japgolly.scalajs.react.ReusabilityMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.scalajs.react
import japgolly.microlibs.compiletime.MacroEnv.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.Reusability
import scala.compiletime.*
import scala.deriving.*
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.language.`3.0`
trait ReusabilityMacros {
transparent inline def derived[A]: Reusability[A] =
/** Generate an instance for A.
* If A is a sealed trait or sealed abstract class, Reusability is determined by sub-class reusability (which will
* be derived when it doesn't exist).
* If A is a case class, Reusability is determined by each field's Reusability.
transparent inline def derive[A]: Reusability[A] =
logNonReuse = false, // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
logCode = false, // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
compareRefs = true, // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
excludeFields = "", // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
/** Generate an instance for A.
* If A is a sealed trait or sealed abstract class, Reusability is determined by sub-class reusability (which will
* be derived when it doesn't exist).
* If A is a case class, Reusability is determined by each field's Reusability.
* @param logNonReuse Log to the console when and why non-reusable values are detected
* @param logCode Log to generated Scala code to the screen on compilation.
transparent inline def derive[A](inline logNonReuse : Boolean = false,
inline logCode : Boolean = false,
inline compareRefs : Boolean = true,
inline excludeFields: String = "",
): Reusability[A] =
_logNonReuse = 'logNonReuse,
_logCode = 'logCode,
_compareRefs = 'compareRefs,
_excludeFields = 'excludeFields,
_except1 = null,
_exceptN = null,
/** Same as [[derive]] but with all debugging options enabled. */
transparent inline def deriveDebug[A]: Reusability[A] =
logNonReuse = true,
logCode = true,
compareRefs = true, // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
excludeFields = "", // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
/** Same as [[derive]] but with debugging options.
* @param logNonReuse Log to the console when and why non-reusable values are detected
* @param logCode Log to generated Scala code to the screen on compilation.
transparent inline def deriveDebug[A](inline logNonReuse: Boolean,
inline logCode : Boolean): Reusability[A] =
logNonReuse = logNonReuse,
logCode = logCode,
compareRefs = true, // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
excludeFields = "", // TODO: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/11835
/** Generate an instance for a case class by comparing each case field except those specified.
* Example:
* ```
* case class Picture(id: Long, url: String, title: String)
* implicit val picReuse = Reusability.caseClassExcept[Picture]("url", "title")
* ```
* @tparam A The case class type.
transparent inline def caseClassExcept[A](inline field1: String, inline fieldN: String*): Reusability[A] =
_logNonReuse = 'false,
_logCode = 'false,
_compareRefs = 'true,
_excludeFields = null,
_except1 = 'field1,
_exceptN = 'fieldN,
/** Same as [[caseClassExcept]] but with all debugging options enabled. */
transparent inline def caseClassExceptDebug[A](inline field1: String, inline fieldN: String*): Reusability[A] =
_logNonReuse = 'true,
_logCode = 'true,
_compareRefs = 'true,
_excludeFields = null,
_except1 = 'field1,
_exceptN = 'fieldN,
/** Same as [[caseClassExcept]] but with debugging options.
* @param logNonReuse Log to the console when and why non-reusable values are detected
* @param logCode Log to generated Scala code to the screen on compilation.
transparent inline def caseClassExceptDebug[A](inline logNonReuse: Boolean,
inline logCode: Boolean)
(inline field1: String, inline fieldN: String*): Reusability[A] =
_logNonReuse = 'logNonReuse,
_logCode = 'logCode,
_compareRefs = 'true,
_excludeFields = null,
_except1 = 'field1,
_exceptN = 'fieldN,
// =====================================================================================================================
object ReusabilityMacros {
def derive[A](_logNonReuse : Expr[Boolean],
_logCode : Expr[Boolean],
_compareRefs : Expr[Boolean],
_excludeFields: Null | Expr[String],
_except1 : Null | Expr[String],
_exceptN : Null | Expr[Seq[String]],
)(using Quotes, Type[A]): Expr[Reusability[A]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val logNonReuse = _logNonReuse.valueOrAbort
val logCode = _logCode .valueOrAbort
val compareRefs = _compareRefs.valueOrAbort
val fieldExclusions = {
var l: List[String] =
if _excludeFields == null
then Nil
else _excludeFields.valueOrAbort.split(',').iterator.map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty).toList
if _except1 != null then
l ::= _except1.valueOrAbort
if _exceptN != null then
l :::= _exceptN.valueOrAbort.toList
val result: Expr[Reusability[A]] =
Preparations(logCode = logCode) { preparations =>
preparations = preparations,
fieldExclusions = fieldExclusions,
logNonReuse = logNonReuse,
} { result =>
if compareRefs && (TypeRepr.of[A] <:< TypeRepr.of[AnyRef]) then
'{ Reusability.byRef[A & AnyRef].asInstanceOf[Reusability[A]] || $result }
private object FieldExclusions {
val empty = new FieldExclusions(Set.empty)
def fromList(es: List[String])(using Quotes): FieldExclusions = {
var set = Set.empty[String]
for (e <- es)
if set.contains(e)
then quotes.reflect.report.throwError(s"Duplicate field specified: \"$e\"")
else set += e
new FieldExclusions(set)
private class FieldExclusions(exclusions: Set[String]) {
private var unused = exclusions
def nonEmpty = exclusions.nonEmpty
def apply(fs: List[Field]): List[Field] =
if nonEmpty
then fs.filter(filter)
else fs
val filter: Field => Boolean =
f => {
val exclude = exclusions.contains(f.name)
if exclude then unused -= f.name
def failUnused[A]()(using Quotes, Type[A]): Unit =
if unused.nonEmpty then {
val fs = unused.toList.sorted.map("\"" + _ + "\"")
val subErr =
if fs.size == 1
then s"Specified field ${fs.head} doesn't exist."
else s"Specified fields ${fs.mkString(", ")} don't exist."
val err = s"Failed to derive a Reusability instance for ${Type.show[A]}: $subErr"
private class Preparations(logCode: Boolean)(using q: Quotes) {
import q.reflect.*
private val init1 = Init("a" + _)
private val init2 = Init("b" + _, Flags.Lazy)
private val lazies = List.newBuilder[Statement]
private var preps = Map.empty[TypeRepr, Prepared[_]]
private val stable = collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[TypeRepr, Expr[Reusability[Any]]]
private def normalise[A](using t: Type[A]): TypeRepr =
def addNow[A: Type](expr: Expr[Reusability[A]]): Prepared[A] = {
val vd = init1.valDef(expr, extraFlags = Flags.Implicit)
val p = Prepared[A](Type.of[A], vd.ref, None)
preps = preps.updated(normalise[A], p)
def addDeferred[A: Type](complete: => Expr[Reusability[A]]): Prepared[A] = {
import Flags.*
val name = init1.newName()
val theVar = init1.valDef('{new Reusability[A](null)}, name = name, extraFlags = Mutable)
val theVal = init1.valDef('{Reusability.suspend(${theVar.ref})}, name = s"_$name", extraFlags = Implicit | Lazy, onInit = false)
lazies += theVal.valDef
lazy val ac = theVar.assign(complete)
val p = Prepared[A](Type.of[A], theVar.ref, Some(() => ac))
preps = preps.updated(normalise[A], p)
/** @param typ Just `A`, not `Reusable[A]` */
def get[A](using t: Type[A]): Option[Prepared[A]] = {
val t = normalise[A]
/** @param typ Just `A`, not `Reusable[A]` */
def need[A](using t: Type[A]): Prepared[A] =
get[A].getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException(s"Prepared type for ${normalise[A].show} not found!"))
def getOrSummonLater[A](using t: Type[A]): Expr[Reusability[A]] =
get[A] match {
case Some(p) => p.varRef
case None => Expr.summonLater[Reusability[A]]
def getStablisedImplicitInstance[A: Type]: Expr[Reusability[A]] = {
def target: Expr[Reusability[A]] =
get[A] match {
case Some(p) => p.varRef
case None => init2.valDef(Expr.summonLater[Reusability[A]]).ref
.getOrElseUpdate(TypeRepr.of[A], target.asExprOfFAny)
def stabliseInstance[A: Type](e: Expr[Reusability[A]]): Expr[Reusability[A]] =
def result[A: Type](finalResult: Prepared[A], mod: Expr[Reusability[A]] => Expr[Reusability[A]]): Expr[Reusability[A]] = {
init1 ++= lazies.result()
val result0: Expr[Reusability[A]] =
init1.wrapExpr {
init2.wrapExpr {
val allPreps = preps.valuesIterator.flatMap(_.complete.map(_())).toList
Expr.block(allPreps, finalResult.varRef)
val result: Expr[Reusability[A]] =
if (logCode)
println(s"\nDerived ${result.showType}:\n${result.show.replace(".apply(","(").replace("scala.", "")}\n")
private object Preparations {
def apply[A: Type](logCode: Boolean)
(f: Preparations => Prepared[A])
(mod: Expr[Reusability[A]] => Expr[Reusability[A]])
(using Quotes): Expr[Reusability[A]] = {
val preparations = new Preparations(logCode)
val prepared = f(preparations)
preparations.result(prepared, mod)
/** @param typ Just `A`, not `Reusable[A]` */
private case class Prepared[A](typ: Type[A], varRef: Expr[Reusability[A]], complete: Option[() => Expr[Unit]]) {
def subst[B] = this.asInstanceOf[Prepared[B]]
// ===================================================================================================================
private def deriveInner[A: Type](preparations : Preparations,
fieldExclusions: FieldExclusions,
logNonReuse : Boolean,
)(using Quotes): Prepared[A] =
Expr.summonOrError[Mirror.Of[A]] match {
case '{ $m: Mirror.ProductOf[A] } =>
preparations = preparations,
fieldExclusions = fieldExclusions,
fields = Fields.fromMirror(m),
logNonReuse = logNonReuse,
case '{ $m: Mirror.SumOf[A] } =>
preparations = preparations,
mirror = m,
derive = true,
logNonReuse = logNonReuse,
private def deriveInnerSumType[A: Type](preparations: Preparations,
mirror : Expr[Mirror.SumOf[A]],
derive : Boolean,
logNonReuse : Boolean,
)(using Quotes): Prepared[A] = {
type Test = (A, A) => Boolean
def mkTest[B: Type](e: Expr[Reusability[B]], stablise: Boolean): Expr[Test] = {
val instance =
if stablise
then preparations.stabliseInstance(Expr.summonLater[Reusability[B]])
else e
'{ (a: A, b: A) => $instance.test(a.asInstanceOf[B], b.asInstanceOf[B]) }
val fields = Fields.fromMirror(mirror)
val fieldCount = fields.size
val nonRecursiveCases = Array.fill[Option[Expr[Test]]](fieldCount)(None)
for (f <- fields) {
import f.{Type => F, typeInstance}
Expr.summon[Reusability[F]] match {
case Some(rf) =>
val test = mkTest[F](rf, stablise = true)
nonRecursiveCases(f.idx) = Some(test)
case None =>
if derive then
preparations = preparations,
fieldExclusions = FieldExclusions.empty,
logNonReuse = logNonReuse,
else {
preparations.addDeferred[A] {
val tests = Array.fill[Expr[Test]](fieldCount)(null)
for (f <- fields) {
import f.{Type => F, idx => i, typeInstance}
val test: Expr[Test] =
nonRecursiveCases(i).getOrElse {
if derive then {
val p = preparations.need[F]
mkTest[F](p.varRef, stablise = false)
} else {
tests(i) = test
val testArray = MacroUtils.mkArrayExpr(tests.toIndexedSeq)
val m = $mirror
val tests = $testArray
Reusability[A] { (a, b) =>
val o = m.ordinal(a)
(o == m.ordinal(b)) && tests(o)(a, b)
private def deriveInnerCaseClass[A: Type](preparations : Preparations,
fields : List[Field],
fieldExclusions: FieldExclusions,
logNonReuse : Boolean,
)(using Quotes): Prepared[A] =
fieldExclusions(fields) match {
case Nil =>
preparations.addNow[A] {
'{ Reusability.always[A] }
case f :: Nil if !logNonReuse =>
import f.{Type => F, typeInstance}
preparations.addDeferred[A] {
val imp = preparations.getOrSummonLater[F]
'{ Reusability.by[A, F](a => ${f.onProduct('a)})($imp) }
case filteredFields =>
preparations.addDeferred[A] {
import quotes.reflect.*
var tests = Vector.empty[Expr[(A, A) => Boolean]]
var testsLoggingNonReuse = Vector.empty[Expr[(A, A) => Unit]]
val failures = typedValDef[List[String]]("failures", Flags.Mutable)('{Nil})
for (f <- filteredFields) {
import f.{Type => F, typeInstance}
val fp = preparations.getStablisedImplicitInstance[F]
val test = '{ (a: A, b: A) => $fp.test(${f.onProduct('a)}, ${f.onProduct('b)}) }
tests :+= test
if logNonReuse then
testsLoggingNonReuse :+= '{ (a: A, b: A) =>
if !${test('a, 'b)} then
${failures.modify(fs => '{ $fs :+ ${nonReuseDesc(s".${f.name} values not reusable", 'a, 'b)}})}
if logNonReuse then {
val header = nonReuseHeader[A]
Reusability[A]((a, b) =>
${ failures.use(f => '{
${ testsLoggingNonReuse.iterator.map(_('a, 'b)).reduce((x, y) => '{$x; $y}) }
if $f.nonEmpty then
println($f.sorted.mkString($header, "\n", ""))
} else
Reusability[A]((a, b) =>
${ tests.iterator.map(_('a, 'b)).reduce((x, y) => '{$x && $y}) }
private def nonReuseHeader[A: Type](using Quotes): Expr[String] =
Expr.inlineConst(s"Instance of ${Type.show[A]} not-reusable for the following reasons:\n")
private def nonReuseDesc[A: Type](desc: String, a: Expr[A], b: Expr[A])(using Quotes): Expr[String] = {
val msg1 = Expr.inlineConst(desc + "\n A: ")
val msg2 = Expr.inlineConst("\n B: ")
'{ " " + ($msg1 + $a + $msg2 + $b).replace("\n", "\n ") }
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