scalacss.internal.Style.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalacss.internal
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1
* A high-level style, that can describe a subject and its children in a variety of conditions.
* ==Types==
* - [[StyleS]]: Static. `{s}`
* - [[StyleF]]: Function. `{i => s}`
* - [[StyleA]]: Applicable. `class="…"`
sealed trait Style
* A single style that applied to a single subject.
sealed abstract class Style1 extends Style
object Style {
* Unsafe extensions to a style.
* Unsafe because by using this, you knowingly opt-out of type-safety.
* There will be no relationship visible to the compiler between this additional CSS and its intended targets.
* An example of what this would be useful for, is styling the entire page, declaring the default font and size,
* the properties of all `h1` elements, etc.
type UnsafeExts = Vector[UnsafeExt]
* @param sel A CSS selector based on the intended parent's selector.
* Example: `(_+" h1")` will style all child `h1` elements.
* Example: `(_+".debug")` will specify a style only active when a `"debug"` class is present.
final case class UnsafeExt(sel: CssSelector => CssSelector, cond: Cond, style: StyleS)
* A static style.
* @param className Manually specifies this style's class name. By default it is automatically generated.
* @param addClassNames Additional class names to be appended to the resulting [[StyleA]].
* Allows ScalaCSS styles to use classname-based CSS libraries like Bootstrap.
final case class StyleS(data : SortedMap[Cond, AVs],
unsafeExts : Style.UnsafeExts,
className : Option[ClassName],
addClassNames: Vector[ClassName],
warnings : Vector[Warning]) extends Style1 {
def compose (r: StyleS )(implicit c: Compose): StyleS = c(this, r)
def compose[I](r: StyleF [I])(implicit c: Compose): StyleF [I] = c(this, r)
def compose[I](r: StyleF.P[I])(implicit c: Compose): StyleF.P[I] = c(this, r)
override def toString = inspect
def inspectCss: StyleStream =
Css.styleA(StyleA(className getOrElse ClassName("???"), addClassNames, this))(Env.empty)
def inspect: String =
// def conflicts: Map[Cond, Set[AV]] = {
// data.toStream
// .map { case (c, avs) => (c, AttrCmp.conflicts(avs.whole)) }
// .filter(_._2.nonEmpty)
// .toMap
// }
object StyleS {
/** Helper method for common case where only data is specified. */
def data(d: SortedMap[Cond, AVs]): StyleS =
new StyleS(d, Vector.empty, None, Vector.empty, Vector.empty)
/** Helper method for common case where only one condition is specified. */
def data1(c: Cond, avs: AVs): StyleS =
data(empty.data.updated(c, avs))
val empty: StyleS =
* A function to a style. A style that depends on input provided when used.
* @tparam I Input required by the style.
* @param domain The function domain. All possible (or legal) inputs to this function.
final class StyleF[I](val f: I => StyleS, val domain: Domain[I]) extends Style1 {
def mod(g: StyleS => StyleS): StyleF[I] =
new StyleF(g compose f, domain)
def compose (r: StyleS )(implicit c: Compose): StyleF[I] = c(this, r)
def compose[J](r: StyleF [J])(implicit c: Compose): StyleF[(I, J)] = c(this, r)
def compose[J](r: StyleF.P[J])(implicit c: Compose): Domain[J] => StyleF[(I, J)] = c(this, r)
object StyleF {
def apply[I](f: I => StyleS): StyleF.P[I] =
P(new StyleF(f, _))
* A `Domain[I] => StyleF[I]` with additional methods.
* The P can stand for ''P''ending, or ''P''re, in that a `StyleF.P` is nearly a `StyleF`.
* Names are hard ok? Shuttup!
sealed trait P[I] extends AbstractFunction1[Domain[I], StyleF[I]] {
def compose (r: StyleS )(implicit c: Compose): StyleF.P[I] = c(this, r)
def compose[J](r: StyleF [J])(implicit c: Compose): Domain[I] => StyleF[(I, J)] = c(this, r)
def compose[J](r: StyleF.P[J])(implicit c: Compose): (Domain[I], Domain[J]) => StyleF[(I, J)] = c(this, r)
def P[I](f: Domain[I] => StyleF[I]): P[I] =
new P[I] { override def apply(d: Domain[I]) = f(d) }
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