japgolly.scalajs.react.Reusable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.scalajs.react
import japgolly.scalajs.react.internal.CoreGeneral._
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.Effect.Sync
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.{DefaultEffects => D}
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.TagMod
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* A value that has been explicitly paired with a (potentially ad-hoc) [[Reusability]] instance.
* @tparam A The type of value.
* @since 1.0.0
final class Reusable[+A] private[Reusable](lazyValue: () => A,
private[Reusable] val root: Any,
val isReusable: Reusable[Any] => Boolean) {
override def toString = s"Reusable($value)"
override def hashCode = value.##
def value: A =
// This always returns the same value and is actually referentially transparent and safe.
// Doing this avoids applying modifications from .map in the event that this is reusable and
// the value is never read.
/** WARNING: This does not affect reusability.
* Only the initial (pre-mapped) values matter when considering reusability.
* If you have two reusable values and map them differently, even though the mapped values differ they will still be
* considered reusable. Any differences as a result of second the mapping will be discarded.
def map[B](f: A => B): Reusable[B] = {
lazy val b = f(lazyValue())
new Reusable[B](() => b, root, isReusable)
/** WARNING: This does not affect reusability.
* Only the initial (pre-mapped) values matter when considering reusability.
def withValue[B](b: B): Reusable[B] =
new Reusable[B](() => b, root, isReusable)
/** WARNING: This does not affect reusability.
* Only the initial (pre-mapped) values matter when considering reusability.
def withLazyValue[B](b: => B): Reusable[B] =
map(_ => b)
/** Create a new `Reusable[B]` that is reusable so long as this `Reusable[A]` and the `Reusable[A => B]` are. */
def ap[B](rf: Reusable[A => B]): Reusable[B] =
Reusable.ap(this, rf)((a, f) => f(a))
/** Create a `Reusable[(A, B)]` that is reusable so long as this `Reusable[A]` and the `Reusable[B]` are. */
def tuple[B](rb: Reusable[B]): Reusable[(A, B)] =
Reusable.ap(this, rb)((_, _))
/** Combine reusability of this and the argument, and return the value of this. */
def <*[B](fb: Reusable[B]): Reusable[A] =
Reusable.ap(this, fb)((a, _) => a)
/** Combine reusability of this and the argument, and return the value of the argument. */
def *>[B](fb: Reusable[B]): Reusable[B] =
Reusable.ap(this, fb)((_, b) => b)
/** WARNING: This does not affect reusability.
* Only the initial (pre-mapped) values matter when considering reusability.
def sequenceOption[B](implicit ev: Reusable[A] <:< Reusable[Option[B]]): Option[Reusable[B]] = {
val self = ev(this)
object Reusable {
@inline implicit def autoValue[A](r: Reusable[A]): A =
private def root[A](a: A, isReusable: Reusable[Any] => Boolean): Reusable[A] =
new Reusable[A](() => a, a, isReusable)
def apply[A: ClassTag](a: A)(reuse: (A, A) => Boolean): Reusable[A] =
root(a, _.root match {
case b: A => reuse(a, b)
case _ => false
def implicitly[A: ClassTag : Reusability](a: A): Reusable[A] =
def explicitly[A: ClassTag](a: A)(r: Reusability[A]): Reusable[A] =
/** Use constant reusability (i.e. always-reuse or never-reuse) */
def const[A](a: A, isReusable: Boolean): Reusable[A] =
root(a, _ => isReusable)
def always[A](a: A): Reusable[A] =
const(a, true)
def never[A](a: A): Reusable[A] =
const(a, false)
lazy val unit: Reusable[Unit] =
root((), _.root.isInstanceOf[Unit])
/** Compare by reference. Reuse if both values are the same instance. */
def byRef[A <: AnyRef](a: A): Reusable[A] =
root(a, _.root match {
case b: AnyRef => a eq b
case _ => false
/** Compare by reference through an isomorphism. Reuse if both values are the same instance. */
def byRefIso[A, B <: AnyRef](a: A)(iso: A => B): Reusable[A] = {
val b = iso(a)
new Reusable[A](() => a, b, _.root match {
case x: AnyRef => b eq x
case _ => false
/** Compare using universal equality (Scala's == operator). */
def by_==[A](a: A): Reusable[A] =
root(a, a == _.root)
/** Compare by reference and if different, compare using universal equality (Scala's == operator). */
def byRefOr_==[A <: AnyRef](a: A): Reusable[A] =
root(a, _.root match {
case b: AnyRef => (a eq b) || (a == b)
case _ => false
/** Create a new `Reusable[C]` that is reusable so long as `Reusable[A]` and `Reusable[B]` are. */
def ap[A, B, C](ra: Reusable[A], rb: Reusable[B])(f: (A, B) => C): Reusable[C] =
implicitly((ra, rb)).map(x => f(x._1, x._2))
def sequenceOption[A](o: Option[Reusable[A]]): Reusable[Option[A]] =
o match {
case Some(ra) => ra.map(Some(_))
case None => unit.withValue(None)
private[this] val reusabilityInstance =
Reusability[Reusable[Any]]((x, y) => x.isReusable(y) && y.isReusable(x))
implicit def reusableReusability[A]: Reusability[Reusable[A]] =
def reusabilityInstance[A](r: Reusability[A]): Reusable[Reusability[A]] =
byRef(r.test).map(new Reusability(_))
lazy val emptyVdom: Reusable[TagMod] =
// ===================================================================================================================
/** Convenience methods that help you create `I => Reusable[O]` functions.
* The reason this is more convenient than the underlying methods is that this makes it easier to create and share a
* single [[Reusability]] instance at the function definition site, before it's used.
* Also note, that it's important that the functions you provide are pure. If you don't always return the same output
* given the same input, then you can expect different outputs to be discarded or "lost".
* @since 1.5.0
object fnOutput {
def implicitly[I: ClassTag : Reusability, O](f: I => O): I => Reusable[O] =
def explicitly[I: ClassTag, O](r: Reusability[I])(f: I => O): I => Reusable[O] =
/** Use constant reusability (i.e. always-reuse or never-reuse) */
def const[I, O](f: I => O, isReusable: Boolean): I => Reusable[O] =
Reusable.const(_, isReusable).map(f)
def always[I, O](f: I => O): I => Reusable[O] =
const(f, true)
def never[I, O](f: I => O): I => Reusable[O] =
const(f, false)
/** Compare by reference. Reuse if both values are the same instance. */
def byRef[I <: AnyRef, O](f: I => O): I => Reusable[O] =
/** Compare using universal equality (Scala's == operator). */
def by_==[I, O](f: I => O): I => Reusable[O] =
/** Compare by reference and if different, compare using universal equality (Scala's == operator). */
def byRefOr_==[I <: AnyRef, O](f: I => O): I => Reusable[O] =
* A function that facilitates stability and reuse.
* In effective usage of React, callbacks are passed around as component properties.
* Due to the ease of function creation in Scala it is often the case that functions are created inline and thus
* provide no means of determining whether a component can safely skip its update.
* This exists as a solution.
* @since 0.9.0
object fn {
import FnInternals._
def apply[Y, Z](f: Y => Z): Y ~=> Z =
Reusable.implicitly(new Fn1(f))
def apply[A: Reusability, Y, Z](f: (A, Y) => Z): A ~=> (Y ~=> Z) =
Reusable.implicitly(new Fn2(f))
def apply[A: Reusability, B: Reusability, Y, Z](f: (A, B, Y) => Z): A ~=> (B ~=> (Y ~=> Z)) =
Reusable.implicitly(new Fn3(f))
def apply[A: Reusability, B: Reusability, C: Reusability, Y, Z](f: (A, B, C, Y) => Z): A ~=> (B ~=> (C ~=> (Y ~=> Z))) =
Reusable.implicitly(new Fn4(f))
def apply[A: Reusability, B: Reusability, C: Reusability, D: Reusability, Y, Z](f: (A, B, C, D, Y) => Z): A ~=> (B ~=> (C ~=> (D ~=> (Y ~=> Z)))) =
Reusable.implicitly(new Fn5(f))
def apply[A: Reusability, B: Reusability, C: Reusability, D: Reusability, E: Reusability, Y, Z](f: (A, B, C, D, E, Y) => Z): A ~=> (B ~=> (C ~=> (D ~=> (E ~=> (Y ~=> Z))))) =
Reusable.implicitly(new Fn6(f))
def state[I, S](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.WritePure[I, S]): StateAccessWriteOps[I, D.Sync, D.Async, S] =
new StateAccessWriteOps(i)(t, D.Sync)
final class StateAccessWriteOps[I, F[_], A[_], S](i: I)(implicit t: StateAccessor.Write[I, F, A, S], F: Sync[F]) {
def setStateFn: Reusable[SetStateFn[F, A, S]] =
def modStateFn: Reusable[ModStateFn[F, A, S]] =
def mod: (S => S) ~=> F[Unit] =
def modOption: (S => Option[S]) ~=> F[Unit] =
def set: S ~=> F[Unit] =
def setOption: Option[S] ~=> F[Unit] =
def modCB: Reusable[((S => S), F[Unit]) => F[Unit]] =
Reusable.byRef(t(i).modState(_, _))
def modOptionCB: Reusable[((S => Option[S]), F[Unit]) => F[Unit]] =
Reusable.byRef(t(i).modStateOption(_, _))
def setCB: Reusable[(S, F[Unit]) => F[Unit]] =
Reusable.byRef(t(i).setState(_, _))
def setOptionCB: Reusable[(Option[S], F[Unit]) => F[Unit]] =
Reusable.byRef(t(i).setStateOption(_, _))
// ===================================================================================================================
private object FnInternals {
private type R[A] = Reusability[A]
type ReusableFn[-A, +B] = scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[A, B]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Fn1[-Y, +Z](val f: Y => Z) extends ReusableFn[Y, Z] {
override def apply(a: Y) = f(a)
private val _reusabilityFn1: Reusability[Fn1[_, _]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || (x.f eq y.f))
implicit def reusabilityFn1[Y, Z]: Reusability[Fn1[Y, Z]] =
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Fn2[A: R, -Y, +Z](val f: (A, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[A, Y ~=> Z] {
override def apply(a: A) = Reusable.implicitly(new Cur2(a, f))
class Cur2[A, -Y, +Z](val a: A, val f: (A, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[Y, Z] {
override def apply(y: Y): Z = f(a, y)
private val _reusabilityFn2: Reusability[Fn2[_, _, _]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || (x.f eq y.f))
implicit def reusabilityFn2[A, Y, Z]: Reusability[Fn2[A, Y, Z]] =
implicit def reusabilityCur2[A: R, Y, Z]: Reusability[Cur2[A, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || ((x.f eq y.f) && (x.a ~=~ y.a)))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Fn3[A: R, B: R, -Y, +Z](val f: (A, B, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[A, B ~=> (Y ~=> Z)] {
private val c2 = cur3(f)
override def apply(a: A) = Reusable.implicitly(new Cur2(a, c2))
def cur3[A: R, B: R, Y, Z](f: (A, B, Y) => Z): (A, B) => (Y ~=> Z) =
(a, b) => Reusable.implicitly(new Cur3(a, b, f))
class Cur3[A, B, -Y, +Z](val a: A, val b: B, val f: (A, B, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[Y, Z] {
override def apply(y: Y): Z = f(a, b, y)
private val _reusabilityFn3: Reusability[Fn3[_, _, _, _]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || (x.f eq y.f))
implicit def reusabilityFn3[A, B, Y, Z]: Reusability[Fn3[A, B, Y, Z]] =
implicit def reusabilityCur3[A: R, B: R, Y, Z]: Reusability[Cur3[A, B, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || ((x.f eq y.f) && (x.a ~=~ y.a) && (x.b ~=~ y.b)))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Fn4[A: R, B: R, C: R, -Y, +Z](val f: (A, B, C, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[A, B ~=> (C ~=> (Y ~=> Z))] {
private val c3 = cur4(f)
private val c2 = cur3(c3)
override def apply(a: A) = Reusable.implicitly(new Cur2(a, c2))
def cur4[A: R, B: R, C: R, Y, Z](f: (A, B, C, Y) => Z): (A, B, C) => (Y ~=> Z) =
(a, b, c) => Reusable.implicitly(new Cur4(a, b, c, f))
class Cur4[A, B, C, -Y, +Z](val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val f: (A, B, C, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[Y, Z] {
override def apply(y: Y): Z = f(a, b, c, y)
implicit def reusabilityFn4[A, B, C, Y, Z]: Reusability[Fn4[A, B, C, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || (x.f eq y.f))
implicit def reusabilityCur4[A: R, B: R, C: R, Y, Z]: Reusability[Cur4[A, B, C, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || ((x.f eq y.f) && (x.a ~=~ y.a) && (x.b ~=~ y.b) && (x.c ~=~ y.c)))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Fn5[A: R, B: R, C: R, D: R, -Y, +Z](val f: (A, B, C, D, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[A, B ~=> (C ~=> (D ~=> (Y ~=> Z)))] {
private val c4 = cur5(f)
private val c3 = cur4(c4)
private val c2 = cur3(c3)
override def apply(a: A) = Reusable.implicitly(new Cur2(a, c2))
def cur5[A: R, B: R, C: R, D: R, Y, Z](f: (A, B, C, D, Y) => Z): (A, B, C, D) => (Y ~=> Z) =
(a, b, c, d) => Reusable.implicitly(new Cur5(a, b, c, d, f))
class Cur5[A, B, C, D, -Y, +Z](val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val f: (A, B, C, D, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[Y, Z] {
override def apply(y: Y): Z = f(a, b, c, d, y)
implicit def reusabilityFn5[A, B, C, D, Y, Z]: Reusability[Fn5[A, B, C, D, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || (x.f eq y.f))
implicit def reusabilityCur5[A: R, B: R, C: R, D: R, Y, Z]: Reusability[Cur5[A, B, C, D, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || ((x.f eq y.f) && (x.a ~=~ y.a) && (x.b ~=~ y.b) && (x.c ~=~ y.c) && (x.d ~=~ y.d)))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Fn6[A: R, B: R, C: R, D: R, E: R, -Y, +Z](val f: (A, B, C, D, E, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[A, B ~=> (C ~=> (D ~=> (E ~=> (Y ~=> Z))))] {
private val c5 = cur6(f)
private val c4 = cur5(c5)
private val c3 = cur4(c4)
private val c2 = cur3(c3)
override def apply(a: A) = Reusable.implicitly(new Cur2(a, c2))
def cur6[A: R, B: R, C: R, D: R, E: R, Y, Z](f: (A, B, C, D, E, Y) => Z): (A, B, C, D, E) => (Y ~=> Z) =
(a, b, c, d, e) => Reusable.implicitly(new Cur6(a, b, c, d, e, f))
class Cur6[A, B, C, D, E, -Y, +Z](val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E, val f: (A, B, C, D, E, Y) => Z) extends ReusableFn[Y, Z] {
override def apply(y: Y): Z = f(a, b, c, d, e, y)
implicit def reusabilityFn6[A, B, C, D, E, Y, Z]: Reusability[Fn6[A, B, C, D, E, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || (x.f eq y.f))
implicit def reusabilityCur6[A: R, B: R, C: R, D: R, E: R, Y, Z]: Reusability[Cur6[A, B, C, D, E, Y, Z]] =
Reusability((x, y) => (x eq y) || ((x.f eq y.f) && (x.a ~=~ y.a) && (x.b ~=~ y.b) && (x.c ~=~ y.c) && (x.d ~=~ y.d) && (x.e ~=~ y.e)))
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