => newData = newData.updated(a, n))
// Find conflicts
newData.foldLeft(into) { case (results, (a, nvs)) =>
results.filterKeys(k => a.cmp(k).conflict) match {
case None =>
// No conflicts - safe to add
results.addAll(a, nvs)
case Some(conflicts) =>
// Handle conflict via rules
val r = absorbWarning(c, rules.mergeAVs(conflicts, AVs(a, nvs)))
val delete = conflicts.data.keySet -- r.order.whole
results.filterKeys(!delete.contains(_)) match {
case None => r
case Some(o) => r.data.foldLeft(o)((o, b) => o.modify(b._1, _ => b._2))
val newData =
b.data.foldLeft(a.data) { case (data, (cond, newAVs)) =>
data.get(cond).fold(newAVs)(oldAVs =>
mergeAVs(cond, newAVs, into = oldAVs)))
val exts = a.unsafeExts ++ b.unsafeExts
val cns = a.addClassNames ++ b.addClassNames
new StyleS(newData, exts, className = None, cns, warnings)
def apply[B](a: StyleS, b: StyleF[B]): StyleF[B] =
b.mod(apply(a, _))
def apply[B](a: StyleS, b: StyleF.P[B]): StyleF.P[B] =
StyleF.P(d => apply(a, b(d)))
def apply[A](a: StyleF[A], b: StyleS): StyleF[A] =
a.mod(apply(_, b))
def apply[A, B](a: StyleF[A], b: StyleF[B]): StyleF[(A, B)] =
new StyleF[(A, B)](i => apply(a f i._1, b f i._2), a.domain *** b.domain)
def apply[A, B](a: StyleF[A], b: StyleF.P[B]): Domain[B] => StyleF[(A, B)] =
d => apply(a, b(d))
def apply[A](a: StyleF.P[A], b: StyleS): StyleF.P[A] =
StyleF.P(d => apply(a(d), b))
def apply[A, B](a: StyleF.P[A], b: StyleF[B]): Domain[A] => StyleF[(A, B)] =
d => apply(a(d), b)
def apply[A, B](a: StyleF.P[A], b: StyleF.P[B]): (Domain[A], Domain[B]) => StyleF[(A, B)] =
(da, db) => apply(a(da), b(db))
object Compose {
lazy val safe: Compose =
new Compose(Rules(Rules.append, Rules.warn))
lazy val trust: Compose =
new Compose(Rules(Rules.append, Rules.silent))
trait Rules {
def mergeAVs(lo: AVs, hi: AVs): (AVs, Vector[WarningMsg])
object Rules {
type MergeRule = (AVs, AVs) => AVs
type WarnRule = (AVs, AVs) => Vector[WarningMsg]
def apply(m: MergeRule, w: WarnRule): Rules =
new Rules {
override def mergeAVs(lo: AVs, hi: AVs): (AVs, Vector[WarningMsg]) =
(m(lo, hi), w(lo, hi))
def append: MergeRule =
(lo, hi) => lo ++ hi
def replace: MergeRule =
(_, hi) => hi
def silent: WarnRule =
(_, _) => Vector.empty
def warn: WarnRule =
(lo, hi) => {
def showA(a: Attr): String = a.id
def showV(vs: NonEmptyVector[Value]): String =
if (vs.tail.isEmpty) vs.head else vs.whole.mkString("[", "; ", "]")
def showAVt(t: (Attr, NonEmptyVector[Value])) =
showAV(t._1, t._2)
def showAV(a: Attr, vs: NonEmptyVector[Value]): String =
// s"(${showA(a)}: ${showV(vs)})"
s"${showA(a)}: ${showV(vs)}"
def showAVs(avs: AVs): String = {
val s = avs.iterator.map(showAVt)
// if (s.lengthCompare(1) == 0) s.head else s.mkString("{ ", ", ", " }")
s.mkString("{", ", ", "}")
.map(t => s"{${showAVt(t)}} conflicts with ${showAVs(lo)}")
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