scalacss.internal.mutable.StyleSheet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalacss.internal.mutable
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scalacss.internal.DslBase.{DslCond, ToStyle}
import scalacss.internal._
* Mutable StyleSheets provide a context in which many styles can be created using a DSL.
* They are mutable because they maintain a list of registered styles, meaning you can declare each style one at a time
* instead of having to create a list of styles in a single expression.
* Each style itself is immutable.
object StyleSheet {
* Classes defined in the REPL appear like this:
* $line8.$read.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.$iw.MyStyles
private def fixRepl(s: String): String =
s.replaceFirst("""^\$line.+[.$]\$iw[.$]""", "")
abstract class Base {
protected def cssRegister: Register
protected implicit val classNameHint: ClassNameHint =
.replaceFirst("\\$+$", "")
.replaceFirst("""^(?:.+\.)(.+?)$""", "$1")
.replaceAll("\\$+", "_"))
protected object dsl extends DslBase {
override def styleS(t: ToStyle*)(implicit c: Compose) = Dsl.style(t: _*)
@inline final def ^ = Literal
@inline final def Color(literal: String) = scalacss.internal.Color(literal)
@inline implicit final def toCondOps[C](x: C)(implicit f: C => Cond): CondOps =
new CondOps(f(x))
final class CondOps(val cond: Cond) {
@inline def - = new DslCond(cond, dsl)
final def css(implicit env: Env): Css =
final def styles: Vector[StyleA] =
* Render registered styles into some format, usually a String of plain CSS.
* @param env The target environment in which the styles are to be used.
* Allows customisation of required CSS.
final def render[Out](implicit r: Renderer[Out], env: Env): Out =
* Render registered styles into some format, usually a String of plain CSS.
* The `A` suffix stands for ''absolute'', in that it doesn't perform any environment customisation, and as such
* an [[Env]] isn't required.
final def renderA[Out](implicit r: Renderer[Out]): Out =
render(r, Env.empty)
* A standalone stylesheet has the following properties:
* - Intent is to generate static CSS for external consumption.
* - It is comparable to SCSS/LESS.
* - Styles go into a pool of registered styles when they are declared and return `Unit`.
* - Style class names / CSS selectors must be provided.
* - Only static styles ([[StyleS]]) are usable.
abstract class Standalone(protected implicit val cssRegister: Register) extends Base {
import dsl._
@inline protected final implicit class RootStringOps(val sel: CssSelector) extends Pseudo.ChainOps[RootStringOps] {
override protected def addPseudo(p: Pseudo): RootStringOps =
new RootStringOps(p modSelector sel)
* Create a root style.
* {{{
* "div.stuff" - (
* ...
* )
* }}}
def -(t: ToStyle*)(implicit c: Compose): Unit =
cssRegister registerS styleS(unsafeRoot(sel)(t: _*))
protected final class NestedStringOps(val sel: CssSelector) extends Pseudo.ChainOps[NestedStringOps] {
override protected def addPseudo(p: Pseudo): NestedStringOps =
new NestedStringOps(p modSelector sel)
/** Create a nested style. */
def -(t: ToStyle*)(implicit c: Compose): StyleS =
styleS(unsafeChild(sel)(t: _*))
@inline final protected def & : Cond =
/** Create a child style. */
@inline final protected def &(sel: CssSelector): NestedStringOps =
new NestedStringOps(sel)
* An inline stylesheet has the following properties:
* - Intent is to create styles that can be applied directly to HTML in Scala/Scala.JS.
* - Each style is stored in a `val` of type `StyleA`.
* - Styles are applied to HTML by setting the `class` attribute of the HTML to the class(es) in a `StyleA`.
* - Style class names / CSS selectors are automatically generated.
* - All style types ([[StyleS]], [[StyleF]]) are usable.
abstract class Inline(protected implicit val cssRegister: Register) extends Base with Macros.Dsl.Mixin {
override protected def __macroStyle (name: String) = new MStyle (name)
override protected def __macroStyleF (name: String) = new MStyleF(name)
override protected def __macroKeyframes(name: String) = new MKeyframes(name)
override protected def __macroKeyframe = new MKStyle
override protected def __macroFontFace = new MFontFace
protected class MStyle(name: String) extends DslMacros.MStyle {
override def apply(t: ToStyle*)(implicit c: Compose): StyleA = {
val s1 = Dsl.style(t: _*)
val s2 = cssRegister.applyMacroName(name, s1)
cssRegister registerS s2
override def apply(className: String)(t: ToStyle*)(implicit c: Compose): StyleA =
cssRegister registerS Dsl.style(className)(t: _*)
protected class MStyleF(name: String) extends DslMacros.MStyleF {
override protected def create[I: StyleLookup](manualName: Option[String], d: Domain[I], f: I => StyleS, classNameSuffix: (I, Int) => String) =
manualName match {
case None => cssRegister.registerFM(StyleF(f)(d), name)(classNameSuffix)
case Some(n) => cssRegister.registerF2(StyleF(f)(d), n)(classNameSuffix)
protected class MKeyframes(name: String) extends DslMacros.MKeyframes {
override def apply(frames: (KeyframeSelector, StyleA)*): Keyframes =
cssRegister.registerKeyframes(Keyframes(ClassName(name), frames))
protected class MKStyle extends DslMacros.MStyle {
override def apply(t: ToStyle*)(implicit c: Compose): StyleA = {
val s = Dsl.style(t: _*)
StyleA(ClassName("keyframe"), s.addClassNames, s)
override def apply(className: String)(t: ToStyle*)(implicit c: Compose): StyleA =
protected class MFontFace extends DslMacros.MFontFace {
override def apply(config: FontFace.FontSrcSelector => FontFace[Option[String]]): FontFace[String] = {
cssRegister.registerFontFace(config(new FontFace.FontSrcSelector(None)))
override def apply(fontFamily: String)(config: FontFace.FontSrcSelector => FontFace[Option[String]]): FontFace[String] = {
cssRegister.registerFontFace(config(new FontFace.FontSrcSelector(Some(fontFamily))))
@inline final protected def & : Cond =
* Objects in Scala are lazy. If you put styles in inner objects you need to make sure they're initialised before
* your styles are rendered.
* To do so, call this at the end of your stylesheet with one style from each inner object.
protected def initInnerObjects(a: StyleA*) = ()
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