japgolly.scalajs.react.StateAccess.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.scalajs.react
import japgolly.scalajs.react.internal.Lens
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.DefaultEffects.{Sync => DS}
import japgolly.scalajs.react.util.Effect._
/** Base class for something that has read/write state access (under the same effect type).
* Passing this around (top-level) is fine but do not use it in a generic/library/helper method.
* In intermediary positions, use [[StateAccessor]] instead.
* @tparam F The type of effect when accessing state.
* @tparam S State type.
trait StateAccess[F[_], A[_], S] extends StateAccess.Write[F, A, S] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] <: StateAccess[G, A, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] <: StateAccess[F, G, S]
final type State = S
def state: F[State]
type WithMappedState[S2] <: StateAccess[F, A, S2]
def xmapState[S2](f: S => S2)(g: S2 => S): WithMappedState[S2]
def zoomState[S2](get: S => S2)(set: S2 => S => S): WithMappedState[S2]
object StateAccess {
// ===================================================================================================================
trait Base[F[_], A[_]] extends Any {
protected implicit def F: UnsafeSync[F]
protected implicit def A: Async[A]
final protected def async(f: DS[Unit] => F[Unit]): A[Unit] =
A.async_(r => F.toJsFn(f(DS.fromJsFn0(r))))
type WithEffect [G[_]] <: Base[G, A]
type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] <: Base[F, G]
def withEffect[G[_]](implicit G: UnsafeSync[G]): WithEffect[G]
def withAsyncEffect[G[_]](implicit G: Async[G]): WithAsyncEffect[G]
final def withEffectsPure: WithEffect[DS] = withEffect
final def withEffectsImpure: WithEffect[Id] = withEffect
// ===================================================================================================================
trait SetState[F[_], A[_], S] extends Any with Base[F, A] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] <: SetState[G, A, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] <: SetState[F, G, S]
final def setState(newState: S): F[Unit] =
setState(newState, DS.empty)
/** @param callback Executed after state is changed. */
def setState[G[_]](newState: S, callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]): F[Unit] =
setStateOption(Some(newState), callback)
final def setStateOption(newState: Option[S]): F[Unit] =
setStateOption(newState, DS.empty)
/** @param callback Executed regardless of whether state is changed. */
def setStateOption[G[_]](newState: Option[S], callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]): F[Unit]
def toSetStateFn: SetStateFn[F, A, S] =
SetStateFn((o, f) => setStateOption(o, f))
final def setStateAsync(newState: S): A[Unit] =
async(setState(newState, _))
final def setStateOptionAsync(newState: Option[S]): A[Unit] =
async(setStateOption(newState, _))
// ===================================================================================================================
trait ModState[F[_], A[_], S] extends Any with Base[F, A] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] <: ModState[G, A, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] <: ModState[F, G, S]
final def modState(mod: S => S): F[Unit] =
modState(mod, DS.empty)
/** @param callback Executed after state is changed. */
def modState[G[_]](mod: S => S, callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]): F[Unit] =
modStateOption(mod.andThen(Some(_)), callback)
final def modStateOption(mod: S => Option[S]): F[Unit] =
modStateOption(mod, DS.empty)
/** @param callback Executed regardless of whether state is changed. */
def modStateOption[G[_]](mod: S => Option[S], callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]): F[Unit]
def toModStateFn: ModStateFn[F, A, S] =
ModStateFn((o, f) => modStateOption(o, f))
final def modStateAsync(mod: S => S): A[Unit] =
async(modState(mod, _))
final def modStateOptionAsync(mod: S => Option[S]): A[Unit] =
async(modStateOption(mod, _))
// ===================================================================================================================
trait ModStateWithProps[F[_], A[_], P, S] extends Any with Base[F, A] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] <: ModStateWithProps[G, A, P, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] <: ModStateWithProps[F, G, P, S]
final def modState(mod: (S, P) => S): F[Unit] =
modState(mod, DS.empty)
/** @param callback Executed after state is changed. */
def modState[G[_]](mod: (S, P) => S, callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]): F[Unit] =
modStateOption((s, p) => Some(mod(s, p)), callback)
final def modStateOption(mod: (S, P) => Option[S]): F[Unit] =
modStateOption(mod, DS.empty)
/** @param callback Executed regardless of whether state is changed. */
def modStateOption[G[_]](mod: (S, P) => Option[S], callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]): F[Unit]
def toModStateWithPropsFn: ModStateWithPropsFn[F, A, P, S] =
ModStateWithPropsFn((o, f) => modStateOption(o, f))
final def modStateAsync(mod: (S, P) => S): A[Unit] =
async(modState(mod, _))
final def modStateOptionAsync(mod: (S, P) => Option[S]): A[Unit] =
async(modStateOption(mod, _))
// ===================================================================================================================
trait Write[F[_], A[_], S] extends Any with SetState[F, A, S] with ModState[F, A, S] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] <: Write[G, A, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] <: Write[F, G, S]
trait WriteWithProps[F[_], A[_], P, S] extends Any with Write[F, A, S] with ModStateWithProps[F, A, P, S] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] <: WriteWithProps[G, A, P, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] <: WriteWithProps[F, G, P, S]
// ===================================================================================================================
/** For testing. */
def apply[F[_], A[_], S](stateFn: => F[S])
(setItFn: (Option[S], => F[Unit]) => F[Unit],
modItFn: ((S => Option[S]), => F[Unit]) => F[Unit])
(implicit FF: UnsafeSync[F], AA: Async[A]): StateAccess[F, A, S] =
new StateAccess[F, A, S] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] = StateAccess[G, A, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] = StateAccess[F, G, S]
override type WithMappedState[T] = StateAccess[F, A, T]
override protected implicit def F = FF
override protected implicit def A = AA
override def state = stateFn
override def setStateOption[G[_]](newState: Option[State], callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]) =
setItFn(newState, F.transDispatch(callback))
override def modStateOption[G[_]](mod: State => Option[State], callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]) =
modItFn(mod, F.transDispatch(callback))
override def xmapState[S2](f: S => S2)(g: S2 => S) =
(s, c) => setItFn(s map g, c),
(m, c) => modItFn(s => m(f(s)) map g, c))(
F, A)
override def zoomState[S2](get: S => S2)(set: S2 => S => S) = {
val l = Lens(get)(set)
(s, c) => modItFn(l setO s, c),
(m, c) => modItFn(l modO m, c))(
F, A)
override def withEffect[F2[_]](implicit t: UnsafeSync[F2]) =
(s, c) => t.transSync(setItFn(s, F.transSync(c)))(F),
(f, c) => t.transSync(modItFn(f, F.transSync(c)))(F))(
t, A)
override def withAsyncEffect[A2[_]](implicit t: Async[A2]) =
apply(stateFn)(setItFn, modItFn)(F, t)
def const[F[_], A[_], S](stateFn: => F[S])(implicit FF: UnsafeSync[F], AA: Async[A]): StateAccess[F, A, S] =
new StateAccess[F, A, S] {
override type WithEffect [G[_]] = StateAccess[G, A, S]
override type WithAsyncEffect[G[_]] = StateAccess[F, G, S]
override type WithMappedState[T] = StateAccess[F, A, T]
override protected implicit def F = FF
override protected implicit def A = AA
override def state = stateFn
override def setStateOption[G[_]](newState: Option[State], callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]) =
override def modStateOption[G[_]](mod: State => Option[State], callback: => G[Unit])(implicit G: Dispatch[G]) =
override def xmapState[S2](f: S => S2)(g: S2 => S) =
const(F.map(stateFn)(f))(F, AA)
override def zoomState[S2](get: S => S2)(set: S2 => S => S) =
const(F.map(stateFn)(get))(F, AA)
override def withEffect[F2[_]](implicit t: UnsafeSync[F2]) =
const(t.transSync(stateFn)(F))(t, A)
override def withAsyncEffect[A2[_]](implicit t: Async[A2]) =
const(stateFn)(F, t)
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