japgolly.scalajs.react.Reusability.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.scalajs.react
import japgolly.scalajs.react.internal.Box
import japgolly.scalajs.react.internal.CoreGeneral._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.Effect.Sync
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.{DefaultEffects, OptionLike}
import java.time._
import java.util.{Date, UUID}
import java.{math => jm}
import org.scalajs.dom.console
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
import scala.concurrent.{duration => scd}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.scalajs.js.timers.{SetIntervalHandle, SetTimeoutHandle}
import scala.scalajs.js.{Date => JsDate, |}
import scala.{math => sm}
* Tests whether one instance can be used in place of another.
* Used mostly to compare properties and state of a component to avoid unnecessary updates.
* If you imagine a class with 8 fields, equality would compare all 8 fields where as this would typically just compare
* the ID field, the update-date, or the revision number.
* You might think of this as a very quick version of equality.
* Don't miss `Reusability.shouldComponentUpdate` which can be applied to a component via
* `ScalaComponent.build#configure`.
* @since 0.9.0
final class Reusability[A](val test: (A, A) => Boolean) extends AnyVal {
@inline def updateNeeded(x: A, y: A): Boolean =
!test(x, y)
def contramap[B](f: B => A): Reusability[B] =
new Reusability((x, y) => test(f(x), f(y)))
def narrow[B <: A]: Reusability[B] =
new Reusability[B](test)
def unsafeWiden[B >: A]: Reusability[B] =
def unsafeSubst[B]: Reusability[B] =
new Reusability[B](test.asInstanceOf[(B, B) => Boolean])
def testNot: (A, A) => Boolean =
!test(_, _)
def ||[B <: A](tryNext: Reusability[B]): Reusability[B] =
Reusability[B]((x, y) => test(x, y) || tryNext.test(x, y))
def &&[B <: A](tryNext: Reusability[B]): Reusability[B] =
Reusability[B]((x, y) => test(x, y) && tryNext.test(x, y))
def reusable(a: A)(implicit c: ClassTag[A]): Reusable[A] =
def logNonReusable: Reusability[A] = logNonReusable()
def logNonReusable(show: A => String = _.toString,
log : String => Unit = console.warn(_),
title: String = "Non-reusability:",
fmt : (String, => String, => String) => String = (t, x, y) => s"$t\n- $x\n- $y"): Reusability[A] =
Reusability { (a, b) =>
val r = test(a, b)
if (!r)
log(fmt(title, show(a), show(b)))
object Reusability extends ReusabilityMacros with ScalaVersionSpecificReusability {
@inline def apply[A](f: (A, A) => Boolean): Reusability[A] =
new Reusability(f)
def suspend[A](f: => Reusability[A]): Reusability[A] =
new Reusability((a, b) => f.test(a, b))
@deprecated("Use Reusability.suspend", "2.0.0")
def byName[A](f: => Reusability[A]): Reusability[A] =
private[this] val alwaysInstance: Reusability[Any] =
apply((_, _) => true)
def always[A]: Reusability[A] =
private[this] val neverInstance: Reusability[Any] =
apply((_, _) => false)
def never[A]: Reusability[A] =
def const[A](r: Boolean): Reusability[A] =
if (r) always else never
/** Compare by reference. Reuse if both values are the same instance. */
def byRef[A <: AnyRef]: Reusability[A] =
new Reusability((a, b) => a eq b)
/** Compare using universal equality (Scala's == operator). */
def by_==[A]: Reusability[A] =
new Reusability((a, b) => a == b)
/** Compare by reference and if different, compare using universal equality (Scala's == operator). */
def byRefOr_==[A <: AnyRef]: Reusability[A] =
byRef[A] || by_==[A]
def by[A, B](f: A => B)(implicit r: Reusability[B]): Reusability[A] =
r contramap f
def byIterator[I[X] <: Iterable[X], A: Reusability]: Reusability[I[A]] =
apply { (x, y) =>
val i = x.iterator
val j = y.iterator
def go: Boolean = {
val hasNext = i.hasNext
if (hasNext != j.hasNext)
else if (!hasNext)
else if (i.next() ~/~ j.next())
def indexedSeq[S[X] <: IndexedSeq[X], A: Reusability]: Reusability[S[A]] =
apply((x, y) =>
(x.length == y.length) && x.indices.forall(i => x(i) ~=~ y(i)))
def double(tolerance: Double): Reusability[Double] =
apply((x, y) => (x - y).abs <= tolerance)
def float(tolerance: Float): Reusability[Float] =
apply((x, y) => (x - y).abs <= tolerance)
def javaBigDecimal(tolerance: Double): Reusability[jm.BigDecimal] =
javaBigDecimal(new jm.BigDecimal(tolerance))
def javaBigDecimal(tolerance: jm.BigDecimal): Reusability[jm.BigDecimal] =
apply((x, y) => x.subtract(y).abs.compareTo(tolerance) <= 0)
def scalaBigDecimal(tolerance: sm.BigDecimal): Reusability[sm.BigDecimal] =
apply((x, y) => (x - y).abs.compareTo(tolerance) <= 0)
def byJavaDuration[A](dur: (A, A) => Duration, tolerance: Duration): Reusability[A] =
apply { (x, y) =>
val d = dur(x, y).abs
d.compareTo(tolerance) <= 0
def javaDuration(tolerance: Duration): Reusability[Duration] =
byRef || byJavaDuration[Duration](_ minus _, tolerance)
def instant(tolerance: Duration): Reusability[Instant] =
byRef || byJavaDuration[Instant](Duration.between, tolerance)
def localDateTime(tolerance: Duration): Reusability[LocalDateTime] =
byRef || byJavaDuration[LocalDateTime](Duration.between, tolerance)
def localDate(tolerance: Duration): Reusability[LocalDate] =
byRef || byJavaDuration[LocalDate](Duration.between, tolerance)
def offsetDateTime(tolerance: Duration): Reusability[OffsetDateTime] =
byRef || byJavaDuration[OffsetDateTime](Duration.between, tolerance)
def offsetTime(tolerance: Duration): Reusability[OffsetTime] =
byRef || byJavaDuration[OffsetTime](Duration.between, tolerance)
def zonedDateTime(tolerance: Duration): Reusability[ZonedDateTime] =
byRef || byJavaDuration[ZonedDateTime](Duration.between, tolerance)
def byScalaDuration[A](dur: (A, A) => scd.Duration, tolerance: scd.Duration): Reusability[A] =
apply { (x, y) =>
var d = dur(x, y)
if (d.length < 0)
d = scd.FiniteDuration(d.length.abs, d.unit)
d <= tolerance
def scalaDuration(tolerance: scd.Duration): Reusability[scd.Duration] =
byRef || byScalaDuration[scd.Duration](_ - _, tolerance)
def finiteDuration(tolerance: scd.Duration): Reusability[scd.FiniteDuration] =
def deadline(tolerance: scd.Duration): Reusability[scd.Deadline] =
* This is not implicit because the point of Reusability is to be fast, where as full comparison of all keys and
* values in a map, is usually not desirable; in some cases it will probably even be faster just rerender and have
* React determine that nothing has changed.
* Nonetheless, there are cases where a full comparison is desired and so use this as needed. `Reusability[K]` isn't
* needed because its existence in the map (and thus universal equality) is all that's necessary.
* Time is O(|m₁|+|m₂|).
def map[K, V](implicit rv: Reusability[V]): Reusability[Map[K, V]] =
byRef[Map[K, V]] || apply((m, n) =>
if (m.isEmpty)
else if (n.isEmpty)
else {
var ok = true
var msize = 0
val mi = m.iterator
while (ok && mi.hasNext) {
val (k, v) = mi.next()
msize += 1
ok = n.get(k).exists(rv.test(v, _))
ok && msize == n.size
/** Declare a type reusable when both values pass a given predicate. */
def when[A](f: A => Boolean): Reusability[A] =
apply((a, b) => f(a) && f(b))
/** Declare a type reusable when both values fail a given predicate. */
def unless[A](f: A => Boolean): Reusability[A] =
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implicit Instances
// Prohibited:
// ===========
// Array - it's mutable. Reusability & mutability are incompatible.
// Stream - it's lazy. Reusability & non-strictness are incompatible.
@inline implicit def unit : Reusability[Unit ] = always
@inline implicit def boolean: Reusability[Boolean] = by_==
@inline implicit def byte : Reusability[Byte ] = by_==
@inline implicit def char : Reusability[Char ] = by_==
@inline implicit def short : Reusability[Short ] = by_==
@inline implicit def int : Reusability[Int ] = by_==
@inline implicit def long : Reusability[Long ] = by_==
@inline implicit def string : Reusability[String ] = by_==
@inline implicit def date : Reusability[Date ] = by_==
@inline implicit def uuid : Reusability[UUID ] = by_==
implicit def jsDate: Reusability[JsDate] =
apply((x, y) => x.getTime() == y.getTime())
@inline implicit def option[A: Reusability]: Reusability[Option[A]] =
implicit def optionLike[O[_], A](implicit o: OptionLike[O], r: Reusability[A]): Reusability[O[A]] =
apply((x, y) =>
o.fold(x, o isEmpty y)(xa =>
o.fold(y, false)(ya =>
xa ~=~ ya)))
implicit def either[A: Reusability, B: Reusability]: Reusability[Either[A, B]] =
apply((x, y) =>
a => y.fold(a ~=~ _, _ => false),
b => y.fold(_ => false, b ~=~ _)))
implicit def list[A: Reusability]: Reusability[List[A]] =
byRef[List[A]] || byIterator[List, A]
implicit def vector[A: Reusability]: Reusability[Vector[A]] =
byRef[Vector[A]] || indexedSeq[Vector, A]
implicit def set[A]: Reusability[Set[A]] =
byRefOr_== // universal equality must hold for Sets
implicit def arraySeq[A: Reusability]: Reusability[ArraySeq[A]] =
byRef[ArraySeq[A]] || indexedSeq[ArraySeq, A]
implicit def box[A: Reusability]: Reusability[Box[A]] =
implicit def range: Reusability[Range] =
implicit lazy val setIntervalHandle: Reusability[SetIntervalHandle] =
implicit lazy val setTimeoutHandle: Reusability[SetTimeoutHandle] =
@inline implicit def bigInteger: Reusability[jm.BigInteger] =
@inline implicit def bigInt: Reusability[sm.BigInt] =
// java.time._
implicit def clock: Reusability[Clock] =
implicit def dayOfWeek: Reusability[DayOfWeek] =
implicit def localDate: Reusability[LocalDate] =
implicit def month: Reusability[Month] =
implicit def monthDay: Reusability[MonthDay] =
implicit def period: Reusability[Period] =
implicit def year: Reusability[Year] =
implicit def yearMonth: Reusability[YearMonth] =
implicit def zoneId: Reusability[ZoneId] =
implicit def zoneOffset: Reusability[ZoneOffset] =
// Refs
/** Updating a reference doesn't trigger a component re-rendering, nor is the current reference value considered for reusability. */
@inline implicit def refRaw[A]: Reusability[facade.React.RefHandle[A]] =
/** Updating a reference doesn't trigger a component re-rendering, nor is the current reference value considered for reusability. */
implicit def refHandleF[F[_], A]: Reusability[Ref.HandleF[F, A]] =
refRaw[A | Null].contramap(_.raw)
/** Updating a reference doesn't trigger a component re-rendering, nor is the current reference value considered for reusability.
* Any `map`/`contramap` functions installed in the ref are ignored for the sake of reusability. If this is undesirable, pass around
* a [[Reusable]] ref instead.
implicit def refFullF[F[_], I, A, O]: Reusability[Ref.FullF[F, I, A, O]] =
refRaw[A | Null].contramap(_.raw)
/** Updating a reference doesn't trigger a component re-rendering, nor is the current reference value considered for reusability.
* Any `map`/`contramap` functions installed in the ref are ignored for the sake of reusability. If this is undesirable, pass around
* a [[Reusable]] ref instead.
implicit def refToComponentF[F[_], I, R, O, C]: Reusability[Ref.ToComponentF[F, I, R, O, C]] =
refFullF[F, I, R, O].narrow
/** Updating a reference doesn't trigger a component re-rendering, nor is the current reference value considered for reusability. */
implicit def nonEmptyRefHandleF[F[_], A]: Reusability[NonEmptyRef.HandleF[F, A]] =
/** Updating a reference doesn't trigger a component re-rendering, nor is the current reference value considered for reusability.
* Any `map`/`contramap` functions installed in the ref are ignored for the sake of reusability. If this is undesirable, pass around
* a [[Reusable]] ref instead.
implicit def nonEmptyRefFullF[F[_], I, A, O]: Reusability[NonEmptyRef.FullF[F, I, A, O]] =
/** Updating a reference doesn't trigger a component re-rendering, nor is the current reference value considered for reusability. */
implicit def hooksUseRefF[F[_], A]: Reusability[Hooks.UseRefF[F, A]] =
// Generated by bin/gen-reusable
implicit def tuple2[A:Reusability, B:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2))
implicit def tuple3[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3))
implicit def tuple4[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4))
implicit def tuple5[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5))
implicit def tuple6[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6))
implicit def tuple7[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7))
implicit def tuple8[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8))
implicit def tuple9[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9))
implicit def tuple10[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10))
implicit def tuple11[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11))
implicit def tuple12[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12))
implicit def tuple13[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13))
implicit def tuple14[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14))
implicit def tuple15[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15))
implicit def tuple16[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability, P:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15) && (x._16 ~=~ y._16))
implicit def tuple17[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability, P:Reusability, Q:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15) && (x._16 ~=~ y._16) && (x._17 ~=~ y._17))
implicit def tuple18[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability, P:Reusability, Q:Reusability, R:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15) && (x._16 ~=~ y._16) && (x._17 ~=~ y._17) && (x._18 ~=~ y._18))
implicit def tuple19[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability, P:Reusability, Q:Reusability, R:Reusability, S:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15) && (x._16 ~=~ y._16) && (x._17 ~=~ y._17) && (x._18 ~=~ y._18) && (x._19 ~=~ y._19))
implicit def tuple20[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability, P:Reusability, Q:Reusability, R:Reusability, S:Reusability, T:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15) && (x._16 ~=~ y._16) && (x._17 ~=~ y._17) && (x._18 ~=~ y._18) && (x._19 ~=~ y._19) && (x._20 ~=~ y._20))
implicit def tuple21[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability, P:Reusability, Q:Reusability, R:Reusability, S:Reusability, T:Reusability, U:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15) && (x._16 ~=~ y._16) && (x._17 ~=~ y._17) && (x._18 ~=~ y._18) && (x._19 ~=~ y._19) && (x._20 ~=~ y._20) && (x._21 ~=~ y._21))
implicit def tuple22[A:Reusability, B:Reusability, C:Reusability, D:Reusability, E:Reusability, F:Reusability, G:Reusability, H:Reusability, I:Reusability, J:Reusability, K:Reusability, L:Reusability, M:Reusability, N:Reusability, O:Reusability, P:Reusability, Q:Reusability, R:Reusability, S:Reusability, T:Reusability, U:Reusability, V:Reusability]: Reusability[(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V)] =
apply((x,y) => (x._1 ~=~ y._1) && (x._2 ~=~ y._2) && (x._3 ~=~ y._3) && (x._4 ~=~ y._4) && (x._5 ~=~ y._5) && (x._6 ~=~ y._6) && (x._7 ~=~ y._7) && (x._8 ~=~ y._8) && (x._9 ~=~ y._9) && (x._10 ~=~ y._10) && (x._11 ~=~ y._11) && (x._12 ~=~ y._12) && (x._13 ~=~ y._13) && (x._14 ~=~ y._14) && (x._15 ~=~ y._15) && (x._16 ~=~ y._16) && (x._17 ~=~ y._17) && (x._18 ~=~ y._18) && (x._19 ~=~ y._19) && (x._20 ~=~ y._20) && (x._21 ~=~ y._21) && (x._22 ~=~ y._22))
// ===================================================================================================================
object MapImplicits {
implicit def reusabilityMap[K, V](implicit rv: Reusability[V]): Reusability[Map[K, V]] =
Reusability.byRef || Reusability.map
object DecimalImplicitsWithoutTolerance {
@inline implicit def reusabilityJavaBigDecimal : Reusability[jm.BigDecimal] = byRefOr_==
@inline implicit def reusabilityScalaBigDecimal: Reusability[sm.BigDecimal] = byRefOr_==
@inline implicit def reusabilityDouble : Reusability[Double ] = by_==
@inline implicit def reusabilityFloat : Reusability[Float ] = by_==
object TemporalImplicitsWithoutTolerance {
implicit lazy val reusabilityJavaDuration: Reusability[Duration] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityInstant: Reusability[Instant] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityLocalDateTime: Reusability[LocalDateTime] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityLocalDate: Reusability[LocalDate] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityOffsetDateTime: Reusability[OffsetDateTime] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityOffsetTime: Reusability[OffsetTime] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityZonedDateTime: Reusability[ZonedDateTime] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityScalaDuration: Reusability[scd.Duration] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityFiniteDuration: Reusability[scd.FiniteDuration] =
implicit lazy val reusabilityDeadline: Reusability[scd.Deadline] =
// ===================================================================================================================
def shouldComponentUpdateAnd[G[_], P: Reusability, C <: Children, S: Reusability, B, U <: UpdateSnapshot](f: ShouldComponentUpdateResult[P, S, B] => G[Unit])(implicit G: Sync[G]): ScalaComponent.Config[P, C, S, B, U, U] =
_.shouldComponentUpdate { i =>
val r = ShouldComponentUpdateResult(i)
val g = f(r)
G.map(g)(_ => r.update)
def shouldComponentUpdateAndLog[P: Reusability, C <: Children, S: Reusability, B, U <: UpdateSnapshot](name: String): ScalaComponent.Config[P, C, S, B, U, U] = {
import DefaultEffects.Sync
final case class ShouldComponentUpdateResult[P: Reusability, S: Reusability, B](self: ScalaComponent.Lifecycle.ShouldComponentUpdate[P, S, B]) {
def mounted = self.mountedImpure
def backend = self.backend
def propsChildren = self.propsChildren
def currentProps = self.currentProps
def currentState = self.currentState
def nextProps = self.nextProps
def nextState = self.nextState
def getDOMNode = self.getDOMNode
val updateProps: Boolean = currentProps ~/~ nextProps
val updateState: Boolean = currentState ~/~ nextState
val update : Boolean = updateProps || updateState
def log[F[_]](name: String)(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Unit] =
|s"$name.shouldComponentUpdate = $update
| Props: $updateProps. [$currentProps] ⇒ [$nextProps]
| State: $updateState. [$currentState] ⇒ [$nextState]
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